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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Don't forget to fade the base colored part about 85% -- that'll give it a painted on look in game (with thanks Dave for that tip!) Wrench kevin stein
  2. Sorry, bro, it did't make it... Getting pics to link out of the Gallery is something I've yet to figure out too; so I just use my web site to host. Once I figure out the Gallery thingy, I'd love to post my illustrated tutiorial on 'Adding Targets to Maps' Opppys edit: it should be the same as linking off site; try this: Upload to the Gallery. Right click on the pic, "properties", which will give you the url address. Highligh that, "copy", then go the the post, 'insert pic' --4th button from the left on the top of the posting (looks like a little green square with and orange do-jobby in it), past the link into it, and go from there I'll have to try that meself... Wrench kevin stein
  3. Excellent news!!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Have you looked in our Downloads section??? 3rdWireSeries/Add-On Aircraft/Cold War Aircraft/ MiG-17 Plus several other versions of the Fresco D/E And I must correct myself -- it's actually 4 years old... And... after you get it, and have it installed, you'll be neededing to hit the Knowledge Base for corrections and fixes for it. See the "Weapons and Loadouts Fixes Thread, Bunyap Pak" for you editing info Wrench kevin stein
  5. Um, aren't they called CAS mission??? And easily selectable from the main menu?? As long as the aircraft has the correct MissionType= callout listed?? You don't want to try that when the DS mod finally get released ... many of the vehicles (trucks, APCs, etc) shoot back.... Wrench kevin stein
  6. Edwards 1950s version, the payware one?? You'd need to rebuild the targets and types ini to add the SAMs and radars. I do remember, waaay back in it's first edition (several years ago), it was set up with 'modern' air defenses; cause I had to remove them in rebuilding it for the 1950s (personal use - then he came out with the right ones). Don't know if it's still available...or even if I have a copy archived. I do remember it was NOT full sized (Real Life ) Doable? Very much so. Wrench kevin stein
  7. Operation Chastise

    Here's a couple of shot, fresh off the aviation pictures newsgroup.... With thanks to the poster over there!! WRench kevin stein
  8. SkippyBing: any news on the Stringbag??? Have some nice hangar/loading screens for that, just looking for a home.... (along with the Wyvern, too) Wrench kevin stein
  9. File Name: Rebuild of Gepard's Isreal 2 for WoI File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 Mar 2008 File Category: Terrains File Version: 2.5 Website: No Information Isreal 2 Terrain Upgrade for WoI This is an extensive expansion of Gepard's "Isreal 2" full-scale map he made several years ago for SF/WoE/WoV. What this will do, is allow its usage in WoI (or any of the other games, for that matter), with a massive expansion of the target areas. Several new items have been added to the types ini, allowing the 1948-1967 timeframe for Historical missions and Campaigns in the Middle East region. This is NOT the full terrain, just a small package of inis, a few new objects, and some tiles for use with Polak's Desert Tile set (see "Notes" below for more information). Updated planning maps have been included, based off Gepard's originals. It has been extensively upgraded, with new movement, targets and types ins. Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users" below. It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; expecially the Desert skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. It is designed to use either the Bunyap or Mirage Factory Weapons Pak; some of the names for the IDF air defenses (ie: the HAWKs and their associated radars) and their 'arranements', are taken from Nick Bell's 'NATO Air Defense Mod'; these are the names used for the 2 HAWK radars. In addition, I've included 2 new Infantry units - one generic Arab and one IDF, based off Kesselbrut's 'Infanty Squads'. I've replaced the RPG/LAW with an automatic rifle. I've also given you my fully updated gundata.ini and gundata.dat files, which have all the needed guns. As stated above, it is =specifically= designed for use with Wings Over Isreal. It has -also- been tested in SF, WoE and WoV;.expecting the fact the WoV users will need to get a new tile set. See "Notes for WoI Users With Only WoV" below. ---You MUST have Gepard's Isreal2 terrain already installed for this to work -- it it NOT a full terrain-- So, like I always say....read the readme...it has everything you need to know! Also, the extensive notes section for more, in-depth explinations and guidence. Happy Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  10. Mirage Factory's Fishbed was built that way, for that model. There was a 'decal fix' for the Indian AF Type 74 (?)...I remember seeing it today in the downloads section...but can't remember where; maybe 'Templates and Decals'??? Figuring out the mesh name and postion can be a real pain...as I remember from the Wraith!. Don't forget, too, I cheated a little and used a modified Scooter Hump to fill in part of it. Wrench kevin stein
  11. Nice link Richard! That's pretty much how it's set up, in the original version of the 17PFU, and in my 19P/PM mods (since I just reused the 17PFU avionics ini ) Wrench kevin stein
  12. The info should be in Knowledge Base .... I know for a fact it's there. but you'll need to extract the HUDData.ini first... I think it's this entry... [Display004] DisplayType=RADAR PosX=0.865 PosY=0.015 Width=0.125 <--- Height=0.16666667 <--- set these to 0 should make it go away Alpha=0.60 InitTime=2.0 another neat trick, to remove the background from the text: [infoDisplay] //BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga <--comment out this line as shown colors can be adjusted as well, but you'll need to convert the RGB values to what the game uses. Look for the line that have "Color" in them Wrench kevin stein
  13. Operation Chastise

    Excellent stuff!!! You could hear the whistle of the Merlins as the Lanc went past...never tire of hearing that sound. and thank God! A reporter with a clue!! Looks like I'd better order the DVD.... thanks for sharing it!! Wrench kevin stein
  14. Hmmmm...maybe... "LeadComputing=TRUE" in the cockpit ini, with the needed specs for distance? This is all out of the stock FRS.2 cockpit ini: LeadComputing=TRUE MinLeadRange=300 MaxLeadRange=1300 DefaultLeadRange=500 You need to make sure you can activate the different modes via ini edits, in the top, CockpitData section HUDMode=CAGED,AA,AG caged= fixed in place AA = lead computing AG = depressed for bombing (sometime rockets) Somebody correct me, if I'm wrong please!! Wrench kevin stein
  15. Again, I must confess to being a dumb-a$$; I've had it the whole time (for the Mirage F1) 5 minutes work, created an HAF nation-specific version. Good news about the newer version; so many nations around the Med (and the world) seem to be using them. thanks in advance, Sony, if you can find them! Here's a quick, early shot of the Phantom in Agean Blue. Please ignore the decals, as it'll probably get new ones - most definately the serials and fin flash. I'm no Sundowner...if I had 1/10 of Ant's skinning skill, I'd be 10 times the skinner I am! There's a 'GhostGray' skin here, but it's for the F-4B (which only required renaming the bmps to "F-4E") Needs some decal work, but that's no big deal. Wrench kevin stein
  16. Cool!! I really like the port facilities! They actually LOOK like harbors (unlike some of mine....) Keep up with the good stuf...lots of folks are awaiting it! Wrench kevin stein
  17. As to the radar/cockpit...I'm assuming (as I've not looked this up yet), there'd be a display CRT somewheres in there...why not use Boopidoo's Su-15 pit, as it's got the twin-engine annunicators, the needed display, and may have something close to the look needed? Even if not 100%, it'll be 'close enough for government work'. Adjust the positionining accordingly in the cockpit ini, and see what's up. The green skin looks much better!!! Remember, "a good coat of paint hides a multitude of sins" - always loved that one! You might want to think about resizing the main skin -- 12megs is kinda large for one with such low details; take it down to 1024x, and it'll still look good. Also, it reduces the size of the final package, increasing up/down load times. The model is low-detailed enough to get away with this easily. You could even switch the pilot from the 'RedAir', to Pilot00, which has a white helmet and green flight suit. It's on my site; and you're welcome to use it. I like it! Release it here as a Beta+, make some cockpit changes, etc. I'd say we're on track for winner here! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Well, it's listed as a WIP in the "Mods Thread: What's Available". http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21870 I can't remember who exactly was working on it, though Wrench kevin stein
  19. Moved to the proper Forum... PLEASE!! do not post in the Knowledge Base, unless you're a Contributor. All questions belong here, in the Main Forums Thanks! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Ok, I've looked over my notes, but can't find the fixes for AD's Su-17 (and now by inference, lindr's mods thereof) There were data ini tweeks that allowed you to get closer with the F6 view, and a couple others. I've looked at my older data inis (that SHOULD have it), but don't remember exactly what I'm looking for. And once I get these, I'll add them to the KB TIA! Wrench kevin stein
  21. I think you'll be very happy with the screens that are coming...the Voodoo and Deuce expecially!! I've always had a standing challenge; I've yet to NOT find something to use to make screens with; artwork wise. Photos; hell, anybody can do it with photos!!! Wrench kevin stein
  22. All the Dev A-Team items are available ONLY though the Dev A-Team's site. Here's a link to the forum, from there you can register to enable the downloads: http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineering...d69516a4ece53ec The info you'll need should be in the "Board and Files Policies" forum, right there on that first page. Wrench kevin stein
  23. And THAT'S going into the KB as well!! Wrench kevin stein
  24. I did that for the Abrams for the DS mod ... the armor values were WAAAAY to low. Now it takes at least 3 direct hits from a T-72 to knock it out. Yes, they are simple data ini edits. Figuring out HOW much to add is hard part! Ships, like the tanker, should be pretty resistant to small arms/little bombs. Being so internally compartmentalized, they should be fairly resistant to damage (excepting the Exxon Valdez...) The cargoship and Liberty, maybe not so much. Destroyers/Firgates/P-Boats should also be minimal (I remember the line from 'Bedford Incident' .. "We're mostly aluminum above the waterlines, so having a doctor isn't that important", or something like that) For example, in Real Life , the Israeli attack on the US Intell ship -cant remember the name right off- rockets, cannons, etc, and she didn't sink. Albeit, many casualities amongst the crew, but the ship didn't go down. They all could use a little upgrade, methinks! Wrench kevin stein
  25. Yah, sorry for the confusion..it was late last night when I wrote that. It would go into EACH of the radar missile's weaponsdata. A rather inelegant, more of an arcade or console game, fix than for a air combat simulator. And like Fub said, it would be the global sounds as used on the IRMs. But there should be a way to make a new entry for a "radar missile locked" sound, but I'm not sure how. I just do it real way, watch the InRng light or HUD pipper. Wrench kevin stein

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