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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Data inis are ok share...it's only core files like dlls, exes and LODs that are verboten Go for it dude!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. Eels vs Lazer Cats.....

    Bats. with bombs. Airpower problem solved! Wrench kevin stein
  3. I like it...but it needs more targets. And parked ships. And signs. And Flags and dancing girls... My only complaint is, some of the runways approach lines are directly at mountains; makes dummy wingmen crash. Other than the planning maps needing redoing (Chuck, I made new ones last night, just stock, generic style - you want 'em, I"ll upload them) Like I said, I like it!!! With it, we could just about re-do the Fighters Anthology Ukraine campaigns...where did I put that game disk...???? Wrench kevin stein
  4. I did that as soon as the patch came out!! Been testing on how WW2 airfields would generate parked planes. (oddly, to let it be known - expeciallly on those with statics already parked - looks like an airplane orgy!!!) I thought that would have been obvious to anyone with terrain experience...???? I stopped using SF over 2 years ago for testing and building...doing it strictly in WoE, and to a much lesser extant, WoV. As all the 'stock SF items' in already existant in both those terrain cats. WoI, of course, is another matter. Canadair's response also DOES answer a question I've been mulling over the last couple of days...the newly generated parked planes apparently are NOT controled by a .dll somwhere, but via the ***_airfiled ini. Just like lights Wrench kevin stein
  5. ultra: it's in the Objects.cat. It's always been there. Should be about a 1/3 the way down, after all the decal tgas. It's in all caps, so look carefully for WEAPONSDATA.INI. ---------------------- Another thing about the randomly generated planes, is it uses the decals associated with the skin, even down to nose arts: Now THAT'S cool!!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. Yes, I agree, it's disheartening. Patch advantages: Enhanced AI performance. A good thing in my book. BUT ... remember the game is designed for jets, not our beloved prop job. (ie: a aircraft with a pilot that thinks he's sooooo hot, that had to put a fan in front of him, to cool him down) Patch Dis-advantages: 200+ aircraft need new flight models to make use of the enhanced aerodynamic parameters With only 2 or 3 really knowledgeable folks around that do FM, the odds of having our birds tweeked out the way they should be is, well...astronomically small. It saddens me a great deal, having been one of few (and for a LOOOOOONG time the only) folks spending waaay to much time skinning and building mods for us prop-heads. I'd live to see 'repaired' FMs for all the birds...but I'm holding out little hope. Hence, the 'don't patch them yet' philosophy. Needless tosay, I DO have a single, all inclusive WW2 install of WoI, just for testing purposes, doncha know Wrench kevin stein
  7. No Christmas trees, but we are selling advertising space (courtesy of Timmy's fast 3d work). With deep appriciation, that's twice he's answered the call and help me out!! Please ignore the sign in the background, as I've blocked out it's label. I have to redo that one. Still not quite 'dialed in' to the center of background board, and to get it to say exactly what I want it to Wrench kevin stein ps: I also got the TMF F-16A (10-NDC and ADF) to have operational ground radars with avi70 by to simple ini tweeks, and a quick repaing of the "not working" ag radar bmp. BTW, this is all in patched WoE.
  8. Timmy: Cool!!! If it's big enough...I have some really great ideas for eye candy......reaching back a loooong way to a DOS game that took place in this region Wrench kevin stein
  9. Unfortunately, that fix dosen't work on all them, been testing it all morning. It does, however, work in Wolf's Mustangs. I haven't check all the others yet (109, 190, Oscar, etc). DAT aircraft are still in 'testing' stages. We've discussed this at great lenght in one of the WoI threads (stickied somewhere around here). Basic consesus: don't patch you WW2 installs of WoE/WoV. Wrench kevin stein
  10. that's a tiliing isssue....I think pull the 'sea1.tga' (or whatever it's called) from the terrain cat you've pointed it to, the 'waternormal.bmp', the 2 .fx files, and drop them in the Greece folder. Also, check if the water and terrain effects are active see if that makes a difference Wrench kevin stein
  11. oppps..I lied...it's only 9 pages, with 174 entries http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=18346 TMF edits are also there too, in a seperate thread Editor: dude, I didn't mean any insult! Really!!! Since those new items ARE stock, they don't need to be added to the 'new' data inis (having extracted all from my 'clean' version of WoE to examine them). But the data inis would still need extraction to edit the AttachmentType= nation's names, and the loadout inis to change the weapons names. (and to change pilot figures, if so desired!) Wrench kevin stein
  12. Gr: only if somebody builds me one, that I can figue out the mapping on...... wonder if I can repaint the USTruck white, and make it an ice cream truk...."we'll hit them where it hurts!!!" hmmm 2....wonder if vehicles can take decals...... Emp: look at the first screenie again....the one on the left IS from an actual painting in Kim Il Sung. They all have a 0 start year, so they'll show up all the time. Too lazy to go and figure out when Kim jong Il took over...and more fun this way. Flagpoles, unfortunately, we're stuck with the one size as previously seen. Unless, again, someone builds me a new one... TO ANY 3D MODLER Listening: I sure could use a large billboard...approx 3x5 meters, approx 1 meter off the ground. I have some nice adverts I'd like to post!!! Wrench kevin stein
  13. the light positions are the same on all versions (excepting the P-51A, A-36, RAF Mustang 1 and 1a) Landing lights are different on those, and Wolf added the actual "headlight" in the port landing gear bay on Ver.3. All the setups are for Ver.3; I have noticed a slight difference in the mapping around the prop and spinner from Ver 2 to Ver.3, but nothing that can't be fiddled with. Having done a butt-load of Mustang skins.....helps I DOES look much better now!! AND..you save ME a load of work too - I was gonna do the SAAF version for Korea at some point. Still might....my template for the 51D is ONLY 70 megs deep... Now, all you need is a better pilot figure! Wrench kevin stein
  14. All covered in the Knowledge Base "Weapons and Loadout Threads"....for a long time. Why does no one bother to read them, I wonder??? Also, some of you'll probably discover the stock Mig-23 and 27 have their drop tanks named incorrectly in the stock data and loadout inis. Never had a problem with LGBs, pre-patch or post.... hmm...noticed the use of Station 7 -- 6 has always been the limit; at least that shows on the loadout screen. I'm asusmed that it creates a 'false station', that dosen't show, but always loads?? Wrench kevin stein
  15. ???? Isn't this all covered in my KB thread "Editing weapons for the Bunyap Pak?".....40+ pages with the needed tweeks. Granted, the end user still need to pull BOTH the data and loadout inis (which you forgot to include, btw -- editing the data ini WITHOUT an accompanying edited loadout ini don't work)....but the data has been there for a loooong while now Wrench kevin stein
  16. Linky: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2845 Wrench kevin stein
  17. Read the "WoI patch" thingy thread...already been discussed. (with my screenies of said bridges in Korea) it's an internal terrain heightmap problem -- they'll probly need a complete overhaul. water shimmering is a tga issue, and is being looked at Wrench kevin stein
  18. Shoot, I just use Moonjumper/Crusader/Otto's tweek make it a DME...at least it gives me a better idea of distance to waypoint! I think I even repainted the associated cockpit gauge bmp, and relettered it "DME" !! Wrench kevin stein
  19. You all should know me better than that....anything I ever show in a screenie, is gauran-dam-teed to be in game!! And usually, several things that never get shown, for you to discover Blackbird, you asked about trees?? You even have battles going on in/around them, and truck routes running through them. Oh, yes...there's trees. Wrench kevin stein
  20. Kuk, take a look at my "generic plane metal" Mustang ... there's some tweeks you're missing. Probably in either the Cold War skins or WW2 skins...can't remember which 1) Pilot Seat!!! that poor sod is probably just sitting on a milk crate! 2) Lighting fixes -- all the correct locatins for ALL the formation/running lights. 3) exhaust shourd now covered (decal--I'm sooo slick!) 4) armour upgrades The roundells look a little ragged around the edges ... there's a pack of roundells fin flashs and stuff over at simmerspaint shop...them make real good looking ones. I'll try to find the url for you, if you can't find them. oh, and with a few data ini tweek, you'll create a 'nation specifc' RAAF bird.... Wrench kevin stein
  21. Also here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=27492 Wrench kevin stein
  22. It's not the TODs, as far as I can tell; like JSF_Aggie mentione in the Height Map (hm) that are the issue...Brain32 has the full Korea terrain (quite uncomplete, I might add -- even weighing in at 88megs zipped!), to retile a cople of areas, and check/adjust the hms...so that's being taken care of. I haven't actually tested the older maps yet (like Libya, or the WW2 upgrades). I DO have an experimental WW2 WoI install, that has all the relavent maps (MTO, PTO, ETO), but I've had some internal "issues" to deal with... note to everyone DO NOT INSTALL XP'S SP3 -- fouls up the USBPORT.exe, causing a lovely BSOD, and forced reboot. so, after restoring back to just before I installed the patch, I've been trying to restore the rebulid of the WoI WW2 install -- do not believe M$ for one second, that when they say 'a restore will not loose any files' that' BS -- 90% of the aircraft, object and terrain inis vanished after the restore. poop!! Dealing with the Korea issue, and adding the new patches has kept me busy since the weekend. So, if we're looking at somthing like the hm issue with birdges, I still need to check a LOT of things...Burma is the only one of the WW2 maps that has them; the Isreal2 rebuild I still havent' looked at. Mind you, ALL my buiding and testing is done in WoE; when I get a terrain refined to such a point, THEN I swap out the cat pointer line to test using other terrain cats. So, what was the question again???? oh, using the stock hms....yes, you can extract them and drop them into the relevant terrain folder. BUT....(you that was coming!!)...there may still be issues with heights around rivers, coastlines, etc. With my limited TE knowledge, that gives you only a couple of people that can perform the 'repair'. It that's going to be the case now, post patch, can you imagine the work needed to get ALL the aftermarket terrains squared away??? I can...and it frightens me!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Frame rates took a HUGE hit...sometime down to 9 in the cockpit (with debug on -- a few more with it off) adding the height maps do help... hre's a close up of camp dodge without.... looks like Malibu after one of there yearly floods!!! Here's some shots with the vnsea hms added, camp dodge again, now drained and cleared (courtesy of Army Corps of Engineers) but now causes new problems.... so, Brain...expect a PM with a link to the entire terrain. might as well send you everything that one it, at present. Sometime, I really hate when we get new patches. But then you get something like this: that just looks SOOOOOO cool!! Wrench kevin stein
  24. the mipmap and zbuffer stuff I don't understand, but I"m going to pull the hm out of the VNSEA cat, drop them in the Korea folder, and see what happens. As there aren't any in there... Flattening them didn'd do anything, so it must be that. Oh, I hope so!! (jose jimenez voice, ala "The Right Stuff") Brain: I still gotta send you the targets, types and whatever you need to retile a few sections! I MUST REMEMBER!!! Wrench kevin stein ps: Ed, what can I say? I was the lowest bidder!
  25. I can tell you one thing about terrains...it seem to handle the height field differently (I just posted this at the 3W boards, too) 2 views of the same bridge, taken in an unpatched and patched installs: unpatched: patched: you can still see the flagpole, but the barracks, shack, aaa bunker (and gun!), and the vehicles and bridge itself have 'subsided' below the water line. I guess you can blame earthquake induced liquifaction? Does Korea have quakes like LA gets??? ALL the bridges have done this, so that leads me to belive that the TODs height fields are being 'read' differently. I'll wait for what TK says on the subject. Wrench kevin stein

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