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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Oh Yeah......

    Gads!!! The lyrics for the Iron Eagle song!!!! It was Queen, wasn't it?? Wrench kevin stein
  2. Now, we're really leaning over into the 'what if'.... You're all describing the F-4X as used by the Ace Wrecking Crew in "The Wingman" series. It's a been done thing. With a lighter, shorter engine, I forsee (places envlope on forehead) all kinds of weight/balance issues, to say nothing of lack of growth space (albeit with modern-ish miniturized compenents, all made in Japan!). And cf course, McD would have lost it's contract on the Eagle. If you're wanting an updated, late 20th Century Rhino, I'd suggest downloading the F-4EJ-kai, JASDF, located somewhere here at CA. The skins alone are worth it. What we (ok, me) are looking at here is something along the lines of a single-seat, all weather interceptor for Continential Defense (read: as the originial F-101A was built). I haven't posted any of the newest reskin, but she's carrying ADC badges on the tail, and a NORAD badge on splitter plate. NO a-g loads; just like her stablemates, the Deuce, Dart and Voodo. Never deployed overseas, excepting maybe Iceland. etc, etc, etc. Wrench kevin stein
  3. The imans on the Revolutinary Council have decreed that users of easy avioncs will be deemed 'enemies of the faith', and will be used to clear minefields. After, of course, a time spent 'considering the errors of their ways', usually in company with several VERY large and mean-sprited teachers..... Wrench kevin stein
  4. Thanks Rad, I'm glad you're enjoying them! IIRC, PilotN1 and N2 are stock ingame items, hiding in the objects cat. I think they also came with the F-4J when it was 1st released by TK. Unfortunately, you will have to double check all the data inis, to make sure the reference is to a WW2 type of dude. Depending on the size and number of WW2 installs you have (I've got 4!), and the number of planes...well, if might take a little bit of time. Like I said, most of the Dev A-Team stuff should already be set for some Luft guy or another. Which reminds me...several of those new Luftwaffe birds I just released call for the Do335 Pilot, which is in the Do-335 planes here somewhere. (I think the 109K and 190A8R8 -- check them to sure) You can always switch them over to one of the others.. As to rain, we just got some here last night in LA...hope it don't tommorrow...got a big thing to go to for my wife company at the Santa Monica pier...free food!!! (hopefully, free chili dogs from Pinks!!! ) Wrench kevin stein
  5. Well, I know a lot of our (Dev A-Team) aircraft especially for the Luftwaffe, have their own pilot figures, and the data ini is already set to use them (Do-17 comes right to mind) although it should be in the readmes, you simply put the pilot bits; usually 3 or 4 files: pilot**.bmp pilot**.ini pilot**.lod pilot**_002lod.lod (some don't use both lods) directly into your /aircraft folder --- NOT into a specific aircraft folder, the the main one. hmm...would have thought this was already in the knowledge base...I'll check on it, and if not, I'll add a new tutorial Wrench kevin stein
  6. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5387 File Name: C-W Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 Oct 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters File Version: No Information Website: No Information Edited from the readme: Curtis-Wright Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO Installs: 10/11/07 This is a complete package including ALL parts necessary to unzip and install a new, export version of Wolf's P-36 Mohawk, for the French Air Force from the start of WW2, to the time of the 'Sitzkrieg', and then into the Battle of France. This package contains 7 skins for the following units: N124 SPA67 SPA95 SPA153 SPA155 SPA160 AdA - generic skin, that was my original, with minimal markings. Just a "Plane Jane" so to speak ;) There is a new French 7.5mm machine gun, courtesy of Heck, and a 50kg bomb by me, so you'll be using BOTH the gun and weapons editor to add them. (note: both these weapons were included in the Douglas DB-7 recently released) I have to list the credits here for all to see.. Wolf257: for creating the aircraft and letting us mod it to death, also for providing the 3ds source file for modification! Capun for making the my requested changes to the LOD -- I can't thank you enough, CP!! 'Heck Mitchell' for all the decal work & the French MGs -- sure made MY job eaiser Full detailed instructions are in the enclosed readme...especially for the weapons additons, plus my notes and comments, and historical background. With thanks to all who helped with this mod! Wrench Kevin Stein now...we just need to BoB map modified for the Battle of France, and few more planes..... Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    Edited from the readme: Curtis-Wright Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO Installs: 10/11/07 This is a complete package including ALL parts necessary to unzip and install a new, export version of Wolf's P-36 Mohawk, for the French Air Force from the start of WW2, to the time of the 'Sitzkrieg', and then into the Battle of France. This package contains 7 skins for the following units: N124 SPA67 SPA95 SPA153 SPA155 SPA160 AdA - generic skin, that was my original, with minimal markings. Just a "Plane Jane" so to speak ;) There is a new French 7.5mm machine gun, courtesy of Heck, and a 50kg bomb by me, so you'll be using BOTH the gun and weapons editor to add them. (note: both these weapons were included in the Douglas DB-7 recently released) I have to list the credits here for all to see.. Wolf257: for creating the aircraft and letting us mod it to death, also for providing the 3ds source file for modification! Capun for making the my requested changes to the LOD -- I can't thank you enough, CP!! 'Heck Mitchell' for all the decal work & the French MGs -- sure made MY job eaiser Full detailed instructions are in the enclosed readme...especially for the weapons additons, plus my notes and comments, and historical background. With thanks to all who helped with this mod! Wrench Kevin Stein now...we just need to BoB map modified for the Battle of France, and few more planes.....
  8. ah, no. check operational dates.... 1962, and they were (would have been???) painted ADC gray Wrench kevin stein
  9. File Name: FW-109A4, 6/JG2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 Oct 2007 File Category: Fw-190 Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs: This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A4. This skin represents Fw-190A4 from 6/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France. It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. No special marking, just a very "Plane Jane" skin. This, and all the other skins, can be used on any other versions of the 190, just edit the decals ini to point to the correct aircraft (also repeated in the readme) The enclosed readme has simple, easy to follow instructions -- not much to, it's just as skin! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  10. FW-109A4, 6/JG2



    Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs: This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A4. This skin represents Fw-190A4 from 6/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France. It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. No special marking, just a very "Plane Jane" skin. This, and all the other skins, can be used on any other versions of the 190, just edit the decals ini to point to the correct aircraft (also repeated in the readme) The enclosed readme has simple, easy to follow instructions -- not much to, it's just as skin! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. File Name: FW-190A, 3/JG2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 Oct 2007 File Category: Fw-190 Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs: This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A. This skin represents Fw-190A from 3/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France. It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. It carries the 'Chicken Head' (or rooster) nose badge, but not the outlined eagle shape on the fuselage, as this is an earler version. Simple install instructions in the readme! Simply Skinning.. Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  12. FW-190A, 3/JG2



    Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs: This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A. This skin represents Fw-190A from 3/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France. It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. It carries the 'Chicken Head' (or rooster) nose badge, but not the outlined eagle shape on the fuselage, as this is an earler version. Simple install instructions in the readme! Simply Skinning.. Wrench Kevin Stein
  13. File Name: FW-190A, 7/JG2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 Oct 2007 File Category: Fw-190 Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs: This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A. This skin represents Fw-190A from 7/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France. It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. It carries the 'Thumb on Top Hat' nose badge, as carried on their Bf-109s as well. Easy to follow instruction in the enclosed readme! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  14. FW-190A, 7/JG2



    Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs: This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A. This skin represents Fw-190A from 7/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France. It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. It carries the 'Thumb on Top Hat' nose badge, as carried on their Bf-109s as well. Easy to follow instruction in the enclosed readme! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5382 File Name: Bf-109K4 Mod Package File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 Oct 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Axis Fighters File Version: No Information Website: No Information Messerschmitt Bf-109K4 Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO Installs: 10/11/07 This is a re-build of Wolf's original 109G10 into the Bf-109K4. This is a semi-complete package that includes all the necessary inis, tga, skin bmps, cockpit and cockpit mods --EXCEPTING-- the aircraft LOD file. You'll be copying the LOD from the 109G10 for use in this mod. The skin represents JG77 in the late war time frame. It was created by my enhanced template, with redrawn panel and rivets, and the stencling for the warning/service tags. This package also includes a NEW 109K hangar screen, ONLY available in this mod. PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions, plus my notes and comments. Important stuff, folks! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  16. Bf-109K4 Mod Package



    Messerschmitt Bf-109K4 Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO Installs: 10/11/07 This is a re-build of Wolf's original 109G10 into the Bf-109K4. This is a semi-complete package that includes all the necessary inis, tga, skin bmps, cockpit and cockpit mods --EXCEPTING-- the aircraft LOD file. You'll be copying the LOD from the 109G10 for use in this mod. The skin represents JG77 in the late war time frame. It was created by my enhanced template, with redrawn panel and rivets, and the stencling for the warning/service tags. This package also includes a NEW 109K hangar screen, ONLY available in this mod. PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions, plus my notes and comments. Important stuff, folks! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein
  17. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5381 File Name: FW-109A8/R8 Sturmbok File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 Oct 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Axis Fighters File Version: 1 Website: No Information Focke Wulf Fw-190A8 Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO/SWOTL Installs: This is a re-skin and ini mods of the original 190 into a FW-190A8/R8 'Sturmbok' bomber killer. This is a semi-complete package conatining all necessary parts to create the new aircrafte =EXCEPT= the FW190.LOD. It's Wolf's wishes the lod not be distributed in new packages, but it's a simple matter to just copy it over from another Wurger. All other parts; cockpit, all the inis, updated gunsight tga are included. I've also added my 2 newest hangar and loading screens (also available in the FW-190A5 update pak) This skin represents Fw-190A8R8 from 11/JG3 in the late 44/45 time frame in Western Europe/Germany. I have tried to make it as accurate as possible, even to getting the proper RLM colors added to my swatch list. As best I could, I even added the little warning placards around the fuselage, wings and tail. Along with the 'eagle head' shape over the fuselage, now outlined in red for JG3. PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions and other stuff. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  18. FW-109A8/R8 Sturmbok



    Focke Wulf Fw-190A8 Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO/SWOTL Installs: This is a re-skin and ini mods of the original 190 into a FW-190A8/R8 'Sturmbok' bomber killer. This is a semi-complete package conatining all necessary parts to create the new aircrafte =EXCEPT= the FW190.LOD. It's Wolf's wishes the lod not be distributed in new packages, but it's a simple matter to just copy it over from another Wurger. All other parts; cockpit, all the inis, updated gunsight tga are included. I've also added my 2 newest hangar and loading screens (also available in the FW-190A5 update pak) This skin represents Fw-190A8R8 from 11/JG3 in the late 44/45 time frame in Western Europe/Germany. I have tried to make it as accurate as possible, even to getting the proper RLM colors added to my swatch list. As best I could, I even added the little warning placards around the fuselage, wings and tail. Along with the 'eagle head' shape over the fuselage, now outlined in red for JG3. PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions and other stuff. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  19. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5380 File Name: Bf-109G6 Mod Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 Oct 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Axis Fighters File Version: No Information Website: No Information Messerschmitt Bf-109G6 skin & ini tweeks for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs: -Modification of one of Wolf257's Messerschmitts.... This is a semi-complete package, creating another version of the famed Messerschmitt Bf-109. It contains just about everything needed. I say semi-complete, because the aircraft LOD file is NOT included, as per his wishes, but everthing else is. You will also be adding 2 stand-in under-wing gun gondolas for the MK108 30mm and MK151 20mm cannons. I say stand-in, as the pod used is NOT the correct shape. So, you WILL be using the Weapons Editor to add the new gun pods. They use existing weapons, so there's no problems there. These are just here until a 3d modeler steps up and gives us the correct shapes for the 2 different pods. The skin included represents JG53 in late 44/early 45, and has been enhanced with new panel, rivet lines, and new stenciling for the warning and info tags. My damged tgs and NEW 109G6 hangar and loadoing screens -ONLY available in this mod- are also included. PLEASE read the enclosed reamde file for full detailed install instructions, as well as other notes and commentaries. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  20. Bf-109G6 Mod Pak



    Messerschmitt Bf-109G6 skin & ini tweeks for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs: -Modification of one of Wolf257's Messerschmitts.... This is a semi-complete package, creating another version of the famed Messerschmitt Bf-109. It contains just about everything needed. I say semi-complete, because the aircraft LOD file is NOT included, as per his wishes, but everthing else is. You will also be adding 2 stand-in under-wing gun gondolas for the MK108 30mm and MK151 20mm cannons. I say stand-in, as the pod used is NOT the correct shape. So, you WILL be using the Weapons Editor to add the new gun pods. They use existing weapons, so there's no problems there. These are just here until a 3d modeler steps up and gives us the correct shapes for the 2 different pods. The skin included represents JG53 in late 44/early 45, and has been enhanced with new panel, rivet lines, and new stenciling for the warning and info tags. My damged tgs and NEW 109G6 hangar and loadoing screens -ONLY available in this mod- are also included. PLEASE read the enclosed reamde file for full detailed install instructions, as well as other notes and commentaries. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  21. "Excuse me, while I kiss the sky" == can't get a better line than that, expecially for a flight sim! Here's from last night, after a couple more hours work (had to reskin the hump, made a new template for it, adjusted the upper light and changed it's color) New hex-modified lod for the hump in now F-110 only, painted to match. Tweeked the skin to remove the canopy lines and 'rescue' red triange (F-4b templates are here at CA). Still can't get a decal on canopy...I even tried repainting the existing 3rdWire 'canopyglass'....after expanding in 128% -- the damn thing is ONLY 1 pixel in size. Once that's figgered out... Want to do up an ADC decal for the tail fin, since the 25 built were only used in CONUS for air defense, remove the AG references, etc. I have a whole 'What If...' fictional historical essay in my head that I'll write down later. I want to send everything to BadFrank first, since this was his idea/baby to start with. I just picked it up and ran away with it...which is uncool. So if it gets released, it'll be under Frank's name, with a little help from me. Wrench kevin stein ps: nothing against the navy!
  22. I don't belive there's a need for a new one; having updated the entire Iraining AF meself for the next upgrade to the Irain/Irag set (see the loadout thread for details). What is/was needed were updating the weapons -- also in the same thread. I'm given to understand the Mirage Factory may have updated versions in the works, so I'd hold off. OTH, there are the Turkey-lovers (white meat for me!) that would probably appriciate it. Wrench kevin stein
  23. Well, hell...that's the Navy one. Now you want me to put the Squid skin skin back on???? Sheesh...wish I had a song I could sing, and get it stuck in you head...!!!! Some peoples kids.... Now, if you all don't mind, I'm supposed to be finishing off the readme for the 109G6, 109K4, Fw190A8R8, the French Hawk 75...so I can get these off my hard drive, so I can start skinning the Battle and Marut!!! To say nothing of finishing off the George skin for 343 Kokutai, that I started 2 years ago!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  24. We could sure use some of those boats in here as well!!! Those fishing trawlers and small frieghters...yeah! And...you have a Grief in 3ds???? That would be a perfect for the SWOTL 2 or our Luft46 addons!! pity I can't model... Wrench kevin stein
  25. Ok that weren't so hard.... got rid of the 'extra' 2 mounts, straightend out the attachmet angles, positioned it so the refueling slipway doors are still exposed, used the F-4B lods, F-4C skin (renamed the bmps), created a 'new' hump for F-110, removed the Wizzo/RIO. All that rally needs doing it repainting the A4E hump skin, creating an actual F110 Avionics Hump lod, hex editing it to take the new skin, add the decal (which I did'tn bother to do) for the canopy -- btw, the node name is already in the data ini, under the co-pilot section) Nice this is, the B & C are so close in shape, you can use all the original 3rdWire stuff. If it's an AF bird, probably want to swtich over from winders to Falcons...even if they suck There you go...about 25 minutes of work. Wrench kevin stein

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