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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. All the information, with HIGHLY detailed, step-by-step instructions, is in the enclosed readme. What, exactly, is the problem??? Remember, you MUST have one of the original terrain folders (Desert, VietnamSEA or GermanyCE) in your WoI/Terrain folder for this to work. Make your adjustments in the 'cat pointer' line as outlined in the readme. Converserly, if you DON'T have one of the original terrains available, it'll never work. This is clearly stated. Wrench kevin stein
  2. No, that's not a typo (which, as everyone knows, I'm prone too!!) Got the NATO/Italian airfields straightened out, moved and renamed more or less properly. They reside, withing a few KM of their real live positions. (more or less... ). I'm sure our Italian/European members can point out any mistakes I might make along the way.... Modified planning map: NOTE-this is a LARGISH image! Since I've been working on Sunny Southern Italy, I thought it would be nice to fly AMI planes.... 104S-ASA-M over Messina, and to quote Rick Wakeman/Jules Verne, with 'the frightening Mount Etna' in the background... Some airfield shots... Looking across the Strait of Messina, west to Sicily Yet another view of Mt Etna.. Luqa is active. Still have to build Valletta and it's harbor. Unfortunately, the coastline isn't quite right, but it's workable. Next up, checking ALL the mission types. It's progressing a lot faster than I'd thought. Some tiling issues at the transitions, but nothing show stopping. It's a combination of my 1.4, FLHaussers .5 version, with more of my special tweeks, using Polak's tiles. Wrench kevin stein
  3. HasGrowl=TRUE WRench kevin stein
  4. Fresco E, you mean one of these?... That's been around for about 3 years. Be nice to see one with the nose molded in, though. Provided everything else is up to snuff. BTW, since you're using the stock Fresco mapping on the wings and such, shouldn't you go all the way, and use the rest of the body as well??? That way skinners could make use of that really nice 1024x1024 template I created. Cause, I gotta tell ya, the fuselage skin really looks terrible. The decal ini is also not correct; it's calling for an "81" decal that dosent' exist. I'd suggest end users just change the callout to look something like this: You all really gotta get it together ... let's start seeing some readmes, things that work 'out of the box', completed packages. We have a lot of users here who need the exact instructions given to them, so they may enjoy to the fullest your hard work. These all have a very 'rushed' and incomplete feeling to them. Please, spend a little more time testing and refining the product!! It benefits the entire community, and in the end makes YOU and your team better Modders. Give what I've said some thought, huh?? Wrench kevin stein
  5. It's progressing, right now i'm just finished some eye candy and finalizing some object placements ... building some semi-sheltered harbors at Tripoli, Benghazi and Siracusa. I'd like to do one at Tunis, but the terrain slope to the water is too excessive. So, maybe just a few ships in the bay. And adding a few of the expected 'Easter Eggs'...hehehee....just you all wait!!! As to Mommar's tent...no one knows exactly where it is anyway! Actually, I was fiddling with some stuff here at the site, and several of the new planes that came out, so I kinda got delayed. In reality, it's done... just need to finish off the readme to my own high standards. The "Notes" section is quite extensive. Very soon, I promise!!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. In the /Flight folder, in the MissionData.cat, there's a "NamesMercs.lst". You could extract that, and edit it, as the "Mercenary" listing in the nations.ini already points to that list Wrench kevin stein
  7. Weeell....honestely, as much I a like the BunyPak as it covers everything from the 1930s to the Present, the TMF pak has nicer visual models. What I would do (and have done! - as I have 3 WoI installs, 1 plain, untouched, 1 BunyPak, 1 TMF pak - this is for many reasons that don't pertain to this conversation), is use the TMF pak, and just add the needed weapons, such as the Meteor, Hellfire & Brimstone. You can always 'import' bits over as needed from the BunyPak, for 'nationalized' weapons that are required for some aircraft. One nice thing about the TMF pak, is it uses the stock 3rdWire naming conventions (ie: WP, NATO, etc), and the NATO style naming of the Soviet weapons (ie: AA-2, AA-8, etc), as opposed to the correct Russian naming (R-3S, R-60). What that means is, you don't have to edit the aircraft's data and loadout inis; you can pretty much just drop in the TMF pak and have a 99.9% certainty that things will show up as advertised. A few notes on importing weapons from the BP to the TMFP: A simple copy/paste of the data (ie: the weapons data entry for the particular weapons) will get it listed - don't forget to change the number to fit the sequence! Doing the 'add weapons dance via the editor' is next to finaize the entry, and update the dat file the game needs. Copying over the various lods, bmp, inis (if needed) takes a little more work...as it's not always obvious what bmp (skin) goes with which lod. If you're familiar with a hex editor, you just open the lod and 'search' for bmp, or tga as needed, and it'll tell you. If you're not, you can always ask someone -- it only takes a few seconds to find it, once you've done it a couple of times. If that's something you want to learn, there's a lot of good free hex editors around the Web. I use one called XVI32, and it's real easy to use. Yes, it is a little time consuming, but the end results are usually worth it. So, to answer the original question, as I seem to have gotten off track, d/l the BunyPak, and unzip to a temp folder someplace; that way it's not conflicting with anything in-game. And work out what you want to move from there. If that is what you want to do! Wrench kevin stein
  8. Ah, HA!! so that's what that RA bomber is??? Now, I can go look for stuff for the hangar screens... Wrench kevin stein
  9. I think this it... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1520 If it's the one I think it is, I tried it and didn't like how it 'adjusted' the other views. There's also Kesselbrut's A-26 Invader pit with a working bombsight, in the WW2/Prop Cockpit's section Wrench kevin stein
  10. FERdeBOER: Welcome! You'll find a host of tutorials, fixes, tweeks and such like in our Knowledge Base. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99 Please give it a once over, as (hopefully!!!) your questions will be answered there. Mind you, if you're using WoI, you'll need to get the WoI/FE weapons editor, available in our downloads section, "Utilites and Tools", as the older version only works on SF/WoV/WoE. It is suggested (ie: reccomended) that you NOT mix the 2 weapons paks, but add only those weapons necessary for specific aircraft, as needed. There are a host of differences in the 2, that I won't go into here. Read over the tuts, and if you have problems, let us know. Wrench kevin stein
  11. No, the TMF pak does NOT have nationalized weapons. The Fantan did come with some weapons to add (lods, bmps,etc) and the data for the weaponsdata ini, and you can find a boatload more PLAAF weapons in the Knowledge Base, Weapons & Loadouts Thread: Additonal PLAAF Weapons I also put a link to that post in the Q-5 Release Announcemnt Thread Wrench kevin stein
  12. I'd like to ammend my previous post, after re-reading the discriptive text about the rocket... It appears we'd need TWO new items; 1) the rocket itself, with the larger-than-the-body warhead section and 2) the launch tube Which means it now would be treated as a single shot rocket pod. (something similiar to the anti-aircraft mortar as used by the Luftwaffe in WW2) In a pinch, however, the S-24 lod could be used as a stand in until the real shapes materalize. As seen in lindr's pictures, the warhead section sticks out of the container/launch pod Wrench kevin stein
  13. Just in case you semi-evolved simains missed this, as no one seems to actually use the Knowledge Base, I've resurrected the Listing Thread, that has a relatively (ha!) up-to-date listing of 90% of what available for the various itterations of our favorite pastime: The Mods Thread: What's Available Like I said, it's not 100% accurate, but it's damn close. Wrench kevin stein Evolved Simian -ook! -ook!
  14. Never heard of it in Real Life However, if you'd look on your dashboard, you might find a light that says "In Range" If you look on the HUD (of those aircraft so equipped with late model avionics), you should see "InRng" Wrench kevin stein
  15. All the information in all the above posts is absolutely 100% WRONG!! (excepting maybe the TMF merge bit - which is NOT reccomended see "WOI Mods Thread" for more info, basically, add ONLY the weapons needed for specific aircraft). Merges are not reccomended due to sometimes 'doubling' of some weapons (ie: multiple entries of the same one) The Buny Pak sure does work in WoI, if you do a few simple things 1) D/L the new WoI/FE weapons editor 2) Install WE and WepPak to you WoI install - place the editor in a seperate folder in game install -- works better that way with less chance to open the wrong wepondata.ini. 3) Open the Buny Pak with the new editor -- here's where it can get interesting.... There have been some changes in how weapons are set, with the addition of a few items, like station specific coding, increased/Adjustable CEP, and supersonic drag coefficents. You can get away with simply opening a few of the weapons, do the usual "look at, click OK, SAVE" as we've always done, and it'll rebuild 99% of the items to the current standard. The other, longer way around is to open each of the weapons entries and do the same. Personally, I just did the quickie way, and I've had no problems that I could find. Remember: the Game Engine reads the weapons.dat file, NOT the weaponsdata ini. That exists to create/tell the dat file what's what. Running the weaponsdata ini through the Editor is what creates the dat file. Wrench kevin stein
  16. Fixes for Su-17/20/22 Fitters

    Info provided by Crusader: Note: some of the Fitter's may have this fix already applied; check you data ini anyway, it only takes a few seconds to double check!!! Fix for External View Zoom Issue: Open the data ini for any of the swing-wing Fitters; Su-17, 20 and 22s, and scroll down to the sections indicated. What your looking for, as shown below is a comma (,) where it should be a period, or decimal point (.) [LeftOuterWing] ParentComponentName=LeftWing ... MinExtentPosition=-2.75,-8.61, 0.45 MaxExtentPosition=-4,59,-3.67, 0.63 <------ typo here, comma instead of a dot ... SystemName[004]=LeftSlat [RightOuterWing] ParentComponentName=RightWing ... MinExtentPosition= 2.75,-8.61, 0.45 MaxExtentPosition= 4,59,-3.67, 0.63 <------ typo here, comma instead of a dot ... SystemName[004]=RightSlat Just replace the comma with the decimal point/period, save and close. That should eliminate the "can't zoom in close" on the external views. The edited lines should look like this, left side shown: MaxExtentPosition= 4.59,-3.67, 0.63 For the RightSide: MaxExtentPosition=-4.59,-3.67, 0.63 Fix for the Bouncy, Jiggly Dancing Aircraft: The data to be adjusted is shown in the BOLD text NoseGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.25 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=front_top_strut InsideNodeName=gear_bay_front ShockAnimationID=4 ShockNodeName=front_damper ShockStroke=0.25 SpringFactor=1.5 DampingFactor=1.0 WheelNodeName=front_wheel RollingRadius=0.330 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName=front_bottom_strut Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=41.15 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=45.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=1.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=128.61 [LeftMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.50 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=left_gear_strut InsideNodeName=gear_bay_left ShockAnimationID=5 ShockStroke=0.2 SpringFactor=1.0 DampingFactor=3.0 WheelNodeName=wheel_left RollingRadius=0.405 CastoringWheel=FALSE HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=128.61 [RightMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.50 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=right_gear_strut InsideNodeName=gear_bay_right ShockAnimationID=6 ShockStroke=0.2 SpringFactor=1.0 DampingFactor=3.0 WheelNodeName=wheel_right RollingRadius=0.405 CastoringWheel=FALSE HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=128.61 With thanks to Crusader for digging this out of his archives when I asked for it!! And to Column5 (and again Crusader) for having it somewheres to be found. Wrench kevin stein
  17. Yes, the skin mapping is the same for WoI and WoE Hunters. So you can use the 3rd Wire templates TK provided. I have them, with slightly enhanced rivets and panel lines -- didn't really change too much I haven't looked into the lod for the mesh names...pity we don't get the OUT files from TK. there's a "door_front_1" that might be the nose gears front door "door_front_1_inner" "door_front_2" "door_front_2_inner" then it goes on to list the 'right' 1 and 2, left 1 & 2, inners for both - I think we can assume those are 'main gears' on the wings. Try one of them, and see what happens! Wrench kevin stein
  18. I was gonna say...will there BE any ice left by 2015?? BTW, will the mountain be there, that we may descend to the "center of the earth"? (sorry, the movie was on TCM last week, so I had to watch it -again!) If you need an Icelandic flag, (or is it still Danish-owned?) let me know. It's about 3.5 minutes of work If I may suggest, for the ports/harbors, if the land/sea transition be a flat as possible; >1 meter. Makes it a pain to have docked ships, wharfs/docks and other harbor facilities when the ground slope is too extreme, and the water shoals so oddly. Can't wait for it!! Wrench kevin stein
  19. Well, I have target areas with over 350 target entries (well over 1000 lines), the DS map has 215+ target areas; I'd have assumed that 999 was the max -- that's good news from TK! Don't forget, too, that the game engine only populates (and de-populates) the target area when the player gets within a certain distance - one which I've not figured out yet. I think it's somewhere along the lines of 25-50kms. I've actually seen this happen, most recently on the Libya rebuild. My flight was at Titto Minnitti, and I used the free camera to run down to Sicacusa, as I was laying out the harbor installations (docks, wharfs, cranes, ships). As the aircraf was on autopilot, heading off somewheres, I was busy checking the positioning of the various items, when all the ships just "POPPED" out of existence. Going the other way, I was checking object placement at Benghazi, there were NO ships present -- which helped in placing the docks -- when they just "POPPED" back in. This is the bit that really hurts in object placement (ie: not having a real 3d mission builder ala Fighters Anthology et al), is you have to fly your single mission over or near the target area you're working on. Otherwise, anything that uses a GroundObject, like AAA, SAMs, radars, vehicles/ships will not be there. Conversely, anything set as a terrain object; docks, buildings, flags, signs and parked aircraft (aftermarket -SF/WoV/WoE only) for the most part DO show up. To anwer the specific question, hell yes!!!. You'd just need to create a new target area, and toss the truck/tents/whathaveyou around in the area however you'd like. BTW, armed recon missions ONLY happen on defined 'travel routes', so you might have to create a new route, that passes by the 'suspected truck park' -- which should show up on Strike missions. Wrench kevin stein
  20. (slaps self on forehead)!!!DoH!!! The "halle" the open one is halle3, IIRC. I spend so much time laying them out, I never stop to look at what they are. With a little tweeking of the targets ini, you could place parked aircraft inside them. I think I put some trucks in one, somwhere... And if you're really industrious, you could have internal lights suspened from the ceilings (like comprt's lit shelters) Wrench kevin stein
  21. There dosen't seem to be one in either the bunyap pak or TMF. Even though the size will be off (240mm vs 340mm -- only a difference of 4 inches in diameter!), perhaps using the S-24 as a 'stand in' until someone steps forward to build the needed appears? edit, edit edit...a quick look into to Yefram Gordan's book, "Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weapons", says the S-25 is only 250mm in diameter. This includes the S-25-0, S-25-OF, S-25-OFM, and S-25L hopefully, you can see the text in the image ok. It says the warhead diameter is 340mm, but the body (caliber) is 240. So, I'd just use the S-24 and tell the end users to 'suspend disbelief' (ie: "get over it or build one!") Wrench kevin stein
  22. It should be in the KB, but it's probably not. Like Tannenthal, said LOD names can be any length, within reason. The skin bmp MUST remain with the total amount of characters defined by the original skin bmp. It's the same principals as creating a new pilot... you have PilotXX.lod, and you have a new skin for, say with a Playboy bunny. (this, btw is a real case, as such a helmet DOES exist!) You rename the bmp to "PilotPB.bmp" Not the amount of characters; there are one 7 usable 'slots', as the .bmp MUST remain. So, with your handy dandy Hex editor, you open the LOD and SEARCH for bmp (pilot lods have 3 callouts) and replace each one with the new skin name. Then you 'save as'... in this case I'm keeping it simple, "PilotPB.LOD". Then, just open the pilot's ini; any can be used, and adjust the pointer for the new lod. Then, again, 'save as' PilotPB.ini. And a new pilot is born... I've done this for several weapons items, in particular the 'fix' for the Starfighter fuel tanks; you have both silver and Euro-green camo versions. Those are availbe here somewhere in the D/L section. To repeat: bmp names must match the exact length of the original skin bmp when hex editing the lod Wrench kevin stein
  23. Gentlemen (and Lady), I belived he's asking for assistance in completing these birds, so you can oohh and ahhh over them in your own game installs to your heart's content!! So, lets see some skinners, FM gurus, ini tweekers, and load toads stepping up to assist, hmm??? Speaking of FM, I'd make the assumption the bombers could 'get away with' re-using FM bits scavanged from other aircraft, in particular I'm thinkin the B-17s, Lancs, B-24s and perhaps the B-25 for the Wimpy. That RA bomber, is that a Paggiio or something -- not that 'up' on RA bombers -- maybe the Fort's The Vatour could reuse the WoI's FM. The Stratotanker might make use of parameters borrowed from the Airbus, and peaked and tweeked to fit a 4 engine airliner/cargo plane. Possibly something similiar for the Bear As to Hangar/Loading screens...I think I got about 75% of them already covered, although my Voodoo screen needs a major clean up/re-do. Once again, I ask...those that can, let's help Veltro get these out!!! Just wish I could skin better than I do... Wrench kevin stein
  24. What, the Deuce??? Sorry, couldn't resist.... I think I might have a hangar screen for 102 around here somewheres... off to search.. Wrench kevin stein
  25. Works fine in WoE; haven't checked SF, WoV, WoI yet... had some initial no-shows upon first install; gunsight, afterburner emmitters, the aforementioned seat misplacement. Odd thing, after fixing the seat, the AB emitter decieded to show up. Quick Fixes: add to AircraftData section: UseMetricUnit=TRUE you need to lower the seat, this is pretty close (at least, it gets it under the canopy) SeatPosition=-0.008,3.323,0.304 I haven't started dialing the lights back to the proper positions...the settings in the data ini are from the stock Mig-19, and werent' adjusted for the size difference between the 19 and Q-5 These are superb efforts (this and J-7) on aircraft that fit nicely into the game; but it is just me, or do they have a slightly 'unfinished' feel to them? Extraneous files, misnamed items, NO READMEs --what up with that??-- c'mon guys, you all know Site Policy! If you have problems with creating readmes, just look at some of mine and use them as the basis. Or get in contact with one of us that write really good, clear and conscise ones. You can find additional PRC weapons in this Thread in KB: Click Me! I'm a Link!!! -->Additional PLAAF A-G Weapons<--- as to the sights, and some other issues: make sure it's pointing to the correct cockpit and avionics ini --mine seems to have multiple inis (the aforementioned extraneous files - for a MiG-23-which is the one its using), that the actual sight tgas are present in the cockpit folder -- at first I didn't have any, but going out of the game, then back in, they reappeared. The size might also need some adjusting, it seems far too large for the reticle glass. Maybe reduce size to =30? Wrench kevin stein

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