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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I love What If birds!!! Great work Michael!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. That damn compass missing it's needle again???? Cursed starfighter pits!!! Gerald, aren't they supposed to have an RWR gauge??? I have a fix for that..... Wrench kevin stein
  3. And all that info is already in the Knowledge Base...in the loadout fixes thread. About the data ini, decals ini, and lod fixes. Please, fellas, lets try using that first; I've spent literally hundreds of hours going over more than 300 aircraft, trying to get things all set up...all you need to do is look for it. Oh, and btw, the F7 series is in the works by a well known, superb group of modelers/modders Wrench kevin stein
  4. You trying to force me to finish that Vichy Hawk 75???? Wrench kevin stein
  5. Why not do both???? Gives the end user a choice as to where they wanna fly Wrench kevin stein
  6. HEHeheheheheeee Actually, I pretty much got what I wanted, albeit in 'english' Arabic (I think it reads like Hebrew, right to left, as opposed to this...) roughly translated... Welcome to Iraq No Parking No Soliciting Curb Your Camel Violators Will Be Shot What I really wanted to do with the Saddam sign, and couldn't,was on the reverse, have the back of him. Wrench kevin stein
  7. I'll zip it up and ship it out to ya Ken!! (now, I only have to figgure out which one is which!! -- there's like 3 or 4!) I only wish I could write in Arabic, another sign, on the opposite side saying "Welcome to Iraq. Now Go Home" or "No Solicitors" "Curb Your Dog" or other funny things.... Wrench kevin stein
  8. If you're trying to use the gun editor, MAKE SURE IT'S THE ONE THAT CAME IN THE WEAPONS PAK - it's the latest version, and that it's set to use 'win98 compatibility mode' Also, a little more information is required..is this a 'modern' install, or something ala WW2-ish??? For test purposes, you can always extract the gundata ini & gundata .dat from the objects cat, leaving it in the /objects main folder, and see if your guns return. Normally, it should return to the standard 'using the info from the cat', if you delete or rename the add-on gundata ini and gundata dat files. As for operational years, guns don't have any -- they're available for ALL years and don't have 'nation names', so they're also available for ALL nations (it would be concievalbe then, to have MK-108s mounted on your JASDF Phantom, for example) Whatever happened, it's something you did when you opened up the gun editor, and probably didn't save or it wasn't used correctly. Start over with a fresh one...bet the problem goes away Wrench kevin stein
  9. 4 is a munitons depot, with parked SA2/trailers in the revitments (some suspension of disbelief is required). There are several depots scattered around the map, most have something different 'parked' in the reviements. 5 is the Kuwait/Iraq border checkpoint. It's been imporved since these shot, and there a butt-load of stuff you can't see off to the left -- lots of AAA, and then an oil field (this is north of Ku City) The Kuwait City towers are the best I could do -- they're stock WoE objects (berlin tv towers, I think??) Sag: that one was done just for YOU, my friend!!! Doha being the main CF base, if I recall. Couple more: You'll also have 2 SCUDs..road mobile and the stock 'fixed'...for a little more fun... Wrench kevin stein
  10. That was kinda the idea...and a double action to boot!!! I'll probably go back and start the whole process over again, adding one target area at a time...after we (A-Team) get finished with the Marut, Dora 9 and 152. Then, of course, the new Aussie airfields will still need flattening...eh, whatever! It's doing the same thing in a completly new install, in a my clean version of WoE. So methinks it's an ini problem somewhere, or perhaps an object fault. But I've usually seen, if an object is missing, it just dosen't show up. (ww2 still works fine, so whatever it is, I cuased it!!!) Something for another days... Wrench kevin stein
  11. Ok, here's some shots from all over... Mind you, they're still using the 'old' tiles (ie: Polaks Desert), as I haven't received the new ones yet. Some could still be considered 'test shots' during object placement ... as shown by the 'debug' data in the screenies. I've tried to use as many 'stock' objects as possible, plus the usual suspects (truck park, industrial center) Wrench kevin stein
  12. You need to use the latest "Soviet Silver skin", as the lod's mapping has been changed, as well as all the data ini stuff. Please, do take a look in the Knowledge Base, all your next questions are answered there...I'm just..... .... ..... .... anticipating the next ones Wrench kevin stein
  13. Why are you still using a wheel gun??? This is the 21st Centruy...autoloaders have been around for quite some time now. AND...you can use the trigger guard to open beer bottles (or lock the slide back and do it that way.... ) Wrench kevin stein
  14. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5476 File Name: Ki-21 "Sally" Skins and Ini Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 6 Nov 2007 File Updated: 9 Feb 2008 File Category: Japanese Aircraft File Version: 1.00 Website: No Information Mitsubishi Ki-21 "Sally" Skin & Ini update package for SF/WoV/WoE WW2: PTO installs This little package will upgrade Wolf's IJAAF bomber to fit more with current standards of loads, lights. It includes 2 skins, the first for 12 Sentai as seen in Southeast Asia (Thailand) circa 1943, and the second for 98 Sentai, Phillipine Islands, for most of the war.. The skins have newly redrawn panel lines, 'interperative' rivets added (meaning I claim no historical accuracy for their placement), simulated fabric surfaces, simulated fuselage windows, plus general dirt and weathering added. This package contains tweeked data ini that corrects some loadout diffuculties (not being able to carry the full bomb load), and adjusted running lights. Also included is a 'new' wav file for the engines. Remembe, you must have the latest weapons pak to get the WW2 bombs and guns and stuff!!! Please read the enclosed readme for full, easy-to-follow install instructions and other stuff. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  15. Version


    Mitsubishi Ki-21 "Sally" Skin & Ini update package for SF/WoV/WoE WW2: PTO installs This little package will upgrade Wolf's IJAAF bomber to fit more with current standards of loads, lights. It includes 2 skins, the first for 12 Sentai as seen in Southeast Asia (Thailand) circa 1943, and the second for 98 Sentai, Phillipine Islands, for most of the war.. The skins have newly redrawn panel lines, 'interperative' rivets added (meaning I claim no historical accuracy for their placement), simulated fabric surfaces, simulated fuselage windows, plus general dirt and weathering added. This package contains tweeked data ini that corrects some loadout diffuculties (not being able to carry the full bomb load), and adjusted running lights. Also included is a 'new' wav file for the engines. Remembe, you must have the latest weapons pak to get the WW2 bombs and guns and stuff!!! Please read the enclosed readme for full, easy-to-follow install instructions and other stuff. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein
  16. Along that same vein, I'd like to give you an example from the 'not messing with something when you don't know how it works' department.... I was just fiddling with the TE, to try to flatten some new airfields in my 'Modern Darwin' map.... and destroyed it!!! There goes 1 1/2 months of work (and yes, NO backup!! -- hence, again the importance of backing things up!!!) Keeps crashing out with a 'terrainengine.dll' fault, which means I did something to the HFD or TFD files. Here's the weird bit....they were originally the stock tfd and hfd from Edwared WW2 Darwing terrain; the only modifincations were to the types and targets; copying the ones from the ww2 install does nothing....still crashes out. Where's that brick wall again??? Wrench kevin stein
  17. And who ever said I was sane????? HF: I really like that image!!! Wrench kevin tein
  18. FC: you looking for the German underwing pods?? If so, I have few drawing (albeit not very good....) I'll see if I can pull the images out of the pdf books. Wrench kevin stein
  19. That is very cool...looks like something for the old 1960's "Johnny Quest" cartoon. I likes it!!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. You ain't lying there, brother!!!! I was (and may still be) cross-eyed from laying out stuff, going in game, checking placements, backout, adjusting, back in, checking..... There HAS got to be an easier way!!! Fortunately, some of the larger target areas (oil fields) are in one big block, so you just need the center coords to drop it into. That and Google Earth for the general locations . I even put stuff on Falika Island (east of Kuwait City) just for grins. My orders from Dave were "fill it with all kinds of nasty things" or words to that effect. btw, a lot of the new target areas are to be found on the revamped Irian/Irag map too. Why waste all that work??? Wrench kevin stein
  21. More than one way to do it, too.... Wrench Kevin Stein
  22. How about an Li-2 'Cab'?? Unreleased full aircraft mod, minus the upper turret Wrench kevin stein
  23. Did you add the rack to the loadout ini??? The game engine wants to know..... The data below is used as an example, from the Whisky Cobra: [Attack] Loadout[01].WeaponType=BGM71 Loadout[01].Quantity=4 Loadout[01].RackType=TOW_Pod note rack callout - must have, or no rack!! Loadout[02].WeaponType=BGM71 Loadout[02].Quantity=4 Loadout[02].RackType=TOW_Pod Loadout[03].WeaponType=LAU-3A Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=LAU-3A Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Edit accordingly Wrench kevin stein
  24. did you change the dates in the options ini and singlemission ini????? Wrench kevin stein
  25. What's you're start position? ie: where are you arriving from? Do you have it set to 'start near target'? That'll cause it sometimes, as you 'spawn' on top of the enemy flights. Try starting from the runway (on ground) or 'in the air', which puts you over your home field. As the the few battleships we have, they're only WW2, and set as 'WARSHIP' so for the most part, they won't show up, as you're probably flying waaaay beyond their end-of-service dates. More modern ships (Spruance, Koni, RN Frigates, etc) are also set as WARSHIP, and probably won't show up. If you change them to 'Cargo_Ship', I remember there was a problem with only being able to have 4 of the type, including the Oil Tanker and stock Cargo Ship. You could always add the ww2 Liberty ship, as it's set for 'cargo_ship', and is 'GENERIC' in nation type, so it's used by everyone. And I think it shoot's back, too. Somebody (Fubar or Sag???) created a mod of them that have SA-7s...so look around here for that one too. Plus working radars that'll drive you RWR nuts. Wrench kevin stein

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