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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. It was too good a post to loose in the general background noise, so I moved and stickied it in the KB. My thanks to Capun for posting the info!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. never said I could spell...I git if fixed! Where's Ed the Spell Checker when you need him??? thanks again Cap!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. Aboslutely go fir it!!! I always thought they looked kinda cool anyway. Wrench kevin stein
  4. The altitudes in one of the inis, can't remember which, as set for a standard mosltly flat terrain (probably the desert one). It IS adjustable, if I can only remember which bit needs modifying. Check the missioncontrol ini, singlemissionini, all the usual suspects There was a mod some years ago that tweeked the altitudes for bombers, recon, etc. I don't remember where it went. I try not to alt'n in ANW or New Guiena -- the Owen Stanleys are pretty much covered with lots of me Wrench kevin stein
  5. I was thinking it was more along the lines of 'cheap North Korean knock-off fissile material'??? as to adding destroyed city buildings, yes; you need to edit the types ini. I'd suggest using the 'fueltank1_destroyed' or the 'oiltank1_destroyed' model. It's about the right size for these: CityBuilding1, 2, 3, 4. Most of the others have destroyed models attached (barracks, building3, shack, etc) And definately make sure you add a secondary fire effect Now, conversely, the small building scattered over the 'generic' city tiles, are built into the terrain tiles, and I don't think they're destructable. I'll have to experiment with that a little more, as that would be a cool fix for the WW2 Okinawa/Japan map (wooden building + incindary bombs = bad news for the neighborhood). Knowledge of the TE would be a good thing here -- something I don't have Related to the "terobject_buildings1" you see listed the terrain's data ini. Wrench kevin stein
  6. There should have been my how-to in the Knowledge Base; I discovered that tweek nearly 4 years ago... I know I wrote up the tutorial for the Weapons Wiki... Guess I just never moved it over here. Oh, well, it's on my "Git 'er Done" list. Depending on the cockpit your using, you can also add the RWR display.... Wrench kevin stein
  7. Didn't even know we had these...shows how much time I spend in a Thud!! The SEA 3-tones already laid out, just have to add a new layer for your IDF colors, and there ya go! Wrench kevinstein
  8. Membership

    I was born old, so there ya go! Actually, one of the guys (probably USAFMTL) changed the header. I haven't found a way to change, and kinda like it anyway. I think the 'promotions' come from number of posts. Wrench kevin stein
  9. That's because that terrain hasn't been released....and unless I can learn the TE, or get someone else to do the flattening, it might not be. BTW, it's a complete rebuild of Dave's Southern California map In case you haven't figgered it out, Golum was photoshopped I still my do The One Ring as a nose art! Wrench kevin stein
  10. Ok, this is what I've got so far...made a few changes (like NOT using the Nuke effect ) Here's the "volcanic vent' object: Treat it like any other terrain object, where *** is the next number in sequence in the terrain's types ini And this is my hack-job effect ini -- it's reallllyy gonna need someone that understand how these things work to get it to 'emit' constantly, like a factory smokestak or ship's smoke: copy/paste "and save as" VolcanoSmokeEffect.ini Have at it fellas...see what you can come up with. This one's above my pay grade!! Wrench kevin stein
  11. Only virgins, if you can find any, and guys with a 'brain cloud'. You also have to drink lots of orange soda..... Hmm...looks like a litttle outgassing from the vent.. Oh no!!! The lava plug's been blasted free!!!! aieee!!! (natives running screaming sound) Either that, or Dr. Zim's reactor exploded... I think it's doable...I just don't understand the effects/particle system. I think it'll need a new effects ini, VolcanoSmokeEffect or something like that.. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Funny you should mention that, since I'm beating meself senseless adding a butt-load of new stuff to New Guinea 2.... (they'll be a few new objects, like a faked AK class cargo ship - with MGs!, and several new and rebuilded target areas - still having trouble with the ditched B-17 off Port Morsby....) One could theoreity 'hide' a factory inside the caldera, and increse the size of the smoke emitter several hundred times.... That would be nice for the MTO maps; Vesuvius and that one on Sicily. Be easy enough to create a small building, say from the 'shack' and give it an emitter...simple hex editing and renaming... something else to work on! == and I gotta finish off those damn Zero's skins too.... Of course, it might come out like my burning oil well...not very (pun intended!) back to google earth to find that volcano.... Wrench kevin stein
  13. Well, if its for WoE only, you can use all the existing stuff from the objects cat (sort of like how I got the F-104ASA-M to have such a nice HUD - 'borrowed' from the stock F-15) Use the avionics70.dll, extract the needed tgas from which ever bird has the CCIP -don't remember which offhand, put them in the Draken's cockpit folder, copy/paste the CCIP bits in the a NEW Draken cockpit ini from wherever they came from, not forgetting to make the changes in the Draken's main ini (pointers to the Av70.dll, etc) Test fly many times -- you may need to adjust the size of the sight tgas (text edits in cockpit ini) Fly some more, and that should do it. See, I told you adding stations was easy! I can't think of how many times I've done it (lots of WW2 birds, the Scorpion mods, dozens of times!) It'll be a nice addition. Remember, you don't have to release the WHOLE plane...you can just do a skin and ini pak (like I do). Let the end user transfer over the main lods. But DO let the folks that made it know, so they can be credited properly. It's only the right thing to do! btw, if you want, you have my permission to include my Draken Hangar Screen. Wrench kevin stein
  14. You'll have to physically (or in this case, "text-ualy") remove them for the targets ini. Oh, don't forget to renumber the target areas...they MUST stay in numerical order. Also, don't forget to NOT have an airfield listed as the first target area...make is a city or army camp or AD site Wrench kevin stein
  15. Everything in the game is in meters. For terrain objecters, I pretty sure it uses the types ini, even if 'UseGroundObject=TRUE' is set. For ground objectors, the GO's data ini. Wrench kevin stein
  16. Cloverfield

    Oh, sure, the little (ok, xtra-large) f**ers always show up in the super-named cities!!! Tokyo, New York...hell, even London gets it a few times.. What do we get here in Los Angeles??? Giant Ants, and Korean Dragons!! Well, I guess the rep of the LA gangs has even reached Monster Island.... Brainles: when I get done witu updating the Okinawa map, just look for Odo Island...heheheheheheheheeee Now, I just need a giant footprint lod.... Wrench kevin stein
  17. I LOVE Americans!

    I can't even express how MUCH of a desire I have to see Isreal...like you say, it's something every Jew should do at point in their life. (do we make pilgrimages???) All our historical roots are there; physical and spiritual. Something I think a lot of, in particular us non-secular Jews, need to get back in touch with. My mother went, many years ago, and I relish looking at her photos, especially of Jerusalem and the Wailing Wall. I'd want to do ALL the touristy things!!!! Float in the Dead Sea, see the ruins, ... oh yah, the 9 yards. Maybe someday! Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. Download my 'shipwreck' terrain object - it's here in the 'Other Objects' section in the 3rd Wire d/loads. There's a turorial in ther on placing objects. I have a nice, generic "Army Camp" layout that's usable -- or you can use the "Terrorist Training Camps" layout I did that in' the Lybia Upgrade terrain pak Wrench kevin stein
  19. Works the same for decals, excepting you have to declare which mesh is used; right wing, right outer wing, right flap, etc. Then, top/bottom, left/right Decals just use the left/right up/down or up/down fore/aft corrdinates (dependin in where it's going -- wings, for instance, use fore/aft & left/right; tail or tailfin/rudder use fore/aft, up/down) Thanks, Czech6! It's good to hear that once in a while! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Another thought occured to me... do you have ALL the AAA units??? The game only comes with, what? 4? 5? There's a boatload in Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Paks, avaliable here and at my site. To really make things nasty...try networking them with a Fire Can.... Wrench kevin stein
  21. Actually, your half right.... they ARE called out in the data ini, and MUST be listed in the SystemName= sections, but they are global measurments; ie, from 0.0 on the LOD. the lights don't care what compenent they're attached to. You can have the LandingLight callout in the fuselage statement, for example, as long as the coordinates are spelled out in the Lights section Explination of coordinate system: All measurments in meters 00.00,1.50,3.5 00.00 is your left/right of center, negative numbers (ie: -6.5) would be on the left wing 1.50 is your fore/aft distance from the center of the model; negative numbers are aft 3.5 is your verticle distance from the center of the model; again, negative numbers are BELOW the centerline. Having dialed in several hundred lights...this is something I know! For an example, look at these from the P-51D: Now, I'm not going to post the component sections, but if you look at the Fuselage sctions for the Mustang, you'll see it lists the system "BottomRedLight", where the coords definately show it placed on the right wing. Hell, I started the adding landing light trend 4 years ago.... looking for a specific aircraft??? I probably already got it Wrench kevin stein
  22. Increase your enemy air defense level to HARD or HEAVY (whichever it is)...and get back to us. I think you'll see some differences.... Wrench kevin stein
  23. What he said!! That "NAVAL_BASE" thing is good to know...looks like I'm making a few changes in the Okinawa types ini...take the smoke out (which might not be good, as there are ships at convoy stations that need it...hmmmmm). More things to experiment with! Wrench kevin stein
  24. WP and NATO are not used as 'mainline' countries in the weapons pak. They're used for 'oddball' stuff (like the Fresco radar bubble) and for other countries. That's just how wpnsgt set it up. Doing it as above will work perfectly, trust me!! (yeah, and the Czech's in the mail! -- the German is in the plate armor -sorry, old D&D joke) NationName has to be Pakistan; we're creating a nation specific aircraft; like the Indian Fishbeds, Egyptian MC-205s, whatever! It's no longer ours, it's one of 'theirs' Wrench kevin stein
  25. Ok...quick and dirty; please don't laugh at the skin, I just grabed one to use, for to be checking weapons loadings Interesting to note, there dosen't seem to be Paki Sabre skin in downloads section...I was SURE we had one! bombs, M117: rocketpods, LAU3A, 19 shot: data ini: make use PAKISTAN is the NationName=; don't know the operations years-you all can figure that out. Like I said, this is just a quick weapons fix hardpoint data: No need to worry about the HVAR stations, they aren't used you'll note I left the IRM stations intact, even though I think the PAF didn't use them. There are Pakistani AIM-9Bs in WePak, if needed. loadout ini: There was no CAS mission loadout (ATTACK), so I made a new one. new 19 shot Pak LAU-3A: In theroy, thought I didn't test this, you might be able to load the PAK SNEB pods, or any of the other PAK specifc weapons (FAB and RBK bombs). Don't know the historicality of their usage, but there ya go! There's also an reasonably nice Hangar Screen for a Paki Sabre; Ghostrider should have all of them I made 'ways back. Wrench kevin stein

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