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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Runway's too small And... Besides, historically, they were E models. Gs never served in the PTO, and the Fs were withdrawn by mid-43. Historically, there should also be a V-type crossing runway on Sand Island, of Runaway 4 type -which is the ONLY airfield classed as LARGE (or cheating and using 2 crossing Runway6 or Runway 2, but these are only MEDIUM) gotta read them inis!! WRench kevinstein
  2. Easy answer... DON'T!!! Too damn many mountians on the Iruns map for Alt-N. You WILL run into them everytime. And the Kosovo map... pffffhhtt! Even Dave (who built it) says it a piece of carp. I know a new one is building. The Iruns/Irag map rebuild is 95% complete, I just need someone to retile and redo some sections around Teheran ... the terrain there is all wrong, and needs the sea added. Targets (excepting for minor tweeking needed by retilng) is 99.8% complete. Wrench kevin stein
  3. Super!! Be a great place for those NEI skins we have, too!!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Are the AI's engaging with them??? That's the hard part.... That skin ain't all that bad! Did you finally get it unwarpped and templated? I also have the 'Detail and Scale" on the Duece on pdf, if that'll help; but that sure can't beat Mike's Real Life ™ AF manual!!! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Help, No Bombs in FE

    Looks like a little opppsy here... Let's move this to the First Eagles Forum, where it belongs!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. FC: i may have figured that out, but havn't gotten back to it yeti. May have to use the same cheat as on the Scorpion. I may have to 'hide' the rockets inside the fuelseage, as close to the doors as possible. It may look funny from the outside, but in the cockpit, it shouldn't make a difference. Meaning, they won't sit in their launch racks. Wrench kevin stein
  7. AB animations or AB flames??? There's a big difference. So, which is it??? If it's the flames, you can swap it out for another in the Engine section. OR...look in the downloads section for the Foxbat's AB tga fix. Wrench kevin stein
  8. Don't forget, too, that China and Darwin are now in the shop for 'eye candy' upgrades. With any luck, Darwin will be ready this week; it didn't need as much work as China. After those, I my revist my Solomons upgrade, now that I know more, and have more objects to use (with undying thanks to Polack and CFS2's AF Midway Group) Wrench kevin stein
  9. Amount of objects isn't a problem...I belive TK said the max possible may be 999. I've personelaly never gone over 250. I didn't have any problems getting the Abrams and Bradley to show up on the DS map.... Same with the T-72s at Iragi bases (no pic, sorry) It has got to be a numbering issue somewhere. You are flying within the operational years of the tanks?? Wrench kevin stein EDIT: take a closer look at Target053...I think that's your problem
  10. I'm gonna re-sticky this, and new folks might not want to go hunting for it. Wrench kevin stein
  11. Ok, I got lucky with the 'attachment thingy' yesturday...let's see how today goes.... Here's the lod and bmp for the T-6 gun paks. I've included the weaponsdata, but it should alreayd be in the BunyPak, weapon #660 WRench kevin stein
  12. It totally sounds like you're missing MOST -if not all- the needed items for running a WW2 PTO install There are only 2 AAA units available for the IJ Forces in ALL the PTO mods (not counting the FE based IJA_AAA machine gunner) Type 88, 75mm and Type 96, 25mm That all there be. The Allies get a larger choice: 20mm Bofors 3.7in UK (both free standing and 'emplaced' - sandbag revieted) M-16 Quad 50cal Half-trak M-55 Quad 50 (if data in modified for WW2 -which it should be!) US 90mm (based of Pasko's KS-19) and the BrowningAAA (based off the FE WW1 mg gunner) As to the Peashooter, the 30cal M-2 is a stock weapon -- you shouldn't have had ANY problems with that one. Just for a 'point of order', you DO have a seperate install of (insert game name here -EXCEPT WoI!!!) for your PTO install, correct?? Do you have the Bunyap Weapons Pak installed? Have you added the necessary weapons -there's a butt-load of Japanese/Nazi Germany add-ons in the Dev A-Teams aircraft, not just bombs/torpedos, but guns as well. Most, hopefully, were/are included in the Bunyap Pak. More info is requred, and requested. Wrench kevin stein
  13. Have you tried recalibrating the stick in the Windows Control Panel? Have you set your default contorls in the game, via the OPTIONS panel on the main game 'start page'?? Meaning, set up all the 'switchology'??? Hope you kept a backup copy of that data ini!! That's something (expecially the flight model data) that should never be touched. Also, did you install NF to the right game??? It only works in WoE. Telling us which verison of the sim is faulting, might help in diagnosing the problem. And what stick you're using. Wrench kevin stein
  14. Reintailze the SA-3s via the weapons editor. IE: open, find the SA-3 (any/all), open the entry, "OK" click save. Do it for the HAWKs and Chapparells as well. also, be aware there are 2 listed Goa Quad launchers -- SA-3ML and SA-3QL -- which may be creating a problem. Reanme the SA-3ML.ini to xSA-3ML.ini, and the game engine will ignore it, and use the proper QL version. Unless you've added it to the types in, then you'll need to change that as well. Happened to me all the time whilst doing Libya. Strangely enough, working fine for Modern Korea. Wrench kevin stein
  15. RCKT is most definately a weapons class...how do you think I got the 2 Frescos (PF, PF SP-16) and the Scorpions to have their SP-5s and MMHEs??? It's also used for the HVARs and 60# rockets. There is no such thing as RCL. Veltro: flip the numbering around 001, 002, 003. See if that helps. I think they need to be in numberical sequence. You might need to swith the positons around, if they fire in a certain way (top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top) You might also run into the AI not using them (as before with the Fresco's and Scorpion) You may have to 'cheat' a little like I did. Wrench kevin stein
  16. Mine is set to use PropLoop2; although a C-130engnie would probably be better, IIRC, they use the same engine Try this one -- I don't remember where I got it from; it may be TMF from the MegaPak or Fubars or god knows who's!! Wrench kevin stein (hopefully this attachment thingy will work....)
  17. Have you tried the 'cockpit moves', via cockpit ini edits, to drop the switch panel out of sight? Lexx_Luthor is our resident expert on that sort of thing. There's a whole thread about it over on the 3rdWire forums (Stargetic Cockpits, or something like that. I am NEVER going to live down that typo!!!) Wrench kevin stein
  18. How strange is it that I'm one of the few NOT experiencing this oddity??? Now, mind you, my targets ini is NOT stock ... I added an new #1 target zone. But it worked fine, even before. I've sent Gepard a Care Package of all sorts of goodies ... he's probably hard a work adding them and seeing what's up with the exploding planes. I had a buddy that was there for a few weeks one night According to Kami, it REALLY is Midway to nowhere (well, that and when his P-3 squadron deployed to Wake which was worse! This was after his Hornet Squadorn was disbanded, and he transfered to Orions) Wrench kevin stein
  19. Perhaps this will be of assistance: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12230 You're experiencing the 'lack of a cat pointer line'. The above link should give you the answers The Knowledge Base is you friend (even if stuff seem overlery hard to find...damn...gotta get it reorgainzed...AGAIN!) Wrench kevin stein
  20. I had him make it for me, it should be in the IDF Harvard IF not, let me know and I'll get you the lods and ini bits. Wrench kevin stein
  21. File Name: WW2 Burma by Edward File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 Aug 2008 File Category: Terrains Edward's Orginal WW2 Burma Terrain As I may have mentioned before, there's a nicely updated readme file included, with various and sundry instructions that might make a interesting bit of reading. So cruise on through it; it fun, trust me!! The concludes the upload of Edwards Original WW2 Terrain Set. I extend my undying gratitude to Edward for creating them in the first place, and the massive interest from all the playas, not just us WW2 Junkies. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein PS:yes, I know that screenie shows the GH mod -- I don't have the stock one loaded. But it's an interesting shot, nonetheless! Click here to download this file
  22. WW2 Burma by Edward



    Edward's Orginal WW2 Burma Terrain As I may have mentioned before, there's a nicely updated readme file included, with various and sundry instructions that might make a interesting bit of reading. So cruise on through it; it fun, trust me!! The concludes the upload of Edwards Original WW2 Terrain Set. I extend my undying gratitude to Edward for creating them in the first place, and the massive interest from all the playas, not just us WW2 Junkies. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein PS:yes, I know that screenie shows the GH mod -- I don't have the stock one loaded. But it's an interesting shot, nonetheless!
  23. True. But I couldn't have done it without you first figuring out how to do for the Frescos!!! It was a Stargetic Achievment!!! Wrench kevin stein
  24. No, that's Bunyap's Burd http://www.bunyap2w1.com/ scroll down near the bottom, and you'll find it. Wrench kevin stein
  25. File Name: WW2 China by Edward File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 Aug 2008 File Category: Terrains Edward's Original WW2 China Terrain I've added an expanded notes and install instructions section to his original readme - as usual, read it! Please! Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein Ps: the screenie should be considered 'generic', as you can see, I've used a different tile set. Just to show a WW2 Chinese aircraft (not yet released, btw - still working out a issue) Click here to download this file

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