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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Search function???? Nahh...I'd just be happy if they'd actually read the readmes supplied. Just like Tristian's signature says.... Wrench kevin stein
  2. Excellent. I've got 99% of the targets placed, movements plotted, etc, etc, etc. What we need is a terrain guy...there's about 3 airfields that need flattening from the moves I did to correct their positions. I'd also love to get Teheran Intl over next to Teheran, where it belongs. Adding the Caspian sea shore would be big plus, but not really necessary. (and Sparko wants a pony and/or Alysia Milano!!) Weapons are listed in the KB, just needs a good campaign ini dancer to straighten it out. We'll have to use Centurions for Iranian Cheiftians ... unless someone builds one. Iraqi T-72s are problematical -- they're WoE only items (so, a 3rd Party one would be needed for those without WoE). MJ built some really nice, working Silkworm launchers for me...those are in. Standard Soviet tanks (T-54, T-55) the Chinese Type-59 and -69 are all readily available. Other vehicles are either modded stock, or from the Pasko SAMs and Vehicles Pak, plus Kesselbruts Vehicles and Infantry (some modded to Iranian and Iraqian) Like I said.... all is nearly ready, excepting the terrain parts. Wrench kevin stein
  3. Interestering...I didn't think Rhodesia was even in the nations.ini: But, apparently it is!! And a bad guy too -- who are they enemies of, anyway? Poachers?? Zimbabwae?? Togo?? Which will create yet another problem, if you were to 'build' a RRAF version -- you can't load friendly weapons on an enemy aircraft Hunter'd look awful funny with Atolls and FAB-250s on it, methinks! Easily fixed by switching it over to "FRIENDLY", and using the RAF data for the Formation info. The African continent is something that's not really been looked at, gamewise, excpeting for 'Red Mad' (Madagasscar). OH, and my Nigerian Air Force Tiger Moth Wrench kevin stein
  4. Free-fall bombs and rocket pods only. EOGBs and LGBs not until the reeeealy late model, 21st Century versions. Also, DO have a look at the game manual, it should give a full listing of all the keystrokes needed to visually lock a ground target, as the AG radar don't/won't/can't. Excerpt below is copied directly from the "WOE Manual.pdf", located, strangely enough, in a folder called "Manual" Remember, the KB won't help the very basic stuff...that's why the manufacturer included "The Manual" Wrench kevin stein
  5. Also, be advised that entire terrain has gone back into the shop, for a complete and utter rebuild. do a search with my name, and Iran/Iraq for some sample screenies. As it stands now, MK2 released a campaign upgrade, but that's only temporary, as the entire campaign ini will need rebuilding to reflect the correct, nation specific weapons used on the nation specific aircraft. Right now, they're sorta wrong. New ground objects are coming as well...also nation specific New Iranian and Iraqian weapons can be found in the Knowledge Base (of all places!!) in my "Weapons Loadout Fixes" thread, under the appropiate aircraft (in particular, the Iranian F-4D, F-4E and F-14A). There's a seperate note/post about the Iraqian stuff as well Wrench kevin stein
  6. The 'Wildcards' F4U Corsairs that are here have individual pilot names...it's just treated like another decal (size would need experimenting with, of course). Since they'er applied to aircraft like serial numbers, they'll be DecalLevel=2.... Below is the example, for the -1D Corsair: IIRC, Pappychksix and Ghostrider883 have both done this...Pappy did it for the Thunderjet, and Ghost did if for the "SF AirForce" MiG-21s. It's very cool to see your name on the side!! The only thing you'd need to find is the MeshName=. For 3rd party birds, if you have the OUT file, you can find it that way. For stock birds, you'll need to look for the likely candidate; canopy rail or something like that for Rhinos. There's a 3 decal limit (that I've found -- sometimes it's 4) per mesh, so locating and putting it on the rail would be better than placing it on the fuselage, depending on the aircraft. Which is why lots of skinners try to paint the insiginas and other markings directly on the skin...it "opens" a decal slot so to speak As to decal creating, it's just like any other -- choose a nice font, make sure the image is "square" (128/128 works pretty good), and Bob's your Uncle (sorry, was watching "The Worlds Fastest Indian" the other night, and Hopkins kept saying that!) Wrench kevin stein
  7. The 2 stock ships, CargoShip and Tanker, are available for ALL years..no matter what 'era' your flying in. Pull the data inis for both, and have a look. At worst, you can change the end service year to 2100 or something like that I know WoE has shipping routes defined, so you should have SOMETHING to drop on!! Maybe they just scuttled themselves when they heard it was YOU gunning for 'em?? (or more sabatoge from the Togoan Insurgents?) You can also try d/l that WW2 cargo ship (Liberty ship), give it a long end service date, and see what happens. Wrench kevin stein
  8. Looks like I never DID post a thread about the pilot, afterburner, and decal fixes. Oh well.... The latest patched versions info, after you extract the data inis for the older birds, are just a copy/paste away from a fix. At any rate, here's the Pilot position fix: Position=0.0,2.80,0.85 Remember, you Noobs (and I mean that with affection ), you'll have to get the cat extraction tool from the Utilities section, extract the data ini for the Fishead in question, and apply the fixes. Mind you, a stock, fully patched install don't need the fix....you'll only have to do the extraction if you're wanting to add a different pilot figure, or fix loadouts due to adding the weapons pak. Or 'repairing' older mods. BTW, the Indian MiG-21's are pretty much fully updated, and available in the downloads section. It's only the Pakis and Chinese versions I really haven't done anyting with, as they need totally new cockpits, that support HUDs. (note: some actually are posted in the Loadouts Fixes thread in the KB -- with explinations) Wrench kevin stein
  9. Here, here!! Personally, i think the single greatest add=on utility for this series is the cat extraction tool. Without it, almost none of the exisiting mods could have been done. Thanks for the plug! Lots of hours scouring model box art, plus scans from my personal av-art collection (some 2500+ units), makes for a nice screen. I personally prefer painting to photos, as the painting would actually show the aircraft doing something, rather than sitting in some museaum or parked on ramp somewhre. (btw, some of the early ones looks kinda crappy now....) Wrench kevin stein
  10. ndicki: you might also want to d/l the updated InAF Fishbeds that I did earlier this year...Ghost's skins should work on them (the update was created with his skins in mind) You'll find them in the downloads section, although I don't remember if I stuck them in "Cold War Fighters" general section, or under "MiG-21s"!! As to the mission thingy, I can't help (never learned how to use them), but is you'r loadout ini set for missiles in the AirtoAir loadout section??? Without them specificed in the loadout ini, they won't show automatically. Wrench kevin stein
  11. First Bridges

    Yup, importing/exporting objects between any of the series is super easy.... "The Secret Sound Project" or this one, the remains of a famous landmark... You just need to pull all the needed bits out of the terrain's cat (or in the example above, place them in the terrain folder), add them to the types ini, and place them via the targets ini. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Worlds best jet fighter?

    You know what makes this fighter the best?? FUNDING!!! No bucks, no Buck Rodgers (with aplolgies to Mr. Wolfe) Wrench kevin stein
  13. Interesting results... I left the object role as MOBILE_AAA, but changed the detect and weapons systems to ground, effectively creating a 'new' vehicle (new folder and everything) They will MOST definately engage anyting on the ground...and kill your frame rates at the same time!! I usually get anywhere from 35-60+, but watching them fire (free camera mode), dropped down to 10 fps. Tracer streams so thick you could walk on them!!! And standard tank rounds (M48A2) kills them dead! Well, wadda expect from a no-armoured vehicle. Talk about thin-skinned!! So, yes it is doable, but you'd need to create a "ZSU-23_G" that's just like a tank. Then, those would randomly apprear in CAS missions. Not really worth it. Easiest way is to have "AD Strongpoints" built into the map, either in user created single missions, or directly in the targets.ini, located at the end points defined by the movements ini. In user-built, single missions - I think Sag's done this - you can have them formate and follow the waypoints of your vehicle convoys. oh, well. worth trying, at least Wrench kevin stein
  14. That's an interestering question.... I've never done any campaign editing, so there's the possiblitly of them showing up, and only shooting at planes. OTH, and I don't know if this will work in the SF series -- it sure did when I was building missions for Fighters Anthology (and ATF, USNF, AFTGold), you could assign Zuses ground targets, and they'd shoot the hell out them. (did that in my "Warbirds" mission set, when Ras Assayna is being overrun, Ive ZSU's shooting at the hangars, barracks, etc -- worked really nice too!) Be an very interestering experiment...I know our M-42 Duster's had a secondary ground engagement capability -- I mean, really, how hard would it be to depress the guns to 0, and shoot at building or troops??? Their object role still would have to be "Mobile_AAA". And I've seen film of ZSU shooting at ground stuff (I think that did that in one of the "Mail Call" episodes...) One wonder if they'd advance towards the ground objective.... I'll have to play with this and get back to ya all....the wheels in my mind are spinning....hm....... Wrench kevin stein
  15. Maybe because it was built before there were air-to-air missiles??? The Swiss modified theirs, can't remember when, to carry winder and mavericks (1970s????) Wrench kevin stein
  16. Most of the early fishbeds ONLY lock in boresight. A quick look into the avaionics ini for those pits (they're in the cockpit paks) will confirm this. The search mode, if it even has one, will get you pointed in the right direction. Don't forget, and this modeled by the avionics ini, in real life they'd be vectored to the hostiles via GCI. Wrench kevin stein
  17. I'd stronglysuggest leaving it as it is...I spent a looong time experimenting with it, to get it as close to real life as possible (given game engine limitations). If you put Air_and_ground in, as soon as aircraft show up, the tanks will stop shooting at each other, and concentrate on them, thus defeating the whole purpose. If the mission or terrain builder has done his job, there'll be 'fixed' air defense units already placed on the map,covering the armoured units advance. Trust me on this....I know whereof I speak Wrench kevin stein
  18. File Name: A-4Q CANA Skin update and Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 Dec 2007 File Category: A-4 A-4Q Skyhawk - Skin update and ini Package for SF/WoW/WoE This is a complete package, including a full update of nosecone's Argentine Navy Skyhawk skin, that will recreate the A-4Q Skyhawk as used by the CANA (and/or FAA) during the Falklands War. What I've done is rebuild the decals ini, added a textureset ini, and completly rebuilded -from scratch- all the needed inis to recreate this aircraft. I've included nosecone's original readme at the bottom of this text file. Therefore, I can and WILL take no credit for the skins and decals. I'm just the ini dancer! Included is also my Argentine Skyhawk Hangar Screen, all set up for use in the main ini. == You must have the latest Weapons Pak to use the Avionics Humps and Other Weapons. Please see the "Weapons & Loadout Fixes" thread at CombatAce for more, updated weapons for the Argentine Air Forces == Please see the enclosed readme for relatively easy install instructions, and some notes of interest. All credit to nosecone, who did the original skin -- making sure everyone knows that!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  19. A common problem...even happens on my Bf-109G6 mod, with the R-series gun pods. It IS kinda funny to see the landing gear flapping up and down like hummingbirds wings when firing the guns!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Good possibility, as it supposed to cover the 67-83 time range. Wonder if it'll go eariler, and cover the 'Water Wars' of ~ 63-64 time frame??? Wrench kevin stein
  21. Those would be mine. :yes: They're available here at CA in the Updated Pasko Paks (Desert & Euro), and at my site. Included are data inis for the stock vehicles adding the co-ax MGs, and some included (mostly on APCs) the "AIR_AND_GROUND" tag for the weapons. And yes, if left that way, tanks will try to engage you with their main guns, and NOT their primary ground targets, hence it mostly not being used on them -- they should concentrate on their ground objectives. Like Sag said, it's one of the main faults of the in-game generated missions; no armoured unit is gonna move out without their indegenious AD units...anyone for suicide? When testing the CAS missions in the new as-yet-to-be-released DS mod, my Hog got taken down by a verrrry luck T-72 gunner. Which is why I took the A_a_G statement out of them!!! Wrench kevin stein
  22. What??? Elvis is gonna be here in 2 weeks???!!! Sweeeeettt!! The King Rules!! To answer Sparko' question, yes Wrench kevin stein
  23. There's a sticky post directly above us, pointing to the F-22, Bone, etc. Who needs a search button, when all ya gotta do is look at the top of the page!!! What's also happening, is the modders are awaiting the arrival of WoI, to see what (if anything) gets changed in the game engine. Be pretty harsh, having finished and released a 'modern' aircraft, only to have to send it back to the builder for upgrading, huh? Paitence, young Padawan, will always be rewarded (except in Sparko's case...he never did get his pony - or Alyssia Milano) Wrench kevin stein
  24. It was originally, IIRC, built with the desert cat in mind for SF Having said that, it should be made usable in WoE. Needed to make it work: a Desert tile set some ini editing a few minutes to do above (not counting the time it takes to locate & d/l & install said desert tile set) A quick browse of the Knowledge Base will get you the information needed to (hopefully!) get it up and running in WoE. Look for a subject header along the lines of "Getting Terrains to Work" or something like that. It should be noted there are several different tile sets...some will work better than others due to differences in the construction of the terrain's map. A little experimentation might be necessary. Wrench kevin stein
  25. I know adding the armor definately helped in the WW2 plane mod I've done (in particular the FW-190s). I noticed them taking a lot more damage, and NOT blowing up, from my Mustang's 50 cals than before. Again, it goes back to a solid 'slug' projectile vs and exploding one (20mm cannon and above). Structrual integrity, hit boxes, etc, that are built into the model also make a difference. We've all heard the stories from Korea, of Sabres filling MiG-15s full of holes, and the aircraft NOT going down. Obviously, some of this also goes to real-world physics -- there ain't enough air at 40,000 feet to start a fire with. Hence, the move away from machine guns to cannon. With exploding shells. Overall, I'd say armor does make a difference. Albeit based on other factors. Wrench kevin stein

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