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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Gepard: using the external cat pointer line as well creates the anomilies??? I shouldn't, what with using one of the Original 3 Terrain Cats...as they're not patched yet, and all the 'goodies' reside IN the terrain folder (minus the cat of course) This is something I've not seen yet...guess I'll just move over the terrain and have a look see... Wrench kevin stein
  2. Hey, Brain! I actually started looking at it late day-before-yesturday. Worked onit all day yesturday. I gotta tell ya, them new tiles are utterly fantastic!! And the trees!!!!! And the rivers!! Finally, an almost totally accurate depiction of Penninsula!! I stopped work (temporarially) on the Modern Korea rebuild of FNG2K/Edwards version, which is about 85% complete I've started re-targetizing it, moving/changing stuff around, adding targets. I even finagnled a few 'new' tods for the cities, "borrowed" from another map and renamed to have high-rise buildings at Seoul, and general smaller buildings on the other city tiles. I may not be able to re-tile things, but I work around my limitations (to a point!!) My first question is: what era are we shooting for??? 1950-1959 (pre SAM, Korean War Era) or Later, 1960-to present. Depending on the time frame 'required', it may be better to have 2 variants of the map (simply done by renaming of main files ie: Korea.TFD and KoreaMOdern.TFD; essentially the same map, but 2 complete units, with differing targets inis -- for modern, there's a LOT more NK air bases to add, which would mean re-tiling for airfield exclusion zones for at LEAST 5-10 (approx) target areas, including the Yongbyon Nuclear Center, Yukate Dong Naval Base, the northern army camp (at the tri-border region), Osan AFB, and several other places. (all of which are on the above mentioned rebuild) OR, using the ActiveYear= line, have the SAM and other missile defense batteries placed, but inactive (expecially true for the SA-5 unit near Kaesong) btw, you forgot Kimpo!!! I've added it, but it'll need an exclusion zone, as its southeren end is now camoflagued in a forest! Some cities (Suwon fer instance), might get the "large urban module" treatment; same with Fukuoka near Itazuke. As is stands now, I'm looking at a more 1950s type of targets layout. Again, it all depends on what you guys want! Right now, I've put every other project on hold, and am starting to concentrate on this version. Let me know how/what direction it should go... Wrench kevin stein
  3. Dosen't that automatically happen at high sub-C velocites??? Wrench kevin stein
  4. I just copied the pictures out of the book!! I have NO idea how they should be really spelled!! I have enough problems with plane English! The books are in Japanese, with -most fortunately- English captions for the pictures. BTW, that ejection warning don't even show up when you put it on the plane. I used on the Dora 9 and Ta-152; all you can see is a little red square (if that!). There's also a bunch of other I did't use, simply because you'd never see them at the usual resolutions. I also forgot to put in the readme, what actual books I used Aero Detail #1: Bf-109E (although less than no help!) Aero Detail #2 Fw-190D Aero Detail #5: Bf-109G Aero Detail #6: Fw-190A-F Hope you all can make SOME use of them! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Allrighty then.... as promised, here's a zip of the pdf of the ATOP 1946 expansion manual. Mind you, when I had the wife scan this to PDF, she did it sideways, so you'll have to rotate the view in Adobe. Here you go: Aces of the Pacific: WW2 1946 Manual <-- linky thingy! enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  6. Version


    Some stencils for skinning WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft These are some psds I created for 'doing up' all those bothersome warning tags and labels and general info stuff as seen on the Bf-109s and Fw-190s. They can probalby be used on just about any WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft needing or using them. The various 'thingys' consist of the fuel triangles, oleo extension marking, tire pressures, lift points and other servicing bits. They were taken via the 'export picture' function in Adobe PDF from various and sundry Aero Detail books I have on PDF. They are QUITE large, and will require downsizing to fit on your aircraft skin template. I disremember how far down, but for the most part they DO remain viewable on a 1024x1024 skin. Best way to do this, is copy out the section (they're all invidual layers), drop it onto the skin template, guesstimate the shrinkage, delete THAT item, and then copy/paste into a NEW image, then reduce it in size, and copy/paste the newly resized unit onto the skin template. Lots of unnecessary steps, I'm sure! :) If you're used to working with multiple layers, it's pretty easy! Happy Stencling! Wrench kevin stein
  7. Sept 11th 2001

  8. My god!!! Did it really look that crappy back in those days?? Have we progressed that far in graphics??? Stratos, I'll try the zip up the pdf, and shoot you (or anyone else that want's it) a link. Wrench kevin stein
  9. Been there, done that. You'll see it when DS finally get released (SCUD TELs set as "TRANSPORT" for AR missions). I was keeping it a secret, for a surprise. Easy to do, just as you outlined above! Quite fun, and VERY dangerous with AFVs/APCs Wrench kevin stein
  10. We would need a totally new terrain stretching from the Kuriles in the north all the way down to Iwo in the south, and as far west as central china (assuming no one wants to fly from Tinian/Guam/Saipan in their 29s -- and Iwo is needed as the base for 8th AF bombers -17 & 24s- transfered from Europe). How far east is up for grabs... at least 3-400 miles to have empty ocean -and a nice buffer zone to keep The Wall at bay- for CVTFs. Going even futher north to the Aleutians would be cool as well, staging out of some the island bases and attacking Hokido (sp?) and the big bases at Paramushiro. Definately keep Korea in there; lots of IJAAF squadrons based over there. We'd still need the Ki-83, J7W (which IIRC, Geo was working on at one time?) and F2G Corsair..... The 2 Karyu variants could stand-in for the Kikka, along with Shusui. But we're still missing some other historical players: Jack, Tojo, Helen, and a couple other that I dis-remember... Having played ATOP: WW2 46 (and having converted the manual to pdf so it don't get lost), I have a great deal of knowledge on this 'what if' scenario. But, yeah, it would entail a HUGE amount of work....the terrain alone, and targetizing it could take months. Doable? Absolutely!! Who's gonna do it??? Don't have a clue! Wrench kevin stein
  11. All the info you need is avilable at this link: Click ME --->Dev A-Team Forum and Files Polices<--- I'm a Link! Wrench kevin stein
  12. It's a known bug in WoI on "automatic speed contol'' built into the data ini. I don't know if there's ever been a fix posted for it. Other than remming out the section in question (best done for canopies) You could try reversing the values: [swingwings] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=300.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=300.0 MaxDeflection=30.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=1.0 AnimationID=1 Which, unfortunately, on the Talon (shown above) are the same. Or change them to manual control, via an animation key assignment. OR try substituting the information from TMF's Tomcat...as it seem sllightly different in application, adjusting speeds as needed .... Note there's some MAJOR differences in HOW it's done... Basic info should be there, you'll just need to spend time getting the correct mesh names. Asking Zur for assistance might be a super good idea as well.... Wrench kevin stein
  13. When did you start modding...

    Whenever Jane's ATF first came out.... Wrench kevin stein
  14. Any chance of getting it uploaded here at CA??? I've had all kinds of slowness trying to get it from across the pond (and the whole damn American continent!!! Just wondering, as I released an IsrealME HAWK & AAA defense upgrade last year, what's different? PLEASE tell me new models!!! New SA-**s!!! The originals HAVE been acting a little funny of late... Wrench kevin stein
  15. From the readme enclosed in the I2_upgrade pak: One of the reasons I write extreamly detailed, step-by-step instructions, with full explinations.... So, still, what exacty IS the question??? Wrench kevin stein
  16. Mistal!!!! It does open some questions as to how the take-offs would be done....hmmmmm...... Sure have to up the max weight on the that centerline station!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. I did 'something' like that in the So Cal map, at the Nike batteries...when the Nikes reach their end-0f service date, HAWK unit take their place. edit: remembe, the Roland (mroland) is set as a MOBILE_AAA, and automatically appears AS a AAA unit after is start of service year. Alternatively, you could do something like this (note, copied right from SoCal, so postion is incorrect for desert map and D2 airfield. You'll have to find your own location) Change Position= to match 2 units, seperated by ActiveYear= date Change to... Of course, you could always use the Rapier battery layour from the Falklands mods targets ini, too. This one above is just for a 'view the thing'. But you get the general idea, I hope! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Opps..sorry Brain! Forgot it was your project to begin with! Shouldn't the targets just import straight over?? Or are there placement issues due to the additional trees??? I have an early version here, and was actualy looking at it yesturday (albeit with the Modern Target layouts). A lot of the cities and airfields ARE covered with with trees....target placement is MY fault in those cases. After I finish the Solomons (waiting for new trees too!), and finishing off the Modern Korea, I promised Ghostrider883 I'd try and start on the Kashmir (Indo-Pak) terrain for targetization...plus all the other little projects (skins, plane mods etc. NOTE TO SELF: finish readme for Rufe, and release) Wrench kevin stein
  19. Could you make that question a little less confusing please??? I can't make heads or tails outta what you asking... wrench kevin stein
  20. You'll have to ask CA_Stary; he was redoing it (completly retiled, all new trees, lots of goodies and such). I just went back to my rebuild for Modern Korea, but since it's been a while, I have to figure out where I left off!!! btw, watch out for the SA-5 battery near Kaesong (where a REAL one exists!) That bitch can target and shoot at you whilst still over Seoul!!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. Russians never got Mustangs....that I've ever heard of. Now Hurricanes...that's another story. From what I've read, the Yak-3 was just as good as our 'stangs, only minus the range. I'll have to "create" a new template for the 25 (for whatever version they used), we don't have a P-40K/N (square back windows), Bostons/Havoc won't be a problem, as are the Luftwaffe birds (got all the templates for the 109 and 190s). 110s will need a template made... I think Allen has some Heinkel 111s already done up??? And don't forget my Pu-2 "Little Stinker" stand-in for Po-2...that'll be easy to rebadge. btw, those blue/red stars are availabe over at simmerspaintshop in their downloads section. I think they're originally for IL-2, but a psd is a psd is a psd...it don't know where it's going! Wrench kevin stein
  22. OR make sure specific types ONLY are called out in the targets ini (of course, making sure they're also listed in the types ini). IE: (just a kinda generic display) example types entry (actaully, from Modern Korea) Works fine for me! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Hell yes!!!! Bring 'em on!! Wrench kevin stein
  24. extract/edit nations ini....place in proper folder extract/move decals...place in proper folder edit decal inis on *whatever* aircraft needing them or wait for patch???? No guaranties SF/WoV/WoE will get them. Wrench kevin stein
  25. F4-E in the news

    kct: ooopppyss!!! typo! Ya'd think I know how to spell it by now, having spent all day working on the Korea map.... Wrench kevin stein

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