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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. AutomaticDoors=TRUE ??? It might not work; the moving pylons may need to be extended so the heaters can see their target. Wrench kevin stein
  2. BadFrank: I uploaded 1024x skins and templates for the MiG-17, 19, 21 and Su-7 last month. This'll take you to the templates... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...&showcat=33 Here's the MiG-19 skin: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5589 It looks like I must correct meself...it appeares I never uploaded the 1024x skins for the Fitter, Fresco and Fishbed (MF). Well, you got the templates!!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. Desert skinned T-62 is already available -- it's in the Pasko SAMs and Vehicles Pak, Desert skins. There's a Euro-green version too. Don't remember if I ever uploaded here to CA, but it's on my site, along with a host of Desert skined stuff from there. Wrench kevin stein
  4. Well..having put the bird aside, I went to work on the airfield.... Mind you, not all the items have been switched over to WW2 style, this was just to get an idea as to how it fits in existing airfiled areas. Unfortunatley, for Wewak, it don't. It hangs over onthe northern side (the left in this view). But I think it really looks good in dirt!! Still have to check other 'fits'...and then if it works, of course, ask Edwards permission for the tweek. Wrench kevin stein
  5. More... As usual, I forget that the PTO maps have a small problem ... many times my game will crash out with a "aircraftfromation.dll" fault. I think I've figured it out.... ALL the airfields used in ALL the PTO maps are 'desert_airfield3'...the small base. It dosen't have enough space for the amount of aircraft used in many of the formations as set in the ww2 formations ini (I've even had fighter formations crash out, with their odd numbers). Expecially for the larger, bomber aircraft (both Allied and Axis). So, we need to switch over several of them to, at least, 'desert_airfield1'...the 'medium runway'. Im working on creating a dirt version of that now, and will see how it works. Which means, of course, updating ALL the targets inis in ALL of the PTO terrains. I figure, on the Okinawas map, 85% of the bases on the Home Islands would be medium or large, based on pictues in several books I have (most notably, "Broken Wings of the Samauri" by Mikesh") Clark, in the PI should be a "large base", possibly airfield 4 -- although that seems a bit too large, with it's X runways. Back to the plane....after d/ling about 5 books on the Betty last night, it appears we have, stock, a G4M2 Type 22, as it has the mid-ships turret, as opposed to the G4M1 with the gun at the back of the cockpit greenhouse. It also appears, the Type 24 and later, including the M3s carried as surface-search radar, as evidenced by a probe-like structure sticking out of the nose glass. This is easy enough to impliment with ini edits, although we don't have a WW2 piston engined bomber cockpit with a radar display. Again, it's not that important. What I am having real problems with, are the waist guns. I can't seem to get them work. I've got them placed, based off data from other bombers, albeit needed a little more dialing in, but haven't seem them shoot at anything...gunners are called out, guns are called out....don't know. You all think it's something I should just forget about?? Would be nice, however, to have the nose gun working.... As to the torp, its been raised up to a confromal positon, partly buried in the 'modified shaped-to-fit' bombay doors. With it's own hardpoint, you don't need to worry about the max diameter/length problems. Lights have been dialed in to their correct positions as well. Found some nice profiles for units, so I'll get started on the decals today. Using the same green skin (this IS a later model, so the date would need adjustng as well -- M2 in 1943, M3 in 1944, end of service date, given WW2:46 in mind, 1947.) Comments? Wrench kevin stein
  6. Ok, found Major Lee's terrain and installed it into my SWOTL install (WoE). It runs a little buggy, but it is a very early beta (choppy, jumpy, things like that). Has some really nice canyons and pyramid shaped mountains for figure 8 racing. My best suggestion would be to have it like he did...just 2 tiles, and flat map. Use the basic Airfiled 1 (the single paved runway), one for each side, if needed. That way, with the cat pointer in the main ini, it would be usable in any of the 3 games. And if TK ever fixes the add-on terrain issue in FE, possibly in there. The only thing is, it would DEFINATELY need a stand alone install, as it would be a good thing to remove all the armaments from the 'racers'. Just like Cleveland in 1948! Wrench kevin stein
  7. Time to cleanup the T-6 template.... The Mustang's good enough as is....now, to find pics of "Miss Barhdal"....either the yellow or purple Wrench kevin stein
  8. Although not really hi-rez (not like Sundowner's massive 4096x skins), didn't I upload recently a 1024x skin and template?? Wrench kevin stein
  9. Major Lee made an air-racing terrain. I've got it here, but haven't looked at it, so I don't know what's all there. He might have lost his original stuff when he had his HD crash. As for pylons, why not just repaint the oil rigs a bright orange??? They're tall enough Wrench kevin stein
  10. You did: 1) create new skin 2) name new skin 3) hex edit lod to take new skin 4) rename lod to new para's name? 5) create ini for new paras? (with new, unique name?) 6) added to weapons data ini with new name? Just like a new pilot; it should work!! btw, that screenie is absolutely badassssss!!! Wrench kevin stein
  11. This is what your after, yes??? I'll probably raise it up a few MMs; when using the torp, the bombbay doors were replaced with 'shaped fit' thingys that went around the body of the weapon. Sort of sat semi-conformaly, like a Phantom's Sparrows. The Type 91 is in the weapons pak; it's included in our (Dev A-Team) Kate and Jill. I may fiddle with a bit; want to get it more 'sea skimming'; wonder if there's a way to lower the altitude at which it 'skims' AD's birds are some that I've been messing with on and off for the last couple of years...got updates for both Zekes, but never posted them! And never even looked at his Oscar!! -- I see what I'm going to be doing this week! This one gonna need a little more work; I mean, I might was well dial the lights in. We're also missing the 2 waist and single nose 7.7s. The tail 20mm is facing the wrong way...might have to fiddle with firing arcs. Anybody care if the bombadier/gunner shows in the nose?? Skin wise, I say go with the Green...we just need to decal it for units. We could re-make a template, based off the original skin bmp (I've done this LOTS of times -- it's a REAL fraaking PIA!!). The one source book I have, Maru Mechanic G4M, is all in Japanese -- has a couple of nice profiles, one shows a 2-tone brown/green. Has some EXTREAMLY good drawing of all the sub-systems, including the aforementioned torp mountings. Just need to decal it for units. Cockpit wise, I used Kesselbrut's Mossi pit...it's a little more open, albeit missing the right side controls. Maybe one of the other bomber pits could be used. I'm working of getting my 'tropedo gunsight' to work...it's in the PappaRomeo EAW sight pak that moonjumper found some time ago, and that I've been using to update the WW2 gunsights. Interestering to note, mine's already got armor -- around the cockpt, bombay, engines...albet a max of 12mm. Mine also has the data ini set for STRIKE, ANTI_SHIP and RECON, this from the stock G4M2. I must have changed them at one point in the past. Well, I'm off to find more profiles...and data...and books and fiddling Wrench kevin stein
  12. Hmm..that's a thought. Just like the Skyhawk's inner rack, load a TER, but the data ini is set to "LoadOutboard Only", so you only get 2 weapons per rack. The Shenyang J-6 (Paki) has the single outborad missile pylons, but it's like the 17PFU nose...a seperate lod added via ini edits, like the Scooter humps. Wrench kevin stein
  13. I see you have the 'cowardly Mig pilot', hiding behind the seat!! Also, you missile are misplaced on the pylons. MF or PF?? There's a whole bunch of notes on how to fix that in the "Loadout Fixes Thread". As to adding stations, that's nothing more than simple text edits. What causes problems is the lack of actual 'pylons and rails' for the weapons to sit on. (F-7/J-7 from Madcaddie's More MiGs Pak, for example, missing the outborad plyons) That Mig-mod looks a little like one of the ones Lexx_Luthor was fiddling with...Ye-somethingoranother. Things can always be added (stuck on the fuselage, wings, whatever) to change to shape (Lexx's Ye-thingy, my F4U-2), but you unfortunately can't change the basic model; to move wings and tails surfaces. A completly new model would be needed. The missle rail, obviously, would need to be build in Max, then simply added like any other weapons rack (Dual IRM, MER, TER, etc), defined in the loadout ini This is from the Indian Type 96B So, if some build the 'wingtip rack', it'd be pretty easy to add it. Wrench kevin stein
  14. Armor on a Betty??? You must be joking! That would destroy it's rep as the "Type 1 Cigerette Lighter"!!! Easist wasy to add the Type 91 would be to duplicte the bombbay station's position, lowered down ~1 meter (so the torp is outside), make it external, give it the "EOGR" type. Take a look at my what if KriegsMarine Jill...you'll see how I did it. (actually, how Charles and Capun did it) As to the attachment, Imperial Japan uses just plain ole "Japan". There's a post in the Loadout Fixes Thread that addresses WW2 loadout types and stuff. If you want, I can work it out over the next few hours for you; it's rather simple if you're used to that kind of fiddling. And I sure could use a break from trying to get the runway/taxi light working on Airfield 3!!! Now...if we only had a Nell....we've already got Repulse and Prince of Wales..... Wrench kevin stein
  15. SFP1

    Gepard put TAB-Vs in???? I"ll have to check this out...we been awaiting for them a while Wrench kevin stein
  16. You do realize that "Egyptian F-16" is a link??? Try rolling your mouse pointer over the text. Note to self: add tag lines "click me, I'm a link" from now on..... Wrench kevin stein
  17. Wouldn't be any different than creating a new pilot skin or drop tank skin or a road sign or whatever...simple hex edit of the lod to take the new bmp -- keeping the same amount of digits, of course, as the original. Simple rename the edited lod to whatever, edit the ini for the lod, an off ya go. Wrench kevin stein
  18. General Dynamics F-16A Arab Nations (by Gepard, original aircraft by Team Viper) Gepard has done most of the work; it's a pretty cool mod and will add another worry for Israeli pilots -- is that Viper one of ours or theres?? I also reeeallly like the loading screen he's done -- always loved the 'flying past the Pyramids' shots. Several suggestion I have are: 1) Switching the sounds over to those from the Mirage Factory Vipers 2) Switching over to the cockpit from the Mirage Factory's F-16A-1 . There is one problem with that though; it's set to use the avionics70.dll, and you'll loose you ground mapping radar. However, you will get the CCIP (if equipped). It's your choice. Ok, onto the data ini, we're going to make a few small changes; most notably to the weapons attachements, as this is set as an ENEMY aircraft, and can no longer use USAF style weapons, as mentioned in Gepard's readme. Fortunately, there is a myriad of Egyptian (and other Arab nations) specific weapons, all ready to use. These includes Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and several others, and are covered in many of the posts above. Right...here's the top section of data ini; I've removed the EXPORTED tag, and added the Anti-ship mission statement: This makes them VERY specific to Egypt, although a Jordanian skin is also supplied in the package. If you're really industrious, and have the HD space, you can simply create a RJAF version, as outlined in the "Creating A Nation Specific Aircraft " post, and use the loadout ini as shown below. Below are the modified weapons stations, now set to use the Egyptian nation-specific weapons,, as the "EYG" weapons series has pretty much everything you'll ever need. And here is the new loadout ini, set for the Egyptian weapons: You'll note the use of a rocket pod in the CAS (Attack) loadout ... I personally don't think they'd be used opearationally, but there was a request on the General Discussion Forum about using (the wrong nation's kind!) on this bird. The last time I saw rocket pods on a Viper, was in Falcon 3.0, waaaaay back in the days of DOS 6.0!!!! So, what the hell, I figured...they don't look too out of place, although a more USAF style would probably look better. You can also replace the Rockeye's with rocket pods in the loadout screen, as that hardpoint is also set to accept RPs. The EAF-specific weapons in the WepPak have several RPs available for their use: TDA-9 TDA-18 UV-16 UV-32 SNEB M260 M261 (the last 2 are USAF/USN LAU-3 type) Obviously, the UV series would be for the MiGs the EAF used to fly; one can make the assumption they could be modified for use on later, Western aircraft. You can always switch them around in the Loadout screen; personally, I'd go with cluster bombs, which are also loadable to that station. :yes: Wrench Kevin Stein
  19. Are you meaning just an add-on pylon kit? Similiar to what we have for the Chinese J-6 Farmers as used by the Pakistanis, and the Cuban MiG-17AS??? Or a weapons rack, like the APU-62 dual IRM rack (which is already in the weapons pak, and used on several mods - Indian Type 95/96, later 21s, 23s, etc - there are actually 2 version, one Soviet, one Indian) Acually, an outer wing mounting pylon kit for the early Fishbeds would fix a LOT of problems...expecially with the Iraqi/Chinese versions. Once one was made, it is a very simple matter to add it; just like the Fresco/Farmer D-E radar noses, the aforementioned J-6, Skyhawk humps, etc. I've got several Fishbeds with AA-8s on them...check my Loadout Fixes Thread; I disremember exactly which ones are tweeked up. If some 3d modler makes the rack, I'll dial it in...ain't that hard! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Actually, that DOES make sense to me... Also, I could use a large football stadium for Oakland; that is, if any 3d modler has any time... Give the Commies something to bomb "Ve vill hcit zem vhere it hurrts" Wrench kevin stein (an american than can read a map)
  21. File Name: "What If..." Seafire Mk.III, US Navy File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 3 Jan 2008 File Category: Spitfire Mk V What If..." Seafire Mk.IIIC USN mod for SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO Installs Re-skin and Ini package to create an "Alternate End User" Seafire 3... This started as sort of a 'joke' skin, while experimenting with the Beta Floatfires, also produced by my Dev A-Team-mates. It sort of took on a life of it's own, so I decieded to go ahead and release it for your enjoyment. It represents US Navy Seafires from VC-4 in the Central/Western Pacific region, had the USN -actually- had them. The skin is purely conjectural, based on the standard 3-tone as used on most all other Navy aircraft. There are 2 ways I've designed for this to be used 1) Just use it as another skin for the FAA Seafire. Or, 2) Create a new, nation-specific aircraft for USN usage. All parts, excepting the aircraft LODs and cockpit folder are supplied for you to do this; you'll be transfering files from your original Seafire 3 to create this mod. A new gunsight tga has also been supplied for use. Plus a selection of 'pinups' for the cockpit, as Kesselbrut designed in a space for them (bonus points for IDing all the real life people). = =You MUST have the latest Weapons Pak to get the WW2 Weapons and Guns!! == Full, detailed instructions are included on how to create a 'nation-specific' USN version; PLEASE read them!! The readme also has a short alternative history on the USNs use of the Seafire. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  22. The D-Day spotter reminded me, now what you all've mentioned it, there was an atricle in either Flight Journal or Aviation Histroy Magazine about them, a few months ago. I'm pretty sure they were in standard RAF camo; but I'l lhave to dig up the mags to be sure. Strange how a simple what "What If..." for fun bird, reflects back on real history, albeit only in part. Wrench kevin stein
  23. DAMN! If I hadn't seen that pic, I'd be sure you're messing with my head!! My (albeit short and fast) research didn't turn up anything like that. Is there more data available anyhwere?? Thanks Dave!! Can't belive it...here I thought I was gonna BS everybody!! Wrench kevin stein
  24. We all know the Universe isn't perfect...things break and don't/won't/can't get fixed. With this in mind, I've always found the SF series worlds just a little 'too sterile'...thing always are there, always working, and seemingly always fixed. This was my reasoning when I released the 2 shipwrecks (cargo ship and oil tanker). Along those same lines, and with a major conflict in mind, with a few minutes work with the extractor, a little peaking and tweeking of terrain targets and types inis, you can have something like these: (this one's my personal favorite -- surrounded by burned out building, the only thing left standing is .... the fire department!) (another view of the blow shelters) You can even create entire devestated cities.... And this one's just for fun. One of 3 Easter Eggs, hidden in plain sight on the map... Because the bits are all placed in the terrain folder, listed in the targets and types inis, they're always available as permanently fixed objects. The only thing I haven't gotten to work just as yet, is the bomb crater. Wrecked vehicles are also no problem. (sorry, no screenies of them yet) Ain't it cool?? Wrench kevin stein

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