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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. yah, maybe add the offices tucked up against the side wall (i guess?) most of the floor space should be clear
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  3. well, it's a bit on the small side. I mean, I know it's first go around.... C-5 galaxy convention courtesy of my upping the parking change percentage the stary hangar 6 on the left is 32x32 m the stock hangar 3 on the right is 72x72 so, this needs to be 120m by (at least) 90 and the finished unit must be mapped internally and externally, so you can't see through the walls from the inside. thank you brother GKabs!!
  4. Since I started this mess, I'm MORE than happy to place on a terrain and see how it fits!! That was really fast! Thanks!!!
  5. not really, the coordinates can be set and labeled for ONLY LargeParking, based on the wingspan setup in the airfields' ini (LargeParkingMaxSpan=). But they're spawning is always a bit random
  6. re: hangars yes, something like that!! But due to how the airfields are built, closed at one end
  7. well, if you run of out things to do, some REALLY large, open door hangars could come in handy. You know, tall and wide enough to fit a 747 or B-52 sized aircraft into. Be nice to replace the 3W large(ish) hangars on the various airbases, and be able to have it as a large parking spot. just throwing that out there....
  8. Soviet-Polish War addon?

    you need tiles like these "standard 3W river" (desert, VNSEA, GCE) to IsraelME "river" -- more like a stream than a river. I can't find the PSDs I used to make these, but the tiles themselves are in my IsraelME upgrade/rebuild/correction. or I could just send (whoever) the 2 tgas, and you can work from those. They're only 'stock' size (256x), but you can figure out to upsize as needed. As you most likely won't be actually using these, they'd be a great starting point.
  9. Avialogs Free for 3 months!!!

    Gents, I've been browsing it, and let me tell you, it's not just western & modern aircraft ...WW2 (both sides) and plenty of RedAir - reading Russian is a requirement!! seriously, French, British, Italian, Russian/Soviet, Swedish ... I mean, like wow!!! ya' know??
  10. Avialogs Free for 3 months!!!

    Avialogs, one of the best sources for aircraft manuals on PDF is now free for 3 months go to avialogs.com for more details (saw this on WW2Aircraft.net -- also a really good message board!)
  11. think how much deck room would be saved with the shorter wings on that; no need to have them fold for storage!
  12. yes, with the turbine engine
  13. I had the kit so many times (like the Revell 1/72 B-17F,) that I didn't need the instructions anymore!!! I miss those days.... I wonder if I still have the "box art" hangar screen archived???
  14. that one in the green coveralls with his arm raised looks like Mr. Spock!!
  15. No, sorry not without having the MAX file for the cockpit, and adding the required nodes.
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  17. amazing!!! great stuff Russ!!! (don't suppose I could ask for a static, parked version when you get the flying one done? I've been populating army bases with aviation assets, and we only have 6 units to do that with, and they're mostly late 60s and up Hex editing & renaming stuff in/for the SH3- lod gives me 5 more, but, they're just repaints)
  18. Free military history ebooks at Osprey

    damn! I already have the B-25 book!! thanks Allen!
  19. thanks for the link! that also allows me to 'repair' the broken screenshots for the download. it looks like Paulo uses the stock Mirage 5D. I'd extract a new data and loadout ini from ObjectData007.cat. AFter looking it over, the 2 outer station don't have any provisions for IRMs. I think that's how the real birds (tm) are. I don't know if the "sidewinder rails" are built into the pylons or not. The LOD Viewer only shows "bomb rack" type attachments, so probably not. Conversely, on the Mirage 3 you can see the "magic_rail" on the outer pylon But, I'd extract them and see anyway. Although I doubt that if you load the IRM, it'll look 'right"
  20. sound like the one in the download section is made from something NOT 3W. Can you post the link? as time permits, I'll take a leak at it.
  21. no, but you don't want these to show up on anything else. this would also require cloning (duplicating) the HVAR stations on the Mustang to be ONLY station specific for the IRM HVARs. Nothing to it.
  22. well, that's great! now all we need is 3d Guru to volenteer!!!
  23. While I'm still working on the Marcfighters AT-26 Xivante; all skins and decals are done just trying to improve the FM, I've also started looking at the FoxMonter Mb-326. I've got several skins and decals in the works, and have some specific questions .. RAAF - is there more than 2 paint jobs? Checking at ADF serials, there seems to be the euro 2-tone, and a light gray*. What were they painted when first delivered? (mind you, NOT talking about the Fanta-can paint job on the aerobatic team. Not doing that one) Is their original scheme in Natural Metal? * following the pattern of the OzMirage DLC, i have camo starting in 73, and the light gray in 67 (start date). I don't think this is right. The DLC M.IIIO started in NM on delivery, just like the ADA versions. AMI: I have an overall international orange skin, but can't find ANY listing of serial (mm***) numbers or what and how the presentation of the nose numbers are. I don't really know anything about AMI numbering systems. I've seen a few (very few!) pics on the net, but they don't help at all!) So, any and all help is deeply appriciated!! Thanks in advance!
  24. SF2 F-4G(B) USN Pack

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 F-4G(B) USN Pack 8/28/2019 -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended) This is a NEW aircraft, the F-4G(B) for the US Navy. There were F-4Bs modified with a automatic carrier landing system during their Oct 1965-June 1966 deployment in South East Asia aboard USS Kitty Hawk. They were painted in an experimental green camoflauge, as were many other aircraft of CVW-11 in this time frame. Once upon a time, I know we had this aircraft for 1stGen SF, but have been unable to locate it. So, I rebuilt it, and now present it you all to enjoy. This is a complete aircraft, based off the F-4B_65, so make use you have this bird in your inventory. This aircraft uses all stock 3w items. The skin is in jpg format, in 2048x, from Sundowner's templates. 12 100% historically accurate Bunum decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE. This aircraft is given a full year's operational time frame, "1965-1966" in the data ini, even if not historically correct (read: easier). New, aircraft specific hangar and loading screens are provided. Is should be noted, this mod was started in 2011, and got lost. I do NOT remember who created the original skin I worked from, or the decals (which have been refreshed to remove ghosting around the edges), So I cannot take full credit for this mod (see "Notes" for more speculations). When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop down, you'll see: F-4G(B) Phantom II (USN) This will differentiate it from the USAF F-4G Wild Weasel, and make sure you know it's a Navy bird. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein

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