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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. There's a female pilot for the Talon I did a while back.... Ok, quick report on the WW2 Birds I've got in my TMFWP install... on autopilot takeoff, ALL show a marked pitchdown when flaps are retracted, which I think is probably normal P-51D - seems almost unchanged. Handles like in SF/WoE. Shadow messed up Mc-205 - no longer explodes at mission start!!! YIPPEE!! (at least on medium/large runways). No marked handling differences Spits 5, 9, 22 - "twitchy" in hard turns (which may be normal?) bleeds speed fairly rapidly in hard climbs on 5/9. 22 has enough power to maintian, but also bleeds fairly rapidly. Beau TFX - no marked differences; it was always a little sluggish in turns (I think real ones were, too) Mossie FB6 - PHENOMAL (sp?) roll rates!! Handles beautifully. Shadow works good (more later). Needed decals ini fix Vampire 5/50 - handles pretty good. Shadow messed up Bf-109G10 (S-199 stand in) - departs flight if manhandled. Smooth inputs, and not pushing envelope handles fair. May be normal for this aircraft??? Need a WW2 FM expert to weigh in on this one... Some others not tested yet are: Sabre MD-450 Orugan (sp?) SMB2 (ErikGen's) Mystre 4 (by??) Harvard C-47/Dakota EAF B-17 Cool Things: Damage to engnie shuts it down!!! FINALLY!!!! Some props will windmill, others grind to a stop -- nice touch!! Other issues: Cockpit (dash panel) on S-199 totally unreadable on med/high cockpit details. May need panel redone or something. TGAs for Mustang (needles and such) showing pinkish border (but they have for a while, so it's no biggie) Shadows on Mustang and Vampire wacked - easily fixed by going into main ini, and changing "CastShadow=" to FALSE. No biggie! Like CA_Stary said, it may be worth it create an Experimental Flight Testing Install for WW2 aircraft...which I will probably do next week, for S**ts and Grins As if I haven't enough to do.... Wrench kevin stein edit: ps: anyone notice that pilot pic #33 is Richard Bong???
  2. Don't forget, Mirage Factory has a whole new one coming out, at some point in the future. Wrench kevin stein
  3. Nice Lloyd!! I have enhanced templates, if you're a needing them. Reminds me to finish off my A-24 Banshee....be nice to have to have to have it get shot down over New Gueinea. Easy to re-decals for Free French AF too. Wrench kevin stein
  4. I think there's a LOT of hidden imporvements in this patch. All the Migs/Sus, etc now have the "UseMetricUnit=TRUE" in their data inis, ALL the data ini got 2 new AI sections (StrafeAI, RocketAttackAI). The Hunters NOW carry their UK bombs --ok, I gotta know how they Friendly weapons to load on ENEMY aircraft!!! -- Interestering to note, it didn't remove the cockpits from the 17,19,21s or Hunters. It just replace the main ini (as all patches do), so it was a simple matter to just re add the lines down side: still no cockpit bits for the Hunter and SMBD/Sa'ar (again, not a real problem for Woe/SF/WoV owners) UP side: control/I !!! Engine shut down!!! Still exploring the various inis and such. Have to patch my Historic Mods install, and see how the prop planes act. So far, a good improvement. Wrench kevin stein
  5. Those with modded installs might find the information in this post (avalibable in the KB for the last several years) quite usefull: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=25880 Please direct your attention to item #12, down near the bottom. With thanks to Dave for coming up with the original post Wrench kevin stein
  6. I would most likely suspect so, given audio-only systems have been in use since WW2 (Mustang and Jug come to mind right off, plus the 'Boozer' lights on Mossies) Super easy to do -I should know, I 'invented' it!! --- ok that tutorial dosen't seem to be in the KB...I'll get a version up there ASAP (ie: as soon as I find where I put the notes....) Wrench kevin stein
  7. Been buzzing my house in SoCal map for a while!!!! Its fun!! Shoot, I'll even whip out a sign to place my NFG's house!! Wrench kevin stein
  8. I'm nearing the end of a rebuild of my rebuild of the Solomons Island upgrade, and i was wondering... as I often do.. Is there anyway to add trees ala Green Hell to this terrain?? It really could use some jungle!! It'sjust sooo...EMPTY! I know the naming conventions of the tiling is different from, say WoVs and CA_Stary's Green Hells, but is there a way to fake it, by renaming the TOD files (like can be done with the GermanyCE tiles, to add more city buidlings from Polaks tiles) Anyone have any thoughts on this matter??? Obviously, we want to avoid an complete terrain rebuild... Wrench kevin stein
  9. Thanks CA! It's being handled even as we speak ... The Master Tree Man himself has offered to help out, and it doing his "Johnny Appleseed"* bit. I can't wait to see the results! After I get the new bits, I'll have to go back and recheck the targets placements, but that's not big deal. Some things should be covered in trees (supply dumps, etc) Wrench kevin stein *mythical American figure, for our overseas friends; legend says he walked the lenght and breadth of the cournty, planting apple trees for all to enjoy.
  10. allen: oh, dopey me!!! If I'd looked into the "full all is everything" install, instead of my SWOTL install, I'd have seen it. Had it since it first came out. I'd totally forgotten about it!! I think a more expansive map would be great! Covering more of the northern regions and North Sea. Wrench kevin stein
  11. The terrain itself will be worth the download, trust me Wrench kevin stein
  12. It's theoretically possible to convert the WW2 Euro terrain for modern usage....just not sure about the airfield locations (which would be pretty easy to find) It would probably need retiling to create new airfield exclusion zones, given the fact the most of the WW2 airfields would be gone, and the newer 1950s and up bases take their place. On both sides. The scale is about right, too. Looks like it covers East Germany, parts of Poland, Czechoslovakia, and points in between. Aviono is even listed. Wrench kevin stein
  13. I spent over a half hour looking for that damn thing for Stick this afternoon...and I COULDN"T find it!!!! thanks LP! belive that s**t? couldn't even find my own turorial! Must be getting old.... Wrench kevin stein
  14. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Happy Birthday guys!!! I can tell ya, after 50, it's all down hilll (of course, I've been sagging since I was 30...) Wrench kevin stein
  15. Cockpit Toggle

    Stigr: be NICE!!! Behave, please. Ease back a bit, ok??? You've been pretty good lately, don't blow it!! Lot's of folks use it. It's just how many (including myself) fly sometimes. I don't do it all the time, but I do use it! (I guess it goes back to X-Wing, with the 'holographic' no-cockpit display) As to what you should see, you shouldn't see ANYTHING on the inside of the LOD (aircraft model). Like Tailspin said, only the gunsight and maybe the exhaust stream. Oh, and tracers and gunsmoke when you fire. Which aircraft, in particular, are having this issue?? Stock or 3rd Party?? Wrench kevin stein
  16. Seriously, we have this WHOLE HUGE Forum just up above, called "The Knowledge Base" It's something reccomended to all those new to these sims, to spend more than a little time browsing through. I keep trying to get the Admins to add a statement to the sign-up form, with something like this: "All our new members joining that are insterested primarily in the 3rd Wire series of Flight Sims are encourged to spend some time in the 3rd Wire Knowledge Base. It has the amassed know-how of over 5 years experience with these sims, plus answers to many of the Frequently Asked Questions, Fixes for Specific Problems and General Modding Information." or words to that effect. To answer the question of how many are available...my guess is over 350 aircraft (maybe closer to 400 now), of all types. You can find a listing (albeit not updated by me for a few months) here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21870 That thread also includes Ground Objects, Terrains, and other general nonsense. Might be worth a look? Wrench kevin stein
  17. There is only 1 TOD for the solomons, and I don't think its used as there are no rivers. (called BNRivrTR.tod) Buildings I can add via the targets ini (actually, this was already done on V.1 upgrade). I actaully like that better, even though its more time consuming, I have direct control over what type of building I have in a given city. I just want trees!!! Well, I've got it set up in the TE for flattening airfields, maybe I should have a go at it...shudder.... Now, to find Deuces trees tut!! Now, if I can just figure out why all the buildings at Rekata Bay Seaplane base just jumped into the ocean ... maybe I'll just move the 'runway' inshore a little more (one of 2 operational seaplance bases - gotta have something for the {almost done} Rufe to fly from!) Wrench kevin stein
  18. It can't be that hard. At worst, you have to create an 'enemy' base or target area in SVN. Something that dosen't necesssarly get targeted; ie - no value targets. You just need a target area for the start and end points, both on the same side. Something like this: (coordinates are just numbers tossed out) To really get clever, you could just put a NVA flag at the 0,0 point. That way you'd know its enemy. And then just build the movements ini statement from that. You'd probably have to create a 'network' of such sites, crossing into Laos and SVN from NVN, but again, it aint' that hard. Bunch near the DMZ, etc. EDIT: if you want to bring a little humor into an otherwise humorless situation, I could whip out a 'rest area' sign, like you see on the highways, with the 'gas, food, lodging, bomb shelter' symbols on it. Be a nice Easter Egg!! Wrench kevin stein
  19. They are incomplete. If you wait a little longer (a couple of months perhaps), new G & H models are in the works. In the meantime, you can alsway substitute the A-6 Intruder pit. Albeit FAAAAAR from a BUFF pit, it will get you something that works (of the F-111's for that matter) WRench kevin stein
  20. Nice pit. One wonder how much work would it entail to mod it for use in the Mig-27??? That IL-10 will be a great addition for Korean War era (and of course, Eastern Front WW2) Wrench kevin stein
  21. Making a new template off an existing skin isn't all that hard...it's just time consuming. Using multi-layers, you just add new panel and rivet lines, basic coloring, weathering and all the other various and sundry bits. How do you think I've done so many of the skins I've doing (albeit more WW2-ish), when a lot of these birds DON'T have templates available??? For that Oscar skin I just released, I had to make a new one, as I somehow lost my original...took me about 4-6 hours. Wrench kevin stein
  22. Fub is our resident expert on the subject. He knows the ins and outs of some of the more esoteric working better than probably any of us. Repetitive, yes. Annoying, naah. This just points me to make the sure the upgrades are available, which means updating the Pakso Paks (yet again!). I'll put in on my "Honey Do List"!! WRench kevin stein
  23. Can you post the contents of the main ini? We're just concerned with the top section, AircraftData This is mine, below: If it dosen't look like that (minus my hangar screen, of course)... Wrench kevin stein
  24. All this networking has already been done...have you checked the later version of Pakso's Pak I uploaded last year? Either the Euro or Desert, I disremember... Have you looked at the TMF weapons pak???? Lot's of stuff in there has been tweeked, including 4 new version of Chapparel, and upgraded HAWKs. And how hard could it possibly be, to just copy/paste the Network= line into the existing data ini, once the proper radar types are know??? Wrench kevin stein
  25. Can we assume you read the enclosed readme and followed those instructions to the letter??? What, in particular is the problem?? Not showing up?? Aircraft missing off the dropdown?? More info please! First off, check for double nested folder; ie: su-7/cockpit/cockpit. That happens a lot, which is why we reccomend unzipping to a temp folder. That way, you eliminate any problems that might occur when unzipping directley to the aircraft's folder. And makes it easier to just move the bits needed (ie: inis, cockpit folder, etc) Wrench kevin stein

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