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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Just got mine...off to install.. Wrench kevin stein
  2. At least it's girls... THIS IS NOOOSSSEEAAARRRTTTT!!!!! Although, there IS a Spartan around there somewhere...or is it in the Mongoose???? Disremember! Wrench kevin stein
  3. They look good on Rhinos!!! "China Girl" is also Salyma Hyack. She, and several other come from my "Fakes" collection...which is rather extensive...(it's ok, you can call me a perv! I don't mind!) Cleopatra, Delilah and Salome are all Bettie Page. She shows up in a LOT of them You think the "Desert Strom" style are good...you should see the ones I've got the F-302 Mongoose. Obviously, some are repeated, but they all have the Stargate-ish theme. If I can just get Capun to give me a nose mesh.... WRench Kevin Stein
  4. Ooops..I read right over it and it didn't register. No, I'm not famailiar with that book...but it sound cool!!! Did you want me to add it??? Now that I've got the 'flatten airfeields'' thing down, I should probably do an update to ASW...we can have Randolph and Kelly operational, and perhaps add another GS airfield Perhaps adding a little airfield in Harlingin, home of the Commerative Air Force?? I can add paked WW2 planes for the meausem (sp?) Have to steal, um errr, borrow them from the WW2 maps.... Dejah Thoris: Princess of Helium, wife to John Carter of Virgina (Edgar Rice Burrows, Mars/Barsoom series first published in 1912) Roller Girl: Dire Straits song Wrench kevin stein showing my age and classical sci-fi knowledge
  5. Populating the airfields -- NOW that' what I'm talking about!!! The AG radar is the answer to MANY prayers!!! The medals screen is nice, too. Can't wait for this one Wrench kevin stein
  6. All right then, Lady and Gentilemens...Let us speak to maps.. I have, sitting here on my HD, 3 -count 'em- 3 maps or mods of existing maps that are in the 90-95% completed range. All they need is flattening for airfields and the 'usual suspects' (ie: industrial and vehicle depot areas, with the occasional NIKE battery thrown in for good measure) These maps (ie: used interchangeably with 'terrain') are: Modern Darwin/Timor (modification of Edwards WW2) Southern California (rebuild from USAFMTL's Top Gun map) Iran/Iraq (from the campaign of the same name) For the most part, they have 95-99% accurate placement of objects, given terrain size limitations. All based on images from Google Earth -- which is a superb resource, btw. I REALLLY want to finish these, and get them off my HD and into the hands of the players. -- that's you folks. But I can't do it...running these through the TE does nothing but destroy them, due to my almost complete and utter lack of knowledge on how it works. What I need is an expert; a Terrain Guru willling to take these and do the necessary flattening for the items that need it. or, as placed as a 'want add'.... The SF Gaming Community will thank all concerned, and don't forget ... your name goes in the readme!!! TIA!! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: note to Gepard -- I need permission to use your bridge that I borrowed from the Suez/Israel terrain. It's being used for the Oakland-Bay Bridge in San Fransisco pps: who was it that wanted my terrain and types ini for 1950s Korea???? -- I done plumb forgetted. W
  7. I did it!!! I did it!!! I DID IT!!!! Been fuzting around with these (and DS) all weekend long. Finally, in an unexpected flash of inspiration, inspired by a post from JSF_Aggie about the DS map, I thought I'd try something completly different. I moved a copy of the entire terrain folder into the TE's main folder. Then, I went line by line in the targets ini, matching numbers and names ... and discovered quite a few mistakes. Did this for BOTH the SoCal and Modern Darwin maps. The Darwin map came out "off" the first few times; but I kept at it. I've added something 4-5 new airfields in the region (Port Keats, Whyndam, Bathhurst, Manindringa, Kurunura (sp?))...at any rate, after a few tries, they'er all flat and fully operational. Now, my Oz Mirage, Oz Rhino and Pig have somewhere to fly from!!! Since most the enemy fields are in the same places (left over from the WW2 originations), they don't seem to need any changes. Other than I switched them over to a larger (runway 1/5/6) base field. For the jets and all that. In the SoCal map, I found the same thing...some misspelling and misnumberings in the city.ini. Now, Gurrero Negro, Alemeda, Nellis and all but one industrial zone is flat. For some reason, the Santa Monica Staging Base 1 won't flatten, to make use of the 'ground platte'. If I can't get it flattened, I'll just remove the platte. Unfortunately, the water will still be climbing up the hillsides, but I know nothing about how to fix that (adjust sea level, but it crashes the TE) So, expect some screenies soon, and hopefully, by the end of the week, 2 new maps. Wrench kevin stein
  8. Bonus points for telling the originations of: Taarna Dejah Thoris Satanica Pandemonium and Roller Girl WITHOUT using any search engines Wrench kevin stein
  9. MMUUUUUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAHAHHHHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHHHHHAA!!! and etc Wondered how long it was going to be, before someone found it!! Wrench kevin stein ps: there's a great resturant in the center dome...
  10. File Name: Soviet Artillery File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 Feb 2008 File Category: Ground Objects Mods File Version: No Information Website: No Information It seems that somehow, the D-20 152mm gun got left out of the Pasko Paks..so, here they are. There's 2 versions, D-20 (which is just desert tan) and D-20_E (which is Euro Green-ish) See the enclose readme for super easy install instrucitons Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  11. Soviet Artillery



    It seems that somehow, the D-20 152mm gun got left out of the Pasko Paks..so, here they are. There's 2 versions, D-20 (which is just desert tan) and D-20_E (which is Euro Green-ish) See the enclose readme for super easy install instrucitons Wrench kevin stein
  12. Like HrntFxr said, your image program can't handle the alpha channel...irfanveiw don't either, so I just open all them in Photoshop. Start with the last one first, so they stack up in reverse order. Then, just list them next to the serial numbers in the numbers.lst I'd send you the bmps that I used to make them, but can't remember where I put them!!!! I NEVER throw anythign out...expecially noseart decals!!!! (as evidenced by the re-use of several) BTW, it can anyone ever wondered, "Miss Prissy" and "Patches" are named after 2 of our cats. "Patricia Ann" is my wife. Wrench kevin stein ps: there's a 109G10 in Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak, but you probably knew that! :)
  13. File Name: American SouthWest File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 Feb 2008 File Category: Terrains File Version: 1.5 Website: No Information American SouthWest Terrain for SF, WoE & WoV This semi-fictional terrain represents Southern Texas and part of Northeastern Mexico (Tampilas/Monterrey) region, along with part of the western Gulf of Mexico. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance"; it is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis. The terrain could use some more work, but I'm releasing it "as is", as there's pretty much not more I can do with it. This terrain is a rebuild of a partly completed build found via a discussion at SimHQ. It should also be noted at this time, =I DID NOT BUILD THE TERRAIN!!= I'm only completing someone elses work...and couldn't have done it without the assistance of some superb people. The original readme is included. So the =ONLY= credit I can and will take, is for simply finishing the job. This package ONLY includes the necessary inis, HFD, TFD and a few add-on objects that are needed for the necessary eye-candy. 3 Planning Maps are included, for the varying zooms, but they are very basic and won't show the cities and 'other' target areas. NO terrain tiles are included (see Notes below for reccomendations) It has been -almost- completly rebuilt, the creation of briefing, movement, a completely NEW targets ini, and upgrading the data ini to the latest standards (ie: one that works). Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". It is set up to use the SF desert tiles. You WoE and WoV users WILL have to get a suitable 'alternative' set of tiles; See the NOTES section below for more information, and my reccomendations for tile sets. It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use. PLEASE!!! Read the enclosed 'asw_readme.txt' for full, detailed step-by-step install instructions. Also, the "Notes" section which has further detailed information pertaining to tile sets and Vista users. EVERYTHING you need to know is in there..I wrote it so you'd have as little problems as possible Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  14. The only SA-6 I know of, are the stock WoE ones. As to the D-20...hmmm...I can't seem to find it in the archived "Desert Pak". I've found the Euro one!! I"ll just upload them together, so you all can have them Wrench kevin stein
  15. "I can't talk right now, we got COWS"....sorry, was watching "Twister" again. superb job!!! Canadair: remember how the game engine works...having the ter_objects with the power line will NOT effect any other terrain. They're in their own, seperate folder. I've added it to my All Objects Install, that has ALL possible terrains and it's fine The game engine kinda works like this... 1st) Looks in folder (say, for a gunsight or in this case terrain tiles/objects) 2nd) Looks in cat file if it can't find what it's looking for in the folders 3rd) CTDs -- sorry, had to interject a little humor That's why the cat pointer line trick works...it makes the engine look elsewhere for what it wants. One of the advantages of having seperate folder for whatever is needed. Wrench kevin stein
  16. Amen, brother!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. MIG-29 OVT

    Looks like it's time for someone to hit the Knowledge Base here at CA... Many of your questions will be answered in there. Wrench kevin stein
  18. You're taking all my naked, and semi-clothed girly nose art and SELLING them to mercenaries?????!!!! I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!!! BTW, where's my cut?? All the serials (XT***) are the stock 3rdWire F-4M ones...they use the same numbering sequencers. Look at the decals ini... Hint: the decals are in the objects cat...look for "F4M_SN000 - 099.tga" The nose art and SN use the same sequences. F4M_SN000 gets NArt000, and so on OR... is the question "How can I add the nose art name to the numbers list" (see some of my WW2 planes). Like this, from the 498th BG 73rd BW PTO B-29s Wrench kevin stein
  19. Canadair: in the readme it say "Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak"...the D-20 is in there. don't forget to get kesselbrut ZIL pak; they are SUPER cool--have headlights at night. The readme suggests adding every ground object you can get your hands on...be wary of adding FastCargo's Gammon ... it really raises hell. They'll show up when ever, as I set most of the SAM sites to the generic "SAM_L" Install the Pak first, then add my D-20_data.ini to the Sov arty piece. I'm sure it was working before, but this just make sure. (btw: it's the data ini used for the D-20 in the DS mod) Watch for the arty duels at Brownsville...I placed the batteries juuuussst out of range of each other...being the a$$hole I am As to a RedFlag scenario...that's just BS to me; I want to blow up Commies! (that what you get for being born in the 1950s!!) Mod away!!! Have at it!! Enjoy it!! :yes: I was going to add the USS Texas at Houston...but didn't want to bother Hinch for permissions. I"ll post the needed info, if anyone wants, to add his HMS Iron Duke as a stand in. It IS the only Dreadnought-style BB we have. I also forgot to mention, bonus point for IDing the persons whose names are used for the Forts (excepting Sam Houston--that's a real place!), and they're associations/tie-in to Texas. And this from a confirmed Californiaian. Like I said inthe credits, I couldn't have done it with some VEEEERRRY good help. And allen, YOU'RE 'mentioned in dispatches' Wrench kevin stein
  20. Here's an idea... after you reinstall the game to get the stock one back... TRY IT THE WAY I SUGGESTED ABOVE You'll be suprised how easy it is.... some peoples kids.... Wrench kevin stein
  21. I'd suggest looking at Lexx_Luthor's "Cockpit Mods" thread over at the 3rd Wire boards. It explains the 'moves' idea. As to resizing an insturment, that's not possible without the Max file -- that can only be done in the 3d programs. You can only "move" insturments in the up/down and left/right postions...how he's gotten the positions/measurments (ie: distance up/down or right/left) to do so I can only guess -- probalby by much trial and error. You move items via cockpit ini edits. Wrench kevin stein
  22. Here's a little tid-bit I'd like to pass on; something I've always done...and it will wind up in the KB When Confronted With Add On Aircraft, That Duplicate Stock Ones: If you don't wish to keep the aircraft, you can simple rename the folder "ori-***" For example; you have the stock 3rdW MiG-21F13 (called MiG-21F in the game), but you've downloaded and want to install the Mirage Factory's version.. Rename the stock folder "ori-MiG-21F". Sometimes, to keep the usable aircraft section clear, I add a "Z" to the beginning. This will drop it to the bottom of the aircaft folder list. So... "z-ori-MiG-21F" This way, you only loose the ability to fly the aircraft, but don't loose it to a deletion -- which makes it harder to retreive if you want it back. If you wish to keep the stock aircraft, you can also to a simple rename of the folder, but you'll also be renaming the ini as well. For example; the stock 3rdW F-15A. Rename the folder to "F-15A_3W" Then, rename the F-15A.ini to match; ie: F-15A_3W.ini Open the newly renamed F-15A_3W.ini, and add the following to the description (below come right from my stock F-15A_3W.ini) This allows you to diferentitate it from TMF's version, as this will be the name displayed on you aircraft drop down list. The beauty of this is, you retain the stock aircraft in a usable form, add the 3rd Party unit, and everyone is happy. How it works without conflicting with anything in another folder is just how the game works...it dosen't care what's in each folder, as that dat is ONLY applied to that particular aircraft. Therefore, no conflicts with the TMF version Super simple, Super easy! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Well, shoot...a basic skin ain't nothing. I'd leave the roundells on the wing as 'painted on', I've never tried my own cheat on the Hurri's though...shouldn't be hard to plot the decal locaton. I'll try to fiddle with this, when I get some time... Wrench kevin stein
  24. DUDE!!! You've just created the world's smallest airplane!!! Beat out the "Flea" thing by a long shot!! Wrench kevin stein
  25. No need for the weapons stuff...that's what the loadout fixes thread is all about in the KB Now, some of the other stuff..campaign editings, etc would be usefull Wrench kevin stein

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