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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. WIP Strutter

    Why not? I'd think you just add the position in the data ini, and add the pointer for the gunner's model name. Take a look at some of the others that have the rear gunner; that should give you some idea. As to the other stuff...sorry, can't help ya there. I do know it's something about UVmapping. I'm sure a better informed person will step in and clarify it. BTW, the model look pretty good to me! I think I'l be getting back into this game soon.... Wrench kevin stein
  2. re-reading last nights post, I want to apologize to Gepard for the thread hijack... for those interestered, "ARTILLERY" has been a listed object type since SFP1 first came out. (the SCUD is listed as such). It's just no one ever actually implemented it before... Again, sorry Michael, for the hijack. We now return you to your regularly scheduled terrain discussion... Wrench kevin stein
  3. BTW, I have a home-made template for AD's Hunter if ever anyone needs it....just ask! Wrench kevin stein
  4. I knew you'd rise to the challenge!!! (besides, you know more about the RAF marking than I do... ) WRench kevin stein
  5. C-130A

    You're speaking of the one uploaded by Doghouse??? The first one listed??? He done a VERY bad thing....uploading the stock aircraft with ALL the lods included. That is a definate voilation of site policy I've deleted that file. Wrench kevin stein
  6. I personally don't know of any, but it should be fairly easy to make. I'd assume you just need to make the decals for the squadron markings. Everything else is (hopefully!) already in game; serial numbers, letters and the like I nominate Spinners as our Official RAF/Commonwealth Skin Dude Wrench kevin stein PS: weclome to CombatAce!!
  7. C-130A

    1) sorry, no sharing of core game files is allowed. 2) have you looked in the objects.cat with the cat extractor? You might find it hiding in there... (it may be missing skins, but those should be avialable somewhere...) Which file in the d/l section? We/I'll check it out and if it's toast, we'll dump it. If it fixable, we'll try and fix it! :yes: Wrench kevin stein
  8. Have you looked in the WoE objects.cat?? Right between "cargoship" and CV-63, is NOTHING!!! Clemenceau would be right in between. It has to be a 'stand-in' built from something else, like Hinch's Eagle or Hermes or something. What' the name of the LOD file? (no that that matters, as folks DO rename them). Are all the LODs, skin bmps & tgas and inis in that folder? Marcfighter is working on a FOCH class, Sao Paulo, but it's not released yet. Show me a screenie; we need to see this to properly ID this boat! If TK had released a new carrier, don't you think he'd have let us know? Wrench kevin stein
  9. In short, YES!!! Albeit, as long as they're in range of the guns. They're still LOS weapons; somebody 'brighter' than me needs to figure out the 'indirect fire support' mode. I'd actually stumbled on this, by fixing tanks down on the Iran/Iraq map rebuild, at "border bases", when it occured to me that creating a working artillery piece was just the matter of a few ini edits. We already had the D-20 (from like, 3-4 years ago) in the Pasko Pak; the DAT had produced some arty pieces (which keep shooting themselves in the foot...they've never been fixed to my knowledge) So I built a 'passable' M-59 for the West. If you look at it closely, you'll just see it Pasko's KS-19 re-inied. I liked his better, because its "crew-served", with the dudes there. I also have an IDF SPG, L-33 Roem, based off the DATs M-7 Priest, but can't release it due to permission issues. (if anyone has the M-7, and wants to convert it, I'll be glad to pass along the various inis and bmps) Kesselbrut also has several arty units in the Falklands map, though I haven't played it enough to see if they actually work. One could also, concievbly, take the UK/RAF 3.7in flak guns and turn them into artillery; the 'emplaced' version has a nice sandbag berm. The same could also be said for the 88Flak36, in it's standing nekked and emplaced version. Weren't they dual-purpose, anyway??? On the DS map, I've got several forward support bases, all along the Saudi/Iragi border, and built the movements ini to bring enemy units close. BOTH artillery AND tanks stationed at these bases will attempt to engage the inbound enemy vehicles. What I haven't tested, are the MLRS units that are here at CA. Just something I kinda forgot to do. But the kytushas DO acquire, engage and destroy enemy units. tn: on the SoCal map, Ft Gunst, below San Diego. On the ASW map, Brownsville. Run some CAS mission in those areas; you'll see. The 'Brownsville Defense Battery' is located south of, and between, the City of Brownsville and the Airport. BTW, on the SoCal map, there's an SA-5 site below Tjuiana, so watch out for inbound missiles. They'll also show up on the Korea rebuild; I've got masked batteries hidden in the forests... They're there just in case a Martian Tripod stumbles by.... Wrench kevin stein
  10. Martin 139 is the export version of the B-10??? I've got MontyCZ's Chinese Hawk III nearly redone; reskinned, new FM (borrowed from a contemporaneous aircraft -while not perfect, it flys a whole hell of a lot better!! ) BTW--volenteers needed to check it, and adjust -EXPERIENCED ONLY NEED APPLY!!! New decals, cockpit borrowed from CA_Starys P-26 --now, if I could only get it stop 'jumping up' into position on takeoff... The question remains...how much of the biplane FM is in WoE, post patch....?????? As that's were all my WW2 stuff is (and probalby most others; that or WoV). The older prop-jobs still have some 'issues', and all need adjustments. BUT...since the other maps now work in FE, as long as one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ reside in FE's terrain folder for cat pointer reachback, how much actual differences between them (FE, WoE, WoV, WoI) exist anymore?? Good to see you back! Wrench kevin stein
  11. somebody's been definatly NOT playing my terrain mods... They're placed just like any other terrain object, albeit still UseGroundObject=TRUE in the types ini. Just like any other vehicle you want to show up in a certain area, to do a certain thing. Get the 2 terrains I mentioned above, and you'll see. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Maybe becasue the Clemencau is an aftermarket, 3rd party mod wrench kevin stein
  13. It is to those folks that don't look..... Wrench kevin stein
  14. Arty works in WoE (haven't tested in WoI yet, as I've not placed any batteries near enough to each other). Ther's even an IDF SPG floating around in one my map sets ("Lo'em", based off the DATs M7 Priest --maybe in IsrealME upgrade???) Look at my ASW map; down at Brownsville, the Brownsville Defense Battery M-59s are constantly engaging the Global Sedition D-20s (and other targets at that site) that I placed jusssst out of range of each other. (also used on the SoCal map too, and the unfinished Iran/Iraq) You could create an new 'gun' or tweek out an existing one, give in laser guide, like Crusader's Kytusha's. Of course, they hardly miss that way. The weapons still needs a clear LOS, at least as they stand, but the WILL shoot at each other. I just used the 6in_Mk16 gun, that's already in one of the gundatainis (bunyap?). Equivalant (appr0x) to a 155mm. It DOES need the range extended, though maybe increase the muzzle velocity, or decrase the shell weight to extned range? Not sure how that works. mortars I'm not quite sure how you could do those, but they need a high ballastic arc, like the Kytusha's, with no smoke trail. Definataly doable, I just don't know the 'mechanics' of it... Wrench kevin stein
  15. Worst Modeling Experience

    Geez....lemme think.....has to be back to the late 60's early 70s??...we have another problem here in California that most you probably don't... :yes: My Revell 1/32 P-40E, done up in Flying Tigers colors was sitting on top of my moms hutch --very top shelf, mind you! I'd done it as perfectly as possible...filled and sanded all the seems smooth, got all the decals perfects set with the settng solvents, nicely weathered (exhaust stains, guns stains, etc). Sometime (iirc, 197something...) we had one of our bigger quakes. Yup, nose dive right off the top. Shattered the spinner, broke off the prop blades, popped off the cowling engine covers (you all remember those cool features of the 1/32 series), sheard off the gear struts, etc, etc, etc. Total loss!! And it'd only gotten me a 2nd place at the locatl IPMS club meeting. I'd lost out to my friends 1/35 tamiya panzer or something like that Quakes is bad for un-restrained model displays! Wrench kevin stein
  16. What about linking an animation in the LOD to the landing gear, "OPEN_ON_GROUND" only? No, wait, that won't work....they'd pop open as soon as the wheels touched. never mind.... disregard previous statement.. You just might have to make it manual, like the others. Most folks won't really mind, I'm sure. Wrench kevin stein
  17. Aren't there some emplaced MGs (machine gun nests) in the Falklands map? Maybe seeing if Kesselbrut will allow thier inclusion. Mortor pits would require a new 'team' with the gun tube. Generic soliders are pretty easy, just use the Soviet Squad, maybe repaint the uniform for more burkha looking... Wrench kevin stein
  18. Easy now Don!!! That was the very first skin I'd made for a release, built directly off the LinedUVmaps. Admittedly, not the best, but my FIRST!!! Setting textures to 'unlimited', whilst killing frame rates, does bring the sharpness back. The only skins I haven't noticed the fuzziness on are Sundowners and the stock ones (oddly enough!). When set to the next one down WRench kevin stein
  19. One small correction: MontyCZ made the Stinger Site. I was just the uploader. Wrench kevin stein
  20. Sorry...Dave told me about them. It's where the Alien-ware ships are stored.... Wrench kevin stein
  21. Just to let everyone know, the Isreal2 rebuild for WoI I did in March this year, has gone back into the hangar to fix the terrain issues we've been experiencing. I also plan to make several other enhancements and corrections, so expect the ENTIRE terrain, all inclusive, to be released sometime in the very near future. It will TOTALLY replace the one now available in the D/L section. Yes, it includes all the tiles, city block tods, and hms and everything and such like. Hope to have a few screenies up soon Wrench kevin stein
  22. Easiest and simplest way to prevent/stop that, is to remove the aftermarket parked statics, and let the game generate them via the airfield.inis. (with aplologies to cmprnt, for all his hard work on making them) You'll all forgetting the post-patch game handles terrains MUCH differently than before (if you've been following the dozens of threads about them). On these statics, it's reading the centerpoint waay to high, thereby dropping the parked statics underground. Or, they're on elevators taking them down to the secret underground service centers.... Wrench kevin stein
  23. No, you only get that close up, with an unflattend airfield zone. What he's describing is the standard "pops into (or out of view) with distance" that's always been in these games. You could try setting the max visible distance = line in the various terrains's types inis to something higher, like 50-70000 (they're alrady maxed at ~30000) and don't forget to pull the Airfieldx.ini, and adjust the lods visible distances. Or, do just do like the rest of us, and live with it. Wrench kevin stein
  24. Really????? That's interesting, I'd have thought that no matter what, the terrain's data would automatically add them. Wrench kevin stein
  25. Like the man said: Actually, the repainted hm bmps ARE necessary. I'm going through that now with the Isreal2 map (a pure coincidence - working on the 'missing' HAWKS, I noticed the 'sunken' ground objects, and other anomolies). So, along with the data ini edits, new hm bmps, I think I'll put the whole mod back into the factory, and fix a lot of other things...so expect YET ANOTHER upgrade for Isreal2 for WoI -- gotta bring it up to the newest standard. Like to add some tods with buildings, too. what a PIA!!! as if I ain't go enough to do!!! Fubar: any help would be appriciated. I changed the missile listings last night, and occasionally got an empty laucher or with only 1 missle one it. Me thinks it's a weaponsdata.ini issie with service years/type name I think the issue with the carriers, expecially the older ones, is they were never brought to 'current' standards. Might want to let the DAT guys know that... Wrench kevin stein

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