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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I knew, somewhere deep down, you'd get a giggle out of it. Here's the tga, convered to jpg, as used in game: Here's the original F-4E lights, also converted for easy reading: So, how far off am I??? Thousands and thousands of miles.... WRench kevin stein
  2. Campaigns ONLY work when EVERYTHING is in-game. That is to say, the correct terrain, all the ground objects, aircraft, weapons, etc. You cannot use the IsrealME terrain to get the 3rd party one to work. It's internal naming conventions/format is completely different. You MUST have one (or more) of the Original Three Terrains (Desert, VietnamSEA or GermanyCE) in the WoI /Terrain folder. As to weapons paks, you can run the Buny Pak through the WoI weapons editor; it will be updated (mostly) to the new standard. I did this to one of my WoI installs (I've 3), and it works fine. The other alternative is to add the weapons you want, piecemeal, and update that way. This means identifying all the necessary lods, bmps, tgas, inis (needed for some fuel tanks IIRC), copying them over to the TMF pak, and inserting the data entries. I've done this too, where needed. Works fine. Wrench kevin stein
  3. OK...this is what it seems... Exactly WHICH version are we looking at or for??? Apparently, the BM model, which may or may not be in production, has a ground mapping radar and attack capabilities; including SEAD and anti-ship with Kh series missiles. I can do up the 'imporved' B version, with a working HUD (using avionics70.dll and parts already in-game) and NO GM radar (excepting for WoI - which to me is an almost total waste of time; more people have the older games) OR I can do up the proposed attack variant WITHOUT HUD, but WITH GM radar. AND a seperate interceptor version, with working HUD, NO GM radar. Methinks this is BS version (no pun intented!) The later, fully upgraded, most modern version, M - well, we ain't got no cockpit with 3 MFDs on it. So that's out. Unless someone build one... Oh, and to make it even MORE fun, we can add Adder's to the outer rails or Archers replacing the Aphids Someone needs to make a choice here, as to what's wanted. If we go full avioncis70, it'll be useless (for some parts) until the patch comes out near the end of the year. I'm going to work out the BS version, with NO HUD, correct the operational years from 1990-2020, and go from there. How say you?? Wrench kevin stein
  4. Quickly d/ling and examining the pit...it' looks like that's the basis for what The Insky Boys used. Other than the panel bmps being the original grayish black. Now...that SPO bmp looks verrrry usable for the RWR!!! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Not a problem... When you get the error again, and the little pop-up pops up, there should be a little link thingy in the lower left corner; it may say something like "to see what this error is, click this" That'll open up another window, with a bunch of stuff at the bottom, but at the top it should say "the error has something to do with some dll or another" (I'm paraphrasing this badly, hope you get the idea!) It may say "missileobject.dll'' or "graphicengine.dll" or somekind of dll -one of the main operational game file thingys. It dosen't mean the dll is bad, but something the aircraft needs is NOT being found. That's the error we need to know; if it's missing a weapons, it'll be a 'missileobject.dll' fault. Usually mean it's looking for something and not finding it. In the F-14's case, it may not be finding the Phoenix missiles, which need to be added to the weaponsdata ini (if you not using an add-on weapons pak) There are butt-loads of other ones, but we'll need to know which one... As to the Cat extractor, it's herein the "Utilities and Tools" downloads section. Basically what it is, is a program and 'unpacks' files from the ***.cat (or catalouge) file. Like a Windows cab file; they store all the little bits that make the game run. Like aircraft data inis, decals for markings; for the terrain cats (ie: VietnamSEA.cat) it has all the buildings and tiles that give the terrain's their looks In this case, you'll need to get the extractor, and install it; my reccomendation is into a "Extractor" folder inside the game. Just create a new folder, and move it ther after unzipping it. You'll then have to right-click on the exe, and set the "Properties". You'll use Win95 compatibility mode. Click 'apply' and you're off. (in as aside, I personally belive THIS is the single most important tool ever created for this series. Without it, nothing can be modded) Here's a link to my tut on adjusting the years: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=27492 Here's how to use the weapons editor: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=9323 NOTE: this is an old version. Fully patched up games CAN use a seperate /Weapons folder to place the WeaponsData.in and WeaponsData.dat into. This is HIGHLY reccomended, even for those NOT using a weapons pak. Unfortunately, there as yet ISN'T one on how to use the extractor. I guess I'll have to write one up. Odd, that there isn't one. Quickley, you double click on the "sfp1e.exe" to start it. It'll ask where you want to go, meaning which game, then which folder for whatever cat you're going to pull stuff from. Navigate to the correct folder; I'm assuming WoV, so go to the /Flight folder. You'll see all the different cats listed; the one you'll want to open is the "MissionData.cat" Scroll down until you see the "SingleMission.ini". Double click, and you'll get a little noise, and a pop-up saying "Extraced File Done!", inside the box tells you the destination folder; in this case it stays IN the /Flight folder. Don't worry about trying to put it back in the cat - you can't- it just stays were it goes. The game engine knows to look inside folders first, before using goodies from the cats. Close the extractor. You then can edit the ini with your text editor of choice; Notepad, wordpad, Word, whatever you want. (btw: notepad works the best, IMHO) And that's pretty much it. Wrench kevin stein
  6. What's the error message? Have you added the needed weapons for the Turkey, and any needed for the Hawg?? Also, you'll need to change the 'operational years' the game uses -DO NOT TOUCH THE YEARS IN THE AIRCRAFT'S DATA INI- There's a whole post in the KB on that; don't forget to grab the cat extractor tool, as you'll be needing it to pull the SingleMission.ini from the one of the cats in /Flight folder. That, and the options ini, in the main game folder (where the exe is) needs a few small changes. Wrench kevin stein
  7. The base size = problem is mostly manifest in WoV, as there are NO large runways (ie: Runway4) for the Red Side. We found this out the hard way, a long time ago, whilst trying to get some bombers to work there. Perhaps, as some point, somebody will add the super big one near Hanoi or (well, after 'reunification') Cam Ran Bay. We all know Soviet Bears were flying out there in the 80's. Wrench kevin stein
  8. Base size added to the "Fix It List". Once I get it wired, I'll be re-upping it (read: upating Silverbolt's upload) with the changes. It'll be the whole bird, just like his. So for those that already d/led it; back up your originals when it comes out. Just in case I screw something up. It'll still take me a few days, so don't expect it before the week starts. As to the HUD question....probably not. Don't know if they really had/have one. I"ll have to spend some time researching it, though. The main problem is, there aren't any really good Russian/Soviet HUD symbologies. I could cheat and use the Eagles (like in the HAF F-4)....we'll see. It can always be updated later Strange thing, I don't get the crash. Flying in WoE. Wrench kevin stein ps to Spinners: dude, that's just WRONG!!! Albeit, it's extreamly cool though.... some of those what if RAF Red Birds do look good!!! Soviet Occupied UK????? Like you, I don't think I built too many 'stock' models. Always had to fiddle somehow! W
  9. Is that the East River near Bayone???? Or something downstream of Chernyobl??? I've seen the Missouri and Mississippi, I don't remember them being so dark brown; more like RAF 'Light Earth' (ok, Nestles instant hot coco) Jeez....talk about polluted....feeeh!!! Are those dead, 3-eyed fish I see floating there?? Wrench kevin stein
  10. How about only filling them up half way.....?????? Ducks and runs very fast for a fat guy..... Wrench kevin stein
  11. Why do I get the feeling he's looking at me????? Well, I've got a whole weekend coming up... So, stock red bort numbers, or my crappy blue ones??? Wrench kevin stein
  12. Oh, man...that sucks!! Unfortunately, the SCB-125 Essex's (Essexi???) are only availbe in WoV. As is the Sumner/FRAM and another CV class that escapes me now... Capun's ships can be gotten by signing up with them at his site...can't remember the URL right off. YAP's has some superb looking ships (I don't have it, but the screenies DO look impressive); they're payware. You purchase 'packages' of missions that have the needed objects and stuff.. I'm sure 8lein or Zerocinco will be around and can give you more info. They are, however, gearing up for YAP2, and may have put the original stuff 'on ice' for a while. Hopefully, one of them will pop in and give us the real story. I'm just guessing. Remember,too, with carriers, they ONLY work in scripted, built single missions or campaigns. They won't appear in the in-game generated single missions. I really wish that would/could be fixed someday (this from the King of Rampstrikes....) As to terrains, you can add any terrain to any version of the game (exepting First Eagles), BUT -and here it comes- if we're talking about stock terrains, you must have the original terrain folder from game it originall came from. For add-on terrains, there's boatloads available here at CA. Most, if not all, can be used in any version of the game by a simple text edit on the terrains main ini. There are a few exceptions, but hopefully the supplied readmes will give alternatives. In this case, you'd need the "VietnamSEA" terrain folder from WoV. Once you have that, you can add all the new tiles and stuff pretty easily. If you haven't archived WoV somewhere, you might be -sorry to say this- SOL. You might have to re-purchase it from 3rd Wire's on-line store. The runway upgrades, if they're what I'm thinking they are -new bmps and tgas- just get dropped into the terrain folder as loose files. The game engine will put them in their places, so to speak Weapons Pak we'll cover another time. But quickely, the old Bunyap Pak has pretty much what's needed, minus lots of new weapons and guns from the last couple of years. The Mirage Factroy Pak is specifically designed for their aircraft, but you can easily import what you want into it quite easily. And because I'm a jerk -anyone here will tell you that- you might want to refersh your memory by having a wander around the Knowledge Base. With any luck, some of the answers you're looking for can be found there. If not, ask us!!! I know,you just want to fly the VS-23 Avenger over Ko-rea!!! (inside joke for those wondering) Wrench kevin stein
  13. I'm not sure I understand the question....If you're Iraqi, they Iranistanian Turkeys are enemy..... No, just kidding! You can change the alingment in the Nations.ini., set it to "ENEMY" You may have to extract if from the FlightData.cat (iirc) They were set as 'Friendly' for the Iran/Irag mod of several years ago. You'll also find a boatload of Iranian weapons in my "Weapons Loads and Fixes Thread, Bunyap Pak" in the knowledge base. Might want to look for the "Iranian F-14" or something like that.... Also, many fixes for the IRIAF Phantoms, too. BTW, that whole terrain has gone in for a major rebuild, but I"m having some problems with city placments. I"ll need someone ot add the Caspain Sea, and move all the city tiles where Teheran is. Other than that, it's nearly ready. 200 and something target areas, etc (similiar to the DS mod, and many other map tweeks I've done) WRench kevin stein
  14. OMG!!! That is sooo funnny!!! That's exactly the fuel tank fix I came up, excepting I duplicated the outer stations, but STILL used the Fitter tanks!! Should have followed that thread...instead of just ignoring it!! It DO show great minds think alike!!! Good on you, X!!! This is what I have for the loadout ini: The only reason I duped the station was, I wasn't sure they'd line up properly with the positions given. As a matter of fact, they actually do, so the extra stations really aren't needed, but I'm picky that way The R-40s'll get removed. Never did like them much... I'll try and get a screenie up later of the 'new' Cyrllic lights on the dash (armed, radar, heat, etc) WRench kevin stein
  15. I'll have some (ok, a LOT) of small fixes ready over the next few days; cockpit positioning, lights, loadouts, and if this works, some new Cyrillic labels for the pit (although I could use a good translator to supply some Cyrllic lettering...) Been working on it all day, to the detriment of several other projects. Screenie: still need to fix the APU-62 mountings...very odd, as they should have the missles on the outer sides. This one actually dosen't look half bad. Much improved from their eariler effort. One can't help by wonder... WHY they couldn't upload it themselves.... For the argumentative, I'll even supply Gordon's "Aerofax" on the Foxbat/Foxhound on pdf. Wrench kevin stein
  16. Do you have the mainscreen ini in the /Menu folder for that particular style of screen??? It has to match the one from the ORIGINAL game it came from, other wise the buttons 'wander'. One thing I've found, too, is keep the 'image' within the defined borders, say like in WoE, 'the blue area with the dying Flogger and Killer Eagle'. That way you don't have to screw around with the button placements in the mainscreen ini. Somewhere around here is Kout's "How To Package"...should have more detailed info. Wrench kevin stein
  17. Might need to custom make the blip display's tga for that ,and have it reside in the cockpit folder. I've never messed with the stuff before, so I'm stretching a bit. For a plain, no 'ticks' radar bmp, you just need an all black bmp. The original F-104's is what has been used a lot. Weither the game engine and it's dlls will support it...that's another matter. Perhaps asking TK over at the 3rd Wire boards? Where's our resident avionics guys, when you need him???? Wrench kevin stein
  18. It may be hard coded (and I may be worng in that respect, too...) I assume you've looked at the avionics inis from the already available radar equipped WW2 birds? Owl, P-70, Beau NF, Blenheim NF, Corsair, Hellcat, etc. I know for a lot, in particular, like the AI Mk.1, there should be 2 scope, one for range and another for elevation. Since we can't have those, I've used either the A-4E's radar bmp or (hope this is right..) a "V" shaped one that I think comes from the Phantom's AG radar. I'll have to recheck the radar bmps to be sure. It does give a nice 60 deg narrow field-of-view. For the actual 'blip', i've just used what ever is in-game, and left it at that, albeit probably not historically correct. Wrench kevin stein
  19. No worries, brother! From one wrench bender to another (although it's been several years since I've under the hood...) Did you get the Hustler sorted out?? Wrench kevin stein
  20. Ok, once again for the New Members: PLEASE DO NOT POST IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE -- IT IS NOT FOR GENERAL DISCUSSIONS or QUESTIONS It exists to GIVE you the answers, usually asked here in the General, Mods & Skinning or other Forums. Now, to the issue at hand.... It's been a long time since I installed the Hustler, so I don't remember if it came with a cockpit. Aircraft not supplied with one, or pointing to a cockpit that dosen't exist in certain versions of the game will not show on your drop down listing of flyable aircraft. Can you post the internal contents of the B-58A.ini. Like mine below: If, for some reason you're dosen't look exactly the same, that might be the problem Also, check for double-nested folders. Sometime the unzipping process creates a 'main' folder named for the aircraft, while the REAL folder, containing the stuff you need is inside. something like this: B-58A/B-58A/*all the other bits* This is one of the reason that it's always reccomended to unzip to a temp directory/folder or your desktop. This allows you to check for these double-nested folders, and lets you move the 'internals' to where they need to go. BTW, WELCOME TO COMBAT ACE!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. Ok after mulling this around in my head, I ACTUALLY went back and looked at the stock 2C version I have in the MTO install. It already HAS the 60# rockets as a default load, even though the rockets themselves aren't available until 1943. There's just no mounting rails. They kinda 'wedge up' under the wing. Fiddling with the skin, I finally got the gun barrels colored, albeit by cheating and using a decal. Quicky reskin for it, using my original 213 Squadron skin; not quite finished, still have to adjust the decal size for the individual letters: Bombs on this, obviously, instead of rockets. And to let you all know, Capun just released a SeaHurri 2C Trop, with the Vokes type filter AND rocket rails! I left him a message asking for one without the arrestor hook, so a Mk.IV can be made. Wrench kevin stein
  22. File Name: WW2 Europe by FNG2K & Edward File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 8 Jul 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Maps/Terrain Mods Europe WW2 Terrain for SF, WoE & WoV I couldn't find the original readme, so we'll make due with this.... This is FNG2K and Edward's WW2 Europe terrain, reissued for those that don't have it. It is NOT as released, as I've made some small changes over the years since it's original release, most notably in the area of 'Ground Objects'. I've pulled them out of the terrain folder, and re-created them as GroundObjects. Their main inis have been adjusted, as per Patch 4 to have them show the proper way. This is the COMPLETE terrain set, with all the various inis, bmps, tgas, and whatnot needed to ALMOST unzip and fly on. You'll be adding various items to several main game folders, so it is MORE THAN HIGHLY RECCOMENDED THAT THIS TERRAIN BE USED IN A "STAND-ALONE" WW2 ETO/SWOTL GAME INSTALL. For information on how to create one, if you don't know already, consult the Knowledge Base at CombatAce. You'll find that information here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=19630 Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". It is HIGHLY reccomended you have Geo's WW2 Ground Object Pak, for the various and sundry trucks, tanks, AFVs, AAA units and etcs. I've included as many as I can positively ID as coming with the original terrain set, as stated above, now turned into GroundObjects. Hopefully, I've filtered out the permissioned ones. If not, I apologize in advance. NOTE: this terrain is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 ETO/SWOTL install based on Wings Over Israel. WoI handles prop flight models in a 'most peculiar way', and you'll experience massive frustration in just trying to fly. It is designed, originally, for SF, but works in WoE and WoV, as long as the proper terrain cat is selected. See below for more detailed instructions = NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons & Guns Pak of 6/06 for the proper WW2 weapons and guns!! = Although, I HAVE included my GunData.ini and GunData.dat files. These have all the proper WW2 guns and such. Be advised, one of the objects I've added is the Nazi Flag. If you live in a country that prohibits it's exhibition, you may wish to delete the "3RFlag" bits. PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed, step-by-step install directions. This complies with MOD Directive of June, 1941 #1058, but is NOT coverd by the Official Secrets Act. Good Hunting! Wrench ps: the screenie above is entitled "For the Folks On the Ground" Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  23. Honestlly, the only upgrades are the flags!!! I didn't do a whole tweekifacation thingy like I did the 2 PTO maps. I would, at some point, like to go through it and add some docked ships at Portsmuth, Bremen, Roterdam, etc. But that's for another time. This WILL get us ETO (ok, WW2 Prop-Heads) up and running. Awaiting the dreaded words from the Ops Officer: "Gentlemen, the Continent is clear" Wrench kevin stein
  24. Can't be too much clearer than that!! BTW, IF you try to install into SF/WoV/WoE, it MAY fly a bit differently than TMF's Mirages, as WoI uses different "stuff" in it's aircraft data inis. Might not be reccomended to do so, until the other 3 get Patched. Wrench kevin stein
  25. OK, people. It's up. READ the readme!!! Wrench kevin stein

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