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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Version


    Upgrade/Update for American NorthWest Series of Terrains The original America Northwest Terrains; AmerianNW, AmericanNWinter and AmericaNWSpring, were released sometime back in 2003. They are exceedling FUN maps to fly on, as they are full of deep canyons and high mountain ranges. This is mostly a 'fix' of the targets, types, and movements inis. I've peaked and tweeked the targets to add more things for everyone to blow up. I've added the Factory Place, Truck Depot, HQ centers, and 2 country flag to wave in the breeze, one for country 'Orange' (now called the Global Sedition), and 'The Alliance'. The HQ centers have vehicles parked at them, the layout for which was borrowed from Major Lee's DBS - I figured these are all his terrains, so using it would be a pretty cool touch. The movements ini has been expanded to more Armed Recon missions, with additional truck routes for both sides. I added an oil field to the Alliance side, to give the Sedition forces something extra to bomb, and Alliance forces something to protect. I figure the story line would be "short on resources, the Global Sedititon is trying to capture the Salmon River Oil fields for their own" With thanks to Major Lee for permission to modify and share Please!!! read the enclosed readme for more information and full installation instructions -- with a little renamed, this upgrade can be used on all of the ANW terrains - and it's explained "how to"
  2. I must correct myself -- it's only 127 target areas. I'm not doing the campaign ini myself; don't have too much knowledge there, just rebuilding the targets. BTW, having a quick look at the campaign, it calls for aircraft that were never used in theatre - hence the importance of a stand alone version (no Su-7 for Iraq). With the arrival of several vehicles/SAMs etc, both from 3rd Wire and other persons (M-60s for Iran, for instance, and the missing Cheiftien MBT - a Centurion could be used as a stand in); F-7A/F-7B/F-7BS Fishbeds are missing...lots of work rebuilding that too. All the weapons callouts are also incorrect; there are loads of Iraninan and Iraqian ONLY weapons in the wepak; so, like I said, the "IranIraq_DATA.INI" also needs a complete overhaul. To say nothing of the strategic nodes...what with all the new target areas. Paitence, hopefully, will be rewarded! Wrench kevin stein
  3. Not sure...it's the one from the latest version out by USAFMTL and Co. (whatever version we're using for the DS mod) Wrench kevin stein
  4. You're probably missing the pointer for the building's skin. Look in the IR_DATA.ini, and go through each of the terrain tile listings, like below: You may need to add them. Obviously, you won't be adding them to the sea (ocean) tiles. But you will to the sea/desert, desert/farm, desert/mountain, etc Another thing with Polaks' tiles, is the city 'grids' are heavily populated already (built into the tile). You may need to go through the targets ini and remove any and all references to buildings, other than warehouses, generator buildings, HQ buildings - for EACH of the city entries. SAM and AAA units will have to be moved, as some are now inside the terrain buildings. That's why I said 'it back in the shop for repairs'. There's something in the neighborhood of 5-7000 objects that need moving around or deleting. Several of the airfields are VERY misplaced (Shiraz, Busher, Tehran-as is the city itself), several important ones are missing (the real Busher, Krahg Island). Oil fields renamed to their correct names, several are missing in Iran. Several cities in Iran and Iraq are missing; Umm Qsar, Khorramshar (across from Basra), Bandar-e Shapur (seen above; the pic with the 2 Fishbeds and the oil tanker wreck), Bandar-e Kanga in the south. Fortified strongpoints on both sides, vehicle depots, industrial centers, refineries....you get the idea. It's getting a MAJOR rebuild. Hopefully, after DS is released, it will follow. There are several areas that need major flattening for the correction of the airbases, and etc So, play with what you got now, and be paitent for the new stuff. Wrench kevin stein ps: also in the works, pending Edward's permission, updated 'Modern' Darwin/Timor map. Target area (re)placement nearly complete, just need airfield flattenings. W
  5. Version


    Hawker Hunter FGA 60 Mod for WoE Mid East Installs ONLY!! Another "What If..." aircraft for you alternate history enjoyment! This is a ini and skin mod for the stock Hunter FGA 9 that comes with WoE. It creates a new aircraft, for use by the Israeli Defense Forces Air Force. It's suggested that you use this in a seperate Mid-East (Arab vs Isrealis) WoE install; this is how I have it. It will work much better in a seperate install. It IS required that you have the latest weapons pak installed to get the maximum use out of the available weapons capabilities. == REMEMBER: This mod is for use in WOE -ONLY!!!- as all the parts ONLY exist there == You'll find all the inis, bmps, tgas, whathave you for this install. The data ini has had the NationName= set to "ISRAEL", so when you fly you'll get Israeli medals, and have Israeli flightmates. In other words, this is a semi-complete aircraft, missing only the lod files (which cannot be uploaded or shared as they are core files-which makes this WoE ONLY). You get a new hangar screen, the damage tgas and everything else needed! == REMEMBER: this is NOT a full aircraft, and you MUST have Wings Over Europe to make use of this aircraft mod. == You'll also have 2 skin folders; IDF and IDF2 representing the 2 different eras the aircraft operated in. The first is the blue/tan camo for the 50s and early 60s, and the 3 tone for use in the 70s and 80s. The 3 tone skin represents aircraft from the Advanced Fighter School, and were used for training purposes (although some may have been used in the ground support role during the 73 War, alongside the remaining Sabre 6s <wink>) Please read the enclose readme for full install instructions -you're creating a NEW aircraft-, and other important notes. REMEMBER: This is for WoE ONLY, and requires the Weapons Pak!!! For those without WoE, I am working on a version useing AD's Hunter F.6, so be paitent! Happy Hunting (I crack myself up sometimes!!) Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. Mack does that alot...also, lots of his real life friends show up in the books too (JAW, NY Hercs for example). At the time War Heaven was written, he was in negotioations for a Wingman movie deal. So far it's hasn't materalized. Wrench kevin stein
  7. It's also designed as a 'stand-alone'; you know, the 'Total Conversion' types. And should NOT be used in a merged install. That's the only way to do it right...just like the readme should have said. And yes, it was designed for SF only. But I got it working in WoE with no sweat. Just to let you know, the I/I map has also gone back 'into the hangar' for an overhaul. Just as a tease, there are almost 200 target areas now, plus all kinds of new and wonderful objects. Many of the target areas have the correct names as well. To let you in on a secret, go up the the downloads section, and get Polak's newest version of his desert tiles, they look MUCH better than the stock stuff -- that's what I"m using... Wrench kevin stein
  8. I didn't know you could open a dll in a hex editor...messing with core files like that scares the S**t outta me! Just in case I 'break' something. The pic isnt too clear (or it's my eyes), what exactly is highlighted? EndExportYear? If so, it's already built in, and just needs adding to the aircraft data inis...hmmm.... Wrench kevin stein
  9. Only by physically removing aircraft, or editing their service years; ie: export dates. It's not uncommon to see aircraft long retired, say a Frexco going against your Talon in 2012 (just before the asteroid hits) Hence the need for accurate date in the aircraft's data ini, which for 99.9% of them are correct. I've always wondered if you could add this line: EndExportYear= and see if it works. I know in First Eagles, TK is using the month/day/year format for aicraft service dates. Wrench kevin stein
  10. Museum of Flight

    We were there in 96, with some friends visiting his parents (Harlan Sr. is a retired Naval Aviator - was an instructor too). I 'approiated' one of their wheel chock...it's hanging in my closet (I'm such a bad boy) Was really cool then, would love to see it again now. Just wish I could have seen the 307 Stratoliner before it went to NASM Wrench kevin stein
  11. Ok! I see. Unfortunately, it's been like that since Day 1, and there's no fixing it. I've even tried reskinning it; repainting the bmp to match the Soveit Silver, but to no avail. It's just something we have to live with, until some wonderfull modeler creates the RIGHT aircraft, with the Izurmud nose built in. Then we could actually get decals on it, too! Wrench kevin stein
  12. Tornado Sidewinder Stations

    Now, the information above is good, but there's one thing missing: How about a loadout ini, that has all the necessary bits already written down?? The info below is for the GR.1; adjust loads to fit other users: [Attack] Loadout[01].WeaponType=BOZ107 Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=SkyShadow Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType= Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=BL755 Loadout[06].Quantity=2 Loadout[06].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[07].WeaponType=BL755 Loadout[07].Quantity=2 Loadout[07].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[08].WeaponType=BL755 Loadout[08].Quantity=2 Loadout[08].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[09].WeaponType=BL755 Loadout[09].Quantity=2 Loadout[09].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[10].WeaponType= Loadout[10].Quantity=0 Loadout[12].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[12].Quantity=2 Loadout[12].RackType=LAU-105 Loadout[13].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[13].Quantity=2 Loadout[13].RackType=LAU-105 Loadout[01].WeaponType=BOZ107 Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=SkyShadow Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType= Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=Mk18_1000_LD Loadout[06].Quantity=2 Loadout[06].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[07].WeaponType=Mk18_1000_LD Loadout[07].Quantity=2 Loadout[07].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[08].WeaponType=Mk18_1000_LD Loadout[08].Quantity=2 Loadout[08].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[09].WeaponType=Mk18_1000_LD Loadout[09].Quantity=2 Loadout[09].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[10].WeaponType= Loadout[10].Quantity=0 Loadout[10].RackType= Loadout[11].WeaponType= Loadout[11].Quantity=0 Loadout[11].RackType= Loadout[12].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[12].Quantity=2 Loadout[12].RackType=LAU-105 Loadout[13].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[13].Quantity=2 Loadout[13].RackType=LAU-105 [sEAD] Loadout[01].WeaponType=BOZ107 Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=SkyShadow Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType= Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType= Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType= Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[08].WeaponType= Loadout[08].Quantity=1 Loadout[09].WeaponType= Loadout[09].Quantity=1 Loadout[10].WeaponType=AGM-88C Loadout[10].Quantity=1 Loadout[11].WeaponType=AGM-88C Loadout[11].Quantity=1 Loadout[12].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[12].Quantity=2 Loadout[12].RackType=LAU-105 Loadout[13].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[13].Quantity=2 Loadout[13].RackType=LAU-105 [Anti-Ship] Loadout[01].WeaponType=BOZ107 Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=SkyShadow Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType= Loadout[05].Quantity= Loadout[06].WeaponType= Loadout[06].Quantity= Loadout[07].WeaponType= Loadout[07].Quantity= Loadout[08].WeaponType= Loadout[08].Quantity= Loadout[09].WeaponType= Loadout[09].Quantity= Loadout[10].WeaponType=SeaEagle Loadout[10].Quantity=1 Loadout[10].RackType= Loadout[11].WeaponType=SeaEagle Loadout[11].Quantity=1 Loadout[11].RackType= Loadout[12].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[12].Quantity=2 Loadout[12].RackType=LAU-105 Loadout[13].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[13].Quantity=2 Loadout[13].RackType=LAU-105 [Recon] Loadout[01].WeaponType=BOZ107 Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=SkyShadow Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Tank1500_Tornadods Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType= Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=BL755 Loadout[06].Quantity=2 Loadout[06].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[07].WeaponType=BL755 Loadout[07].Quantity=2 Loadout[07].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[08].WeaponType=BL755 Loadout[08].Quantity=2 Loadout[08].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[09].WeaponType=BL755 Loadout[09].Quantity=2 Loadout[09].RackType=BRU57 Loadout[10].WeaponType= Loadout[10].Quantity= Loadout[10].RackType= Loadout[11].WeaponType= Loadout[11].Quantity= Loadout[11].RackType= Loadout[12].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[12].Quantity=2 Loadout[12].RackType=LAU-105 Loadout[13].WeaponType=AIM-9L Loadout[13].Quantity=2 Loadout[13].RackType=LAU-105 REMEMBER: you MUST specify the racktype for the missiles to load properly Wrench Kevin Stein
  13. I dont like 'em either. Always considered them a weapon of last resort...but they are valid for the time frame. Of course, there's always some nut-job that'll use it instead of Mk.82...like killing flys with a shotgun, instead of a swatter. Wrench kevin stein
  14. Like this??? simple job..extract the RAF roundel, rename to "WRoundel", adjust decal ini to match. If you folks want, I can upload it? Canberra B.20 is fix also, in fact, I made a complete RAAF version Now, if I can just get the airfields straightened out on Edwards Darwin map......lots of terrain flattening needed to match the moves of the WW2 airfields to their 'present' locations -- gotta love Google Earth!!! Then get the defenses built for Oz and the countries north... Wrench kevin stein
  15. No, the Fresco noses are skinned just like an aircraft...the lod has the built in pointer for the skin bmp. No decals are, or can be, involved as it's seperate from the aircraft (think of it as loaded ordanance) Also, could you be a little more specific as to just what you're trying to do??? All the Fresco noses come with their own skins. Just as I did for the 19PM ... hex edited and renamed the 17PFU lod to match the 19PM, so to have the 'black' section show in the cockpit, hiding itself. Installing the Fresco/Framer nose bubbles is the same as any other weapon, and the same procedure is used. Detailed, illustrated instruction are in the Knowledge Base "Adding New Weapons", I think it's on page 2, by USAFMTL So, if you please, more details???? Wrench kevin stein
  16. Sheriff: that would be super easy to re-do for the Sabre, just make a new decal for the wings, drop it in the decal folder, adjust the pointer in the decals ini --for the wings only-, and just use the 'roo rooundel' for the fuselage (that one's stock). So, as to the type of roundel, blue/white/red for the lower, and blue/red only for the top??? Must find some pics...I'm off!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. Stacks: have you added the weapon text info to the weaponsdataini, and then run the weapons editor to 'save and update' the weaponsdata.dat file??? Just adding the text sections won't do a thing...they have to be run through the editor to 'create' the entry in the dat file. And as for the Ali-cats, you'll find all the necessary info to update them, and the IIRAF Phantoms, in the Knowledge Base 'Weapons and Loadouts' thread ... I've updated their loads and added several weapons to fill in some blanks. The only ones you won't find in there, are all the Iraqi birds ... those will arrive, fully updated, when the new Desert Storm mod gets re-released. As for the RDS-4 30kt, it works fine for me... double check the entry, and make use it's the same as this: And make sure you have the nuke effects in your /effect folder. Wrench kevin stein
  18. File Name: RAAF F-4E Package File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 5 Aug 2007 File Category: F-4 Oz F-4E Package for SF/WoV/WoE This is an update of nosecone's RAAF F-4E Phantom II skin set. Having never seen this mod before, I made several unkind comments on the message boards, for which I apologized publicly. Also, as part of said apology, I'm updating the inis and pathways so it now become a simple drag/drop or copy paste operation. As a bonus, I'm including all the ini's necessary to create an RAAF country specific version of the Phantom. All inis, and brand new -only available in this mod!- Hangar & Loading screens are included. Amberly Rhino??? That don't sound too bad!!! Once unzipped, you get 2 choices: 1) Add the skin to the existing F-4E in the usual manner or; 2) Create a RAAF-only version. I've included everything needed to do so. You also get a new, Bonus Skin, "RAAFGray" Well, all it is, is the 5 texture bmps, decals ini, texture set ini for a Dark Gray Version of the skin, based off the colors used on the F-111C that's available. I just reused everything that nosecone did, since he mentioned something about the "later versions". You will be re-using the decal set provided (ie: copy into the RAAFGray folder) There are full, detailed install instructions in the read me -- so read the cursed thing!!!. There is vitally important information about weapons loads in there. Operation years are a 'best guess', for a "What If..." aircraft. Credits: All credit goes to nosecone; he created the decals and did all the original work in 2002. All I've done is assemble it into a cohernt package, updated to the latest standard, and create the dark gray skin. (picture not posted here, check the 'Mods and Skinning' Forum for a screenshot) Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  19. F-86H ?

    Are we sure it's the guy in the bottle, or the guy with the bottle??? If Zur cranks out some newer (older?) versions of the Sabre, you can bet they'll be good!!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. I'm pretty sure it came with the newer G-91 paks, but here's the weapons data, where **** is the next number in sequence [WeaponData****] TypeName=AS-20 FullName=AS-20 Radio Command Guided Missile ModelName=AS20 Mass=143.000000 Diameter=0.250000 Length=2.600000 AttachmentType=NATO,ITALY,FRANCE,W_GERMANY NationName=France StartYear=1958 EndYear=1970 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=24 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1958 ExportEndYear=1970 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=TRUE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE Streamlined=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=MediumMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=0.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=33.000000 FusingDistance=0.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=2 Accuracy=80 MaxTurnRate=10.000000 MaxLaunchG=2.500000 LockonChance=90 LaunchReliability=90 ArmingTime=0.000000 SeekerFOV=15.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=35.000000 SeekerTrackRate=35.000000 SeekerRange=10000.000000 MinLaunchRange=2000.000000 MaxLaunchRange=6000.000000 Duration=30.000000 CounterCountermeasure=0.000000 NoiseRejection=0.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x00000000 BoosterStart=0.000000 BoosterDuration=10.000000 BoosterAccel=5.000000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.300000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.300000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 happy hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  21. Basically, what I'm trying to figure out, even after all this time is... is there a picture guide for which airfield is which???, and how big a footprint it presents?? (sorta like the standard ground objects pic that somebody supplied many moons ago....) I know airfield 3 is the dirt strip, airfield 5 is a single paved ruway, airfield 4 is the kinda "Y" shaped one... but what are 1, 2, 6?? TIA! Wrench kevin stein
  22. When Bunyap rebuil the Pak for the 6/06 release, he used "WP" and "NATO" for the, well, oddball stuff. So that's how I kept it. This allows for other nations that might use the aircraft to have it load with no problems. And don't forget, for the 19PM, we're using 2 Fresco nose bubbles, as per Lexx's fix...the PFU (ok, 19PM cause it got renamed and repainted to 'hide itself' from being visible through the canopy) cause it has the missile pylons, and the 17PF for the acutal nose extension. Wrench kevin stein
  23. Yeah!!! That's exactly what I was seeking! thanks Charles!! I wonder, if you wouldn't mind if I uploaded this to the "Terrains and Such" section, I'm sure others could find this very helpfull, too! Wrench kevin stein
  24. Looking at the Mirage III0, I'm wonder if the upper wing decal placement for the Phantom are correct...the Mirage dosen't use them (and most pics I've seen don't have them on the camo either) But the 111C Pig does, along with the CAC-32 Avon Sabre...hmmm....well, you all can always just delete the pointer in the decal ini, thusly: [Decal003] MeshName=wing_left_outer DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat= <--note removed decal name Position=-5.01,-1.80 Rotation=-90.0 Scale=1.30 DecalMaxLOD=3 Reverse=TRUE [Decal005] MeshName=wing_right_outer DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat= Position=5.01,-1.80 Rotation=270.0 Scale=1.30 DecalMaxLOD=3 Leaving it black won't hurt nothing! Wrench kevin stein

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