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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Here ya go, bro... Link -->Full Sized New Guinea 2 Terrain<---Link Shouldn't have any problems now (me hopes!!) If ya, do let me know The only one missing from our Terrains section, in the Okinawa map. That's at AvSim, I believe. Hopefully, I can get permission to upload it here. Wrench kevin stein
  2. USNF97 and XP

    Bollocks to USNF97...why don't you use Fighters Anthology???? Has all the maps, and you can fly all those exceptionally cool mission sets I'd built (ok, it's a shameless plug, but what the hell!!) Wrench kevin stein
  3. XvTEd, is the editor for, well...XvT!!! Mission creation, ship "adjustments" (want ion cannon on you Corvette? just chek a box),displayed messages, all mission goals, briefings...you name it! There's also one for XWA. I've 'reedited' all the original XW, TF and about 1500 3rd party missions for use with XvT (the originals can't be posted, but wind up somewhere else anyway... ) Most are on my site. These are conversions from the original DOS XW & TF, updated and some are reaallllyy good! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Get Nick Bell's GermanyCE air defense mod ... it's got fixed Hawks and stuff like that. Also, pretty much all the NATO HAWK batteries are already placed. (and he should know...it WAS his job!!) I thinks it's in the "non aircraft objects mods'' section in the downloads. Wrench kevin stein
  5. Nope, sorry, Can't be. The full sized terrain would be in a folder called "newgunea2''. If it called something else, it ain't the right one. If you don't have a ww2 PTO install of you game, see the Knowledge Base ... there are instructions there for creating them. Wrench kevin stein
  6. What, you never pulled an 'Admiral Zarrin', and installed shields on your T/Is??? (or T/Bs for that matter....) Somebody's never used XvTEd.... Wrench kevin stein
  7. Are those even the correct missiles??? The don't look like Red Tops or Firestreaks to me!! Never seen a Lightning carry 'winders before.... Try changing the lods' disantances reading (had a similiar problem with the F-89s - nose wheel kept disappearing) edit: a quick check shows ther only one lod for F.Mk.6...try increasing the visible distance: [LOD001] Filename=Fmk6.lod Distance=10000 from the 9000 used. I'll check more into it later also, PLEASE convert your screenie bmps into JPGs -- they download faster, and take up less space. Wrench kevin stein
  8. You did read the 'readme.txt' enclosed, yes?? You do have you NewGuinea2.ini pointing to a terrain cat file, yes??? You might want to take a look at this turorial, especially the part about half way down, concerning the cat pointer line: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12230 Works fine for me in all 3 games... Wrench kevin stein
  9. And there's this really cool sticky, right above: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21405 "Reminder: Modders Check Your Mods Before Uploading" States the policy above, and what a good mod should contain, as pertaining to readmes and such like. Wrench kevin stein
  10. Allright, it is what it is...a quick and dirty and crappy repaint to try to replicate a Zeke... Major shape differences, of course...BUT...its to be mostly a 'scenery' item, and target. You'd normally NOT be looking at it from this angle or this close. Or should it be used as a later plane, mabe a Frank or Tony 2??? Also, who made the original; it comes from the WW2 Euro terrains (including MTO)???? I (obviously!) know it's based off Wolf's Butcher Bird... Comments, opionion, more info, etc...please, let me know what you think. /rantmode on: we need more parked planes and small shipping!!! We need more terrain targets!!! /rantmode off thanks! Wrench kevin stein
  11. If you define them directly in the types ini, then place them via the targets ini, they always show up (given allowable dates, of course). I gave them dates from 1935-1950, so that should pretty much cover all WW2!!! I been using some bits from Polak's Object pak; there's a really nice AAA bunker for the larger guns. That little sandbag reveitment would be perfect for the MG gunners! (actually, several items from there will be showing up - a nice icky Quonset hut; which my dad hated when he was in the Phillipines 44/45 -- sweatboxes, he called 'em) Maybe I should drop him a line...be perfect for the Home Islands airbases. (which I'm working on now); the poor dude won't look so nekked standing out there on his lonesome, waiting for Sparko to blast him!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. Version


    New Guinea 2 Terrain Upgrade: For WW2 PTO mods This mod is a relatively large upgrade to Edward's WW2 New Guinea 2 (the full sized version) terrain. What I've done is add several new targets and target areas, and replaced several airfields with a newly repainted "desert airfiled 1", which is now a medium dirt runway. You'll also have a new "Runway7", which is a partly-paved version of Airfield6, thereby creating a NEW airfield. The 'new' target areas are enhancements of already existing ones -- I've just added some more things there to make it look a little more populated. There are a couple of new parked planes, based of existing ones, hex-edited and reskinned for their proper users. This is a very 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak. It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line) You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- make sure you have the barges (get both, they're needed in the GO folder), the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well. It is also reccomended that you have installed (in this terrain ONLY) CA_Stary's WW2 hangars and buildings. They have a nice worn green wood-ish texture, and look really good in the SoWesPac! Along those linse, I've pulled and repainted several skins for some of the stock buildings as well. You'll see them as you play. = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = == MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK FOR THE WW2 WEAPONS!! = Remember: this is for the LATEST version, "New Guinea2", not the earlier version. Follow the instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. There are a few new Ground Objects, and reskins of existing. It is also suggested to read my "Other Notes" section for other comments, explinations, and general info. Happy Hunting!! Wrench kevin stein
  13. Sorry, Cap! They were the only pictures I could find on a quick JQ search. The bottom is Dr. Quest's jet, the 'Dart' (sometimes refered to as the 'Dragonfly jet') This one might be a little better... The top is a twin-turbo prop fighter that attacked them in the "calcutta adventure'' episode, where they picked up Hadji. Can't find any better pictures, I'll look more later The cable cartoon channel Boomerang, has been playing them at night, so I've been trying to catch them again. Loved that show as a kid!! Wrench kevin stein
  14. Ah, crap!!! I don't want to put it on Oki itself, want to stay near the Home Islands. I've already chosen an island south of Kuyshu, about 150-200 km south east-ish. Has a nice flat area for the fishing village, with mountains behind it for 'him' to stick his head over as the villagers are excaping to the supposed saftey of the hills.... The MG gunners just came to me like in a flash; simply because of the 25mm guns not showing...I was trying to figure out what else could be used. That's when I realized what was missing from the WW2 side of the game ... light MG AA units. We've all seen the stock footage of emplaced water-cooled 50s (most notably the re-enactment of Kanehoe attack by John Ford; the guy shooting at Zekes -a real life CMH winner, scenes from the classic movie "Air Force", during the attack on Clark, etc, ect, and of course, etc) Only a few seconds to tweek it, and make sure it was cool with my Team-mates. And now we have a new AA unit. The Runway 3 airfields (small dirt strip) are getting a lot of moves of their AAA units ... they were too concentrated in the center, so I'm spreading them out around the perimeter ... I mean, it just makes sense to have them in layers (ok, like Soviet SAM doctrine) heavier, longer ranged units to the outside, medium range, smaller caliber to the 2nd inner ring - like the Type 96 that don't show-, and short range, light caliber in the middle ring. And in the very center, One Ring to Rule Them All (sorry, couldn't resist! ) Back to work... Wrench kevin stein
  15. don't you guys worry, Gerald is pretty good at fixing things. And mistakes DO get made, which is why we moderators sit in our heavily armoured, fully armed and operational orbital battle station... Besides, you'd do it for Randolph Scott!!! (removes, hat and bows head) Wrench kevin stein
  16. Imperial Japanese Army anti-aircraft machine gunner. Using the "Oz Lewis gunner" from FE, I tweeked it out to use the 7.7. I'd thought about using the Hotchiss gunner, but it didn't have the top feed magazine, like the Japanese LMGs (reskinned by Charles) The Allies get one called "Browing_AAA". Standard M2 30cal. The background gun is the Type 88 gun. We have a Type 96 25mm, but it never seems to show up; even when called out in the types, and placed via targets. Very strange, and quite annoying!!!! Hopefully, I'll get it working for the Defense of the Home Islands. chistian: I hope to have your A6M7 mod done in a ''short time". Need to finish off decaling it...skin's done. You'll have to accept most of the credit for that mod -- you did 90% of the work for me! Wrench kevin stein
  17. I'd like to see something like this: or this: Wrench kevin stein
  18. Stratos: yes. Take a look at any of the WW2 maps. They have 'fixed' convoy or surface-action group stations defined. If the ships are equiped with any type of air defenses, they will shoot at you. You just need the 'stations' defined in the targets ini. This is doable for any terrain ... just need the coordintes and lay out the ship formation, make the proper entries in the types and targets inis, and get you ass shot off!! These will NOT be anti-shipping missions, per se, as they are 'fixed in place', just like an airfield. They'll show up in strike missions. Anti-shipping mission ONLY occur along paths, or routes defined in the movement ini. As to LGBs against SCUDs (or any other fixed target), assuming a fixed launch site, I've had no problems getting my flight mates (ok, the wingman - again, the AI coding crops up) to attack with GBU if they are equipped to carry them and have a laser designator loaded I've tested this dozens of times in the desert storm map (still under construction). The F-4E's I've tested this with carry as their base load GBUs and LDs. I've watched them take out SAM sites, AAA, ships, fuel tanks, parked vehicles, tents, camels, Saddam's brothel...whatever target was assgined. Just for s**t's and grins, I even tested it out on an Armed Recon mission, and they sure did drop the GBUs on them moving trucks. I think what we're mostly dealing with, and no slight is intended, is a lack of knowledge on HOW the weapons work, how they're utilized in-game, and how this can be implemented for anti-shipping missions. Has anyone even given the thought of switching the Kents over to EOGR??? This'll give you a stand off range of at least 20kms, based on target size. Obviously, a sampan might not show that far, but the cargo ships and tankers will....and your flightmates, given their natural dumbness, should engage. No more of this wandering around, trying to figure out how to get them to do this or that...EOGRs can be pretty much shot at anything. Give that a try, and let us know your findings Wrench Kevin Stein (accused of thinking out of the box)
  19. Well, I've decieded NOT to use the repainted FW, I went with a parked Lily instead. But as to Sparky's question of ground crew ... that's easy...just use the Japanese Infantry that's readily avialable. They'd just need entries in the targets and types inis and then locations. Hopefully, when the next patch comes out, it'll implement the changes from First Eagles, and allow placement of aircraft from /Aircraft folder....we can only hope The good thing about them is, they'll shoot at you. And, I've given both sides something else to worry about... courtesy of my Dev A-Team mates. Shown is the IJA AAA gunner. There's an allied one too Hopefully, New Guines upgrade will be out this week. Then, back to the Okinawa map. On a side note, anyone know the location of Odo Island??? It'd have to be fairly close to Kuyshu, as it has to be within flying range of an H-19....expecially when carrying that fat American reporter... Wrench kevin stein
  20. By deleting the weapons folder, maybe??? Wrench kevin stein
  21. "Given enough power, even a brick will fly" Wrench kevin stein
  22. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5868 File Name: A-20A Havoc, 89th BS File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 Jan 2008 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Allied Bombers File Version: 1.00 Website: No Information Douglas A-20A 'Havoc' mod for SF/WoV/WoE PTO WW2 Installs While working on upgrading the targets for the New Guinea map, I realized we didn't have any of the very early model Havoc's as used by General Kinney's 5th Air Force. To that end, this little mod was developed. It represents A-20A aircraft from the 89th Bomb Squadron (Light) of the 3rd Attack Group, based at Port Moresby in mid-1942. I've tried to match, with what few photos are available, the serial numbers and nose arts. The first 7 serials =are= actual aircraft that served in the South West Pacific theatre, and I've matched as best I can the nose arts used. With the exception of "Rebel Rocket", whose serial number I was unable to find. Altogether, you'll have serials for ~28 aircraft, which is probably more than General Kinney had working at any given time, in that early stage of the war. These aircraft, even though they still have the glass nose, have been given the 'strafer kit' of 4 fixed forward firing 50 caliber machine guns. The bomb aimer's station is not used on these aircraft; the windows have been painted over. The 2 cheek guns have been removed; I've found no data indicating they were used. There are 2 ways I've designed for this to be used 1) Just use it as another skin for the A-20C/Boston III. or, this is the best way, and how I built it... 2) Create a new aircraft for USAAF usage. All parts (inis, skin, etc), excepting the aircraft LODs and cockpit folder are supplied for you to do this. A new gunsight tga has also been supplied for use. There's even a new hangar screen, too. = =You MUST have the latest Weapons Pak to get the WW2 Weapons and Guns!! == PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed, step-by-step instructions for both choices...I didn't write it for my health, I wrote it make YOUR lives easier... There's also the usual comments from "General Notes", plus a list of sources and Thank Yous Happy Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  23. A-20A Havoc, 89th BS



    Douglas A-20A 'Havoc' mod for SF/WoV/WoE PTO WW2 Installs While working on upgrading the targets for the New Guinea map, I realized we didn't have any of the very early model Havoc's as used by General Kinney's 5th Air Force. To that end, this little mod was developed. It represents A-20A aircraft from the 89th Bomb Squadron (Light) of the 3rd Attack Group, based at Port Moresby in mid-1942. I've tried to match, with what few photos are available, the serial numbers and nose arts. The first 7 serials =are= actual aircraft that served in the South West Pacific theatre, and I've matched as best I can the nose arts used. With the exception of "Rebel Rocket", whose serial number I was unable to find. Altogether, you'll have serials for ~28 aircraft, which is probably more than General Kinney had working at any given time, in that early stage of the war. These aircraft, even though they still have the glass nose, have been given the 'strafer kit' of 4 fixed forward firing 50 caliber machine guns. The bomb aimer's station is not used on these aircraft; the windows have been painted over. The 2 cheek guns have been removed; I've found no data indicating they were used. There are 2 ways I've designed for this to be used 1) Just use it as another skin for the A-20C/Boston III. or, this is the best way, and how I built it... 2) Create a new aircraft for USAAF usage. All parts (inis, skin, etc), excepting the aircraft LODs and cockpit folder are supplied for you to do this. A new gunsight tga has also been supplied for use. There's even a new hangar screen, too. = =You MUST have the latest Weapons Pak to get the WW2 Weapons and Guns!! == PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed, step-by-step instructions for both choices...I didn't write it for my health, I wrote it make YOUR lives easier... There's also the usual comments from "General Notes", plus a list of sources and Thank Yous Happy Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  24. LGBs also require your aircraft (and any others carrying them in your flight) be equiped with designators. Otherwise they won't drop. There is no 'buddy designation' in these games. EOGB/EOGRs require the "TV" settings in the avionics inis of said aircraft. (although that might not be totally true -- WW2 torpedos are EOGRs and work just fine from the Avenger/Beaufighters/Beauforts/Bettys without the avionics tweek) Wrench kevin stein
  25. It was too good a post to loose in the general background noise, so I moved and stickied it in the KB. My thanks to Capun for posting the info!! Wrench kevin stein

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