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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Based on that picture, somebody don't know the difference between contrails and exhaust smoke. Contrails (or condensation trails) are created by the water in the exhaust, left over as part of the combustion process. Don't matter if it piston or turbine -- there's always water in the exhaust. At higher altitudes (and/or colder temps), the kinda 'freezes' out of the exhaust mixture. Just like your car on a cold morning (or a well working catalytic converter, but I digress). Contrails are (for the most part) white, exhaust trails are dark brown or black, depending on fuel types. The mission builders have a little button or window you can set contrail altitudes at... Good Idea: leave the emitters in the data inis ALONE!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. Or...here's another alternative (but may cause repeats) change the number.lst to repeat the numbers... 001 002 ... 024 025 001 002 etc the game engine should just recyle them back. I did that once, just for s**ts and grins, and it DID work, although sometime you'd got 2 birds with the same number; but everyone gets a number. I've done something smiliar, but dont' remember which aircraft; I used the stock numbers, extracted from the objectscat, placed in the skin's decals folder, and adjusted the number list to fit. Again, after 025, they disappear, but it was the only way to get the ones I wanted on that particular aircraft. As to being lazy, hell...it's almost my middle name! the quote: "I'm not just a lazy as the next guy, I'm MORE lazy than the next guy" The offer on the font stands for whomever still wants it! It's called "Amien01", and it's freely availabe off the web, if anyone wants to search for it. Wrench kevin stein
  3. What i think I was trying to say, move the arabnums INTO a /D subfolder, just like regular decals, and rewrite the path accordingly. This has always assured that the numbers show on the intended aircraft. That's what I've always done. Assming this is for WoI, you can use the 'ArabicSN' decal like I did on the EAF MiG-17PF; it'll pull those from the stock Decals folder. Now, now Gocad ... that comment was unkind!! You and I both know what a PIA it is to make a 100 serial numbers (which I've done more time than I care to think about.....) and matching nose art, and matching ID/Modex numbers....we need an "exhausted" smiley to put here.. BTW, if anyone is interested, I have an Arabic font that makes nice number decals...I used it for the EAF Spits, Mc-205, Meteor F.3 and F.8..and probably some others I've chosen to forget! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Damnit!!! I'm an idiot!!!! That was the site I researched Alaska on!!! insert MORON >here<!!! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Well, I hope you and Ant come up with a suitably 'British' name. The naming of names is most important...look at the tradition of excellent names from the UK .. Spitfire, Mosquito, Hurricane, Merlin...oh, yeah better be somethign good! I'll revamp the screens this weekend, and have something for you. Just want to clean up a few things. There's 2 Loading screens to choose from; one a 3view, and Richard Thompson's painting 'Before the Axe Fell' Wrench kevin stein
  6. Where are the folders with the 'arabnum' and nosearts located.... ie: check the path Like on the other decals... FilenameFormat=F-4E\DhimariMerc\D\NoseartA Just a thought Wrench kevin stein
  7. Methinks I finally see a proper nosed Farmer-D??? Wrench kevin stein
  8. A much needed, and long awaited addition to stable. Wrench kevin stein
  9. I pretty much think that's how you'd have to do it. Not too different from how TK did the SA-2 variants. BTW, my grandfather's name was Sam, but he never had any missiles! Just thought I'd stick a little joke in there... Be nice to see these when you get them finished! While we're on the subject of Nikes ... anyone know if any of the NATO nations (in particular Italy & Greece) deployed them? Or just HAWKs??? This is for the Libya rebuild.... Wrench kevin stein PS: the name comes from the Greek goddess of Victory! -- learned that whilst researching Nike site in Alaska for DBS2
  10. No. They are Dev A-Team birds, and are availble at Capun's site. Don't forget, you have to register first. BTW, the NF13/14 aren't finished -- they're to be considered betas still. I have the both, and kinda stopped working on them a while back. (meaning I never finisehd the decals for the RAF NF.13; the IDF NF.14 is basically done, but needs some model tweeking of the lod -- big divot on the nose, but other than that....) There are various versions of the F.3, F.8 (EAF and IDF) available ... if one knows where to look (actually, the IDF F.8 never got released; since it was only an ini edit to create the 'country specific' version, using Gramp's IDF skin - which I've since repainted, cleaned up and fiddled with, and redecaled.) Also, you might want to have a peak in the Knowledge Base ... I've resurrected the "Big List" thread that has (well, mostly up-to-date) listings of what's availabe for aircraft, ground objects/ships, terrains and etc. Worth a look. Wrench kevin stein
  11. So....after 20 minutes of downloading, and then examining the contents...tell us, what's different with these from the ones we already have??? That little blurb above don't say much....in fact, it tells the end user nothing usefull towards install procedures. The historical background was nice, however. Also, where is the readme file???? ... that little text file nobody reads, that explains the install procedure, which weapons pak to use -if any, credits to whomever built the original's....sources used, etc, etc, etc....I see a lot of people's work in the various files; it'd be correct to list where they came from The loadouts also look no different from the 23s & 27s already listed in the KB's 'Loadout & Fixes Threads', with the exception of the Indian variant. Even though most Modelers/Modders are signatories of the Freeware Pact, folks still need to have them listed in a readme for the end user to see. -- that's a site policy!!! Don't forget, there are some people that DO NOT want their files used, without permission, in other work. Other Items: Missing the engine sound files, missing LD tgas....making this somewhat incomplete, doncha ya think??? All in all ... a package this size should have everything inclusive. In fact, it could have been pared down substantially, by only including 1 cockpit folder, and having instructions in the (nonexistant) readme to copy it over. I'd have suggested releasing each aircraft as a seperate download, so the end user could pick and choose which one they wanted. Obviously, most folks are probably going to get them all, but it might have made things a bit easier. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Now, THAT's what I call a readme!!! Looks vaguely familiar though.... Nice to have another Zeke to shoot down and/or fly in. Wrench kevin stein
  13. That would be great! Finally get them sorted out. Always wondered just WHY we never had the tank. At worst, we could cheat and "borrow" the lods/bmp/ini/whatever from WoI. Wrench kevin stein
  14. It's not a strange thing at all...it's how the game engine was designed. If you look in my loadout threads in the KB, some of the aircraft are set to pre-load later versions, for instance the 9M. If you choose to fly a mission on a date before the M winder is available, the Game Engine will load an earlier version of the missile, say an 9J or 9E It also goes in the opposite, or 'upwards' direction as you've seen.....say, for example, our F-4S (Late) is set to load 9H...you fly a mission on say, 1990, you might find it has the 9M. The engine loads the most 'date appropriate' weapon from the time frame. As Fubar said, ground objects are different, as they have no loadout ini, just fixed weapons loadouts as per their data ini statements. Wrench kevin stein
  15. Not looking very hard, are we?? From the stock WoI weaponsdata ini: Re-read the statement: It never existed.... at least not in WoE As for the rest, as pointed towards the KB, the cheat is using the Su-7 drop tank. There's a whole butt-load of tweeks for Floggers in there, using the bunyap pak. If you're using the TMF pak, no adjustments to the "AttachmentType=" line is necessary. There's a WHOLE 'nother thread for TMF Weapons Pak Fixes. Go spend some time over there, and see what's what. Wrench kevin stein
  16. Both the S models work perfectly fine for me. (S and S-Late) Chaff/Flare dispenser locations come from the original F-4G WW that's at C5's site. Easy ini edits. As to using the Sparrow M, I don't think they were ever carried on ANY Navy Phantoms (although we'd need 531_Ghost to confirm this, as he worked on the real ones) Have you looked at the weight differences?? Max Length and Diameter?? As far as I know, looking at my versions, they are loaded correctly. (the only thing 'not' correct is I have them carring the SUU-23 gunpod, which they didn't on carrier ops) Wrench kevin stein
  17. Remeber, it's NOT the folder with the pilot bits, BUT THE INDIVIDUAL ITEMS THEMSELVES - BMP, LOD AND INI that goes into the Objects/Aircraft folder Look at the file structure AGAIN in the screenshot in allen's post -- you'll see how it's done Wrench kevin stein
  18. It never existed.... at least not in WoE. If you'll check the Bunyap Loadout Thread in the KB, you'll find a fix for that. However.... it DOES exist in WoI. Wrench kevin stein
  19. Hmm...me thinks I might have hangar and loading screens for that sitting here, looking for a home! WRench kevin stein
  20. That's any easy one -- he's playing Strike Fighter on it!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. Do you get an error message??? Do you have all the necessary WW2 ground objects? Do you have the WW2 modded nations ini? Do you have the weapons pak installed (for the WW2 weapons)? Also, you'll probably want to split that install -- one PTO, one MTO, one BoB (ie: one EAW Euro + the BoB). Otherwise you'll have Claudes flying over Malta! Wrench kevin stein
  22. The WW2 installs have a nice sound of a Merlin starting up ... nothing like that (unless its an R-2800!!) I wonder though, couldn't a sound be assigned for a specific aircraft via main ini edits??? Like: or something similiar??? Just a wild thought!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Cool!! I like your version better than the Tiran I did; it's in the rebuild of your Isreal2 map. At least you got the MG on top dialed in better than I did!!! Thanks! Wrench kevin stein
  24. bringing this up where I can find it again, to sticky it wrench kevin stein
  25. I'd watch out for that runway postioning....those hills are a little too high and a little too close. The AI has problems when landing near 'mountains'. Ran into this several times too many in SoCal, ASW, Modern Darwin, the WW2 map rebuilds, and now in the Libya rebuild. when they 'stack up' on their landing approach, they'll may fly right into them. Might want to 'lower' them somehow (perhaps by extending the 'flatten airfield' area by 3-5 km). Even in not geographacily accurate, it'll keep them from crashing on landing. Wrench kevin stein

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