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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. That's becuase you were missing the pointer to the proper terrain cat file. All the buildings, runways, etc are in the cat. Unless, like I did with the destroyed objects, they're floating loose in the terrain's folder. That's how I added 'desert_airfield3', the small runway (with the blown up shelters). I also took a page from fubar's book, and 'paved' it with concrete. Although there's a small glitch with the centerline and edge lines -only- at one end. Very strange. All else works fine. As for the buried objects...ya, that happens. Ive noticed it depends on the terrain tiles, too sometimes...and I don't know why. The original (ok, nth run) DS I used Polaks desert tiles, and the coastline was 'off place' by several 100 meters,and some items were 'under the sand and/or water'. Although, that may be a HFD problem (height field). Don't know for sure. They didn't work in SoCal, I can tell ya that. Wrench kevin stein
  2. To be exact, this link will take you right to the relevant post on the stock Hunter tanks... Fix for WoE Hunter Drop Tanks Happy Editing! Wrench kevin stein
  3. One could be made from the existing -3, but we'd really need the -5 'cat to do it right. Wrench kevin stein
  4. But it's getting a complete and utter rebuild. (where do you think all those ruined buildings I've been posting are coming from??). Wait til yo see the Bay Area.... Right now, I'm fine tuning target placements whilst awaiting the Terrain Master Guru to make me a new HFD file, with flattened areas for the myriad of new targets areas (including several new airfields, ports, the usual suspects - vehicle depot and Factory/Industrial complex) "You can see my house from here" (well, actually, there's a HAWK battry there right now... ) Wrench kevin stein btw: anyone have a five-armed octo-squid?? I could use one for San Fran....of course, there's always Capun's Eagle, for The Giant Claw...hmm.....
  5. Back To the USAF Museum

    Here in California, we don't measure distance in miles/km ... we measure it in time. Like, how many hours to get there, dude?? (from my house to downtown LA, 10 miles...could be 2 hours!!! ) btw, great shot Dave!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. Version


    F4U-2 Corsair Nightfighter mod for SF/WoV/WoE, PTO installs 1/3/08 This is a modifcation of Wolf257's F4U Corsair into the -2 nighter version used by the US Navy and Marine Corps in the Pacific during 1943-45 This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, including all the necessary parts, excepting the aircraft LOD, to recreate the -2 Nightfighters. You =WILL= have to copy the "F4U-1.LOD" from your original Corsair's folder to this one. Included is the full cockpit, modified by Lexx_Luthor, from the F-86D for use in this aircraft, 2 full skins representing VFN-101 and VMFN-532, all inis and damage tgas, and a NEW -only available in this mod- Corsair Nightfighter Hangar Screen. You're also be using the weapons editor to add the new wing-mounted radar pod, modified from the Ekco pod as seen on the Hawker Seahawks. == YOU MUST HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK INSTALLED TO GET THE WW2 WEAPONS!! == PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed installation instructions, and special thanks to those who assisted!! And the usual section from "General Notes" Happy Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  7. What???? She'd have to demand it???? You wouldn't just do it out of the goodness of your heart???? Wrench kevin stein
  8. Why do I feel a re-lyricing of "Coming to America" is in the works??? Wrench kevin stein
  9. The same way I did it 3 years ago..... Experimentation Wrench kevin stein
  10. It's actually called "Danger: Bering Straits". Designed for a stand-alone install, like OTC and the forthcomeing Desert Strom and Iran/Iraq rebuilds. You're kidding, right??? I have ALL the terrains working in WoE. Simple text edit to the terrain's ***.ini, add some nice desert tiles, and Bob's your Uncle This is from the SCal.ini; as you can see I've been testing it in ALL versions of the game, and it works fine: Note the commented sections, so I can just move the minimum files necessary. Lot's of good desert tiles out there...don't take much to install them, and get those maps working (mind you, the Sea1.tga might have some issues, but nothing unresolvable) Wrench kevin stein
  11. Don't reply quoted with pictures still in the post -- it wastes bandwidth. Edit them out!! Perhaps you're missing the weapons needed for the add-on birds??? Anything that is different ANYTHING will cause the game to hang and boot you out. Are you even reading the posts above???? Just play with the stock birds...mulitplayer has a host (pun intended) of problems that are yet to be fully resolved. Add-ons and mods are part of that issue. You keep saying you want to add the Mig-21 and Su-7. They are STOCK aircraft - you don't have to add them. In multiplayer, the game engine assigns them a generic cockpit; as I've been given to understand, most likely the Skyhawk's. Remove the cockpit's from them, and see what happens. As everyone has said...use only the stock aircraft, and leave it at that. You want to add aircraft, use another install copy of the game (ie: more than one installation; one purely stock, another modded), and mulitplay ONLY in the stock one. Look at this line, from you own post: Don't you think that answer's you question??? Wrench kevin stein
  12. There's a thread in the Knowledge Base, explaining many of the multi-player problems. Basically, it comes down to BOTH players installs of the game MUST be identical...NO CHANGES TO ANYTHING, otherwise you'll get booted out. Or, ALL CHANGES MUST BE EXACTLY THE SAME. I'd really reccomend looking over every single thread in the Knowledge Base that pertains to basic gaming. We created the KB with this in mind; also read the game manual on how to use the controls, basic flight manuvers, basic radar and weapons operations and usage. 98.6% of every question you've asked over the last few days, is covered in the game manual. READ THE MAUNAL Get used to using the SEARCH button when looking for downloads = and yes, we all know it dosen't work all the time= ...look at the sticky's, here at the top of this General Discussions Forum, that list all the available aircraft, ships and ground vehicles/objects. Browse, page by page if you have to, in the downloads sections, be it full aircraft, skins, whatever. Get a feel for how things are done, and why. Play with the stock, out-of-the-box game for as long as it takes; weeks or months if need be, before beginning to modify things. Otherwise, you'll be back saying the 'game is broken...how to fix??' Get used to the game as originally shipped...I can't stress this enough...before messing with it. This is how we ALL started. Wrench kevin stein
  13. "So many targets...so little ammo"!!! Why do you think the MiGs were the first damage tgas I did!!! Wrench kevin stein
  14. Thank you Allen! I can't get the damn theme music out of my head -- watched the movie the other night, which gave me the idea for Camp Calumet (notice the director's name-- Toni Mason; Lea Thompson's character, and one of the 2 surviving Wolverines). Which should pretty much give everyone the premise behind the map mod - although fully usable from 1950-2020 (although you'll loose your NIKEs in the early 70s). Yes, the signs were made by me; the psd template is now over 19 layers deep for all the different ones. KillerBee first made them, iirc, for Red Mad. I'm reusing them in desert storm, now for this one. It took me over an hour & half to find the pics for Matt & Jed -- they're right from the closing credits. Don't have a capture program, so I couldn't take them off the DVD. The signs are also used for 2 more 'Easter Eggs' ... one 'down Mexico way, the other in the Northern part of the state, east of Donner Pass. (hint: think Poul Anderson) I think it'll be a very fun map to fly in...lots of targets for both sides, lots of mountains & canyons for terrain masking. And best of all (like a quote from the movie) I live HERE!!!. The fun part, when writing up the readme, will be 'explaining' WW3.... "Two toughest kids on the block, I guess. Sooner or later, they're gonna fight" Crusader: wait till you see what's left of Sacremento ... the Governator is now living in a tent!!! And the Army confiscated his Hummers!!! Wrench kevin stein
  15. Brainless: ah, yeah. thanks!! It won't be released as a seperate pack of objects (not yet anyway - maybe later). It's part of a terrain rebuild. Right now, I"m just fine-tuning object placements, and awaiting the new HFD file for the flattened, newly added airfields and other 'generic add-on target areas'. I"ll also have to get permissions from my fellow Dev A-Team members for a few of our ships and parked planes. Also from the terrain's original builder, but I'm pretty sure he'll be cool with it. The best part of these objects, is they're ALL stock items, already existing in ALL versions of ALL the terrain cats. Still working on getting the bomb craters out...did you know there are 3 different sizes? Small, Medium and Large?? I did 'borrow' a few items from some other terrains, most notably the Strafe Targets from the Range as gunnery targets at the training camp (speaking of which, nobody's commented on the 'source' of the 2 signs???) Still having a little trouble with the 'Front Line' as defined in the movements.ini, but these are small problems. It is a VERY heavily populated map (objectwise), with VERY heavily defended target areas, on both sides - especialy the Bad Guys with a lot of SAMs and AAA. Wrench kevin stein
  16. The Mirage Factory has some wonderful IDF aircraft...IIICJ, K'Fir, Baz, Ra'am There are IDF versions of the A-4 and F-4 availablbe (as Silverbolt said), in their approiate d/l sections. As the the EAF Fishbeds, you'll have to create them from the stock Soviet ones. See the Knowledge Base for "Creating a Country Specific Aircraft" You should be able to find skins in the MiG-21 skins section Same goes for the Su and Il-28 Wrench kevin stein
  17. Happy new year.

    Bah, HUMBUG!!! Oh...wait...wrong holiday!!! Sorry!! Happy New Year to everyone, and all. May the New Year bring great joy, prosperity, happines, better game controlers, new games, better weather...etc, etc and of course, ETC!!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Already in the Weapons Pak. (insert Interior Decorator's Voice) Lots of nice colors, there's a red and green and yellow. They're so pretty!!! The smoke clouds just spiral up into the sky, like it's doing a little dance..just lovely!!! And the white phosphorour ones....oh! So bright!!!! (Interior Decorator's Voice, off) Back to reality.... Unfortunately, there's no real FAC capabilities in the game; oh, sure Snoopy shows up and flys in circles getting his ass shot off...but they never mark the targets (unlike Janes USAF). If you want to carry them, they're actually good for tossing out over you CAS targets, in case you get distracted dodging SAMs, AAA, enemy fighers, or just get lost. Hey, it's happened to me!! Wrench kevin stein
  19. I went a little more brown-ish with mine... Of course, alot of the visibility depends on which desert tile set you use. Some seem to be more 'orange-ey' than others. Also have the M-48's, Bradley IFV, LTVP-7, Abrams, M-60 (below) and a few others...still having a few problemw with the M-163; can't figure the mapping for the turret Stock items don't need permissions for re-skins, just MAKE SURE and state in you readme, which game it's for. As the T-72 only exists in WoE, let the end user know that. Wrench kevin stein
  20. don't forget, too the Enhanced AI data, added directly to the (as in each) aircraft data ini: I don't know exactly what it do, but it DO help. All my add-on mods use it, and I've added it to a lot of others as well Wrench kevin stein
  21. Doing up the names list is easy....you just create one based on an existing, change the persenell's names and 'save as' RhodesiaNames.lst (or whatever it's called) Hey, I'm just reporting it!!! The nations data comes right out of the Nations.ini. There's many in there classed as enemy, that I'd personaly think as friendly. I'd rather have India on my side, then Pakistan. I "think" it was done (with India/Paki in mind), simply because India uses more Russian equipment than Paki does (use of chinese birds notwithstanding). There are a LOT of nations missing from the list, but that's an easy fix. Had to add all the WW2 belligeriants, plus Vichy at any rate. Wrench kevin stein
  22. It's a sticky in the Mission/Campaigns Thread. Lancancter/Tallboy vs Nazi Battleship I'd do it myself, but I can't level bomb for poop (and don't want to add the Norden fix, as it messes up some of my other views). I"m more of a dive bomber kinda guy....I want to stuff that 1000 pounder right down the stack!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. I thought they were just in-game to draw off fighers, flak and SAMs???? Wrench kevin stein
  24. Search function???? Nahh...I'd just be happy if they'd actually read the readmes supplied. Just like Tristian's signature says.... Wrench kevin stein
  25. Excellent. I've got 99% of the targets placed, movements plotted, etc, etc, etc. What we need is a terrain guy...there's about 3 airfields that need flattening from the moves I did to correct their positions. I'd also love to get Teheran Intl over next to Teheran, where it belongs. Adding the Caspian sea shore would be big plus, but not really necessary. (and Sparko wants a pony and/or Alysia Milano!!) Weapons are listed in the KB, just needs a good campaign ini dancer to straighten it out. We'll have to use Centurions for Iranian Cheiftians ... unless someone builds one. Iraqi T-72s are problematical -- they're WoE only items (so, a 3rd Party one would be needed for those without WoE). MJ built some really nice, working Silkworm launchers for me...those are in. Standard Soviet tanks (T-54, T-55) the Chinese Type-59 and -69 are all readily available. Other vehicles are either modded stock, or from the Pasko SAMs and Vehicles Pak, plus Kesselbruts Vehicles and Infantry (some modded to Iranian and Iraqian) Like I said.... all is nearly ready, excepting the terrain parts. Wrench kevin stein

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