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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. hmm... below from the KAW "illuminatorFlare" data ini maybe ... Duration? [WeaponData001] TypeName=IlluminatorFlare FullName=Illuminator Flare ModelName=NOLOD Mass=0.100000 Diameter=0.127000 Length=1.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.480000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.222000 AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN,UK SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=12 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=3 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=TRUE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=LumFlareEffect ReleaseDelay=0.000000 WarheadType=2 Explosives=0.020000 FusingDistance=100.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=0 Accuracy=70 MaxTurnRate=0.000000 MaxLaunchG=2.500000 LockonChance=0 LaunchReliability=70 ArmingTime=2.000000 SeekerFOV=25.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=0.000000 SeekerTrackRate=11.000000 SeekerRange=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 MinLaunchRange=0.000000 MaxLaunchRange=0.000000 Duration=180.000000 CounterCountermeasure=20.000000 NoiseRejection=20.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x00000000 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.000000 BoosterDuration=180.000000 BoosterAccel=0.100000 BoosterEffectName=LumFlareEffect BoosterSoundName=Rocket BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName= InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 [LumFlareEffects] GroundHitEffectName=LumFlareEffect GroundHitSoundName=SmallExplosion.wav WaterHitEffectName=LumFlareEffect WaterHitSoundName= ObjectHitEffectName=LumFlareEffect ObjectHitSoundName=SmallExplosion.wav ArmorHitEffectName=LumFlareEffect ArmorHitSoundName=SmallExplosion.wav CraterModelName= CraterType= time is in seconds
  2. don't remember ASMs, but when placed "close enough", they will engage with their gun batteries. (reference: one of the patch levels of NA, placed oppossing fleets within a few kms of each other ... was fun to try and launch from the carrier while under fire from enemy surface ships!!!) in theory, and the viewpoint is placed high enough, ASMs should have no real problems
  3. hmmm.... how odd is it then, that I have Veltro's YF-12A "Starduster", with my skin, decal and ini upgrades sitting right here in my SF2 mods folder??? the other you're thinking of is the TMF A-12 Avenger, also upgraded by me
  4. there's an A-12 in the downloads section someplace (by Veltro2K, iirc)
  5. indeed. ALL of Pasko's birds need new replacements, for one reason or another (as listed above). Don't even get me started on the Wildcat ...
  6. I agree, in part. I fully understand the need for smoothness, but for decaling and damaging (tga/dds) it is kind of important that there are enough divisions. I can imagine the issues in smoothing, especially on something like the Mossi, which is known for it's smooth shape. Mind you, we ARE dealing with a lod in this case, from 2005, when a lot of what we now know, simply wasn't known! below, promised decal bleed screenie if you remove the decal in the decals ini, obviously the issue goes away. but, the serial numbers and/or "plane-in-squadron' letter/number may cause it to return.
  7. View File Template for P-40B/C & Tomahawk by Raven As these don't seem to be found, I've uploaded my copy, fulfilling a request These are standard PSD files. All layers, including any I added are intact. Happy Skinning!! Submitter Wrench Submitted 02/15/2020 Category Skin Templates  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    As these don't seem to be found, I've uploaded my copy, fulfilling a request These are standard PSD files. All layers, including any I added are intact. Happy Skinning!!
  9. Nope, sorry, no in all cases. Example: Pasko's Mosquito's. the RAF roundel on the aft section of the fuselage, bleeds on the upper portion of the nose (which is all one mesh -- the majority of the problems come from the modelers NOT dividing the model into enough sub-sections). I'll post screenies later to show the effect
  10. Sorry, Jordi, no jets Keeping it historical (get it!??) Are templates available for that?? Other wise, it's just simple decal work I have Russ's Tiger Moth, and the templates. Wonder what I can do with that .... and it has a Lewis gun mounted on the top wing. Hmm..... shifr/R should be available in SF2 .....
  11. bleed is usually caused by unwelded meshe of the lod. Basically, a hole or crack that allows the tga to be pulled into. only fix is in MAX
  12. Raven did one, never quite finished (iirc needs a cockpit) Here's SF2 versions: The templates should be around here someplace, if not, let me know and I'll try and find mine
  13. it's not the player controlled units, it's the game generated parked aircraft. been that way for years. but, i'd try adjusting the cg to CGPosition=0.00,2.0,0.00 that what mine is for both pasko's 24D and 24J be advised, in may change in-air handling when player flown. otherwise, i'd just ignore it ============ required screenshot
  14. Those of you that know me, and my work, know I'm a stickler for historical accuracy. And normally, the following would be posted in the "What If..." thread. But, as to not let them get lost among the usual background noise, choose to use my FIC thread. It's obvious, of course, that these will not be included in any upload for a "Vietnam 1948" scenario. --==== Now, lets take a look at this first one. Instead of fielding Mosquitos, with all their attendant issues in a tropical climate, what if the AdA choose to send Beaufighters instead? We have the full advantage of a rugged, all-metal airframe, with sturdy air cooled radial engines. The Beau had/has a reputation of being fairly fast and manuverable, a good warload, good guns and excellent range. Here we have a Beaufighter TF Mk.X, which also has the advantage of radar, giving it a limited night and all weather capability The guns and rocket loads would be devestating to ground troops, vehicles, ships and with bombs most structures. The aircraft shown here is from GC I/6 "Oranie" As mentioned in a recent release of the post-war P-47D-40 Thunderbolt, the Ada already had a large number of Jugs at their disposal. Many in Western Europe, as part of Occupation Forces in Germany, many in France for air defense, and more in the North African colonies (Algeria). Many of the Real Life (tm) units that used ex-RAF Spitfires and AdA P-63 Kingcobras were P-47 units. The aircraft were left behind due to the fear of the US not providing support (because we were against re-colonialization) So, what if Washington (President Truman and the State Department) could see this as a spread of communism into southeast asia, and not a colonial power re-asserting itself? Support would be forthcoming and the Jugs could have been sent to Indochina. Here we have a P-47D-40 Thunderbolt of GC II/6 "Travail". The squadron codes used here are exactly the same as those historically used on their P-63s in Algeria. ================ Now, lets really go round the bend... The VPAF, as we all know didn't really exist as that entity unitl the 1960s. Although, a few aircraft WERE available to the Viet Minh as early as 1949 (Tiger Moths, maybe 2 of them). In 1956 pilots had been sent for training in the USSR. We know that there was a transport squadron, and possibly other "utility" types in service by the late 1950s. So, what if, in 1945/46 the Viet Minh also take advantage of any serviceable and/or repairable left over Japanese aircraft?? It's really not that big a reach; they're not dumb, and have access to the same resources as the French. It's quite concievable that using ex-Japanese POWs (or forced to work) ground crew and even pilots (or train VM "volenteers"), they could field a few aircraft. Other than the will to do so, I don't see why they couldn't have. So, what we have here below is a Ki-43ii "Oscar" slap-dashedly painted in a disruptive 2-tone green scheme, sporting the Viet Minh flag. Now, in 1949, the world changes yet again. Mao and the communists in mainland China have thrown out the Nationalists, and have begun consolidating their power base. Supported (read: requipped) by the Soviet Union, the PRC starts spreading its message throughout Asia. We know they supported the North Koreans from 1951 with everything imaginable. They also started assisting their brethren to the south with arms and other supplies. The fall of mainland China to communist forces is what, historically, opened the way for US support of the French in Indochina. This is shown in 1951, when the US & UN forces were heavily involved in the Korean War, sending Helldivers, Hellcats, Bearcats and Corsairs to the French. The world was starting to think about the "domino effect" of the spread of communism. So, what if Mao (excuse me - the PLAAF-) had sent a squadron or 2 of their newly acquired (from the USSR) Yak-9s? Just as in Korea, where they were also encountered by UN forces, they'd carry bogus Vietnamese markings (yes, I know the star-bar would be wrong for the time period; probably still using the Vietminh flag as above). There were several ex-Japanese air bases within the communist controlled regions of Tonkin (soon to be North Vietnam), or even fly out of airstrips in southern China. Shown here is a Yak-9 of the 1st People's Volunteer Air Regiment. The Yak-9 was one of the best aircraft to come out from the WW2 Soviet manufacturers, and would definately given any Western aircraft a run for it's money. Please feel free to comment on any of the screenshots in the thread - the historical or the fantasy Thanks!
  15. well, I'm glad a bought the full pack then! I'm going to have to be shopping for new comp soon ...
  16. As an American, I too have a hard time understanding English (you KNOW is just had too!!! )
  17. Yes, damage meshes are built into the aircraft lod as a "hidden mesh' just as yakarov said. they only show when the primary (parent?) mesh is destroyed as declared in the _data ini. I do a lot of cheating with the the damage textures -- like reusing existing ones extracted from the various cats, and renamed to match the skin maps. TK uses dds, but they're easily converted to tga. I just find one that sort of matches the mapping of the skin, rotate or flip as necessary, and send it out the door. They're declared in the aircraft's main ini as _HOLES.tga (or dds on stock birds) [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_holes.tga (1stGens also used a _shredded_tga, but I think that was part of the aircraft's mapping) I don't see why "_Damaged.tga" couldn't be used, but I've never seen it on any listing. I guess as long as the declaration matches the tga, there wouldn't be a problem
  18. That sort of simplfies matters, doesn't it? Just repave them to match the other tiling, and we'll stick something else in their slot in the _targets.ini. One of the smaller city/villages I've added
  19. This has been driving us both bat-shit crazy. It's amazing to me, after nearly (or over?) 15 years that no one has caught the innumerable mistakes on this map (don't even get me started on the "straddling the river cities") all help is deeply appriciated!! The sooner we get these oddities sorted, to sooner we can get it in your hands, and the sooner you get to fly all those neat aeroplanes I've been showing the "French Airpower in Indochina" thread!!
  20. Storm "Clare" shape of things to come ?

    to go along with this (couldn't find the news article from here in the States) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11337617/Jet-stream-blasts-BA-plane-across-Atlantic-in-record-time.html
  21. North American Aviation AJ-2 Savage, compound drive (jet engine under tail, 2 radials) 1st USN nuclear capable bomber. Can't quite make out the tail code, looks like "ZH". Be a "VAH" squadron *** no, the refueling mod dosen't work. Can't say anything about CFS. ** wiki says VAH-16
  22. just make sure the battle cruisers (starships) have enough meshes cut to all for the amount of decals (3 per is the general usage, but a max of 4 is allowed) ship construction numbers and names, right?

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