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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. BadFrank: use the data I posted above to update the hump, changing it to a jammer. Set the stations like shown in my post. That should eliminate some problems. Make sure you change the pointers in the weapon station like I've shown them -- set to EP another question: is the based of the F-4B or C...makes a difference in the hardpoint gruop numbers. The B has one extra, and C does not (6 max -- and they're all used) Part of your loading problem is you're using the wrong name. You're using the "full name", when the game engine only recognizes the "type name" So your loadout ini should read: blackbird: since this is BadFrank's mod, I don't think Dave's got much to with it. The Bad Man will probably post it when it's ready. Have paitence, little brother! Wrench kevin stein
  2. Happy Birthday To...

    Happy Birthday guys!!! Another reason to celebrate...as if we need a reason!!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. One problem I see, is it's still set for a gun pod. Change it to EP, and turn the hump into a 0 strength jammer, adjust the weights (as above), rename to something else, and some problems will be eliminated (like the SUU23 mentioned above) can you post the hump data from the weaponsdata ini?? and it's pronounded "EYE-gor"...now walk this way Wrench kevin stein
  4. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5376 File Name: FW-190F8 "Jabo" File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 10 Oct 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Axis Fighters File Version: No Information Website: No Information Focke Wulf Fw-190F Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO/MTO/SWOTL Installs: This package includes skin and ini mods of the original 190 into the =definitave= 190F ground attack/close support version. This is a semi-complete package conatining all necessary parts to create the new aircraft =EXCEPT= the FW190.LOD. It's Wolf's wish that the lod not be distributed in new packages, but it's a simple matter to just copy it over from another Wurger. All other parts; cockpit, all the inis, updated gunsight tga are included. I call it semi-complete package for the above reason, but NEW data, loadout, cockpit and main inis are included, due to several modifications I've effected. There are even new hangar and loading screens, specifically designed for this ground-attack version. There are 2 skins in this package (hence the ETO/MTO tag at the top!): 9/SG4 based in France & Germany in the post D-Day time frame (attached to KG51); I-SG4 based on Sardinia for use in the MTO/Italian theatre. It is suggested that you do NOT mix these skins in the same theatre of operations, but rather 'split' the install between your ETO and MTO game setups. ---- Please note you MUST have the latest Weapons Pack for the WW2 Axis weapons ---- PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions, and other important notes. I wrote it...you better read it!! Most importantly, information about the modified loadouts (see picture above for some idea of what you can get!) Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  5. Considering the aircraft NEVER went into production....that should answer the question about loadouts As for a pit, if you don't have WoE, may I suggest one of the aftermarket Harrier's here at CA, or <shudder> one of the Russianized Scooter pits, with necessary cockpit ini adjustments? Wrench kevinstein
  6. Ok..let's look at this logically... I can assume by the 'I only had a gunpod' statement that you never applied the permanant fix to the Scooter hump by turning it into a zero strength jammer?? This has been covered more times than I care to reiterate! There should be a post about it in the Knowledge Base, Loadouts Thread. If not, I'll get it posted. Let's take a look at the hump 'weapon' station, this is from the A-4E (Late) [AvionicsHump] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,3.82,1.82 we all know this is where it sits on the Scooter. Adjust for Rhino AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 these will allow you to change the 'angle of incidence' kinda thing LoadLimit=2350.0 this needs adjusting, as per the hump weight, in weaponsdata ini* AllowedWeaponClass=A4E,EP AttachmentType=NATO ModelNodeName=A4E PylonMass=0.0 PylonDragArea=0.01 LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= * the given weight of the hump in 100 kg. The weight for the hardpoint, max, should be set to approw 10-20 kg higher, ie: 120 kg. This will prevent other, unwanted items to try to load via the game engine ie: SUU-23 gun pods, if you haven't changed the nature of hump. Not having the data ini for the "F-110" in front of me, I can assume the fore/aft position (center number) should be about 1-1.5 meters AFT of the RIO; given the known length of the hump (see hump data below) [WeaponData1073] TypeName=A4E FullName=ALQ-100 RHAW/AVI HUMP ModelName=A4E Mass=100.000000 here's the weight I was talking about Diameter=2.000000 Length=4.000000 here's the length of the hump, overall AttachmentType=NATO NationName=USN StartYear=1965 EndYear=1975 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=8 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=0 JammerStrength=1.000000 Don't forget, the attachment position is measured from the CENTER of the item, wiether its a bomb, missle, fuel tank or avionics hump. So you have to adjust that center number (Y coordinate for the geometricly inclined). Then adust the up/down (the last number, or Z axis) to bury it into the fuselage. I'd keep the decal over the canopy, and just let the hump cover the minimum necessary, but keeping it mostly out of sight. I agree with Paul on one point...you should leave the blade antennae showing...it would look more functional that way. You could even adjust the top light position, and have it top of the already conviently placed one there. As for cockpit, you could leave the Rhino pit alone, or if you ini dancing inclined, use the Demon pit, with the cockpit/pilot positon adjusted accordingly in the Demon's cockpit ini, suitably renamed for the Spectre. This is all hypothetical, of course. Wrench kevin stein ps: I just noticed in the screenie .... EASY avionics??? Lightweight!!!
  7. I partly disagre with that statement.... The harder part is LANDING on them!!! If it weren't for the autopilot (it's ok...you can call me a cheater!), I'd be a red smear on the fantail! Wrench kevin stein
  8. You can change the height, and lower it down, you can also adjust the 'angle' as to where it sits. I'd fiddle with the heights and angles, and try to get it 'hidden' in the fuselage as much as possible. (did something like this 2 years ago to try to make an A-36 Apache, -this is before Wolf rereleased his pack, with A mustang in it- using the Scooter hump. Buried it in the nose the P-51B, flipped it upside down, angled it down to the rear...it's all very doable, just takes time to dial it in) As for it not showing up, is it added as a "SystemName=" Don't forget that HAS to be there. Wrench kevin stein
  9. Plus several mods of the basic aircraft, available here as well (including some way out 'What If... versions). With several Me and FW mods to come... Wrench kevin stein
  10. FW-190F8 "Jabo"



    Focke Wulf Fw-190F Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO/MTO/SWOTL Installs: This package includes skin and ini mods of the original 190 into the =definitave= 190F ground attack/close support version. This is a semi-complete package conatining all necessary parts to create the new aircraft =EXCEPT= the FW190.LOD. It's Wolf's wish that the lod not be distributed in new packages, but it's a simple matter to just copy it over from another Wurger. All other parts; cockpit, all the inis, updated gunsight tga are included. I call it semi-complete package for the above reason, but NEW data, loadout, cockpit and main inis are included, due to several modifications I've effected. There are even new hangar and loading screens, specifically designed for this ground-attack version. There are 2 skins in this package (hence the ETO/MTO tag at the top!): 9/SG4 based in France & Germany in the post D-Day time frame (attached to KG51); I-SG4 based on Sardinia for use in the MTO/Italian theatre. It is suggested that you do NOT mix these skins in the same theatre of operations, but rather 'split' the install between your ETO and MTO game setups. ---- Please note you MUST have the latest Weapons Pack for the WW2 Axis weapons ---- PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions, and other important notes. I wrote it...you better read it!! Most importantly, information about the modified loadouts (see picture above for some idea of what you can get!) Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. So....we have to wait 2 week for the salted eel? Or is that only in the UK??? I'd like to try some... Is it kosher??? Is it safe??? Wrench kevin stein
  12. Like Nick said, and I'm too much the technician still...I want to know WHY something failed (or just don't work) Glad you got it going Wrench kevin stein
  13. You know, of course, that you can take that whole wonderful desert terrain folder, and just drop it into WoV, and have it all, right??? (or WoE -- don't work in First Eagles though) It should be noted, as a sidebar, in my WW2 install, which originally started out as an SF mod, is now in WoE (SWOTL I call it, due to all the 'Luft46' birds in there), and my pointer is to the desert cat, in the swapped over /desert terrain folder. I found the WoE GermanyCE cat "acted funny" with the BoB terrain. Works perfect with the desert cat, though. Pure, honest strangeness! Wrench kevin stein
  14. A thought just occured to me.... are you using the most current weapons editor??? 'Cause if you're not, the older versions will most definately kill the the weaponsdata ini AND dat files Use the one that's in the latest weapons pak (6/06, I thinks!) Wrench kevin stein
  15. You DO have the pointer for you VietnamSEA.cat in the BoB.ini, right?? Assuming you're basing the game off a modded WoV. [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Battle of Britain DataFile=Battle of Britain_data.INI CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat <-this line, like so?? TargetFile=Battle of Britain_targets.ini TargetTypeFile=Battle of Britain_types.ini NationsFile=Battle of Britain_nations.ini BriefingText=Battle of Britain_briefing.ini MovementFile=Battle of Britain_movement.INI DogfightFile=Battle of Britain_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE Latitude=50.0 Longitude=0.0 Wrench kevin stein
  16. That's definately an airfield ini problem..I've experienced that before. So,we're talking about this one: gee...did I just post that??? Like the other said, that's included in the latest patch upgrade. If not, copy the text above into a blank notepade sheet and 'saveas" DESERT_AIRFIELD3.INI, and throw it into the BoB terrain folder. That should work. Battler: I thought the roundels were off...it's just a simple matter of swapping out the lower ones in the skin template...which of course, means new a skin bmp. Insteresting to note, my Hurri's are correct!!! It's probably because the Spit Mk.1 template is usable on everything from the 1 through 9 and the Seafires (with the addition of the extra prop blade for the 4 bladed prop), and I've just reused the same layer. I mean, the psd template is ONLY 25 megs right now....(if you think that's big...my FW190 is 72 megs! - must have 30+layers on it) Mostly, we were trying to answer what squadron, if any, the "AI" code represented from the movie. Personally, I don't thing it's ANY squadron, probably somebody's initials from the production crew! But most definately, the Squadron code letters should be AFT of the roundel on the Starboard side, forward on port. Which, unfortunatley, give us the decal bleed from the individual letters near the engine cowl. Nothing for it, as they say, except having Capun look at the lod again, and close off the gaps. Same would have to be done for the Spits as well. But we've got sooo many projects in the pipeline, don't expect it happen. But I"ll have a look at those sites anway...might answer the question. And speaking of Messerschmits and Focke-Wulfs....there's some interesting thing coming (albeit for later in the war). Wrench kevin stein
  17. Use a decal painted to match the fuselage. The hard part will be determining WHERE it's located. You might want to use a hex editor, and look inside the lod to try and locate the mesh name. Search for 'canopy' Wrench kevin stein
  18. bombs or rockets??? They're in the weapons pak Wrench kevin stein
  19. I'd suggest looking at the JASDF F-4EJ and EJ Kai, as they're set up for the avionics70.dll. Your answers are probably there somehow, that sound so dirty!!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Ok, after watching the movie again late last night (gotta love the 'chapter jump' feature on DVDs!!), I still haven't found ANY listing for the "AI" spits There was a scene in 11 Group's Ops center (with that cool map and pretty WAAFs pushing the markers around), that showed the station/squadron listings...which I'm pretty sure you already have this stuff. Northwald: 56 25 151 Hornchurch 65 74 54* Northolt 1 257 Biggin Hill 600 610 32 501 Tangemere 43 145 601 Deben 17 85 I also caught some other squadron codes I'd not noticed before Spitfire: DO BO CD (Michael Caine's squadron -- damp tent, run down shack full of dead flys) Hurricane: MI KV (might have been the Polish training unit, that jumped the He-111s "Repeat, please") Watched the airfield attack sequence several time, where Robert Shaw says the "don't be daft, we've just come down", it's possible it could be Biggin, but probably not, as they then start to scramble, under a rain of bombs. The the next scenes are F/O Harvey and the other guy discussing the use of gasmask bags as ladies purses...but several Spits inthe background have the either the CD or DO code. Again, the AI code still dosen't match any know fighter squadron; at least that I could find. So, I guess the best would be to just make up one, maybe call it 999 Squadron??? As to the Poles and Czech squadron, just the standard RAF camo, with the country flashes, either on the nose or near cockpit. Be advised, with decals there sometimes a little 'bleed' caused by a couple of open meshes in the LOD (see the Movie Spit skin -- that strange white line on the starboard side, near the exhaust stacks). Both the Spit and Hurri 1, 2, and 2c have this. I also have a 3 Squadron Hurri 1, 2 2c skins "QO" code that not released yet. Plus a June 40 #1 Squadron AASF skin for the BoF. (did that because we don't have the 2-bladed prop for the earlier ones, and I couldn't figure out the white/black undersides. Well, I could, but I'm too lazy) Wrench kevin stein
  21. What I've seen in adding additional target areas, for MANY of the terrains I've rebuilt/updated, is the game engine ONLY adds them as needed (and FLHausser can confirm this for the Lybia map). You can fly via the free camera over target areas that you KNOW are heavily populated, and see nothing. When your aircraft arrives, there a radius that I haven't figgured out yet, they 'pop' into being like they were beamed in. (example: Busher in Iran/Iraq...there are parked ships and AD units there, that don't show if you 'run ahead' of yourself to look, but are there when you arrive) As to limits...well, I've got target areas with over 300 individual objects in them. Again, the game engine ONLY adds what needed in the area over which you'r flying. You won't see that 300 object oil field in the south, if you're flying waaay up north. As to them not physically showing up, even though targeted via the red box; that means they're listed in the targets and types ini, but perhaps the object itself is incorrectly pointed to or missing. To clarify: you have a ship, say an Osa, docked at Um Qusar. You have it's position listed in the targets ini, thusly: Target[071].Type=OsaII Target[071].Offset=2578,-307 Target[071].Heading=180 You have it in the types ini, [TargetType146] Name=OsaII FullName=Osa II FAB ModelName=OSAII-mod-R3a.LOD TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=1970 DamagePoint=100 ArmorValue=0 ArmorType=0 TargetValue=250 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=OsaII RepairRate=0.150 StartDetectChance=50 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=15000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=ShipDestroyedEffect DestroyedModel= SecondaryEffect=MediumOilFire SecondaryChance=100 But you've forgotten to actually have the object in the GroundObject folder (and I've done this!!!). With the 2 listing, the game engine 'thinks' its there, but with no physical model, there's nothing to show. Hence, the empty target box. So, I'd make sure that the object 1) exists somewhere - if it set as 'UseGroundObject=TRUE', make sure it's there in the GO folder 2) in set as 'UseGroundObject=FALSE', make use it inside the terrain folder 3) double check the types ini for proper entry 4) check data ini (if any - ships, vehicles, AAA, SAMs all have them) for "MaxVisibleDistance=" is something your eye can see Other than that, double check spelling and LOD entries (they must match exactly Wrench kevin stein
  22. HOT DAMM!!! Since the 'hanging in the chute' part probably can't be modeled, will it do a pop-up instead?? Wrench kevin stein
  23. I'm glad you like them! As for the "AI" Spit squadron, I'll have to study the DVD again. It's Robert Shaw's squadron (I forgot the W/C flag on "A"). There are a couple of scenes in the dispersal hut, where you can see the blackboard with the squadron roster. I think you might be able to see the squadron number. Have to check and get back...I know the one site that lists RAF squadron shows the "AI" prefix used on a bomber squadron in real life Wrench kevin stein
  24. Question for the Experten... I think I've come up with a "workable" fix for the underwing gun pods, both the R-5 MK 108 30mm and R-6 Mk 151 20mm. Now,mind you, the 'pod' isn't exactly the correct shape, and it's missing the extended gun barrels for both/either....but it seems a best, closest fit (given the shape issues) But I can't find any data in all my books (SSP, Mushroom, Kagero, etc) on how many rounds they each carried. Given the size of the 30mm, would 60 be close? Given the size of the 20mm, would 100 seem too far off?? TIA! Wrench kevin stein
  25. Well, shott...that sucks. I wanted to go along and see the "Dr Who" and "Torchwood" sets....maybe get some autographs and photos with me and stars and such...maybe steal the Tardis.. So, the trip is off then???? (I have a nice hangar screen looking for a home.... ) Wrench kevin stein btw: did you know that "Torchwood" is an anagram for "Doctor Who"????

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