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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. You just HAD to bring that up, dincha ya????? Wrench kevin stein
  2. Use the avionics ini from the F-4B/J, well, any Phantom!! That should get what you want. Don't forget to change the DetectSystem section in the data ini to match the Phantom's. you might need the afterburner tga in your /Effects folder from the Cruz, or swap out the AfterburnerEmitter= line for something else. You may also need to adjus the postion, fore or aft in the EngineData section the max airspleen may be releated to other parameters in the flight models (ie: those CLa, CLo, etc -stuff I don't understand) in the other parts of the data ini. Also, activete the HUDDebug in the HUDData.ini, so you get the TAS reading in the display. It also give the actual Mach number for your TAS. Don't forget the difference between IAS and TAS Wrench kevin stein
  3. and don't forget the decals...for USN birds, all 200 odd decals that pertain to the SLUF have to be moved over, and the decal ini re-worked. to answer you pm: f-8j engine data Wrench kevin stein
  4. What about Scramble??? -disremember the url something ...something dot nl "Sramble on the Web''??? maybe f16.net???? Wrench kevin stein
  5. oopsy...damn fingers got ahead of the brain. Should read: Nothing like thinking out of the box, baby!!! Little typo there...and people wonder why he's called "Ed: The Spell Checker"???? Wrench kevin stein
  6. --snipped quote: --- Of course it will...aren't we gonna waste half the human population of this planet??? That'll leave more for the rest of us. MUUUUahahahahahaHHHHAAHAHAHAHA <---evil laugh Spectre: I knew you was funnin'!!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. At least you didn't make a spelling error, like Dave and I do all the damn time..... Wrench kevin stein
  8. Nothing like thinking out of the baby!!! End around, as they say!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. Well, Meeeester Spectre-BigGun, I'd suggest having the GermanyCE terrain cat in there (since there's already T-72's in WoI) Wrench kevin stein
  10. missing the bmp or tga for the display, I'd say. look in the cockpit ini, it should tell you what it using. At the top "TextureData" or something like that Wrench kevin stein
  11. Is your gun editor set for Win95 compatability??? Wrench kevin stein
  12. Isn't this/that what the "Modders Forum" was created for???? Whoever said we were organized in on crack!!! No, seriously...that's why the Modder Forum WAS created. Modelers, Skinners, Ini Dancers are supposed to be over in here, trying to find out what's up, weither it be a MAX question, who's doing what with what, whatever. However, these things just show up in the regular Forums. Also, the listings of "Whats Available" has been in the KB for long time --note to self: update the vehicles/aircraft listings--, it's just another one of those things that come in oh-so-handy, that NO ONE bothers to look at. That should also list WIPs. In fact, I KNOW it does!! At one time, and somebody took it down, we had a sticky thread (yet another thing few bother to look at) about "WIPs". Maybe we need to start another one? Just like the WoI Historic Mods Thread, What's TMF Up To?, IDF listings.... Let's hears some ideas, people. We can give you resourcess, but you HAVE to make use of them. And that is the biggest problem of all...laziness. Wrench kevin stein
  13. The terrain is 98.6% finished, JSF_Aggie is making some final tweeks on it Several new and/or reskinned aircraft are being worked on even as we speak. As to waiting for the patch, with the updated aviionics70.dll, as far as I remember, we decieded to say "no, we ain't waiting" Other members may have decieded otherwise (without telling me -- I never get the memos.. :cray: ) Be paitent ... all is well in hand. Honestely, I don't know what I like better: how the terrain & targets came out, or some of the new aircraft and vehicles. Wrench kevin stein (and the meanie in me says...if you can't be paitent ... TUFF!! )
  14. Actually, it would those gals from The Abyss. "The Builders of Memory" were all female. Shoot, if you all want UFOs.....here's a whole flock of 'em..... these were encountered over Alaska... There was a whole AAR I wrote up for the last 4 pic over at SimHQ -- about 4 years ago. Don't know if it's still there in the archives or not. There ya go...do you want to believe???? Wrench kevin stein
  15. Probabaly not. FRIENDLY and ENEMY are defined in the Nations ini, which is again defined in the NationName= in the aircraft data ini We ran into this with the (reunified) German MiG-29G. The only fix was the 'nationalize' the ex-Soveit weapons into W_Germany. Somewhere I covered this in the Loadouts Thread in the KB. Basically it boils down to you CANNOT load friendly weapons on an ENEMY aircraft. In the Turkey's case, for reasons of gaming, when originally released the Iran/Iraq mod considerd Iran a 'friendly' nation, using USN weapons. This has since been corrected. (ie: all the IRIAF aircraft have been updated to Iran nation specific weapons - see the Bunayp Pak Weapons & Loadout fixes thread for all the details) In the case of the Rumanian Lancers, you'll be wanting to create 'nation specific' Western-based weapons JUST for the Lancer to use. For example, a 9Lima winder, using "WP" as attachment type, Rumania as the NationName=, adjusting data and loadout inis accordingly. BTW, you'll find they already exist for the Paki J-6s Wrench kevin stein
  16. Wrench (flashing a biggrin)
  17. If you've seen this thread: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=30288 You'll see I've modificated Juls' Kestral pit, with some bits from the TMF's F-16A (avionics ini bits, and display bmps/tgas 'borrowed'). I just want to make sure it's ok to release, once I get the serial number decals sorted out (as in I gotta make new ones...) I always like to check first... Works pretty damn good, if I says so meself!!! Thanks In Advance! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Ah, Sweeet!!! So, when's The Dragon Lady showing up??? Wrench kevin stein ps: doncha love photshop????
  19. Thank my friends!!! It'll make a lot of folks in the Southern Hemisphere happy!! I can use a break for building bridges across the Irrawady...and train stations...and harbors...and...and....and... to the fun of making decals!!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. The Sally (and a host of other WW2 planes -Ki-27, Ki-43, Rata, Luftwaffe, Mustangs, etc) is in Wolf257's "WW2 Planes Pak". There's also an upgrade pak, with 2 new skins and some other goodies by me, in the WW2 Axis Bombers sub-section of the Downloads. In fact, there's a host of tweeks and mods based off his work that I've done over the last few years. In Wolf's pak is also a "Topsy" transport mod of the Sally. And don't forget ArmourDave's Japanese Plane Pak, that has the A6M2, A6M5, another Oscar (early version), and the Betty. All of these got the "Wrench Touch" for some upgrades too. The Dev A-Team has the Blenheim Mk.1, various Hurricance and Spits, Kate, Jill, Judy, Lilly, Dinah, Frank, 2 Tonys (61 & 100), 2 Nicks, Buffalo, Boomerang, Claude, Mitchell B/C/H/J, Havoc, Invader, Warhawk, P-35, P-43 and an long list of other WW2 birds Bunyap has the already mentioned Peashooter, plus a Wirraway. There's quite an extensive list of birds for ALL WW2 Theatres Geezer, I think you'll gonna be spening some time in the downloads section... Wrench kevin stein
  21. Jug: don't forget to add the line: FlashTime= to those splasher/rotater beacons! a time tick of 0.4 to 0.6 is pretty good (0.6 seems to be standard on the stock birds) Wrench kevin stein
  22. Oh, hell! I just thought of something to answer the question "InSkye's What's Next" Readmes; detailed readmes. PLEASE!!!! Thank you, in advance!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. It's also several hundred megs....but gots some really cool s**t in it!!! TMF wants it hosted on their site, only, as far as I know. Shoot one of the TMF guys a PM, and see if they can't send you the update. OR just wait for the whole updated aircraft to arrive -they DO have new Hornet's in the works. Might want to check your browser setting, and maybe have a word with your internet provider ... sounds like something on BOTH your ends, cause it works fine here in The States. Wrench kevin stein
  24. No, it's not realistic... A well know glitch in the game; we've gotten used to it. TK knows about it, but hasn't fixed it. Happened ever since the avionics70.dll came out and gave us working HUDs (but NO ground mapping radar!), and CCIP. btw, GM works with 70dll in WoI -- ONLY! Wrench kevin stein
  25. The idea came to me like a brick on the back of the head....Edward's PTO maps all use the VietnamSEA naming conventions. So, why not see if CA_Stary's Green Hell works in there... O M G !!!!! Mingdalon: Japanese airfield near Mataban???? Note the pagoda in the background - never saw THAT before!! I"m not sure what these watery white 'fields' are .. paddies??? They reflect an awfull lot of light (high albedo????) Just adding these tiles changed the whole map. Looks like I know what I'm going to be doing - updating the targets and such! Wrench kevin stein

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