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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. thanks guys, that just what's needed. The SFMap thingy dosen't quite place things where they are. In game, thing will be 'relatively' as they say, close to RL . I've placed things as close as I can, given some of the small flaws (lack of some of the bays and inlets - the Strait of Messina is definately NOT quite right) Catania is going to be changed (yet again!) to a smaller airfiled --- i'm getting the same 'stickiness' on the southerly take off heading (this may be do to proximity to the sea - had/have this same issue with the NAS at the east side of San Friscisco Bay in the SoCal map). Probably change the orientation as well. It should be noted, that all stock airfields are 0/180 orientated. You have to make any changes to base objects BEFORE rotating...cause once you do that, the offsets are not longer valid. Tripol In't is where it is due to the city tiles (this is true for a couple of others as well) Its further west and south than it's RL position, as are a few of the others. Same can be said for the site of Wheelus (or ex-Wheelus) -- it's suposed to be on the coast, but it's all covered with city tiles and buildings (Polak's tods) Since I can't retile....those are all moot points. Other than using the stock desert tiles...which I find to be too orangy, and we'd loose all those nice tall buildings. Unless I do the Fubars renaming trick. Interesting to note, Sigonella dosen't show in Google Earth!!! Blows me mind!! If I get the coords, I can always addit back. Could probably use the site of USBase 1 from the original map. It's still flat, and ready to have something dropped on to it. Definately try for Panatellara, an historicaly important site. As long as it's more than 80km from the map edge... Interesting note on Trapani ... in GE, when you zoom down to about 2000 feet, you can see F-16s parked there, and and F-86D on display near some buildings. As for GroundAttack movements, there will be none. As inthe original, ver 1.3/1.4. Anti-shipping routes, both sides and Armed Recon yes. Wrench kevin stein
  2. have you tried HVAR_MKII assuming the use of the Bunyap Pak Wrench kevin stein
  3. Gosh, I was kinda holding out for "Retaliator". Seemed nice and traditional and all that. Wrench kevin stein
  4. Brain, now you's cooking with gas, baby!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  5. The terrain is absolute junk....even I can't do anything with it. Needs a complete NEW everything. don't even bother Wrench kevin stein
  6. Did you create a new weaponsdata entry for the Desert tank??? make sure the lod pointer is to the new desert_tank.lod Wrench kevin stein
  7. My Venom update???? This is from the readme: The loadouts are all fixed --- you don't need to frack with them. I've done all your work for you. :yes: Now, since the 60#s aren't showing, I can guess that you're probably using the TMF pack??? Guess what...they ain't in there. You'll have to add them. You'll need the info (data section) from the Bunyap Pak, plus the lod and bmp Might want to let us know, next time, which pack you're using??? Makes it easier to get things sorted. Remember, too, the TMF pack is VERY much a work in progress, and mostly designed ONLY for their aircraft (and the stock ones). Everything else MUST be added. Another hint: look at the weapons listings IN the weaponsdata inis. A missing weapon can be easily found by it's absence.... Wrench kevin stein
  8. Ok, some very quick, and very dirty skins... US/Federal P-40E, circa 1943: 94th Pursuit Squadon (still have to place the Hat in the Ring) I forgot about the decal bleed on the r/s fues, so I'll have to paint the insignia on the template. I remember in one of the books, the fighter pilot sees/mentions something about 'the American Eagles on the wings'. I'm making the assumption of that being the North's markings. Rebel/CSA Spit 1: 7th Fighter, Tennessee (TN flag on tail) There's some misalignmet on the rudder/vert fin so I'll have to move the TN fin flash forward or make it slightly smaller. I want the blue striipe to show. Fues numbers should be moved aft of the insignia. And...my damn "CS Army" underwing tag is backwards, have to tweek that too. Ways to got still on both... Just thought you'd like some samples Wrench kevin stein
  9. Wow, original post from 2 years ago... Hope we see this little bird; always thought they loooked cool. It's that V-tail kinda thing! Wrench kevin stein
  10. I knew it!!! I knew the buildings were hidden in tod files!!! Cool beans, Ed!!! Wrench kevin stein
  11. Ok, got all the Libyian airfields sorted out...wasn't that hard to do. Fiddle with the AD's a little, still need to add a couple of HAWK batteries around the (now renamed from US) NATO Base 1 & 2; Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do further east then the central Pelopeneus (sp?) I added Elefsis AB, above the Gulf of Salamis, and about 1 runway length to the east is THE WALL, so that base is right out. But, I did get Andravida located and installed. No problems there. West coast of the penninsula. This does give the Western/NATO air forces 3 usable bases. Sardinia, also unfortunately, is at THE WALL. Truth be told, I can't find ANY real bases on Sicily; just a few regular airports. I'm gonna try (but don't expect to turely succeed) to add a small base (airfield 3) to Malta. I did a little dress up on our NATO/AMI bases....(these screenies are before the renaming, as you can tell by the HUD de-bug) And a close up for a Greek friends... Ok, so where's my uzo??? Still have some glitches with the 'Front Line' -- that's usual with me. Haven't checked the NATO anti-shipping mission routes (or actually anything over then CAPs to get the positions visible) I hope to have this version, to be now and forever called "Libya 1.5Final" done early/mid week. I'm doing this instead of going mind-numbingly bored making decals for the Cutlass. It's nice having all the BuNums, and which one goes with which plane in a given squadron. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Benina there...item #74 in the 1.4 listing; should be in my 1.2/1.3 as well Good info...Nassar stays libyan! Wrench kevin stein
  13. 1) It'd really help to know what specific aircraft we're working on..... 2) Have you looked in the Knowledge Base, my weapons/loadouts/various tweeks forums??? 99.8% of all aircraft have been 'adjusted' for the weapons paks. From looking at you data, I'm gonna guess it for the Ouragan??? I'm also gonna guess this if for WoI?? You'll find those in the WoI ONLY Weapons Fixes Forum, with complete instructions and etc and so forths... Wrench kevin stein
  14. That top picture, that's from a 19P/PM, isn't it...looks like a radar scope, center right Just what's needed for my Farmer D/E mod.... Wrench kevin stein
  15. Gotta gimme a little bit o time here, guys. Let me get pfunk's Libya fixes in, then I'll whip out some Rebel and Imperial er, ah, Federal skins with the insignia I've got on that marking's template. So, Rebel Spitfire 1? A6M5??? Federal P-40 -- B/C model is readily available. I can do the E, but not everyone may have it. (DevATeam bird) Let's stay away from post-WW2 stuff for now, as we don't know the outcome of the War (since the last book ain't out and/or I haven't read it yet). If the South deploys IT'S nuke, which is/was nearly ready, and the North has their's already in transit... it's all up for grab. Wrench kevin stein
  16. I cool with it! Since I started rebuilding the map on my own, and the rest of you are riding in on my coat-tails!!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. THAT's what I needed!!! The Sardinian AB may be too close to the edge. Hellenikos may also have issues with "The Wall". Araxos should be ok. I'll get the dropped in, and see what they look like. note to self -- back up working TFD and HFDs 1) make edits in targets ini 2) make edits in Libya_cities.ini 3) copy ENTIRE Libya folder into the TE 4) open TE, open HFD, open citylist, flatten airfield, smooth heightfield 5) save all 6) copy new TFD and HFD into game's Libya folder (in my case, my WoE_MidEast install) 7) Test fly Mig-21MF (my fav Fishead), with HUDDATA set to debug. Repeat as necessary. I think a lot of the problem is you're trying to retexture it...just leave the tiling alone. We only wanted to add/flatten airfields and other target areas. I got about 5 hours into it so far, and it's looking pretty damn good. I'll check out the Greek/Italian bases and get back to you... note to self: add Italy, Greece to Libya_Nations.ini Wrench kevin stein
  18. From the other thread: I'm assuming these are in Greece??? Is there enough room from the map edge for them?? I'lll need to coordinates, though. I've got all the fields flattened, moved a few target areas (some were on top of each other), added Tripoli Internal - albeit not quite in its real position, move Ocra bin-nasty east a little, so it's not almost on top of Ummmmm Atigua, flattened the vehicle depots, industrial centers, HQ center*...still double checking as some airfield were 'appearing' in the middle of cities (Sahba, fer instance) May also fiddle with the air defenses --- too many SAM launchers are inside buildings (hospitals, orphanages, etc). May create seperate target areas with the generic tags. That'll wake your a$$ up when those Gammon's start climbing towards ya! I want to remove Nasar AB, as that should be Egyptian (?); maybe make Egypt a 'neutral' country...would save on rebuilding the targets ini -again!!!! -- it would still be there, just not assigned in missions After I get that all sorted, then I can check the NATO/US side for the anti-sliping, armed recon, etc mission types. Wrench kevin stein *should I replace that with "The Hexagon"???
  19. Don't forget, too, that the South isn't (even now I don't think...) as heavily industrilazied as the North. Which, amongst other things, was part of their original failure to succeed in the 1860s. In Turtledove's timeline, it's a LOT more industralized, with many of the large factories in the deep south (Alabama, Georga, Texas, Mexico). Kentucky and Tennessee are heavily contested areas, with massive infantry/tank battles The later books mentions Boeing, still in Seattle (out of range of CSA bombers - even from rebelious Utah), Douglas is mentioned, as is Curtiss/Wright - dangerously close in Ohio. Speculation can run rampant; all the historical aircraft manufactures ARE above the Maxon-Dixon line. One can assume CSA importation of aircraft from UK/France/Japan (hmm...Rebel Spitfires against Federal P-40s????) In the books, the CSA is (obviously) allied with Britian and France in the Great War; in the 'WW2' era, they're allied with Japan. CSA Zekes???? They DO build a lot of their own stuff, as General Morrell finds out with his 'barrels' (unscramble the name to see who he represents) Confederate barrels are described more like Panzers, while the US ones more like Grant/Lee style, with a turreted version (I'm assuming similiar to the Pkzw IV or early Sherman) coming out later. I'll try and find where I put that insignia, and see what I can do with it... Wrench kevin stein
  20. PfunK ... look in Roberto Skylord's "Lybia Terrain Weirdness" post in the Mods & Skinning chat for my response. Don't know how long it'll take, but I'm on it. They're be some replacement of some ship types, as some are not longer availble to the General Publick Wrench kevin stein
  21. The only differences in my version, is 1.3 has some moved items to match the coastlines for Polak's desert tiles. Other than that, .2 & .3 are identical. These are my conclusions, after also comparing my 1.2/1.3 versions to FLHausser... His is totally f***ed up!!! Not one single Libyan airfield is usable. Now, I know the game has scalling problems, but having 2 VERY large bases parked next to each other, seems a little off. Tripoli Int'l is missing; as is ex-Wheelus -- considering it's in the middle of a bunch of city tiles with large buildings, and therefore would be unusable in any case. Also, all the airfield pointers are to the 'vietnamSEA_airfield***.ini. Don't think this would cause a problem but I've switched them back. Since I run in a fully patched WoE... Depending on what PFunk needs, I'm going to have to go through the targets ini, line by line, re-create an accurate citylist.ini, move and/or reflatten the airfields. Possibly combining a few of this targets (mostly the extra terrorist training camps), double check the shipping routes and placements.... In short, a 95% rebuild. I'm assuming you all want to use Polak's tiles, since they have all those nice buildings built in??? Opinions/comments required... Wrench kevin stein
  22. Yup, got them books, alrighty. I think I'm either missing the last one or it hasn't come out yet. Where the Federals deploy their nuke against the CSA. Don't forget to, guys, they only go as far as approx 1945... (even have my signed copy of "Over Open Sights" by Jake Featherston) btw, there's a national marking's set of templates over at simmerspaintshop, that has CSA and USA insignia. As to maps, nothing that could really be used .... in Turtledove's timeline, Mexico is alinged with the CSA, parts of Canada are US occupied (Quebc?) - the rest don't like us, Cuba is CSA territory.... so that rules out Flordia (unless you're doing carrier campaigns from USS REMEMBERANCE). SoCal might be usable, as LA does come under bomber attack from bases in West Texas/New Mexico... The original desert map MIGHT be able to be rebuilt representing the Eastern Seaboard, but then there's that island of the coast that don't belong.... It's doable, but would take a huge amount of work ... to say nothing of the aircraft ... excepting for those in "The Great War", not a lot of them are described .. CW built Fokker-clones, possible P-40s for WW2 ish era; since the USA is allied with the Central Powers in The Great War....also, no mention of the Euro powers in 40s books....hmm....must think on this... Wrench kevin stein
  23. PF: send me your targets and types inis. I'll see what I can do. I know that FLHausser's was "supposed" to have put ex-Wheelus in it's proper position, near the coast at Tripiloi. My versions worked fine (mind you, they were just tweeks of the targets and types inis, never tuched airfields at that early point) Are you using mine or his??? Odd thing, I didn't get his version. Perhaps I should...he said he'd fixed the anti-shiping routes , so they're not in the middle of the desert anymore! When you're using the TE, do you have a copy of the terrain's folder IN the TE's folder??? (plus the 'playable' copy in your game install). Don't work the TE from inside the game...all terrainedits (TE wise) need to be done IN the TE folder. That's what I learned doing SoCal and ASW. Wrench kevin stein
  24. Not bad!!! Not bad at all!!! Trade ya decal positions for the panel line layer in the template!! PM me! I've gotten all the lights dialed in, excpeting the landing light -- can't quite figure out it's position. Looking at Torno, and the view in Naval Fighters #6, might have to move the wing light inwards a bit I'd really like to get to out to The People Wrench kevin stein
  25. Ver 1.4 ... that's FLHausser's tweek to my 1.2/1.3 versions? There should have been a readme file along with. I know I, as per usual, wrote a highly detailed, step-by-step one. Should have all your answers in there. Also, try pointing it to the GermanyCE.cat, and see what happens. And make sure you have a full/proper tile set installed. Wrench kevin stein

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