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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. What Did You See Today?

    Dinosuars. Lots of dinosaurs. Went to the "Walking with Dinosaurs Live Show" Very VERY cool!!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. remove the 'automatic speed' references for the canopy. that way, it'll stay closed all the time known problem with that type of controler in WoI wrench kevin stein
  3. Calling Wrench

    Nice! But what's different about it from the one I did in 2007? Been on my site since March '07! And a GAF Spit 22!! (never did get the 'tulips' right, though) Wrench kevin stein
  4. Can you post the 'Cats main ini... example below is the stock F-14A, with no real changes (other then using my own home-grown Hangar screen) So, what we're looking for is these top lines from your F-14A.ini, F-14B.ini, and F-14D.ini Wrench kevin stein
  5. File Name: N1K1 Kyofu "Rex" by Pasko File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 Aug 2008 File Updated: 22 Aug 2008 File Category: Axis Fighters Kawanishi N1K1 Kyofu "Rex" Full Aircraft Replacement Pak This is Pasko's N1K1 Rex, the complete package. As the link is broked at his site, and it's dosn't seem availalbe to the General Masses ™, I've chosen to upload the entire aircraft, WITH my Update Pak already installed. Please consider this as a REPLACEMENT and enchacement of the Pak I uploaded yesturday. As stated, this IS the complete aircraft, lods, skins, inis, and cockpit (which comes from AD's Zero). This will simplify matters releated to installing it. -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- - This mod has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. This mod is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 style install of WoI, as it handles prop flight models in "an odd way". As usual, read the enclosed 'readme' for (for once!!!) simple install instructions!! BTW, as this is the complete aircraft, there are 2 readmes -- Pasko's original and the one for my update pak, but you can disregard it With deep thanks to Pasko for creating this aircraft for us, and all those that worked on it! Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  6. Stargate: Atlantis Cancelled?

    DON'T even get me started on ST:Enterprise!!! There were only 2 really good things on the show, and they were on Jolene Blalock!!!! yuuummmm!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. Stargate: Atlantis Cancelled?

    As much as I love the show (and SG-1 as well), I'm not surprised. Given the cost to make it and the plot lines kinda degenerating... Also, am I the only one that want to shoot Dr. Rodney McKay in the foot??? He's been getting sooooo much more annoying these last 2 seasons..... They should start writing in the line from SF:TNG (paraphrased here, of course) "Rodney, SHUT UP!" Wrench kevin stein
  8. Complete aircraft uploaded! Enjoy all!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. I don't know how to fix it, but the voyer in me sure appriciates the picture of carrier's mating.... Wrench kevin stein (admitted perv)
  10. I stand corrected....got this little surprise from Capun via my email inbox this morning.... (I just love that linked animtion that opens the canopy!) Now, I just need to bug him to send me the lined map for the floats; they're a 'weapon' -ie, a non-jettisonable fuel tank; which they also were in Real Life ™. Then I can reskin it. Might have to create 2 floats; one in the whiteish finish and the other IJN green camo. That means 2 lods and bmps, but thats a very simple hex edit. Very very pleased, and VERY surprised! Now, to collect artwork for the hangar/loading screens...now where did I put that realy good Kioke print.... Wrench kevin stein
  11. In fact, I emailed him about the Rufe yesturday. Unfortunately, we aren't working on one. And it's not like we could just stick the float assemblies onto AD's Zeke. However... (please excuse the untexured floats -- I'd forgotten to update this version to the newer lod, that has the floats mapped & skinned -by me!) The Rex sits slightly higher UP, due to Pasko's genius of adding a 'retractable beaching gear' (ie: small wheels) No pic as I forgot to take one, sorry. Even as we speak, I've testing some ideas for operational seaplane bases. The only drawback with them is, the game engine WILL consider them valid airports for land based birds, too. Expecially in single missions. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Use the cat extractor, man. There's about, I don't know, 50 or 60 or more individual files in the WoE objects cat. Maybe including the cockpit bits. What about just d/load the stock A-4F from here or 3rd wire?? Might save some time Wrench kevin sten
  13. What it sound like, is he's using the WRONG weapons editor (or the outdated one). For SF/WoV/WoE, use ONLY the one that comes in the Bunyap Wapons Pak of 6/06. For First Eagles and WoI, use ONLY the new one, dated 2/20/08. BOTH are avilable here in our conviently located Downloads Section. As are the 2 Weapons Paks. (Bunyap and Mirage Factory) If you use the wrong one, or the OLD one, for SF/WoV/WoE you WILL blow up your weaponsdata ini. And as to the above statement about editing the individual aircarft's data and loadout inis, there are 2 whole Forums covering just that, upstairs in the Knowledge Base. His method is not only over-the-top excessive, but in many ways, dead wrong. You don't need to add every stinking weapons type to get an aircraft to work. That's why the 'loadout.ini' exists for every stinking aircraft! You tailor your loads for mission specific usage. As do you for the data ini weapon station callouts. This question is showing up more than once a week for the last several months ... folks, haul it over to the Knowledge Base, and look around. Most of the questions have already been answered. If not, THEN ask! Now, mind you, the KB is kinda hard to navigate (and we're working on that), so at worst, you have to look in each section. Just a few minutes more of you time...and maybe worth the investment as who knows what else you might discover! Wrench kevin stein
  14. Perhaps you could find it in the Bunyap Weapons Pak??? Wrench kevin stein
  15. I'll get it uploaded sometime tommorrow. What I'll probably do, is replace THIS upload with the full aircraft and the modified data/loadout inis. So folks won't need a double download. oddly, there ARE several dead links (Yak-3RD that I tested), and some active (not dead? Undead? working??) Pasko had and still has, a LOT of good things he created for the 3rdWire series. Unfortunately, a equal number never got finished (Bear fer instance, Spit 9) Wrench kevin stein
  16. Have you pulled the desert_targets ini and desert_types inis from the Desert.cat, and added the ships??? Obviously, with them sitting in their assigned stations off the coast (meaning- at the carrier stations defined in the targets ini), they probably won't appear. Also, they'll need adding to the types ini. Just like any other terrain object The tool you need is the Cat Extractor tool, available in our downloads section -since 2004!!!. I'm absolutely amazed to don't already have it. It's the single most usefull thing EVER created for this game series. Wrench kevin stein
  17. Darwin (WW2) Update Pak



    Darwin (WW2) Terrain Upgrade: For WW2 PTO mods SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY- This mod is a relatively simple upgrade to Edward's WW2 Darwin terrain. What I've done is added LOTS of new targets to the existing target areas, and replaced at least one airfield, on each side, with a repainted "desert airfiled 1", which is now a medium dirt runway. The 'new' target areas are enhancements of already existing ones -- I've just added some more things here and there to make it look a little more populated. There are a couple of new parked planes, based of existing ones, hex-edited and reskinned for their proper users. This is a fairly 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak. It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line, or down below for full instructions) New planning maps (all 3) have been created; only the #3 map has the cities listed on it, to keep #1 & 2 fairly 'clean'. You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- make sure you have the barges (get both, they're needed in the GO folder), the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well. Hinchbrooke has some very nice Royal Navy battleships. <wink> However, you DO get a new PT Boat. The lods and skin bmps come from Edwards Solomons Terrain; I just built an half-assed data ini for it to add one more little ship. It is also reccomended that you have installed CA_Stary's WW2 hangars and buildings. They have a nice worn green wood-ish texture, and look really good in the PTO theatre! I have, also, included the original data ini with it's terrain and water effects activeated (Vista user take note!! -more for you below). I HAVE tested the map with both Brain32's tiles, and CA_Stary's "Green Hell'' mods; it is NOT set up for their use, and if you choose to install either of them, you do so at your own risk (not that anything bad would really happen...). See "Notes and Comments below for more". While they do greatly enhance the visual eye candy, there are several issues due to target placements. As stated above, the data ini has been upgraded to the latest standards. Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = == MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK FOR THE WW2 WEAPONS!! == Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. In essence, READ the readme!!! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein yeah, I know it's the same picture as the Original Map upload...you all know me, too lazy to take another screenie! :yes:
  18. What the....????? ok, obviously wrong forum, and probably wrong site! Wrench kevin stein
  19. N1K1 Kyofu "Rex" by Pasko



    Kawanishi N1K1 Kyofu "Rex" Full Aircraft Replacement Pak This is Pasko's N1K1 Rex, the complete package. As the link is broked at his site, and it's dosn't seem availalbe to the General Masses ™, I've chosen to upload the entire aircraft, WITH my Update Pak already installed. Please consider this as a REPLACEMENT and enchacement of the Pak I uploaded yesturday. As stated, this IS the complete aircraft, lods, skins, inis, and cockpit (which comes from AD's Zero). This will simplify matters releated to installing it. -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- - This mod has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. This mod is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 style install of WoI, as it handles prop flight models in "an odd way". As usual, read the enclosed 'readme' for (for once!!!) simple install instructions!! BTW, as this is the complete aircraft, there are 2 readmes -- Pasko's original and the one for my update pak, but you can disregard it With deep thanks to Pasko for creating this aircraft for us, and all those that worked on it! Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Nicholas Bell's WOE NATO Air Defense Mod has the fixes (as well as most of the NATO HAWK sites); Mirage Factory's weapons pak has it, along with 4 new Chapparells -- worth getting; if using the Bunyap Pak, easy to import too. Wrench kevin stein
  21. I'm thinking even the bird's would be walking in that storm!!! Wrench kevin stein
  22. Watch the edge near Saigon ... it looks pretty close to THE WALL. Use whatever you needs. Don't forget, I've got Polaks' PTO object Pak, too. (many items are in the recent upgrades). Unfortunately, I don't think it can be uploaded...but since there's bits and dribbles in my terrain paks... Check the Okinawa or New Guinea upgrade paks, the Runway 7 (IIRC) is a dirt-paved Runway 6. The dirt Runway 1 is, of course, Runway 1. You can always substitue any other of the Medium runways (2, 5, 6). Other wise, you into hex editing and bmp/tga renaming. Speaking of Saigon, maybe you can get away with just using Runway 4 (the V-crossing, Large Airfield) The Balkipan Oil Fields are going to be quite interesting to build...my oil field layout may not be of any use here, and you may have to do it the hard way...by single objects (rrruuugggh!!! blah! - I've been doing this at Boela) BTW, I've just made a small tweek to the Rex (fixed loadout, and rudder pivot). It already has the skin for the squadron tasked with defending the oil fields. And I have a fairly nice layout for a seaplane base. Of course, we can't actually take off and land on water....but it makes a nice Allied target. Wrench kevin stein
  23. Make sure you leave enough space in the airfield exclusion zones for the larger runways, for "modern times" conversions.!!! Ran into that with the WW2 Darwin conversion to the Modern Darwin!! Also, I think it'd be a VERY good idea to have at least one large/medium runway for each side (as I've been doing with the WW2 map tweeks). This assures the lack of a CTD with the 'aircraftformation.dll' fault. Many of the bombers need a MEDIUM or LARGE runway, and the game either CTDs or the birds do a 'driving Miss Daisy' wander around on the ground. If you need my repaved, unpaved strips, let me know. (Runway 1 and Runway '7' from New Guines and Okinawa) Wrench kevin stein edit: is that Krakatoa Island I see in the Sunda Strait??? Damn, we need a 'smoking volcano effect'!!!
  24. You mean this one? No timeframe for release...it's a VERY early beta stage. Would be perfect for those early days in the Philippines, the retreat down to Celebes/Java/Indonesia and into Australia. Conversley, it should be fairly easy to convert the F into a Late Model E, with the Sperry remote-controled turret replaced by the Benidix ball turret. Lacking the proper framing on the nose bubble, but I'm working on that too...I have many ideaers. Reccomened Reading: Ragged, Rugged Warriors by Martin Caiden Incredible Victory by Walter Lord Flying Buccaneers by Steve Birdsall Flying Forts by Martin Caiden been collecting this stuff since the mid-1960s Wrench kevin stein
  25. No s**t!!! It's been 5+ days, and I've recieved nothing so far. THREAD HIJACK ON Speaking of repurposing, I 'repurposed' the Liberty into a seaplane tender. Now all I need are static Emilys, Mavis (Mavisi?) Rufes, Petes, Jakes, and a couple others to populate the seaplane bases I just added for the Darwin (WW2) rebuild THREAD HIJACK, OFF Wrench kevin stein

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