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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. As they appear to be mapped identically to the WoE Hunter, I'd reccomend popping over the 3rd Wire, and grabbing TKs templates If not, I should have them here. I enhanced the rivets and panel lines a little. They're the ones I used for the "What If..." IDF Hunter (WoE version) Wrench kevin stein
  2. Sounds like they use a variant of the Mark 3 "Ace Maker". There's a nice Mk.III aiming reticle in my IDF Spit 9. Feel free to make use of it, if you wish. This is what I used for the WW2 gunsight mods, in this case the Spit 9: There's also a very nice K-14 mod, with a A-A and A-G sights, in one of my Mustangs...it should be here, but I don't renember which one!!! (I know for sure it's in the "WW2 Sabre") Wrench kevin stein
  3. Version


    Modern Range and Red Range Targets Upgrade This little package will update the Modern Range and Red Range with the addition of more target areas, a new movement ini for practice Armed Recon missions, and general tweeks to some of the destroyed effects. Somehow, it seems to have either gotten lost, or somebody never did upload it...... Included is the Factory Place, Truck Depot, and the Rail Yard. The 'ship target', as seen in my WW2 upgrades, has been switched over to use the stock 'Cargo Ship'. Remember -- as there is no ocean on this map, there are NO anti-shipping missions. Also remember, since there are 2 Ranges (one for each side), you =CANNOT= fly a Western/US/NATO aircraft on the Red Range. Just as you =CANNOT= fly a Soviet/WarPac or other 'enemy' classed aircraft on the Range. The game engine WILL crash out with a 'singlemission.dll' fault. So, make sure you have BOTH terrains installed. This mod works in SF, WoV, WoE. It -should- work in WoI with the correct terrain cat pointer; this has NOT been tested, and is at present NOT supported. Please see the enclosed readme for relatively simple install instructions. Happy Practicing!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  4. sorry, couldn't resist. Be nice to see another trainer, too. Something fun to fly around and 'sight see' in. btw, thanks again Al, for the MLRS!!!! Now, I've got to rebuild several artillery sites in DS.... Wrench kevin stein
  5. We need Mig Pits!!! We need Mig Pits!!! We need Mig Pits!!! We need Mig Pits!!! We need Mig Pits!!! We need Mig Pits!!! We need Mig Pits!!! We need Mig Pits!!! We need Mig Pits!!! We wants them; our prescious...we needs them.... I think that gets the point across.... As for that 19 pit...should work nicedly in a Fantan, if we ever get one. Now, if the Su-7 pit had a radar, we would DEFINATELY have something the 2 Su-9s and -11. Just thinking out loud.... Wrench kevin stein
  6. To quote the Roman Senate, from "History of the World, Part 1" "*&%# the people" I'd release a full package, skins, inis, decals, whatever. You can use my modified Spit/ 1 Jet cockpit (check the WW2 Vampire for the bits). Just leave out Pasko's lods. That way, they'll have everything but the physical model. Give them a link the FB.5, and they can do the rest. Same way I've done a LOT of aircraft... 'semi-complete pakage'. Wrench kevin stein
  7. Follow the instrucitons in Geo's read me. They should already be set up as per Patch 4. Just unzip (to a temp folder...it's easier to work with), then copy/paste or move whatever, the vehicles folders into you GroundObjects folder. open the ini, say the Sdkfz251.ini, and make sure they have something similiar showing: The others should have the same lines, just particular to themselves. As for your error message, we need to see WHAT the error was. There should be a little highlighted or underlined piece of text that you can click on. Somethng like "to see what errors were recorded, click here"... or words to that effect. Obviously, something is missing. They all work fine for me!! Wrench kevin stein
  8. Mig-29G Pit

    Should be pretty much the same as used on the Fulcrum C (which could use a good pit, btw) Go for it I says!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. TA: i'd suggest loosing that attitude. I'm more that aware...growing up in the 60s one couldn't help but notice them. Every single day, every single night on the news....watching them carrying our boys into and out of a myrid of hot spots all over that little s**t-hole in SEA. Watching them load the wounded and dead. I've friends, and people that I've worked with, that crewed them there; and known people that died in them, or were badly injured. So, can it. Your question was asked, and answered. Wrench kevin stein
  10. Yeah baby!!! Now it's time for sexy party!!!! (puts on yachting cap, and runs around) Wrench kevin stein
  11. It certainly does. As matter of fact, it was the 1st one I created! I just wished I'd had an Aztec pyrmaid to use for it.... REMEMBER not cheating by looking thourgh the targets ini!!!! WRench kevin stein
  12. Fatman: you'll need the WW2 ground objects, available at Geo's site (don't have the url here) flanker: you're right!!! I can't find it either here or at my site. I KNOW I uploaded it somewhere..... Well, hell. Looks like I know what I"m doing tommorrow morining. If I can't find an archived copy, I'll just have to assemble a new package. What I basically did, is add the stuff seen in the WW2 versions, with 'modern' vehicles and stuff. Wrench kevin stein
  13. Well...I don't know....we've already got that Flying Shark by Capun...wouldn't be too much of an ini edit to give it some kind of directed energy weapon.... Wrench kevin stein
  14. Canadair: the old campaigns are probably broken, what with the addition of 70 or 80 new target areas btw, OOAB is "Occupation Army Air Base" I was THIS -><- close to adding The Hexagon.... Spectre: Sacremento, yes, McClellen no (not quite enough room on the valley) Hint: there IS an Easter Egg near Sacrmento Baltika: Surf Nazi's Must Die!!! Now rmember guys, the map is very old, and I can't to re-tiling and fixing of some of the major terrain flaws (lack of SD bay, Long Beach/San Pedro coastline shape not right, etc. Some of the GS airfields (High Desert and Edwards) would/should actually be quite untenable, from a defensive standpoint. Some interestering stories could still be told here. But I think it's pretty damn good!! Wrench kevin stein ps: does anybody remember where "The Global Sedition" actually comes from??? I do..heheheheheheee
  15. The "Allied Bombing Range" is designed for a WW2 stand alone install, as is it's companion, the "Axis Bombing Range". It is NOT designed for use in a 'modern' ie post 1950s era install. For those, you'd use the regular "Range" or "Red Range" terrain (to which updates are available, adding more targets) When you say nothing works, can you be a little more discriptive?? Meaning, the game crashes on loading a mission, crashes when starting a mission; objects are missing??? Tiles are missing???? Targets are missing???? WoE is fully patched up (most current - that last patch adds the airfields from the desert cat) A little more information, please. I DO realize the readme was/is exceptionally sparse.... You do have the Range.ini set up to use the WoE GermanyCE.cat???, as shown below .. (btw, this info is also in the knowledge Base 'Third Party Terrains' thread) This is right from my SWOTL2 install... Try that, and let us know!! Wrench kevin stein
  16. OH, I'm liking that alot!!! That's what I wanted for the Farmer D/E's with I released the mods. Why not put it together, and release it as an update pak for my Farmers???? Me likes it alot... Now...if we just had the right body for the P & PM.... Wrench kevin stein
  17. Yes, indeed...I'm sure I can find some place to put that on the map.... muuuhhahahahaaaa Wrench kevin stein
  18. We already have working arty - gun tubes, and MRLS (ok, BM-14-16 Kytushas). IRBMs could be made using some of the edits MJ did for the kytusha. We'd just need a lod * for missle. However, there's no way to track or engage them Wrench kevin stein * V2 lod from Edwards WW2 Euro map
  19. To answer the original question.... That Huey is a transport model ONLY, and not armed. Wrench kevin stein
  20. Do you have a 'cat pointer line' in the EAW_Euro.ini? something like this: Without instructions to the game engine as to what terrain cat (ie: catalouge) to use, you'll get lots of blanks and blackness. IRRC, the original EAW_Euro readme stated something like (paraphrased) 'copy the desert.cat into the EAW_Euro folder and reame "EAWEuro.cat". That line eliminates copying a 50-odd meg file, thereby saving HD space. btw, this is covered in the Knowledge Base "Third Party Terrains" thread. Wrench kevin stein
  21. And please!!! Don't forget to read the pdf file that's in the /manual folder. It explains a LOT about how the radars work. Wrench kevin stein
  22. I'll state with a VERY conditional possibly. You'd need to extract and study the airfield's ini.... this is from desert_airfield6.ini .... other notations of possible importance... It should be theoretically possible to comment out the pointer for, say a northerly take off (since most of these cursed things are set a headings 0/180 -- which is really fun when you need a odd heading, like 330...but that's for another post) Might be interesting to experiment with..... Wrench kevin stein
  23. Don't sweat the Abrams...new, rebuild/overhauled/upgraded/modified/improved version will be released with DS That's the Soviet green tracer. Yes, it matters for tank guns. Wrench kevin stein
  24. You all can thank Nick Bell for the HAWK battery format...I took it right from his NATO defense mod. You get close to those Abrams, and you'll hear the turbines spinning over, too This is going to be one of those maps where you'll have to spend hours wandering around in the 'free camera mode', just to see all the sights..... Spectre: I'm working on it...right after I finish SoCal Wrench kevin stein ps: "Wrench, The"??? what is that, like instead of zipper, "interlocking slide fastner''?
  25. Yup, Gramp's skin. For the natural metal, I just used the 'silver' skin, and rebadged via decal ini edits. Created the 'nation specific' version with data ini edits (adjusted years, loads, etc). For the silver skin, there's black number decals in objcetdata01.cat -- IDFNum***.tga B: what I meant was one of the several thousand books in my collection; in this case I 'think' the HAWK kill is mentioned in "The Fighting Isreali Air Force" by BG Stanley Ulanoff & LtC Davied Eshel. great cover painting, Mir3CJs flying past Masada Wish I could write books.... Still have to research when the HAWKs really started to arrive...my brain seems to think either just before or after the 67 War. Wrench kevin stein

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