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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. If you want a standard OD for the Seversky, give me a day or so. I just need to research the tail markings (squadron call out, individual A/C numbers, etc) The mapping is 98.6% the same as the P-43 Lancer, which I just remade templates for. The rest can easily be done with decals and such Wrench kevin stein
  2. DUDE!!! You stole my idea for the Chinese Infantry!!! Nicely done!!! Here's a couple more CAF birds: I-152 I-153 Had a hell of a time trying to make the fabric lines. But they're much better looking then using the 'texture' button, and 'canvas' effect. Not perfect, but better. New skins, from a newly created template. Speaking of you Buffs, I just came across "Buffaloes Over Singapore" today, whilst looking for books on the I series biplanes. We already have 60 Sqdn's skin for the Blenheims (it's stock, I think)...too bad we don't have Malaya on the maps. The CAF P-43 is nearly ready, but I've having some issues with it's ground handling abilities. Also, does anyone have a source for CAF serial numbers? I mean the "P-xxxx" as seen on the tails? Mostly for the 152/153. Lancer serials would be plus... And the map still needs some more minor upgrades (read: eye candy). Hopefuly, done soon. Nice stuff! Wrench kevin stein
  3. It's a partial pak, with no real instructions (ie: the "readme" file that no one reads, or even writes at times). Unfortunately, you have to figure out a lot of the stuff yourself. Since it's been a while, and I've tweeked the living daylights out of the stock one to get it straightened out, I don't remember if it came with a cockpit. If not, you'll need one of the Mig-21 pits available here in the downloads section. There should be several dozen posts about it, I know I posted a lot of fixes for it. Do a search for the "J-7E", and see what comes up. As to your weapons issues, have you looked in the Knowledge Base? There's 2 whole many-pages-long threads on specific aircraft loadout fixes (and lots of other tweeks as well). One is for the Bunyap Weapons Pak, and the other for The Mirage Factory Pak. The TMF pak has ONLY the stock weapons, and those needed for their own aircraft. You'll need to add anything else yourself, usually from the BunyPak. I'd reccomend spending the next few days in the Knowledge Base, studying up on what you'll need to be doing. Also, remember that there are TWO weapons editors - one is for First Eagles and WOI -ONLY, the other works with SF/WoV/WoE. Make double damn sure you're using the correct one, or you'll wipe out your weaponsdata ini. BTW, the TMF pak does NOT have the PLAAF weapons; you'll only find them in the Bunyap Pak. To answer the question, NO there are NO PLAAF weapons in WoI. Wrench kevin stein
  4. This subject HAS been covered in the Knowledge Base, to some great extent. There should be a post in there someplace, called "Basic Ini Editing" or words to that effect. FC, me thinks you little description needs to go in the KB too!! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Easily done in the terrain's targets ini. You simply swap one out for the the Large field (runway 4) BUT...(you all knew that was coming).... There has to be space for it somewhere; meaning the area around might need flattening, and in some cases the addition of the 'airfield exclusion zone' in the tiling. This is done in the Terrain Editor. caveat: This is ONLY true, if the area you're placing the Large Runway into is too small. Many of the airfield exclusion zones, in particular for the WW2 maps, are just big enough for the Medium Runways. An example of adding Runway 4 (Large Runway) would be my Libya upgrade pak, wherein I added R4 to Tunis for it's international airport. There was a handy 'empty' zone I could place it in. Pretty close to it's Real Life ™ location. I got lucky there! Airfileds run like this: Large: Runway 4 (the 2 crossing runways) Medium: Runway 1, 2, 5, 6 Small: Runway 3 (that dirt strip) The length and widths of the various runways are in the airfield inis, located in the terrain cats (ie: GermanyCE.cat, Desert.cat, VietnamSEA.cat, IsrealME.cat) First Eagles probably does in in a similar way, but there is no physical model of the runway (ie: Runway3.lod), as it just a "open" grass field. This is from the desert_airfield1.ini You can see we have a 2500 meter long runway, that's 90 meters wide. But this does NOT include all the other goodies scattered around. (those little roads, barracks zones, parking areas, etc) So, in the terrain editor, you have to set the target area size (picture it as a circle, with the exact center at the 0,0 point of the airbase) in the terrain's cities list. Which in many cases must be created from scratch, or rebuilt to add new or expanded target areas (ie: all are considered cities, including airfields) example: from the China map I've revamping You can see the Width/Height are 5000 meters, or 5 KM. The "HasAirfield=" line tells the TE to flatten it, so things don't disappear into the ground (most important here in Califorina, what with earthquakes and liquifaction and all that ) BTW, that HasAirfield line come in real handy for The Factory Place, Truck Depots; anything that might use 'poured concrete slabs' as a "foundation". Makes them nice and smooth. Plays hell with hills and mountions, though. So, to anwer the original question, YES is is possible. You can even change their heading, if you've enough room in the airfield zone to rotate the runway facing. Wrench kevin stein
  6. Are you using the stock data ini, or the Updated one from my "Golden Dragons" and Panther Update pak?? Give that a try, and let us know Wrench kevin stein
  7. File Name: P-51A Mustang, 530th FS, CBI - Skin & Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 3 Aug 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters NAA P-51A Mustang, 530FS, 311 FG, Skin and Ini Pak, For SF/WoV/WoE CBI installs This package contains modifications and a reskin of Wolf's P-51A as used in the CBI Theatre. These are the early Allison-engined versions. This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, -specifically- designed for use in the CBI style install of the games, if you've created CBI only WW2 install that is . I've seen no other references to "A" model Mustangs being used anywhere else in the Pacific Theatre. The skin represents aircraft from the 530th FS, 311 FG located in Burma, circa 1943. I say 'semi-complete', as only the skin and decals, plus various inis are included in this mod. You =WILL= be transfering several critical files from your original P-51A to get this mod to work. (see "To Install" below) Consider this a "Theatre Specific" type of aircraft mod. The various inis supplied in this kit, will give you the loadouts and other tweeks I've made that fit the time frame, and more importantly, the Theatre of Operations. "A" model Mustangs were slightly different in their usage and loads, then AAF ones used in the ETO/MTO - and different again from RAF ones. The P-51As as used in Burma at this time carried the 3-tube M-10 "Triple Bazooka" launcher, plus their usual compliment of bombs and machine guns. Nose guns are NOT used on this model. I have included a bunch of small files, NEW Loading and Hangar screens, SHD (shadow), and other bits. But remember -- the main aircraft LOD file is NOT included, as per Wolf's wishes, nor is the cockpit folder. His original "P-51A_readme.txt" is included as well. -= NOTE: you must have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- =NOTE: you MUST have Wolf257s WW2 Planes Pak for the Original P-51A Lod and Cockpit folder (DUH!)= - This mod has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. This mod is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 PTO style install of WoI, as it handles prop flight models in "a most unusual, and odd way"- PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed, easy to follow install instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein (yes, I know it's the same screenie I used before...but I was too lazy to take another!) Click here to download this file
  8. Odd thing is, I'd actualy started re-doing this skin before the person asked about it in the Release Forum... Based off Gramps' original USAAF OD skin, repainted (hell of a time trying to match that green -anyone have the FS number or RGB values for it????), with new panel & rivet lines, wear and tear, etc. All markings you see here are decals (including the turbocharger bucket assembly - but that's on the belly, and out of frame). New cockpit, using an existing one that's a little closer to what Republic had in them... ID numbers are extraploations from the 4 -count 'em!!- 4 actual listings I could find; so they're mostly uneducated guesswork. Added the tail lights, as per the 'style' of pre-war AAF birds; still trying to figure out where the landing light should go. Anyone have any info as the actual serial assinged by CATF?? Similiar to Baltika's P numbers as seen on the AVG Tomahawks? If any turn up, I can make those decals pretty rapidly. Otherwise, all it needs is the readme written. Obviously, you'll need the DAT's original P-43 to create this from; inis will be supplied, creating a China-only version, the P-43A-1. Some small internal tweeks to the data ini links the canopy open/close to landing gear extension/retraction, the addition of a seat for the pilot, and VERY light armor (rice paper!!!?) There are some obvious differences; some references state the 4 MGs were all wing mounted; I'm leaving them as is. Easier, and we won't need a new LOD without the cowl bumps. As usual, conflicting reports state totally different things. I even created a parked version for the airbase, based off the Parked P-47D (razorback). Unfortunately, it has the 4 bladed prop, but it's only a target at best, and eye candy at worst. Later! Wrench kevin stein
  9. Excellent!!! You just saved me PMing you and saying::: WHERE THE HELL IS THE DUTCH VERSION!!!?????? off to add it to the collection... thanks brudder! Wrench kevin stein
  10. Have you tried deploying the hook??? Should be Alt-H to drop it. Wrench kevin stein
  11. Hey Jug, how's about a screenie of your new ride??? See, Nicki, I TOLD you it weren't that hard!!! (no comments of the rest of you yutzes...) Wrench kevin stein
  12. You might find it a Capun's site BTW, I'm doing up a new one, with Chinese serial numbers, and a better cockpit. Wrench kevin stein
  13. How about, instead of using the "DestroyedShipEffect" for the Primary, using "AmmoDumpExplosion"??? Stiglr is correct about Clark...my father there 1945, after it was recaptuered. Unfortunately, in the photos his left me, there arent' any pics of it. Some topless native girls ( ), wrecked Japanese planes, but nothing about Clark itself. (note to self---scan and post some of these to the Gallery!) However....I DO have the entire set of "Impact", the AAF wartime magazine (bound in 8 volumes)...I know there are several articles about the recapture of the PI, including pics of the para drops onto Corrigidor. When I first looked at Edward's PI map, I'd given some thought to using Runway 4, which is the lagre, corssing runway version, and sticking some Runway 3s around the perphiry (sp?) for fighter strips. But the whole surrounding area would completely need to be retiled for the airfield exclusion zones (the plane grass type) Nice pit, much closer to the one's seen in the SSP P-35 Mini-In Action. Unfortunatly...I have less than Zero 3d skills... Maybe Edward will release his 100% version??? Wrench kevin stein
  14. Your moving ships show up, moving, due to there being shipping lanes defined in the movements ini for that terrain. Otherwise, they'll just be sitting there like the convoy stations on numerous maps, or the 'docked' ships in port. For anti-shipping missions, they need NOT be defined in the terrain's ***_types ini. That's only for the static boats. AS missions use those in the GroundObjects folder, when they are defined as "Cargo_Ship" (the stock tanker, cargo ship, Capun's barges, Liberty ship, etc) BTW, there seems to be a limit of 4 cargo ships to be defined. There were some anomalies discovered with 5 or more a few years ago (ie: not showing up) Wrench kevin stein
  15. On the WW2 maps I been fiddling with, I've been changing them to match. Obviously, they worked fine before. It may be related to campaign generation than single missions, but I don't know. Better safe, they say.... Wrench kevin stein
  16. In the New Gueina upgrade, you'll find "runway1" repainted to a full dirt strip, with dirt parking and "runway7" which is a paved runway, with dirt parking. Hex editing of original lods, and crappy repaint by me. And he's right about the OD for fighters. However, some of the B-17Ds were still in their natural metal. But this is also conflicting....Stokes painting of Colin Kelly's Fort (and Saki's Zeke), shows it NM. While, OTH, Robert Taylor's painting shows it OD. Go figure!???!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. Adding pilot names is Righteous!!!!! Done it lot's of times meself...on the VMF-58 "Wildcards" F4U-1D Corsair, and most recently on "The Hunters" Sabre jets. My way is about 3, maybe 4 steps longer than most, as I don't like how PhotoShop6 (or 7) handles text. So I insert the names, serial numbers, whatever I'm making with IrfanView. Then save the bmp with it's number sequence. Then I make the tga in PornoShop. Insignia, squadron marking, etc, I do in PS. Like I said, it's a few extra steps (but I got plenty of time, damnit!!), but I like the results better. Hey Nicki; when you kicking out with the modified decals ini and those 100 serial numbers I made for Harriers??? Folks is waitting! (if you're having trouble with writing a readme, send me the decals ini, and I"ll whip one write out) Wrench kevin stein
  18. File Name: F-82 Twin Mustang Skin & Ini Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 25 Jun 2008 File Category: Cold War Aircraft F-82G Twin Mustang, 4th AWS Skin and Ini Update Pak for SF, WoV & WoE This little package will update Pasko's Twin Mustang and bring it to a more up-to-date level. I've "peaked and tweeked" the data, avionics, loadout, weapons (you'll be using the weapons editor to update the radar pod). I've also created new decals; serial numbers, buzz numbers, and nose arts --several of which are BRAND new, never before seen- and some, obviously reused from other projects. You all know how I JUST hate to waste good decals.... The original skin bmps are needed, excepting the 'body.bmp', but I've included them all anyway, as I've made a few changes to them. You have serial and buzz numbers for 24 aircraft, including a new 'stripe' decal for the Squadron/Flight leader. Hence the repainted 'body.bmp'. The skin folder included is designed to replace the "USAF Black" folder in it's entirety; full instructions on how to backup the original are in the "To Install" section below. I've included all the skin bmps (all credit goes to Gramps for them), simply to make it easier for you to install this package. It 'represents' aircraft from the 4th All Weather Squadron, as based in Japan and Korea during the early days of the Korean War. I say represents, as there may be some inaccuricies in some of the nose arts (!!!duh!!!), and serial numbers. The serial and buzz numbers ARE accurate, in that they ARE real ones used on F-82Gs, but I'm just not sure which actual unit used them. Landing lights have been added, as well as seats for pilot/radar operator to sit on. It uses the stock "F-100seat", and should be available in every version of the game. I've also included my damage tgas, for that shot up look... =You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak to have the WW2/Post-War weapons!!! I've not included any of the weapons needed for this aircraft, so you'll need to have the F-82 installed FIRST before installing this Update Pak.= IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed to be used in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, as WoI has almost complety trashed the WW2-ish/propeller plane flight models. If you attempt to use this in WoI, you do so at your own risk. So, you know the drill -- READ the enclosed readme, it's got all the necessary instructions to install this update. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  19. Now that Burma is out of the way, so to speak...(actually, theres a 'hot fix' coming today .. I forgot to include the new TFD and HFD files, wherein I flattend Hanoi airfiled, and the various depots, army bases and rail yards. Oppps!!) Let's look at China, and more of Polak's imported AF Midway Group PTO items... One of the AVG/CATF airbases (note the ZIS truck, with a simple edit to "WWII Soviet", now an Allied unit. Avaliable in our downloads section) Main IJAAF/IJN base on Formosa... (yes, I know I still have to move that large hangar, center left, back a bit.) Note the new "old style'' wooden hangars in foreground. There's even a few Zekes parked there -ok, crappy repaints/hex edited FW-190s -but, hey they're only targets!) That large, rectangular hanger center will probably show up at a few of the Chinese bases as well. Redone planning maps, too. I also relocated several of the Costal Convoys, to help prevent target area overlap; they'll be enough of that as it is! There is a major problem an Nanking AB, unfortunately. It's almost at THE WALL, and creates problems when flying to it, or near it. I'm debating weither or not to keep it. If flying away from it, it's ok. BTW, 100% Historical Accuracy on some target area placements is NOT claimed Wrench kevin stein
  20. What, you all mean something like this??? Does the word "anachronisim" come to mind??? Wrench kevin stein
  21. Agreed! We've discussed this at great length, both via PMs and in open Forums. Most (and I repeat -MOST-) of the Dev A-Team's Spits and Meteors seem to fly pretty well in WoI; meaning they don't have unusual handling characteristics. Exepting the Mc-205, which explodes on the runway, for no apparent reason. Wolf's P-51D is adaquate; it definatley needs some fine tuning, but it dosn't seem all that much different than in SF/WoV/WoE (WoE is what I use for my WW2 installs). Now, on the other hand, the 109G10/S-199 is another story. Fly it and see what I mean. I'm hoping there's more support coming for the WW2 birds. There's far too many of them available, and far too much we can do with them, than to simply let them languish in an un-patched version of SF/WoV/WoE. Although, the improvements that WoI brings are truely, for the most part, negligable to the WW2 Crowd. Although the game-generated parked planes is quite cool!!! Wrench kevin stein
  22. Typhoid: well, they DO say history is circular..."as it was then, so is it now" or something like that. btw, that stone building is getting a little tweek too....no screenies yet...still dialing in the effect. In fact, all the "airfield3" are getting remoddled, courtesy of ABC's "Airfield Improvement" show (check local listings for times and dates) More later.... Wrench kevin stein
  23. File Name: Burma (WW2) Terrain Hot Fix File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 Jul 2008 File Category: Terrains WW2 Burma Hot Fix - for SF/WoV/WoE, PTO Modded Installs This little package contains redone TFD and HFD files for Edward's WW2 Burma terrain. I did an ooopsy, and forgot to include them in the original Upgrad Pak. What this will do, is 'flatten' certain target areas, most notably Hanoi Airfield, and the various train stations, so their objects do not appear sunked into the ground. It will have NO effect on anything else. EASY to follow instructifications in the enclosed readme. Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  24. Burma (WW2) Terrain Hot Fix



    WW2 Burma Hot Fix - for SF/WoV/WoE, PTO Modded Installs This little package contains redone TFD and HFD files for Edward's WW2 Burma terrain. I did an ooopsy, and forgot to include them in the original Upgrad Pak. What this will do, is 'flatten' certain target areas, most notably Hanoi Airfield, and the various train stations, so their objects do not appear sunked into the ground. It will have NO effect on anything else. EASY to follow instructifications in the enclosed readme. Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein

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