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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Nice! With the new patch for WoV/WoE, I'd reccomend using that alternative avionics.ini I supplied. It's called "woi_A-4AR_Avionices.ini" Just rename the origial the "xA-4AR_avionics.ini", and renamed the other by taking ou the "woi_" section. Now you'll have GM radar, and HUD Enjoy! WRench kevin stein
  2. Stick: no, it dosen't. You don't think the Targets Guru wouldn't have tried that first???? They don't show up AT ALL... using the free camera view to look at the "XXX Air Defense Battery" only show the AAA units stationed there and the 2 trucks And sometimes not even the HIPAR or PAR. Given the fact there are 4 different entires for the MIM-23 in the weaponsdata ini, and none of the data inis for the HawkB,C,D and E launchers have the correct missile entries....remember, the 'hardpoint' of the launcher MUST have the missile specified in it's data ini to load it... Which may be the problem...just another thing to add to my "to do" list.... Wrench kevin stein
  3. A quickie note for both the Isreal2 and IsrealME targets/AD mods...there seems to be something 'off' with the TMF's latest weapons pak HAWKs. They don't even show up in game. Best thing to do, is simply use the old HAWKL, and open the data ini and use the set up below: I just extended the operational years. Missile wise, I've seen no differences. Oddly, the Chapparal's don't seem to have a problem. Also, Israel2 will need the hm fix...as some things are disappearing/sinking (liquifaction of the ground, doncha know!). I'm working on that now (as opposed to the 3 projects Dave gave, 1/2 of which are done, the Korea map and countless other items of intrest) Wrench kevin stein
  4. The fix for the gm radar is in the "Things you need to update Thread", possibly in the "Official Patch Thread", and the "how to" is in the knowledge base (which needs a small correction, pointed out to me by Canadair) Don't know why we even bother with stickies, since no one reads them...It amazing to me how little attention is paid to things... Me, I'm perosnally happy to wait for TMF's version, because I know it'll be damn near perfect. Those that can't wait...can either learn paitence, make their own or do without. It don't get any simpler than that. Wrench kevin stein
  5. This is a short tutorial for those people thathave never used the Cat Extrator to 'pull' files from the cats (short for 'catalog' files in the various 3rd Wire Sims. This handy little tool -and probably the single most important mod EVER created for this series- allow you to 'extract' the files you want so you can make changes in them. The cat is basiclly a large zip file of sorts; think of it as something like the Windows .cab files, where vital information and operating data is stored, readily avialble to the operating system, or in our case, the Game Engine ™. What's I did with mine, is after downloading and unzipping to a temp folder, is move that folder to the root of the /program files main folder. I also gave the fold a unique name, to make it easy to find. Pathway would be something like: C:/Program Files/SF Extractor Tool keeping it simple. What I don't remember, is compatability modes...looking at it just now, it seems to have NO compatability mode checked, and runs with no problems on my XP machine. Those with Vista may have other issues, so you may want to experiment. So, create a new shortcut to the 'sfp1e.exe'. You can either place it on you desktop, or as I did, in a folder on my destktop for my 3W games. Again, Vista users may have to do it slightly differently. Ok, so click on you new shortcut to open the extractor. Your main or start screen should look something like this: You'll see the "Select a Cat File" radio button. That will open the drop down. From there you navigate to you game install. For purposes of this tutuorial, we'll be using Wings Over Europe. Remember: It works the same on all of the 3rd Wire Games!! So, in our example, we're going to extract the A-4E_radar.bmp. A note to all: sometimes it isn't always apparent where a file may be stored. There are several rules of thumb: If it deals with a aircraft, vehicle, weapon it'll be in the objects cat. Decals (in most cases) are also stored here. If it deals with game operations; ie Flight or Mission parameters, those will be found in the cats in the /Flight folder If it deals with a terrain, those will be found in the various terrain cats, located in the various stock terrain folders. Again, some jumping around is sometimes necessary. It happens.. Ok...here we've located out Objects cat... Double click on the highlight cat file to open it. It may take a short time - so just let it do it's thing. When it opens you'll see the listing of all the files 'hidden' inside the Objects.cat. You'll see here that I've already scrolled down to find the "A-4E_radar.bmp" Selcet the file by clicking on it once to highlight it. Or, maybe black light it .. I don't know. But that's how you select the item to be pulled. Then, down on the lower left, you'll see the "Extract File" button. YOu just click once on that, and you'll here a musical tone, and the message "File Extracted" or words to that effect. That's it .. you can now move that radar bmp to whatver cockpit needs it. The extractor will always 'drop' the extracted file into the folder where the cat it was pulled from resides -- this is very important to remember!!!!! So, if you pull the FlightEngine.ini from the FlightData.cat, it will be in the /Flight folder. If you pull the GermanyCA_DATA.ini from the GermanyCE.cat, it'll be in the /GermanyCE terrain folder. If you pull the ZSU-24's data ini from the Objects.cat, it'll be in the /Objects folder. Got that???? AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: The Game Engine ™ is designed to look into the seperate folders FIRST and then into the various cat files. That's why we can have multiple variants of the same aircraft, using the same data ini, and have no conflicts. The greatest thing about this system, is if you screw up an ini edit, you can simple delete and the game reverts back to the stock one, hidden in the cat files Happy Extracting! Wrench kevin stein
  6. extractor-6.jpg

  7. extractor-5.jpg

  8. extractor-4.jpg

  9. extractor-3.jpg

  10. extractor-2.jpg

  11. extractor-1.jpg

  12. Yes it does!! And, it needs an avionics upgrade, now with the latest patch I'll have to add the GM radar section BUT...since I supplied a "woi-A4AR_Avionice.ini" you just need to follow the instrucitons in the supplied readme, and use that one for 8/28/08 patched WoE or WoV. Problem solved. Get to it!!! Wrench kevin stein
  13. didn't we go through this once before, when WoV came out without the C-130 and F-104??? (and, obviously, before the Herc was added back and G-Zipper was made availabe as a seperate d/l) And don't we have instructions for this somewhere in the Knowledge Base??? I seem to recall conscise, step-by-step instructions on aircraft importation somewhere - either here or at C5s site? It all boils down to actualy having the game in question to extract the parts from -- and THAT set of instruction I KNOW is KB somewhere; how to use Skypat's cat extractor tool. As the A model Vipers, there are at least 2 superb versions readily available F-16A-ADF (sparrow equiped), F-16A blk10 NDC. Complete with cockpits. They're either here at CA or at C5s. One just needs to look. I know this sounds like a broken record, but DO spend some time in the KB -- lots of answers there Wrench kevin stein
  14. Follow the link below to the SF/WoE/WoV/WoI Forums. link -->Now, this =IS= interesting <--link Fiddling with some terrains... I don't play FE (hardly at all, anyway), but thought you folks might like this info. Wrench kevin stein
  15. Something I found today...

    Of course, I didn't mean to steal any thunder, as it were. However, it just shows that great minds think alike In regards to a Middle East (palestine, syria, trans-jordan, egypt etc), may I suggest Gepards's Isreal2 map. It would probably require the least amount of work. Well, other than 'combining' sides (egypt/palestine) and other fiddelations to the front lines and etc One of the reasons I kinda left FE, was no expansion maps, other than the stock ones and 'test' and Vogesen. May have to reconsider my descision.... Wrench kevin stein
  16. Had this little bee in my bonnet, thinking about this whilst driving home from the E-4-All today...and just had to experiment with it... These are Spad 13s sitting on desert airfiled 3, at some base in Libya/Egypt, circa 1918. I made the assumption, that post-patch WoE is now essentially the same as WoI and FE. So I did a copy/paste of the GermanyCE terrain, and then Edward's North Africa terrain (cat-pointed to Germanyce.cat)...and the above pic is the result. So, we may be seeing the end of the lack of terrains for First Eagles. Of course, I haven't tested this with the VietnamSEA.cat, but in theory any terrain with it's tiles 'internal' to the terrain folder should work, when pointing back to an existing cat. I have also NOT tested this with pointing to the ww1Verdun.cat, but, again in theory... I know this should probably go in the FE forum, but I just thought EVERYONE should know this, and do their own experimentating Can you imagine the possibilites now??? Southeast Asia, Middle East (Trans-Jordan, Iraq, etc), Africa...could be something here!! Of course, a LOT of work will still be required, to 'back-date' some of the terrains to a more turn-of-the-century look; airfield changes, ground objects, etc....but those are pretty simple edits of the targets and types inis. Hmm...wonder of the ETO terrain ... it probably should work....would need frontline adjustments and side-swapping of aerodroms, of course.....hmm..... Wrench kevin stein
  17. I feel your pain, brother!! You wanna feel better? When this series first came out, I was running P3, 500 mgz with (gads, I don't even remember how much HD space...I do remember it weren't much -- 40 gig? 80gig?? ) Ran that pig for the first 2 years WoE was out (already had SF for 2+ years) ... wanna talk about low frame rates...sometimes I was lucky to hit 40 (with clear skies, minumal graphics and no flak) When the sith started hitting the fan, I considered myself lucky to have 9 fps!! Viturally unplayable. Yah, I know how it is!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. In regards to the HAWK issues stated above, YES they MUST be placed via edits of the targets & types ini. For those just joining us, you'll find 2 (count them!) 2 whole terrain upgrades for WoI here in the downloads section, under -oddly enough, /Terrains. One is for Gepard's "Isreal2" map The other is the stock "IsrealME" map Major upgrades on the IDF's air defenses for BOTH maps (and some 'improvements' on the Arab side, too. ) I should know...I did them both. And yes, the most certainly shoot at you!!! Now, in regards to the HAWKs, the new TMF weapons pak =FOR WOI ONLY= has 3 or 4 new HAWK missiles and their associated launchers (various models B,C,D & E methinks). Which means, in the short term, if using their pack, you'll probalby loose them after the the 'base models' end of service years. In the long term, it means a few hours in-game and in the inis for me to swap out the various names I used at the myriad missile batteries I placed around the map. Expect that upgrade sometime next week; probably near the end of the week, depending on what other projects I'm involved with (like 3 airplane upgrades I've been asked to check over/tweek) Wrench kevin stein
  19. I'd think just putting the decal in the skin folder would take care that...and having the Squadorn= in the textureset.ini do the rest. Adding them to the squadronlist.ini, too of course Easier, simpler, faster Wrench kevin stein
  20. I like it!!! Go for it dude!! That's how that Scooter was supposed to look!!! Remember, too, I'm a FAT member (both in the Freeware Accords Treaty, and physical size!! ) No permission is needed, just don't spell my name wrong!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. File Name: F-104A Starfighter, RJAF File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 2 Oct 2008 File Category: F-104 F-104A Starfighter, Royal Jordanian Air Force, for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI This is a mod of Ajundair's F-104A to those as used by the RJAF. This is a complete aircraft, all inclusive with all the little various and sundry bits needed to just unzip and fly away. It is designed for use with NO weapons pak, =or= The Mirage Factory Weapons Pak, as the drop tanks are "stock items" in the SF, WoV, WoE, and WoI objects.cat. The Bunyap Weapons Pak can also be used; it really makes no difference who's or which one! HOWEVER -- I've included a nation-specific version of the AIM-9B "Sidwinder", set for only RJAF usage. Using the new 'station specific' mounting, you shouldn't run into any problems with it showing up on other aircraft uwanted. Just for fun, I've included that hack-job Recon Pod I did last year for the European Zippers. Full, detailed instructions on adding them to are included below. So, get your weapons editor warmed up! The skin is the stock natural metal, as seen on the Pakistani F-104A (in fact, it IS the same skin bmps!) All I've really done is just create a 'nation-specific' version, using ALL stock decals for markings. I have also included the A-Z letter decals seen in some photos I found while researching this. New Arabic serial numbers (900-925) and also included. All in all, I can take NO credit for the skin, just for those few decals I've supplied. Loadouts have been adjusted to reflect the 'newish' style of weapons mounting. The data ini is as orignally issued when the aircraft first was released. It may need some FM adjustments, but that's above my pay-grade :) A new WoI hangar screen, based off the WoE-style is included. As is the WoE one, for those wishing to install into SF/WoE/WoV, etc. While designed with WoI in mind, it is perfectaly usable in any of the other 3W sims As usual, PLEASE read the enclosed readme file; installations is pretty simple (for once!), as is adding the weapons. Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein (taking a little break from targetizing terrains ... and I wanted to finish this for a LOOOONG time!) Click here to download this file
  22. Yet another Niven/Pournelle fan!!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Bascially, it's the same thing as a Windoze .cab file. Stores critical files in a (i think) semi-compressed state, ready for instant use The only real answer, unfortunately, is a larger drive. Have you looked at an external??? I have 180 gig that I used for off-storage that I got for about 100 bucks -- that was 2 years ago, so they may have come down since then. And, yes you can play the game directly off it. I've not noticed any appriciable lag in loadings or 'stutters' while playing. Seriously, it way past time to upgrade your storage! (this coming from the unemployed guy...I feel your pain for lack of money). I have one install alone that's over 20 gigs - of the 18-20 (incuding FE) on my 250 internal Wrench kevin stein
  24. After almost 5 hours of work (the out file didn't have too many things actually named, or named oddly like "cylinder***. So it was go down the list one by one until you find it kinda thing...) P-26 for Chinese Air Force before: After: Much closer to the historical version. Unfortuantely, you can't remove the wing-to-wing ariel wires, as they're part of the 'flying wires'. Mast is removable, but I chose to leave it. So, we'll assume the mast and wires are for the XM satelite radio! That works like a charm!!! Wrench kevin stein
  25. Youre offsets don't match on the TakeOffHead and TakeOffTail; they should be the same disance from 0,0 (look at any other airfield ini -- they're always the same, just one a minus value) Wrench kevin stein

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