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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. It's a thingy called Names***.lst (where *** is the country) You'll still need the extractor, and you go into the MissionData.cat, in the Flight folder. There you'll find a host of Names***.lst. They're broken down by, well I guess it's country type. African Argentine RAF Russian Thai USN etc etc and fo course, etc looks like at least 2 dozen of them, by a quick look in the cat They're broken down into 3 sections, LastName MaleFirstName FemaleFirstName when and how they appear is based on the "GenderRatio=" for each nation, which is specified in the Nations.ini Simple text lists, so they're pretty easy to edit in Notepad. Which means, by adjusted taht ratio, you could convievebly run into a modern version of The Night Witches.....of a host of very nast Amazons... Wrench kevin stein
  2. To mis-quote Obi Wan: "The Eels will be with you, always" Wrench kevin stein
  3. that's some serious bulkhead detailing!!! Looks good so far! Wrench kevin stein
  4. With the discussion for Major Lee's new project of Updating DBS, and my volenteering for the US air defenses, it sent me off into my distant past, serching for evidence. Having spent the last few hours over at my mothers, scouring through old photo albums... Taken at Santa Monica Airport. The area where this was, is now a park and dog run. It used to be storage for new cars for the local dealers, and before that generic aircraft parking and tie-downs. Now, I don't know the exact date (and couldn't find the pictures of the Nikes that should be there), but it should be between 1963-1966. I should be approx 3-5 years old here. Looking at the shot in close up, we have what looks like a Regulas, Honest John, in between them could be an Ontos. And I think I'm standing under a Terrier (or maybe Talos? -- can't see the nose, but the 2nd stage looks like a Standard) So, it appears I was destined, somehow to be associated with air defense missiles -- and I never got the serve!!!. But I've always been a Flag Waver!! Just thought I'd share something from the past.... Wrench kevin stein
  5. Thanks! This is another one with Major Lee's DBS in mind...even if this squadron was based in Maine.... There are still 2 versions of the J to come out, as soon as I get ahold of good pictures. Still haven't figured out how to hide the IR and SAR Falcons in the pods to make an H....but I'm working on it!! Still have to redo the other skin for this one, too. Slight repainting, and new decals...not really that much work...just looking up the correct serials. I really liked the screenie I used for this one, the Moon was just right there...and was just too nice a shot pass up. Wrench kevin stein
  6. Remember

    <S> Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. Version


    F-89D Scorpion 75th FIS Skin and Ini Updates Pak for SF, WoV & WoE: This package will give you an revamped skin, based off Volksjager's original, with a full set of updated inis. To make life easy, EVERYTHING is inculded. Excepting the aircraft itself -- you should already have that!!! ;) Basically, this is a rebuild of the ENTIRE weapons system for this aircraft, -- Please Note: this skin is designed to replace the skin folder marked "1D" in your original F-89D install -- All the skin bmps have been repainted, using new templates created by me, based off Volk's original skins. I've duplicated his original work, so all credit goes to him for skin creation...I've basically just redone them to make use of the new panel, rivet lines and new decals created by me for the serial and buzz numbers Modified main, data, cockpit, avionics and loadout inis are included. These reflect changes to operational uses as seen in the "Weapons Fixes and Loadouts" thread I maintain at CombatAce. The weapons have been completly revamped, using a trick found by Lexx_Luthor over at the 3rd Wire boards, concerning multiple FFAR installations. NEW damage tgas are also supplied -- what? you think those Commie gunners are going to sit there and let you blow them full of holes???? Brand new, and available in this mod only -- Hangar and Loading screens!! You -WILL- be using the Weapons Editor to add the new FFAR rockets...make sure you have the latest version, the one that came in the 6/06 Weapons Pak. == You MUST also have the latest Weapons Pak installed.== PLEASE read the enclosed readme for fully detailed, conscise, step-by-step install instructions. It's designed to make your life just a little easier... Enjoy, and Happy Hunting!
  8. Oopps..forgot about your Hawk question... I can't remember EXACTLY where it is, possibly in the 'non-aircraft mods' section, but Nick Bell has posted an updated WoE targets ini with HAWK batteries set up, and with updated Hawk launcher, HIPR and Lopar radar data inis. It makes them super-deadly for the Red side!! Originally, the HAWK would act as you describe, sometimes blowing up on launch, and sometime blowing up on YOU!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. Well, look at the bright side, at least it wasn't Nigerian royalty trying to get it, to set up their 'funds recovery site' Wrench kevin stein
  10. Excellent work, people....I can see that overnight this has turned around and calmed down Let's leave this open for a while, and see if it stays this way. Wrench kevin stein
  11. (following the example, of trying to lighten the mood....) One of the reason's I don't wear boxers....and size issues (don't forget, us Jewish guys need to be trimmed at birth ) Zur, you know, I can actually HEAR my wife saying the same thing...probably a little more colorfully. Pat don't believe in holding back. I was actually going to stay completely out of this, simply because I didn't like where we all knew it would go.... Since I seem to be the most neutral one here, I really ain't got much to say. Other than.... how much work would it be to simply recreate the Argie Scooters??? You'd just need new skins, decals and a few ini edits to rebuild them. The little hump thingys are already in the weapons pak. And I KNOW new ones were/are in the making, as I'd seen them in not to distant past, for the upcoming (and much delayed) Falklands rebuild. And to mention a last point, the A-4AR isn't one of Diego's...it's from a dude calling himself "Ravins**t". It's sitting right here in my full objects install, with the readme saying so. I respectfully suggest.... We should mod in the SHAAAADDDEEE!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. I'm in already, right?? If not, then I express my intent. (wasn't I just volenteered for the US air defenses???) one skin already released, another on the way (well, soon...I had to redo all the decals -- had the wrong marks' serial numbers for the D) If you need me...that is Wrench kevin stein
  13. "See, we piddle, twiddle, and resolve Not one damn thing do we solve Piddle, twiddle, and resolve Nothing's ever solved in Foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Los Angeles!" (with apologies to the songwriters/lyricists of '1776') OK guys, it appears that even I need a little help every now and then.... As you see below, the revamped, re-number arctic red/metal skin for the 75th FIS. But I'm gong nutso trying to get the individual aircraft numbers (a 2 digit that matches the last 2 of the serial number, as was originally painted on) The number is supposed to go on the red area of the rocket pod, more or less centered between the checks and the outer blast ring (the black bit at the front) This is what I have in the decals ini: and this is from the out file (bless you Monty, for including it!!!) Based off the known position of the running lights, this should be just about there...albeit a few mms in Anyone want to ventrue a guess? or should I just let it go, and release it as is??? Just a few more data ini tweeks, to try and calm down the proposing...and it's ready. Wrench kevin stein
  14. I learn something new about this everyday!!! Thanks CP!!! Maybe, someday, before the End of the World...I might figure out how to model...might actually take me that long, too!!! Wrench kevin stein
  15. thank you! But all skin credit really goes to Volksjager; I used his original skins to create a new template from, and removed the painted on numbers, so I could decal it with individual buzz and serials. Of course, all the rivet and panels had to be redrawn, but that was pretty easy. The only thing I couldn't figure out, was getting the sharkmouth on the nose gear doors...couldn't find what part of the map they're on (well, I could, but I'm getting lazy...ok, lazier) BTW, everything but the sharkmouth is a decal some other data ini edits, besides the 104 rockets mounted, canopy closers faster, landing llight, little bits and stuff. Wrench kevin stein
  16. I'm just wondering where "ligerty island" is .... perhaps it's a stargetic site???? Wrench kevin stein
  17. Yes, there is. You'll find your answer in the Knowledge Base, in my "Weapons and Loadouts Fixes" Thread. Happy Hunting!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Well guys, that's fixed that... All I need do now, is write up the readme. This bird still has a little bit of a 'bobble' in level fllight, with plays havoc with the rockets, but that's just beyond me. It still works, though!! Expect this sometime tommorrow! And thank you gentlemen, I made a nuub mistake Wrench kevin stein
  19. That would be used for your textureset ini; the part of the text added to the main ini that tells the skin what to do. Out of curiosity, IS there a textureset.ini with the skin??? Even if you add it to the F-4B.ini, you may still need one in the skin folder. What I need to see is there a decals.ini. That's what tells the game engine where, and what kind of, marking to add to the skin. Wrench kevin stein
  20. I'll give that a try!! What I think I was thinking, was the distance from center of the model....not thinking that it's a seperte piece. note to self: remember basic decaling --- coords are from CENTER of mesh, not gobal model. Heck, I'll try anything just to finish this off!!! Ken, is this one any better??? Late-model J without rocket pods. Still need some better pictures for finish skinning it and the early J WITH pods... Wrench kevin stein
  21. Good for you Kaizer!! As you requested, I edited you post to remove the picture link. If more people were as respectful as you towards others work, we'd have a lot less problems I thank you!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  22. Nice pilot skin!!! (this would be a lot easier if I could find my hex editor screen shot I made for the 'how to repaint a pilot' tutorial I never finished...) Most pilot figures have 4 files: Pilot**.bmp Pilot**.ini Pilot**.lod Pilot**_lod002.lod Personally, I've never seen the Falcon pilot figure...it' almost like it's built into the aircraft lod, but I could be wrong. Back to the subject at hand.... To get it to work, you need to use your hex editor, and search for "bmp". Now, the real trick, is in making sure YOUR pilot skin has the same amount of digits (the name length CANNOT exceed the original. That is... say the lod calls for Pilot07.bmp....that's 10 digits in length, including the file type suffix. So you only have 7 real places to work with. So, you just rename the pilot bmp to match, but keeping it identifiable. In your case, I'd use Pilt225.bmp. Back into the hex editor, you do a search again for the 'bmp'. Normally, each lod has 3 instances for it. You just re-type the new bmp name OVER ONLY THE FIRST SECTION OF BMP NAME, leaving the .bmp part alone. Now, since doing this would delete the original F-16 pilot, you do a "save as..." for each lod, and then you can rename it. NOW, you can use the full name, Pilot225. You do this for each pilot lod. Then you simply edit the ini to reflect the new lod names. Then, save the ini as Pilt225.ini . Then take all 4 (or in this case there seems to be 3 lods -- don't forget to edit them all), and toss the whole mess into the /objects/aircraft folder, as you normally do. You don't need to worry about the OUT file, that's generated when the lods are create in MAX, and has no bearing on this (unless you want to plot out decal positions for shoulder patches???) Then edit you're Falcon's data it to accept the new pilot: PilotModelName=Pilt225 ----------------- }{moderator mode ON }{ Now, there IS a problem with your skin: It's based off Diego's Sage Green, and he has pulled ALL his late model pilot skins, save a VERY few, from general usage. So, speaking as a CA Moderator, I'd reccomend NOT releasing this for the general public, but keep it for your own use. This will avoid a nasty scene for all parties involved. This goes for everyone -- you can do what you want in YOUR own games, but unpermissioned mods, and mods of items removed by their authors CANNOT be uploaded or shared on this or any other site. Please respect the author's wishes. }{moderator mode OFF}{ ------------- Wrench Kevin Stein
  23. can you post the decals ini??? Wrench kevin stein
  24. FOBS???? I'd also like to amend the previous statement on the Kytushas....we also have working SSMs on the ships, as well as land based (ie: Silkworms) Wrench kevin stein
  25. We already have working Kytusha's.... An IRBM should be buildable Wrench kevin stein

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