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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. HERE HERE!!! I"ll be getting the others: Darwin China Okinawa Burma Solomons up over the weekend. Mind you, they aren't 100% original, as I made some very small changes in the types inis (mostly capitalizing the "P" in "parked someairplaneoranother", and activating the Terrain Effects in the various data inis. The usual instructions for those poor SOBs with Vista will be included, as is the usual "How To Use The Cat Pointer Line" , as seen in all my terrain upgrades. No eye candy has been added ... yet. (actualy, I'm going to redo my Solomons redo, now that I have Polak's PTO objects). Darwin could use some more 'vegitation', as could Solomons (green hell maybe???*), and I'll be adding some Parked Spitfires, as they're super easy to reskin. Wrench kevin stein * maybe not....different tile naming conventions ... it dosent use the VietnamSEA tiles, but the "BN" style....wonder if the trees are hidden in the TOD files....oh, CA_Stary.....
  2. Yes, it's called "editing the data and loadout inis" Exact procedures are outlined in the Knowledge Base. You might want to spend some time looking over all the posts in there. For now: Basic Aircraft Modding (Inis, Skins & Weapons Hardpoints) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=192 Wrench kevin stein
  3. The only thing different, or what I can add to that is, make sure the active year is the same as the ServiceStartYear= from the Abram's data ini. Same for any other 'parked vehicles' , excpeting truck or jeeps. GroundObjectType= MUST always match the folder name of the GO in question. Wrench kevin stein
  4. Looks like a defective Sea1.tga. Try swapping it out for another one, extracted from one of the terrain cats. Wrench kevin stein
  5. Baltika: I'd just straighten out the readme. Uploading it with the tiles creates a 33meg file!!! Also, I'm not sure WHO created them. One of the the readmes suggests they might be Deuces, so he'd need to be asked (unless he's signed the Freeware Accords Treaty or FAT ) Koushiro: Brother, whatever you think you gotta do, go ahead and do it. We've given you all the answers, all the pointers, everything except coming over there and actually doing the work for you. I'm sorry you can't get it working. Truely, we'd love to hear how it plays for you, from YOUR perspective (most of us being Westerners, and on the 'recieving end', historically speaking. Although, my father wasn't there unitl late 1944) Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be; hell, this took me 3 hours to sort out, and I'm one of the 'supposed' experts. During that time, I could have worked more on the WW2 China upgrade, finished off the 3rd Tony skin, and done more research for the Midway Zero I want to do. Wrench kevin stein ps: since I just uploaded the ENTIRE original Phillipine terrain, why don't you give that a try?? There's no honor in quiting, not when the annwers are just within reach.
  6. oh my....that's NICE detail!!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. RATS!!! I guess us moderators don't have the "move to another area" option in our control panel. I guess an Admin has to do it. Looking at the panel, YOU do have the option to delete or edit, unfortunatley not to move (you're in the same leaky boat as the rest of us ) Of course, you can always delete it, and reupload it the correct thingy. Let's see, first, if one of the Admins won't take care of it for us first, before taking drastic measures. Wrench kevin stein
  8. I'll consider the request..... ok, that's long enough. I'll upload what I can find -- mind you, I'll have to dig for the original, unmodified versions!!! Thank The Maker for exteranal HDs!!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. NO, the instructions MAKE perfect sense, if you had followed them. BUT -- and I have to point a finger at Baltika here- he forgot some very simple instruction lines... "You MUST have the original Phillipines Islands Terrain to create a copy of, to install THIS mod to. Terrain Tiles are NOT included. You WILL need to copy over all the bmp, tga, and tod files from the Original Phillipines terrain folder. OR create a copy of the original Phillipines terrain folder, rename it 'Phillipines1941, then install all the inis and bits from this package" The original PI map, had ALL the terrain tiles necessary included in it's zip. Now, in the vein of finger pointing, if YOU had posted a screen shot of what what happening, we could have figured this out a looooooooooooong time ago. I'm assuming, that in game, it looks like this? Exhibit A - no terrain tiles And it should look like this... Exhibit B, with terrain tiles, albit from the VietnamSEA.cat. You want to get it to work, haul it over the downloads section, and grab an alternate Vietnam tile set. That's all you need to get it going. Next time, DO try and take screenies and post them. It really helps in diagnosing problems. Wrench kevin stein ps: you owe me one now!!!
  10. I just had a thought....for the 1941 version, are the TFD and HFD files renamed to match the ini?? ie: Phillipines1941.ini Phillipines1941.TFD Phillipines1941.HFD To create a 'copy' terrain, ALL the files must be renamed. This would include the movement, dogfight, briefing, data, etc. I've done this a few times, experimentating with creating alternate terrains (ie: like a winter EAW or Summer Korea) The ini 'guts' I posted above is for the STOCK PI terrain, not the 1941 version. Although, the cat pointer info is usable for everything Not having the 1941 Campaing set in front me is hampering the answers. Be back in a few. Wrench kevin stein
  11. Version


    Edward's Original WW2 Phillipines Terrain I've added an expanded notes and install instructions section to his original readme -- I highly suggest giving it a very close look. Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  12. You don't need WoV. You don't need Strike Fighters. You need to have the proper cat pointer in the terrain's main ini, in this case the Phillipines.ini ALL my WW2 installs are in WoE, and I don't have any problems. Try this -- back your original Phillipines.ini. Rename it something simple, like "ori_Phillipnes.ini" Do it as a "save as..." so you still have the orginal copy usable Copy/paste the data below OVER the existing data in the original (NOT backuped) Phillipines.ini: This is right out of MY PI.ini You'll note the commented out sections that point to the other stock terrain cat files. This one is set to use the WoE GermnayCE.cat. It works perfectly. I don't know what else to tell you...somewhere along the line you're either NOT following instructions, or goofing it up somehow. Post what you're ini says. You're also quite inclear as to EXACTLY what malfunction you're experiencing....CTDs?? Error messages? Missing ground items??? Wrench kevin stein
  13. Gepard: please check PMs. There's a package waiting for you! Typhoid: what planes in particular???? Wrench kevin stein
  14. The PI terrain is avialabe at AvSim. Baltika mentioned below, in the Battle of the PI thread. If I remember, I'll try to upload my original, unmodified version sometime. You might need to register to get access to the downloads section at AvSim, but it's free and painless. And worth it! Some mods from The Beginning of Time are over there.... Remember To: Just because no one answers with the 2 1/2 hours between posting don't mean there isn't an answer; don't forget the time difference in differnt parts of the world. For me, I'm 8 hours behind Europe; I can't remember the difference from Caifornia to Japan??? What is it??? 14 hours, and the next day? (being on the other side of the Date Line from me) Patience, my brother! Most answers come with a day or so!! BTW, how good are your 'adding text to a bmp' skills??? I might tap you to translate some cockpit labels into Japanese for that stand-in Hurricane pit I'm using on the Ki-61. You game??? (being the only person I know that speaks Japanese!) Wrench kevin stein
  15. Kuk, download my "shipwreck" terrain object. There's a little illustrated tutorial in how to place ground objects. (Pfunk and I have been discussing this in the "Mission and Campaigns Forum below"). While geared towards placing the shipwreck, the procedures are the same. Basically, it involves extracting the HUDData.ini from the one of the Fllight Cats, and setting the ]Debug[ section to TRUE. I use this in ALL my HUDData.ini; makes it easy to switch back and forth: [Debug] DisplayDebug=FALSE //DisplayDebug=TRUE This way, I just comment or uncomment the needed line Then locate the offset where you want the item to go, then adding it to the targets ini (in this case, it sounds like you'll want the GermanyCE_targets.ini). You add the lines at the end (unless changing out an existing object - like switching out the water tower for a Flag) For something generic, you'll add something like this, were *** in the next number in sequence You can even specificy a certain TYPE of weapon, 'AAA' will just use whatever the game engine wants. If you wanted a ZSU there, just enter "ZSU-23" into the Type= section. Remember, whatever you want placed, other than generic AAA, has to have an entry in the ***_types ini. I know for a fact, NEITHER the ZSU-57 or 23 is listed, so you'd need to add them to the GermanyCE_Types.ini That entry would look like this, where *** is the next number in sequence: I always use 100 for % of Secondary, as it makes for nice burning smoke clouds over the target area. To add an complete airfield itself, you need the main coordinates, located via the Debugged display, the complete WoE_cities.ini (as you'll need to add the new airfield to it), the HFD and TFD files (might be in the GermanyCE.cat), the Terrain Editor, and do the flattinging airfiled bit. It can get a little involved. Let me know if you need more help Wrench kevin stein
  16. I don't have Taz's E/F installed, but this is from Zur's stock F model: There dosen't seem to be any callout for "reverse mode orientation" or whatever its called. Try using this data, and see what happens. I'll install his and see what I can see with...got them unzipped and stored around here somewhere! Wrench kevin stein
  17. Happy Birthday Tailspin

    Congrats Gents!!! Raise on for me!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Been there, done that, got the bullet holes to prove it!!! One of the first sims I ever played was "Megafortress", based on the Dale Brown books. You HAD to fly the entire mission from take off to landing ... they could run several hours, even with +Time engaged. It can be a little boring at times, especially those long over water flights Wrench kevin stein
  19. Stiglr: sigh.... Actually, THAT comment was unnecessary. You've been playing pretty nice, so just be cool. If you actually played the game, or payed attention to what's been discussed over the last 5 years, you'd find all the stock, and many of the 3rd party maps, are 60-63% of Real Life ™. It's the difference between a mile and kilometer; since the game engine is calibrated in Metric. Remember, "Sim Lite"???? Wrench kevin stein
  20. All my stuff is in WoE ... as it's internal to a terrain folder, it really dosn't care where it goes!! As long as all the bits are listed in the pertinant ***_types ini. Doncha just love how adaptable this game engine is??? Wrench kevin stein
  21. File Name: Ki-61 Tony, 105 Sentai Skin & Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 14 Aug 2008 File Category: Japanese Air Force and Navy Kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony", Skin and Ini Pak, For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs 8/11/08 This package contains a cockpit ini modification and a reskin of the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 "Tony" . You MUST have the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 Tony, and it's suggested also Christian59's "Tony Family Package" before installing this mod, as without it, this does you no good!! Right now, it's set for use on Christian's Ki-61-Im (Mauser Cannon Equiped) Tony, but can be used on any of his new versions, as they all share the same LOD. A simple edit of the decals ini is all that it will take. Having the Hurricane 1 would be a good idea too, as the new cockpit ini will need it! The skin is based off the original IJAAF Natural Metal and Camos, and was built from a new template created off the original skins. All new panel, rivet lines, and other details were drawn by me, but still based off Gramps' original. The tail Chutai marking is a decal. Decals for all 3 Chutai's are included, so you can create 3 seperate skin folders for 105 Sentai, and have the full group. See "To Create the Full Sentai" in the Install Instructions below. It represents aircraft of 105 Sentai, 1 Chutai, mid 1945 timeframe, as seen over the Home Islands. This aircraft is finished in overall Medium Green, with Natural Metal undersides. The 'white bandage' Home Defense surrounds on the upper wing and fuselage Hinomarus were not shown in any of my profiles, so I didn't do them.. This template is also available, upon request, for other skinners to use. See "Notes & Comments" for more info. A new cockpit ini is supplied, based of Kesselbrut's Hurricane Mk.1, with adjusted pilot postioning, and recalibrated to use the Metric Unit system. While not perfect; the instrument layout is far to Western (and still in English), it's a workable substitute. (this is just in case you didn't get it with the 19 Sentai Tony Skin Pak). BTW, if someone wants to translate the gauge readout/labels into Japanese, I'm sure a number of people would be quite pleased! (me included!) Also included is a new sound file (wav) for the engine. It's from RussoUK's BF-109E; as both aircraft used the Daimler DB-601, this is also, just in case you didn't get it with the other Tony Skin Pak :) It's called "CYA" where I come from!!! Historical accuracy is NOT 100% claimed, as I couldn't find out if 105 Sentai -actually- flew the MG-151 equipped versions. -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- --= NOTE: You MUST have the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 Tony to install this pakage into (duh!!) and =-- ---= You'll need the DAT's Hurricane 1 for it's cockpit; the mods are based off that one =--- ----=You Should also have christian59's Ki-61 Tony Family Package to install this too =---- - This mod has ONLY been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. This mod is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 style install of WoI, as it handles prop flight models in "an extreamly odd way".- It is HIGHLY suggested that you read the enclosed readme COMPLETLY THROUGH before installing this pak; this will help you in making some of the changes I suggest. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  22. Thank you!!! I try to make them as close to historical as possible, that added extra info is well taken. Interesting to note, I"ve got profiles of Tonys and other IJAAF aircraft, that even though they were tasked with Home Defense, didn't carry the White Bandage marking. It does, however, make it easier for me to skin WITHOUT them!!! Ok, it's true -- I'm lazy!!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. File Name: Ki-61 Tony, Skin & Ini Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 Aug 2008 File Category: Japanese Air Force and Navy Kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony", Skin and Ini Pak, For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs This package contains a cockpit ini modification and a reskin of the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 "Tony" . You MUST have the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 Tony, and it's suggested also Christian59's "Tony Family Package" before installing this mod, as without it, this does you no good!! It is designed for use on Christian's Ki-61-IA Tony, but can be used on any of his new versions, as they all share the same LOD. Having the Hurricane 1 would be a good idea too, as the new cockpit ini will need it! The skin is based off the original IJAAF Natural Metal and Camos, and was built from a new template created off the original skins. All new panel, rivet lines, and other details were drawn by me, but still based off Gramps' original. The tail Chutai marking is a decal. It represents aircraft of 19 Sentai, 2 Chutai during early 1944 through 1945 timeframe, as seen over Formosa and the Phillipine Islands. This template is also available, upon request, for other skinners to use. See "Notes & Comments" for more info. A new cockpit ini is supplied, based of Kesselbrut's Hurricane Mk.1, with adjusted pilot postioning, and recalibrated to use the Metric Unit system. While not perfect; the instrument layout is far to Western (and still in English), it's a workable substitute. Also included is a new sound file (wav) for the engine. It's from RussoUK's BF-109E; as both aircraft used the Daimler DB-601, this is a pretty good substitute. -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- --= NOTE: You MUST have the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 Tony to install this pakage into (duh!!) and =-- ---= You'll need the DAT's Hurricane 1 for it's cockpit; the mods are based off that one =--- ----=You Should also have christian59's Ki-61 Tony Family Package to install this too =---- - This mod has ONLY been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. This mod is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 style install of WoI, as it handles prop flight models in "an extreamly odd way".- It is HIGHLY suggested that you read the enclosed readme COMPLETLY THROUGH before installing this pak; this will help you in making some of the changes I suggest. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  24. I have just enough knowledge of 3d (basics at least) to get into serious trouble!!! But i still can't BUILD anything! Knowing how something is done dosen't gurantee you do actually do it Complete packages would be great; including textures. I'm sure the 3d gurus will be able to figure out the animations, then build the necessary cockpit inis from that. Wants: P-26 -- its needed a good pit for YEARS!!! Both Buffaloes P-35 - might as well, eh? I'd like to add the Hudson, for Veltro's upcoming version, but I know that'll be a while in arriving. What with all the others he's doing! The Meteor would be a plus as well. As to sources, FAoTW is good, as are the 2 Monogram books in Japanese aircraft, even the Mushroom series have some pretty good shots. So are the Aero Detail series -- they were a big help to me in creating the templaes and skins for the 190D and 152. For american birds, which are pretty much covered on the more recognizable, Detail & Scale can't be beat. I've a huge collection of these kinds of books on pdf. Upload them here to CA or send them directly to me if you want, and I'll see who I can turn up (over? around?) wrench1smog (at) yahoo (dot) com Wrench kevin stein
  25. Make sure you're using the correct editor, as welll. The one for FE/WoI will NOT work for SF/WoV/WoE. All the editor run in a 'compatibility mode"; either Win95 or 98 Wrench kevin stein

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