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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Wouldn't the camera's displace the radar, or was it updated to a more modern version, smaller electronics boxes?? Gotta stay within the budget, doncha know! I LIKE it, though. Of course, with Sundowner skins.... Wrench kevin stein
  2. No. It's all explained in the "Operational Histroy" section in the readme. Wrench kevin stein
  3. the last one's are a formation of F11F's, before the landing light fix. (it wasn't set to "IsLandingLight=TRUE", so it stayed on all the time) The others.... Wrench kevin stein
  4. What, you mean like this: or this; or maybe these??? Wrench kevin stein ps: and if/when folks respond, DON'T do a copy/paste or 'reply with quote' that includes the pictures, it wastes time d/lding, clogs the server, and makes people upset. We've had some complaints. W, The Moderator
  5. Version


    F-110A "Wraith" Mod Pak for SF/WoV/WoE A "What If..." Cold War Aircraft First of all, I have to extend a great deal of thanks to BadFrank from the CombatAce message boards, as this entire thing was his idea!! He's also the person that found the mesh names for the rear canopy for me to get the decal on (it's also his decal, I just repainted it). What we have here is a mod of the F-4B creating a single-seat version of the Phantom. This version is designed for US Air Force use, as a long-range missile armed interceptor, along the lines of the F-102, F-106 and even it's older brother, the F-101A Voodoo. This aircraft has NO air-to-ground capabilities, in keeping with it's role as a continential air defense interceptor. A gun pod (SUU-16) can be loaded as they become available (later service year dates) All items used, excepting the new weapons, are stock 3rd Wire, and are readily available in each of the varying versions of the game. It makes use of stock, albeit renamed skin files, some of which have been repainted by me. I've included them in the package, as it's easier than having the end user transfer and rename files. And again, as they're all stock items, they exist in all versions of the game. As should all the serial decals as well. You'll be adding a couple of new 'weapons', a modified Scooter hump and a rebuild of my 'hack job' F-104 Recon Pod, now modified/renamed/tweeked for use on the Phantom. Full, detailed instrustions on all facets of installation are in the enclosed readme, along with full credits for folks who helped out. -- so PLEASE read the cursed thing!!! It'll make your life easier, I promise you! Enjoy!
  6. When you got big pontoons like mine, they just natrually show!!!! (guess I been watching too much 3 1/2 Men!!) The Sunderland is what got me thinking about Coastal Command. Even went out and d/led this CC book - 30 freeking megs on pdf, and had nothing I could use!!! (although it's full of nice b/w pictures....) What really seems strange to me, is the colors are BOTH gray!! - yet the slate gray looks green! Still trying to come up with a Navy designation for the Seafire...all the manufacuter codes are taken (V=Lockheed). Was thinking F5V (for Vickers). Knowing how thing were done, AAF wise, they'd probably just leave it as 'Seafire 3C'...easier when reordering parts. Now that all the decal positions are known, and stars established, it's be a real easy reskin for USAAF Spits. Wrench kevin stein
  7. Maybe it's just me, but I find the look of the Typhoon very sexy..... (I like it's shap a lot better than the Ramptor!! - must be a delta-wing-thing) Wrench kevin stein
  8. Ok this single seat version is just about finished..just have to polish up the readme, and get BadFrank's permission -- after all, he started it!! before zipping and uploading. Wrench kevin stein
  9. Do you have this statement in you data ini: to disable it, just add the double slash // in front of the (canopy) statement. That'll stop it from working. As to the Fuxbat, have you modified your flightengine ini??? A quick search of the knowledge base will tell you how. Also, check the loadouts and make SURE they are correct ... a missing weapon will cause the BSOD/CTD As to the Phantom sight, just swap out the sight tga for the green one (cant remember where's it at...start with the F-4J maybe??). Double check the names are the same; if not, make the corrections in the cockpit ini. BTW, the entire terrain has gone back into the hangar for a rebuild...there are now over 125 targer areas, revamped objects, corrected nations specific weapons, new vehicles, etc, etc, etc. Hopefully, work will start on updated the whole campaign with the new stuff after Desert STorm is released. The terrain needs some major re-working, as I've moved a few things to their correct locations (re: airports), and added a buttload of stuff. Wrench kevin stein
  10. Do backups obey the same laws of physics?? Wrench kevin stein
  11. Most, if not all the American manufacturers have a 'naming tradition'. Mind you, pre-ww2 most aircraft weren't named by us (with some exceptions, of course, as always!) McDonnel Corp always went after the supernatural kind; Banshee, Demon, Voodoo, Phantom Douglas always (for the most part) went with a 'sky' type, even in their civil airliners; Skytrain, Skyraider, Skywarrior, Skyhawk Grumman was usually feline: Wildcat, Hellcat, Cougar, Panther, Boeing, with their large bombers, went with the fortress route; Flying Fortress*, SuperFortress, Stratofortress... Vought went with high-seas types: Pirate, Corsair, Buccaneer, Jack Sparrow There were exceptions, especially during the war. The first that comes to mind is the TBF 'Avenger', as it was designed before Pearl Harbor, and first flown after, it was to 'avenge' the attack. The Douglas TBD 'Devastor'...well, less said the better. Good plane for 1937, bad plane for 1942. Wrench kevin stein *as originaly envisioned, the Y1B-17A was to go out and meet enemy fleets as they approached the American coast, defending it as the old style harbor defenses (forts) used do to, hence the name. This is 1935 thinking....before the era of strategic bombardment.
  12. Stormtrooper: custom built from Bad Frank's idea. AJ: I LIKE "Wraith"...gotta keep in with the McDonnel tradition (also brings to mind spectral Chrylser racing cars and ghostly drivers). Besides, Nyarlathotep is waaay too hard to spell and pronounce. Soon, fellas...still doing some weapons / avionics testing. Some fiddling with the paint job is also going on. Also have to find out who created the black serial number decals I'm using. All other are either mine, or stock. To say nothing of the 'alternate history readme' -- something I'm really good at! Wrench kevin stein
  13. Got it Frank! Thanks!! Ok... I discovered there's more than one way to skin a ... Rhino... Reminded myself of something I once read: Q: where to you hide the evidence of a fire? A: in another fire So, hide the hump in plain sight by repainting it and the canopy decal. There's still some shine, but that can't be helped (it'll be explained away in the readme ) Also, experimental loadout... Just for s**ts and grins, of course. After all it WAS designed to stop those hordes of commie bombers that were to swarm over the Pole into the American Heartland... Wrench kevin stein
  14. A swing-wing Rhino??!!! Oh man, that is seriously off the hook cool!!! That one would definately be ONLY A-A. Of course, the 'moving pylons' in the lod.....nah, leave it as Fleet Defense!!! BadFrank: still awaiting the decal stuff for F-110A!! Wrench kevin stein
  15. Have you looked at the weaponsdata.ini??? It wasn't actually designed to be air-launched. It was for use on the submerged sub and some ASW surface vessels. Wherein you would not see them in use. Also, there is a difference between a 'missing skin' and a missing shape. A missing skin gives you the plain material color of the lod (usually a very light gray or white). Whereas a missing shape (or lod) gives you nothing. Just to clarify. Wrench kevin stein
  16. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5402 File Name: P-51C Skin and Ini Upgrade PackageFile Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 Oct 2007 File Category: P-51 USAAF P-51C Mustang Upgrade & Skin Pak for SF/WoV/WoE, WW2 ETO Installs This is a re-skin and ini upgrade package for Wolf's P-51C "Mustang" (Malcom Hood). The skin was created from his orginal template, but I've redrawn all the panel lines, added some rivets, made various and sundry enhancements to the skin; made several changes in the data, loadout and cockpit inis. A new N-3 gunsight tga has also been included. The skin represents aircraft from 356th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group "The Pioneer Mustang" unit circa 1944/45 (pre-invasion striped, or post invasion striped -whichever you deceide!). I've heavly researched this unit, and as best I could, tried to match photos of the nose art. Where data was available, the actual serial numbers have been used. All others are C model serials, but I make no claims to if they actually served in 356th. Some of the nose arts are 'interperative'; meaning I did them in the best way I could to get them to fit on the aircraft. Some are in the 99% acuracy range, so I think you all should be pretty happy with them. You'll have squadron codes and individual letters for 26 aircraft You'll also find a new "MustangC" hangar screen, I created just for this mod, and ONLY available with it!!! ==NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK INSTALLED FOR PROPER WEAPONS LOADOUT!!== PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions, plus comments and notes that you might find interesting. Happy Landings!!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  17. P-51C Skin and Ini Upgrade Package



    USAAF P-51C Mustang Upgrade & Skin Pak for SF/WoV/WoE, WW2 ETO Installs This is a re-skin and ini upgrade package for Wolf's P-51C "Mustang" (Malcom Hood). The skin was created from his orginal template, but I've redrawn all the panel lines, added some rivets, made various and sundry enhancements to the skin; made several changes in the data, loadout and cockpit inis. A new N-3 gunsight tga has also been included. The skin represents aircraft from 356th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group "The Pioneer Mustang" unit circa 1944/45 (pre-invasion striped, or post invasion striped -whichever you deceide!). I've heavly researched this unit, and as best I could, tried to match photos of the nose art. Where data was available, the actual serial numbers have been used. All others are C model serials, but I make no claims to if they actually served in 356th. Some of the nose arts are 'interperative'; meaning I did them in the best way I could to get them to fit on the aircraft. Some are in the 99% acuracy range, so I think you all should be pretty happy with them. You'll have squadron codes and individual letters for 26 aircraft You'll also find a new "MustangC" hangar screen, I created just for this mod, and ONLY available with it!!! ==NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK INSTALLED FOR PROPER WEAPONS LOADOUT!!== PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions, plus comments and notes that you might find interesting. Happy Landings!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. That IS kinda funny, when you think about it. I'm just weird that way....(and several others...) Wrench kevin stein
  19. Is that puffin related to "The Giant Claw?? She don't like eels either...(note broke-backed giant eel beeing carried off) Wrench kevin stein
  20. Nice models!!! I'd love to see the Stroch and Tante Ju in my WW2 installs!!! And the Hormone will give the Firefox something to shoot down, while it's being 'stolen' As for adding the TV display, that ain't nothing! Simple text edits...you can add it ANYTHING...look at the avionics inis for the Hog, and the Phantom E...it'll tell ya how to do just by looking! Wrench kevin stein
  21. Simple ini and skin pack (IF its been reskinned - if not reusing the original)....there's no need to include the entire aircraft (lods and cockpit). For something similiar, and as general guidlines, I'd suggest having a look at my 2 'cats -- for the RN and the IDF. Both are what's classed as "semi-complete" mods, as the major files aren't included. Have a look at those readmes, and you'll see what I mean. As for loadouts, I'd suggest having a peak in the KB's Loadout Thread (albeit without the suspect Hawks...). Lot's of 'newer' Iraining weapons there, bringing them (meaning the Irain/Irag mod) up speed. Wrench kevin stein
  22. The Cougar was done by Pasko; it's not one of ours But... You'll find the fixes for the loadout issues in my "Loadouts Thread" in the Knowledge base. Wrench kevin stein
  23. Aircraft model maker: The Great and Powerful Zur original skin: DanW I'd drop a Zur a PM (he's the one doing the MV-22 Opsrey), and see if it's ok. I've always done that with my Sabre mods; he's pretty cool about things, as long as you ask. Don't forget, country specific's can be done in a couple of ways: 1) Complete aircraft, includings all needed lods and cockpit folder; 2) Just the needed inis, with a detailed readme describing what files or components need to be copied from the original aircraft It all depends on how bit a zip you want make Wrench kevin stein
  24. Not truely necessary.... Service years for the weapons make sure you should only get what's needed for the time frame. This was actually tried before, with "Era Specific" weapons paks....didn't really work, so Buny went back through the pak and adjusted all the service years. Just make sure your loadout inis are all set properly. My thread in the Knowledge Base was partly designed with this in mind (along with fixing the Red Air birds...) Personally, I've actually done that in one of my WW2 installs....things got screwed up real fast. You have to basically rebuild the entire weaponsdata ini from scratch, deleting weapons via the weapons editor. Lots and lots of work. Then go back over each loadout and data ini, double checking service years and weapons fits. ....and "fits" is the words...it'll give you fits!!! Wrench kevin stein
  25. Actually, yes and no..... The WW2 nations ini seperates Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany from modern Japan and (then) West Germany (also, Facist Italy). So, with an 'everything in one install', you could have JASDF Sabres engaging IJN Zeros!! Unless you go through all the data inis for the WW2 birds, changing "Exported=" to FALSE, and making sure the EndServiceYear= is less than your others, more 'modern' birds. In the end, it's just easier to have seperate installs for the various WW2 theatre's, with the correct ground objects and plane sets. It's all a matter of hard drive space, of course. Wrench kevin stein

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