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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Now available at my site, and soon on the DAT's site, the Nakajima A6M2-N 'Rufe' IJN floatplane fighter. Sorry, it will NOT be uploaded here to CA. Even I gotta follow rules... From the Readme: More, fully detailed instructions are in the enclosed readme. READ IT!! Clicky the linky below to go and get it. Click me!! --->Wrench's Toolbox <--- I"m a Link!! Yes, it will take off from land bases. I'm awaiting new jungle tods for the Solomons rebuild, and that map has 2 operational seaplane bases, curteousy of Gepards Midway map Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  2. I miss writing those sometimes...they WERE fun!!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. Engines

    to descrease fuel usage... make sure tires are properly inflated make sure engine ignitors are not fouled; clean/replace as needed air intakes and associated filters are clean and allow adaquate airflow compressor turbine blades are not nicked, bent or otherwise damaged final stage and/or afterburner sections operate as per aircraft maintence manual use proper weight and viscousity of engine lube oil for the climate (switching to a synthetic is very helpfull) use of proper type of fuel; check aircraft's TO and maintence guide for specifics - may also be adjusted for climate reduce external drag; remove unnecessary pylons, weapons and other protrusions that disrupt airflow reduce internal weight; gun ammo, extras like the CD player, microwave oven, beer cooler walnut cockpit trim, tuck & roll upholstured seating, etc KEEP YOUR FOOT OUT OF IT!!! (or in this case, hand) oh, also lower specific fuel consumption statement in data ini. Wrench kevin stein
  4. File Name: Skin Templates for F-80, T-33 & F-94 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 Sep 2008 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets Templates for Pasko's F-80 'Shooting Star' and F-94 'Starfire' These are Photoshop (psd) templates I created off the original skin bmps, with redrawn panel lines, rivets, and various and sundry other goodies. All credit goes to the original skin creator, who's name I cannot find having lost the original readmes that came with the aircraft. They are the same size as the original skin maps. They should be usable for creating skins for the T-33 as well, with some slight modifications, mostly in the nose gun area (as the T-birds sometimes only carried 2 MGs, if any). The template is broken down into various labeled layers to help you figure out what goes where. For those attempting skins for the T-bird, I'd reccomend creating a NEW layer for the section that houses the nose guns (body.bmp) by adding that skin map to this psd as a new layer. You'll note there is NO "LeftWing.psd", as the right and left wings are mapped identically. After creating the left wing's skin map, all you'll need to do is a "save as" in PhotoShop or any other image viewer, LeftWing.bmp. This will create the new skin map, without all the hassle and HD space taking of having 2 different psds. There is NO difference in the mapping! Do not worry!! That's how I created the skins for the various P/F-80s and F-94s Ive released over the last couple of years! Happy Skinning! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    Templates for Pasko's F-80 'Shooting Star' and F-94 'Starfire' These are Photoshop (psd) templates I created off the original skin bmps, with redrawn panel lines, rivets, and various and sundry other goodies. All credit goes to the original skin creator, who's name I cannot find having lost the original readmes that came with the aircraft. They are the same size as the original skin maps. They should be usable for creating skins for the T-33 as well, with some slight modifications, mostly in the nose gun area (as the T-birds sometimes only carried 2 MGs, if any). The template is broken down into various labeled layers to help you figure out what goes where. For those attempting skins for the T-bird, I'd reccomend creating a NEW layer for the section that houses the nose guns (body.bmp) by adding that skin map to this psd as a new layer. You'll note there is NO "LeftWing.psd", as the right and left wings are mapped identically. After creating the left wing's skin map, all you'll need to do is a "save as" in PhotoShop or any other image viewer, LeftWing.bmp. This will create the new skin map, without all the hassle and HD space taking of having 2 different psds. There is NO difference in the mapping! Do not worry!! That's how I created the skins for the various P/F-80s and F-94s Ive released over the last couple of years! Happy Skinning! Wrench kevin stein
  6. I'll go start looking for it.... I thought I'd stored it at my site...I know I sent it to someone/somebody at sometime. back after a while Wrench kevin stein
  7. Don't forget the menu IS posted outside the mess tent!! Gotta repaint them parked hueys...they're also "borrowed" from DS. Hmm...didn't Geo make a horse for First Eagles???? Need to build Sophie's paddock.....and Radar's Zoo. The 4077 is a 'no end date' type of target area, so it's there from 1950-2010 (as far uptime as I've tested) When it's finally done, I really think you all will quite enjoy it...MASH is NOT the only easter egg... Wrench kevin stein
  8. I have a template that (HOPEFULLY!!!) should work for it. Used it on the P/F-80 and F-94. bradders, If you want it, PM me. (of course, NOW I have to go find it... ) Wrench kevin stein
  9. Congrats on the degree!! What makes you think we don't love MiGs!!??? I LOVE MiGs!!! wait for it... they make such a wonderful sound when the hit the ground.... Nice skin man! Wrench kevin stein
  10. Just a couple of quick ones today...I been up to my neck in not only North Koreans, but the Han and Imjin rivers!! I can truely feel for Army Combat Engineers (one of whom I actaully KNOW, -ex husband of a friend of my sisters, and now a general contractor, who actually served in Korea. Boy, was HE ever glad to get back to the States, even if it was only Ft. Lewis, WA) Anyway....the world renowned and semi-famous Imjin River bridge. Please ingnore the fact that Farmer in the foreground is Soviet/Russian. They were "just visiting".... (in other words, I forgot to go to the loadout screen, and change the nationality...oopps!) You can just make out Camp Dodge off the 19s nose. One of the best things of having all the super duper trees Brain32 added, is you can have masked batteries hidden in them. (those that know artillery, know what I'm talking about) (apologies that it's so dark...shadows from the trees, doncha know!) I 'borrowed' one of the objects from the DS mod; the stack of ammo boxes. Note the Zil ready to pull them out, if needed. (yes, I know the ammo is in the way...it'll get moved later -- all 15 of them!!). US/ROK units also gets several operational arty batteries along the Imjin, and at several 'fall back positions' down the length of the pennisula. Just in case... Now, if I can just figure out the placement of some of the targets from the original...Pork Chop Hill, Old Baldy, Toko-ri....oi!! More bridges to lay!!! ...and a radar for the US AAA units that get them (ok, well only one that needs it...). BTW, anybody working on Skysweeper???? Wrench kevin stein
  11. Now mind you all, it's STILL an F-4E cockpit, no matter what's done to it. I'm hoping one of our Russian speakers will take a look and tell me how far off I am with the lettering... Ok, here they are: You can see the various weapons selected, gun, radar missile, IR missile. Strangest thing, I HAD the Cyrillic keyboard working last night in Word, but can't seem to do it today!! Anyway...if it looks like crap, I'll just s**t-can, and use the standard one that came with the aircraft. thanks! Wrench kevin stein
  12. In fact, here's a little zip with all the bits ... it takes far less time to actually do it, than it does to explain it.. Let's see if I can get the 'attach a file' function to work.... Instructions included Wrench kevin stein
  13. Also, make sure the loadout ini and expecially the data ini's tank pointer are directed to the proper tank name example: that above is from the stock 3rd Wire F-4J, which has gray tanks. They're stock objects in SF/WoV/WoE; and there should be a butt-load of Rhino gray tanks in the bunyap pak, easily imported over, or extraced from the stock object.cat. You may have to create a 'new' weapon for the gray tanks, but that's the work of only a few seconds; adjusting the loadout and dat inis accordingly. Also might need a little tweekage via renaming the tank's skin bmp, hex editing of the lod to match the new name. Again, about 5 minutes work. Wrench kevin stein EDIT: ok, after reading the 1st post, if you're adding the OLD tanks, you'll probably have overwritten the original entires for WoI, which are the camo tanks. You WILL need to tweek the stock gray tanks, in essence creating a new weapon, and editing the lod as mentioned above. extract the stock 370 gallon tank's lod, bmp and ini... Here's the parts list: TANK370_F4.INI F-4_DTANK370.BMP TANK370_F4.LOD TANK370_F4_LOD002.LOD rename lod to "tank370F4S.LOD" (not the elimination of the _ underline bit) Do this for BOTh tank lods open the ini, and change the internal names (all the instances where it calls for ***.LOD) to match the new name. rename the ini to 'TANK370F4S.INI'...everything MUST match. rename the skin bitmap to match. ie: F-4SDTANK370.BMP open the lods (one at at time) in a hex editor -there's plenty free only availabe, and search for 'bmp'. This will find you the callout for the skin bmp. Then CAREFULLY type over the existing name. Save and close. for the new weapons data entry; it would be just like this, where *** is the next number in sequence You'll need to change the pointers in the data and loadout inis to match the TypeName=. If you can't figure it out, let me know...it's all done and ready to go Wrench kevin stein
  14. To answer the original question, the "AllowedWeaponClass=" is ARM Wrench kevin stein
  15. No timeframe yet, but I"m busting my balls to give these birds a nice place to play.. Excellent work Ant!! Thanks for uploadig Dave!! Wrench kevin stein
  16. Allowing myself to be talked into becoming a CA Moderator???? Actually, that's one job I'm glad I 'volenteered' for!!! Wrench kevin stein

    This should be stickiedy somewhere, perhaps on the Front Page, and/or in EVEY forum!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. But YOUR work is not yet done, my brother! Expect a PM soon with a link to a file zip, as I kinda need some retiling done due to my ineffecient/deficant skills in the TE. Flattening airfileds (and other places that need it) is relatively easy, comparted to moving whole forests!! And the occasiional stray TOD building! So, I thought I'd share a few more shots, as work progresses. And I certainly need the break...took me over 5 hours to get 2 cursed bridges across the river at Ping-pyongyang speaking of which.... the 2 bridges of which I spoke....there's a third I'm still debating on adding at the south western end of the city Incheon port facilities...the conatiner ship is 'borrowed' from Kesselbrut's Falklands mod, and is just for testing purposes. It WILL be listed in the types ini, so end users can simply copy it's folder over for use. I really REALLY hate the stock cranes... they're at least a third too big, and my other ones are a bit on the small side. No matter! a generic North Korean army camp, in the central region...bonus points to those that ID that 'odd little box' in the center of picture... of course, no map of Korea would be complete without this place. BTW, this IS the major easter egg on this map. You'll note the "new" ground vehicle 2 more views...close ups This concludes today's progress report. I've got more bridges to build ... north of Suwon, and a valley in the north... Wrench kevin stein ooppsy edit: forgot to show the entry for one of the "new" taget items... Please note the TYPE of target, it's value, and the destroyed effects. This one is expecially for Dave!!!
  19. Well, I'm impressed, and a little depressed...I've done most of them birds already!! Gotta admit, that MiG-15 looks most impressive (insert Vader voice)...and the Mustang!!! Meteor, in all its Mid-East variants!!!! Very nice!!! Wonder if they'll come with cockpits???? Wrench kevin stein
  20. Nice, detailed tutorial in the KB on how to do it correctly, too. Suggested reading for all interestered parties. And some not-so-interested Wrench kevin stein
  21. So, WHAT exactly IS the plural of "Frogfoot"? Would it actually be "Frogfeets"???? Wrench kevin stein ps: eels pwn!!!
  22. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5520 File Name: F-94B Starfire, Generic USAF File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 Nov 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: F-89 and F-94 File Version: 1.00 Website: No Information F-94B "Starfire" Generic USAF Skin for SF, WoV & WoE A "plain old garden variety" natural metal skin for Pasko's F-94B 'Starfire'. I created it from new templates, based on both the F-80 and F-94 skins (there are several identical bmps between them). It represents no actual squadron, but is closest to the 68th FIS. Hence, the generic "USAF" tagline. This would be a usefull skin for a Korean-era aircraft, or for any time frame in the early 1950s. New serial and buzz number decals were created as well, which are based off aircraft serial numbers. The numbers are all actual serials and buzz nums, as issued by the USAF New damage tga's are provided, for that 'shot up bullet holes' look, if you let the enemy get close enough to shoot you! A new Loading Screen is also provided. It's a nice color picture I found on the net PLEASE read the enclose readme for full install instructions and general nonsense. :yes: Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  23. See what happens when you miss staff meetings???? btw, those were made from a new template, so if you need/want it, let me know and I'll shoot you link enjoy it! Wrench kevin stein
  24. I think so, Gepard did it that way on the Suez and Isreal maps....very cooolio..it followed the pre-67 borders. Wrench kevin stein
  25. delete the lod that in the the aircraft folder -- it's corruptified or something like that!! (A-4E late, huh???) Wrench kevin stein

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