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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Malibu: so, there no pointer to Level2?? That would be the modex numbers on the nose and wings and such. Hum... since I don't have this skin (which is kinda unblievalbe, huh?) I guess I'll have to grab it, and move the turkey over to my patched install and test. Wrench kevin stein
  2. "Oh, NO!! You did not shoot that green s**t at me!!!" Wrench kevin stein
  3. Trust me, there are more targets in there than you can shake a stick at....and I'm still not even CLOSE to getting them all in!!!. I'm shooting for coverager from 1950 to date. Even thinking on adding the Harbin aircraft factory at Shenyang, just for giggles (have a nice parked Fishbed to but there...) I'm thinking that, when I finally get it where I want it, there'll be more target areas than on the DS map, which has 200 and something....i'm only up to 130 now. Kuk, you DID see the screenies of the 4077th, right??? Wrench kevin stein
  4. Templates are no problem... Bf109_Tex.psd = 25.something megs Bf109G_tex.psd = 36.something megs Fw190Tex.psd = 75.something megs. let me know if you want them Wrench kevin stein
  5. Do it the same way I did the RAF Mustangs...include all the inis & everything else necessary, just don't include the LOD or cockpit folder. Wolf dosn't want the LOD redistributed; you might get way with including the cockpit, though. I've forgotten to remove it a few times, and he seemed ok with. But, to safe.... Otherwise, he dosn't care how much it's modded. Also, please feel free to include my K-14 gunsight mod. Just use the P-51D_cockpit ini off the "Generic Metal" skin, and include the to gunsight tgas. In fact, the way I did it was have the /cockpit subfolde, with just the 2 tgas in it. That way, the end used can do a copy/paste of the original cockpit folde OVER it, and not have to worry about the gunsights, as the new cockpit ini is already pointing them to it. So, to create the RAAF bird, you'd have a new aircaft folder "P-51D_RAAF". You'd rename the original main ini form "P-51D-30" to (depending on years -- I don't know if the RAFF ever renamed P to F like the USAF did in 1947) "P-51D_RAAF.ini" in the top section of the data ini; you can rename that if you want to; it's not really necessary as it's sitting in the new RAAF folder. Me, I'm particular about that, so like on the RAF mustangs, I've renamed the data ini to match, so in this case "P-51D_RAAF_data.ini" Like this: as for the loadouts, both in the data ini and loadout ini, leave them alone, keeping "USAF" as the attachment type, as all those WW2 weapons are 'exported'. Although you might want to switch the drop tank to the 108 galllon version. I know in WW2 our 'stangs flying from Iwo used them a lot! The only other question would be if the RAFF used the 60lb rocket instead of the 5" HVAR.....in that case, you'd need to create a new weapon off the "P51Rkt_Rack", editing them to swap out the HVARs for 60#ers. Personally, that's too much damn work!!! Creating nation-specific planes is just too easy! If you need help, or got more questions, let me know!! I've done it more time than I care to think about! Wrench kevin stein ps: look at the readmes for my RAF Mustangs -- they've got everything already written down. If you want, I'll rewrite one for a RAFF version
  6. I swear, by all the gods and goddesses, that ONE day!!! we WILL have the KB set up to make things easy to find for folks!!! This, I swear on my Honor as a Knight of Realms of the Air!! Wrench kevin stein ps: there's a TMF weapons pak tweek listing in there too somewhere....
  7. Roundel: which is your favorite?

    Ultra: there's a HUGE psd over at simmerpaintshop thats (literly!) got hundreds of world nations insignia. It's by RAF_LOKE, and I think it's called "markings_v1.4" it's about 25 megs, and WELL worth the download. Covers WW1 and 2, plus some modern markings. Some are fictional, like CSA (american confederate states, tintin, etc) Wrench kevin stein
  8. Time For......

    Another nice, Kosher dish...what with today being Rosh Hashannah and all. Can you save me some until after the High Holy Days??? Wrench kevin stein (yah, like I follow the dietary laws....)
  9. Me too, with a side of potato wedges... Wrench kevin stein
  10. I think decals that use Level 1 have been changed -- my F4U-4B mod (based off the TMF F4U-7) was mssing the "NAVY VF-53" tag on the fueselage. It had been set to level 1, which used to be 'squadron makings'. Setting it Level 0 broght it back to all planes. But, definatley check the FilenameFormat= lines in the decals ini; some don't have the full path name in, and it seems like it wants it now Wrench kevin stein
  11. The Knowledge Base is your friend: For the Bunyap Pak: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=18346 Wrench kevin stein
  12. Was done, like 2 years ago. Go to the downloads section, and get any of my P-51D skin sets, expecially the "Generic Metal"; it's either in the WW2 skins or Cold War (as I did a post-war version) You'll find the K-14, lead-computing gunsight for A-A, and a 'ladder' type for A-G (bombs only - HVARs still use the standard diamond A-A sight) Wrench kevin stein
  13. Been trying to get them to do that, too. Admin/Moderator write (right?) access only. I'll have to PM Dave; see if he can't start something in motion. Wrench kevin stein
  14. Why not? They're both Level 2 decals, you just need to number them accordingly. Done this LOADS of time, on historical skins. Expecially where serial numbers, nose arts and aircraft ID letters are known. (A-20A mod for instance) Say, fer instance, 610 Sqad Spit 1, DW-A has serial BS985. If you do the Squad/Roundel as a decal (level 0), they'll always show the DW(roundel) on ALL aircraft of the squadron. The A, being level 2 is, using my naming conventions, FLet000.tga (for Fueselage Letter -- I try to keep it simple for me poor brain!) The serial number, BS985, when created is now SNum000.tga, and so on down the line to Z (FLet025.tga). Now, I've been experimentating with NOT using a numbers.lst, like TK does with the MiGs and such, so the numbers WILL recycle back to zero. Ingame, you're flying DW-T, lead of a 16 ship formations. Obviously, you'll run out of letter at your #7 flight member. With a numbers.lst active, #8 ship goes blank, with only the DW(roundell) showing -assuming these are now decals. Even painted on, and with decals for letters, you'll run out. WITHOUT the lst, #8 now get the "A" decal, as this make them cycle back to the beginning. Unless he's done somthing in how the number.lst is read post-patch (not having patched my WW2 install, due to FM issues). But I've not tested this yet with my Experimental WW2 All Inclusive WoI install. In other words, I've forgetten to look! Guess I'll have to check my Clean WoE install, as I've put the F-51D in there for Korean Testing. Have to see if the Buzz Numbers cycle back, without the numbers.lst. Wrench kevin stein
  15. Gonna say this once again, I'd already moved the first post here, to where it belongs in the "Mods & Skinning Chat Forum" =PLEASE!!!= DO NOT POST IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE It's a place to look for ANSWERS, NOT to ask questions in. That's what all these regular forums are for. When the question are placed here, in the regular forums, theres a greater chance of someone actually seeing them, and giving answers and help requested, as opposed to putting them in the Knowledge Base, which very few seem to use lately.. Wrench kevin stein
  16. A quick test of the ASW terrain, with the data ini edited to the "2" level, and stock desert hms (UNpainted), germanyce cat and the stock desert tiles (extraced and placed in the ASW folder) gives the same results that Canadair showed. So, consider that fixed. Now, if we can just retile it to what Texas really looks like...and add some city tiles and stuff. Guess I'll try and learn the cursed thing...SoCal and Libya sure could use it, too....can we mix and match tiles? Brain: cool! thanks! Hopefully, I won't have to move any target areas...been fighting with an NKPA camp near Kaesong... gotta re-place all the artillery and associtaed bits. What a bummer! btw, please chek either Osan or Suwon for exclusion zones. One or the other I forgot to put on the list. Wrench kevin stein
  17. That's a LOT better looking than that quickie hack job I did a while back... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4937 WRench kevin stein
  18. One easy way to do it, is with decals. Have the squadron code, say DW(roundel) as a decal, then the individual letter, E or whichever, as nother decal. That's how I did on Pasko's Mossie, for the 633 Squadron mod. Now, mind you, you might get some decal bleed around the engine cowling on the DAT spits...it's just one of them things we have to live with. And yes, I do have the templates -- the ones I made off the original skin. The Squad Letters are always on a sepeate layer (like, 6 or 8 of them!) WRench kevin stein
  19. Data inis are still probably gonna need editing. Some of them have some awfully high numbers!!! (75.0000 I've seen on a few; don't know if those are supposed to be cliff, like in Malibu or what -- I think they're in SoCal) I'll try and get the desert hms out sometime today, probably be late though Wrench kevin stein
  20. Told ya that psd with the JG insignias would come in handy, didn't I??? Looking good Heck!! WRench kevin stein
  21. are they painted on or decals?? I've noticed the painted one flashes, and insiginia, are looking quite washed out on a number of birds. Skinners take note: it may be necessary to go to decals for these, or experiment with the specular, glossiness and reflectivity in the textureset.inis Wrench kevin stien
  22. the hm bmps are locating inside the various terrain cats (ie: desert.cat, germanyce.cat, vietnamsea.cat) So for those pointing to the desert cat (actually it don't matter...all my terrains -in games- point to either germany or vietnam), but if the terrain uses the SF desert tile name set, you'd need the desert hms say, for isntance, the ASW map, germany cat, aftermarket terrain tiles (polaks or gepards desert beta for example), since it uses the desert cat tile names, you may need to use desert hm bmps. But Canadair's screenies show it working as is. I can always pull them and post or attach them somewhere Like Canadair said, taking a quick look at the SoCal, ASW, Lybia (fixed now) all seem to use these radically high numbers. So, it seem a pretty simple fix to tweek the data inis to the "2" value now listed in the patched stock terrrains (germany, vietnam). wrench kevin stein
  23. Korea uses the vietnamsea naming, so you'll need to hms from the vietnamseas cat. There's 49 of them, btw, including the 2 'open sea' ones that already ARE black. To save you'll some time, here they are: These are the Vietnam sea ones, already repainted. I'll try and get the desert one later, or each can extract their own. IMPORTNAT: DON NOT USE THESE IN ANYTHING ELSE BUT THOSE TERRAINS THAT MESSED UP - and ONLY THOSE USING THE VIETNAMESEA NAMING CONVENTIONS If using another cat pointer, these WILL NOT WORK (actually, these are from Brain32, for Korea) For the Lybia terrain, and problly several others of mine that use the old desert.cat naming for the terrain tiles, I"ll try and work up a set of them later. our vampire show is starting on HBO, and I gotta Fly like a bat!! Anna Paquin in a tight t-shirt...hmmmmm Wrench kevin stein
  24. ok after swapping out the value to "2" on the Korea map that is the fix!!! Didn't take any screenies, but all the objects, with a few minor flaws on those acursed Han river bridges (honetsly, I don't think TK ever expected anyone to build a bridge over 30+ sections long....) ie: some small vertical displacement at only those sections crossing the land/water interface. It all works. Ships are no longer submerged (even the docked Romeo is riding high - tanks blown dry??) So, using the stock height level, and repainted hm bmps is the way to go. Just extract anything with a ***_hm.bmp suffix, "paint it black" as Mick would say, toss them pack into the terrain folder, and that should fix that. Now, the only other issue that's popped up, is the generic building in the TOD files are now appearing where there wern't any before. Looks better, but now I got a dozen industrial buildings to relocate in Pyongyang!! It just never ends... Wrench kevin stein
  25. Here's some shot's, Libya and Korea, using the "10" value (which like Fub said above, and I now believe, is too high) Looking at the extraced, newly patched Germany anc Vietnam data inis, TK is using the value of "2", so that might be a good compromise. so, anyway, 10 works, just not on all things... interesting to note the differences in these 4 ships;the 2 in the foreground are riding 'high', while the 2 in the background are settinglower, like they've yet to be off loaded. korea: that bothersome bridge, just north of Taegu. At least thing are starting to show again and the Han river bridges yes, I'll have to fix that off ramp...damn CalTrans!! I also repainted ALL the hm bmps to black, which effectively give them a 0 height, and that helps a great deal as well. That way, the only height data comes directly from the HFD file (some terrain guru please correct me if I'm wrong. So, that's yet another fix to add to this mishagas. Back to rewriting them to "2.000" Wrench kevin stein

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