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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I just remembered that are 2 superb ones (track and lock) in the OTC mod. Wrench kevin stein
  2. It's been repjlace by FAR better terrains: Solomons New Gueina Burma Japan (includes Okinawa) Phillipines Darwin all should be here at CA Wrench kevin stein
  3. Actually, there's 3 FW in Wolf's WW2 Planes pak A, A4, A5. There are several mods available here for some other versions, too. (this one is my F8 test version) Yes, the 4 SC50. ER-4 rack Here's the test 190A without the rack: (maybe an A8??? -- I'm stil learning the WW2 Luftwaffe stuff, so I'm far from expert) I've actually dialed them in as 4 seperate hardpoint, in the same group. It actually seems to look a little better without the rack, IMO. Also discovered we have a nice 300 liter tank in the weapons pak, probably from Russo's 109 Emil. Looks right on the wings, but a little off on the centerline (no pylon/straps). With seperate drop tank and bomb hardpoints (in the same place), it'd be an easy tweek to fix. Wrench kevin stein
  4. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5164 File Name: KM Graf Zeppelin (CVL)File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 Aug 2007 File Category: Add-On Ships KM Graf Zeppelin Aircraft Carrier For SF/WoV/WoE WW2: ETO/SWOTL Installs A definate "What If..." style of ship, based off Hinchbrook's HMS Eagle (and yes, I know the after deck was fully enclosed, as was the bow) As a WARSHIP, it probably (and hopefully) won't show up in single, anti-ship missions, but can be used in single missions created with the Kreelins Mission Editor or La Missionuer (sp?) With many thinks the Hinch for allowing me to mod his faux-Eagle into something 'passable' for the Krieg Marine. Simply put, this is mostly for fun. So, enjoy it! :) Click here to download this file
  5. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5336 File Name: Douglas DB-7A (French) Decals Update File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 1 Oct 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Allied Bombers File Version: 1.5 Website: No Information Douglas DB-7A AdA Decals and Decal Update Whilst doing some research for another project, I stumbled across a long out of print copy of "Profile # 202: Douglas A-20 (7A-Boston III)" on pdf, and it had some really nice profiles and photos of French DB-7s from the Battle of France time period. Including placement of individual aircraft numbers. I know the font isn't exactly the right one, but it's damn close! To make thinks easier, I've left all the rudder tags in, as I'm too lazy to remove them, and the file size (zipped) is still below 500k. Easy to follow instructions in the Enclosed "youread" Sorry about that folks, but this is an easy fix! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  6. Version


    Douglas DB-7A AdA Decals and Decal Update Whilst doing some research for another project, I stumbled across a long out of print copy of "Profile # 202: Douglas A-20 (7A-Boston III)" on pdf, and it had some really nice profiles and photos of French DB-7s from the Battle of France time period. Including placement of individual aircraft numbers. I know the font isn't exactly the right one, but it's damn close! To make thinks easier, I've left all the rudder tags in, as I'm too lazy to remove them, and the file size (zipped) is still below 500k. Easy to follow instructions in the Enclosed "youread" Sorry about that folks, but this is an easy fix! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. yup. I'd actually be getting VERY worried if we were to start seeing Gadflys...which are just as sorely needed (well, for the commies anyway - we could use some Patriots!) Wrench kevin stein
  8. Gammon???? Wrench kevin stein
  9. A question

    You'd have to ask the original modelers. But don't be disappointed if you get a "NO" Wrench kevin stein
  10. Pretty much. 'Borrow' some of the A-A avionics from the Phantom, new skin, new decals, Argentine-specific loadouts. Cockpit is problematic, thought...we don't have a mulitple MFD one for the scooter; so re-using the F is the only alternative. Add CM dispensers and internal ECM...all basic ini edits. According the Paul Nortess, you can use the A-4E template, so that's a done deal -- it's here at CA and also at 3rdWire I have RS's original version...but I don't know the legality of sharing. It also needs some upgrading in ALL aspects. Razbam IS coming out with A-4M, which this is based on. Maybe it'll have the right pit? Wrench kevin stein
  11. I've never figgered out the mission builders, but here's one I used to test it. It's someone elses I modded years ago; I don't even remember who originally built it. Mind you, it uses the stock SF Desert map, so you WoV and WoE users are SOL copy the text below into a blank notepad sheet and save as "109T_GrafZeppelin.msn" [MissionHeader] AircraftType=Bf109T10 MissionMap=Desert MissionType=CAP StartTime=12:00:00 StartDate=12/12/1945 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=2 EnemyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirDefenseActivity=2 FriendlyAirDefenseActivity=3 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=1 AdjustStartPosition=FALSE AdjustBaseWaypoint=FALSE [Weather] WeatherType=CLEAR WeatherAlt=1000.00 WeatherThickness=2000.0 FogAmount=0.8 ContrailAlt=8000.0 StartWindDirection=180 StartWindSpeed=2.57222 WindGustingAmount=2.57222 [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=Bf109T10 Name=Cobra FormationType=WW2GerFighter Size=2 RandomChance=100 MissionType=CAP RatingForSuccess=25 CarrierBased=TRUE Position=598000.000000,618000.000000,600.0 StartOnGround=TRUE Heading=270 Speed=0.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=Nazi Germany Texture= Squadron= AircraftNumber=10 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT Loadout=AirToAir Waypoint[01].Position=574544.0,503946.0,1000.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=546812.0,468421.0,1000.0 Waypoint[02].Size=500 Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Position=453851.0,475452.0,1000.0 Waypoint[03].Size=500 Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT [GroundMission001] GroundObjectType=GrafZeppelin Name=KM Graf Zeppelin NavalObject=TRUE Carrier=TRUE FormationType=Single Size=1 RandomChance=100 Position=598000.000000,618000.000000,600.0 Heading=300.00 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=Nazi Germany ShipNumber=01 I can't land on a carrier for diddly squat...but this wll allow a launch and recovery, albeit landing is manually. Wrench kevin stein
  12. A question

    Unfortunately, no. Once the model has been exported to the games LOD format, there is no way to reverse-it back to a max file. You need the primary source for that. Sorry Wrench kevin stein
  13. Dave, was that the one done by Ravens**t??? Based on the A-4F? I know all the others by Diego were pulled at his request, A-4C_A, P, Q. Wouldn't be hard to duplicate it again, using the A-4F as RS did. Would need a new skin, updated avionics, etc Wrench kevin stein
  14. An anti-radiation cruise missile...hell of an idea!! Haven't seen the Tacit Rainbow since the old "Megafortress" game. Wonder how it could be modeled?? As for the Alarm, isn't there a 'cruise missile profile' in the WepEditor (ie: pop up and dive)? Since I don't think the 'hanging in a chute looking for the target' would work - but I"ll be very happy to be wrong on that! Wrench kevin stein
  15. Day of days......

    Good on you Dave! As someone who's almost been there (actually had the gun in hand), you did the right thing to step up and help out. Like my friend did for me. I owe Susie a great deal, that I can never payback. I'd have missed out on the last 25+ years, and even with the really bad spots (like being unemployed now), there's some really good things I'd have never experienced. I can't even list them all... God bless everyone who makes the choice to reach out and say the 3 most important words in the universe: "Let me help" Wrench kevin stein
  16. So, we're talking a sentiant, silicon based lifeform, with autonomis (sp?) goal-seeking programs??? Well, shoot...we all know what happened with the 9000 series computers on the deep-space missions (even though SAL remained on earth in Indiana; 'she' was needed for Dr. Chandra's experiments in higher brain function removals ie: circuit lobotomy, and re-starts) As for the MAC tools, even though I have some, I've still found Snap-On to be better, more durable and nicer looking. Mind you, both companies have revamped several lines to a more ergonomic look and feel, so it basically comes down to a matter of price and availablity (MAC dealers being a little harder to find, at least here in West LA -- there's only 1 of them, but at least 5-6 Snap-One trucks running around; or walking if they get tired -- another pun!!) MAC does tend to be slightly less expensive. Like the advert says "Buy the best, and cry only once" As for the tools 'knowing' how to create the tranmogrifiying vehicle, I assume they'd have small chips embeded, possibly nanochips, thereby creating a type of 'hive mind'. The 'goal seeking programs' would then kick in, allowing them perform their various functions. Then that, of course, calls into question the whole Replicator problem... And as for a Ford...fergetaboutit!!! Don't even get me started on Fords...I hate Fords....their electronic diagnostic routines (pre-OBDII) perform illeagel sex acts on farm animals (if you know what I mean). Really.. very badly thought out. 5volt reference...gotta be kidding me...in a 12v system...stooopid The only thing a Ford can transmute into is..... wait for it.... JUNK Wrench kevin stein
  17. File Name: Spitfire 1 "Battle of Britian" move skin File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 30 Sep 2007 File Updated: 9 Feb 2008 File Category: Spitfire Mk V File Version: No Information Website: No Information Spitfire 1A skin for SF/ WoV/WoE Battle of Britian or ETO/SWOTL intalls: This is a new skin for the Dev A-Team's Spit 1... It represents Spitfire Mk.1As as seen in the motion picture, "The Battle of Britian".* As no squadron is ever mentioned in the film as which used it, I've simply labeled it "RAF" This is a new skin with enhanced panel and rivet lines, scuffing, wear and tear and general dirtiness. It has new Squadron Codes, individual aircraft letters, and serial numbers for about 26-30 aircraft (serial only - letter codes only go A-Z). The serials are actual numbers for Mk.1s I created this skin for the simple reason that I wanted something to match the Spits seen in movie, after watching it again for the 70 gazillionth time - gotta love DVDs!!! Really surprised no one else has done this before!!! Full, easy to follow instructions are in the enclosed readme. Ain't much, as it's just a simple skin! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein *for the purists: yes, I know they were mostly later model marks in the film. Click here to download this file
  18. I didn't realize how BIG the plane is! I was thinking standared 3/5 size...this is Monster Mirage!! Keep it going...nice to have it when done! Wrench kevin stein
  19. With these rudder-releate crashes, are you folks in the cockpit, or outside view??? Jus thinking outside the box (or the cockpit!) Also wonder if this isn't another Radeon issue again... Wrench kevin stein
  20. The templates for the stock 3rdWire Eagle are available either here or at 3rd Wire's site. (how do you think I did the RAF Desert Pink one with enhanced panel lines????) The rest is simply a matter of decals. As for programs, since Photoshop might be priced out, perhaps Gimp? I'm given to under stand it works with layers for skins, and creats the tga for decals. And it's FREE! Wrench kevin stein
  21. Not too bad! Definatley shrink the roundel size. The P-40E also has a 'warpage' issues on the fueleage, you'll probably want to do code/roundel as a single decal. Like I told scrapper, there's a BEYOND superb template for that over as simmerspaintshop... Same goes for the Mustang, it's more work to start with, but it looks better in the long run using decals (depending on weathering, of course) Wrench kevin stein
  22. The MinStrikeValue is awfully high... I've used "20" for the DS mod, but in several others, I've set it down to "05". That opens a WHOLE slew of low-value targets (as defined in the terrain types inis) You could find you flight tasked with blowing up a parked fuel truck, barracks, outhouse, moose, what ever! Now mind you, that DOES create some problems with unvulnerable targets (like the concrete pad for the Factory Place), so the varying entries would need to be adjusted in the types ini, thusly: [TargetType098] Name=ground_platte3 FullName=Concrete Pad ModelName=ground_platte3.lod TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=0 <- note lack of value UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=0 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=10.0 StartDetectChance=100 StartIdentifiedChance=50 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=30000.0 ZBufferOffset=6.000000 FlatObject=TRUE DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect= DestroyedModel= SecondaryChance=0 Wrench kevin stein
  23. Thank Derk! I don't know enough about the conversions to the engine/flight models, etc to mess with that. (hardpoints is easy!) But.... with the lower powered engines, wouldn't that simulate the badly overhauled, worn out ex-DC-2 motors they wound up using??? Just a thought! Wrench kevin stein
  24. I think it would all depend on the 3d modeler, how he created the animaitons in Max, and if it was speed controled or set via an animation keystroke As for the sentiant AI, perhaps they're using one of those new dual-core Alienware machines??? Wrench kevin stein
  25. File Name: Hawk 75 ML-KNIL (NEI) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 Sep 2007 File Category: WW2 Aircraft Hawk 75A-C7 for Royal Netherlands Air Force, Netherlands East Indies for SF/WoV/WoE, WW2 PTO installs This is a modification of Wolf257's P-36/Mohawk into the Hawk 75 export version, as used by several Allied nations. It represents aircraft from the ML-KNIL during the opening days of the War in the Pacific, in the defense of the Netherlands East Indies (Java and Sumatra, for those that don't know) This is a semi- complete aircraft mod, creating a country specific version for use in your World War 2: PTO installs ONLY!! As such, all the loadout have been adjusted to fit KLU aircraft of the time (ie: by being lazy and using the exisiting RAF bombs). I say 'semi-complete', because pursuant to Wolf's wishes, the aircraft LOD file is NOT included; you'll have to transfer it over from an exisiting P-36A/Mohawk. Everything else is included; all the inis, cockpit files, new hangar and loading screens (both available ONLY in this mod) and my damage tgas as well. I've also adjusted the operational years; they historically were all destroyed by February, 1942, but as we can't add months yet, you get the whole year (1942 that is) ==NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK INSTALLED TO GET THE WW2 WEAPONS!!== Please read the enclosed readme, it has full install instructions, and other notes of interest. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein (and here you all probably thought I'd never get out of the ETO!!!! Click here to download this file

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