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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Why would there be a problem in uploading the modification? (other than historical accuracy ) I doubt there'll be any (real*) objections * imagined ones, sure
  2. isn't TK's Decal Tutorial in the downloads section someplace?? If not, I"ll post it here. Is there a specific question, like, how to make them? I know there's a couple of tutorials in the SF1 & SF2 forums. I think there's one stickied in the FE forum. edit: found this: this old one by me, even for SF1, the information is the same I think this one might be the 3W one
  3. Actually, the most important question is: This is a DAT bird, isn't it??? If so.... (although I've got Russ working on finishing off the Zur model that's been sitting around for years in my archive)
  4. Can you spell "cheater"? I knew you could
  5. View File SF2 P-47D-40 Thunderbolt Upgrade/Update Pack SF2 P-47D-40 Thunderbolt Upgrade/Update Pack 2/5/2020 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 Merged Reccomended) This is a small update for the P-47D-40 Thunderbolts used in the last year of WW2, and into the Post-War Era. It is designed for use on the -40 Jug that Cocas and I built. You can find the full aircraft at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/16542-sf2-ww2-eto-p-47d-40-late/ The package is built to just "drop in" over the existing inis (overwrite), and included updated data, loadout and user lists to futher reflect the P-47Ds use in the Post-War world. Loadout changes add "date switched" CAS/AR loads from WW2s 'Triple Bazooka' to HVAR rockets. All weapons are included. It has been tested in both the WW2 and Post-War environments. Several new or updated skins are also included: 525th FBS ~1947/49 as part of the Occupation Forces in Germany 1º Grupo de Caca, Brazilian AF, in their post-war (1946-57) scheme GC II/20 "Ouarsenis" Armée de l'Air as seen/used in Algeria in the late 1950s All aircraft are in NMF and With the exception of painted on special squadron or national markings, all others are decals. Decal Randomization is TRUE. The Serials on the FAB Jug are 100% historically correct. The AdA skin can be used as a basis for other units that served in Algeria (or France) during the post-war timeframe. All 3 new skins have their own Hangar Screens. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. The "Notes" section has more information on proper usage of these Post-War skins. Please =READ= them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 02/07/2020 Category P-47  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 P-47D-40 Thunderbolt Upgrade/Update Pack 2/5/2020 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 Merged Reccomended) This is a small update for the P-47D-40 Thunderbolts used in the last year of WW2, and into the Post-War Era. It is designed for use on the -40 Jug that Cocas and I built. You can find the full aircraft at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/16542-sf2-ww2-eto-p-47d-40-late/ The package is built to just "drop in" over the existing inis (overwrite), and included updated data, loadout and user lists to futher reflect the P-47Ds use in the Post-War world. Loadout changes add "date switched" CAS/AR loads from WW2s 'Triple Bazooka' to HVAR rockets. All weapons are included. It has been tested in both the WW2 and Post-War environments. Several new or updated skins are also included: 525th FBS ~1947/49 as part of the Occupation Forces in Germany 1º Grupo de Caca, Brazilian AF, in their post-war (1946-57) scheme GC II/20 "Ouarsenis" Armée de l'Air as seen/used in Algeria in the late 1950s All aircraft are in NMF and With the exception of painted on special squadron or national markings, all others are decals. Decal Randomization is TRUE. The Serials on the FAB Jug are 100% historically correct. The AdA skin can be used as a basis for other units that served in Algeria (or France) during the post-war timeframe. All 3 new skins have their own Hangar Screens. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. The "Notes" section has more information on proper usage of these Post-War skins. Please =READ= them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. Excuse my dumb question ... the fully use this, one is required to have 2 fully functioning eyes?
  8. (Although not specifically WW2....) Algeria, 1958 GC II/20 Ouarsenis P-47D-40s off on an armed recon mission
  9. did you put them in the Mods folder, or mistakenly into the Core Install??? Did you read the readme?
  10. nothing yet. I have to draw all the panel lines, and such. Angel provided a template with the base colors (camo, OD/Gray), but no lines. I've been busy with the French in SEA lately. Now, I just need to terrain to (re)start (re)targeting!
  11. that's been know for quite some time; I discovered it quite by accident when doing the 1st rebuild of the Libya map (07? 08?). I was using the "view ground objects" (f7?) view, looking at ships in harbor, and after I passed a certain point (I guesstimated 50km) they popped out of existence. Terrain objects, buildings and such always remain.
  12. After the withdrawal of French forces, the partition of FIC into North and South Vietnam (and the other places), the newly formed Republic of Viet Nam Air Force carried on with the aircraft the French left behind (in truth, training of the pilots and ground crew started before the Battle of Dien Bein Phu) Here we have Bearcats from the 1st Fighter Squadron, in their original dark gloss Navy blue, and post-1960 natural metal. and an RVNAF Criquet (Bearcats by me, MS-500 from Paulo's Mod Pack) These aircraft would (could) be used on the stock VietnamSEA map, with a small text edit to the terrains main ini, to give it a start date of 1956.
  13. Monty's C-119 also appears, from "Detachment 119" as loaned from the USAF. With thanks to Joe Bauer's site, I was able to run down 18 100% historical serial numbers. Don't know how the player will actually be using them (along with the C-47), but I figured 18 was good number. Raven's Fi-156 Storch, in it's MS-500 Criquet form also appears for eye candy and recon/laison duties. Pity FAC was removed from the game...(skins also by Paulo)
  14. Aeronavale Corsairs have been around for a while. The skins used here are from Paulopanz's excellent French Corsair package. You'll have the F4U-7 and AU-1. AU-1 from Flotille 14 F4U-7s from Flotilles 12 & 14 There are several skins for each (including some into the 1960s, used possibly in Algeria? I removed the Operation Musketeer -Suez- skins from the Vietnam48 mod folder)
  15. I know you've all been waiting for these, the Bearcats. Now, please do remember, while the aircraft has all the correct shaping, there are some issuse. First and foremost is the large shadow rope/tractor beams from somewhere in the main gear wells. I've tried to mitigate it by shortening the distance (as much as I can) that the shadow is cast. But ... well, y'all know how that goes. Also, there's no folding wings. That's not a real issue for land based planes, but still...(well, after all the aircraft was released in 2006 so...we should be thankful the canopy opens and closes!!) So, we have the following units represented: I/8 "Saintonge" I/21 "Artois" GC II/9 "Auvergne" GC I/9 "Limousin" GC II/8 "Languedoc" GC I/6 "Corse" GC III/6 "Roussillon" ======= Shown below: GC I/6 GC I/21 GC II/8 GC III/6
  16. Thanks Russ!! This is just the planes! There's the rest of the world, in particular the physical map itself!! Fortunately, I have access to real, period specific maps and charts (all dated 1955!!!). Once the aircraft and terrain is finished, then the campaign guys can start their magic. As to ground objects, some are stand in types (repurposed 3w things) Some armored cars are missing, little things that aren't important, but add the extra "omph". Also, a correction. Frenchie had sent me a link to a site I've been using that has lots of photos of French airpower in Indochina, and it DOES appear the Aeronavale DID deploy their Hellcats in FIC. So, I've added back the Flotille 1 skin to the Hellcat. I DO wish we had the "missing" aircraft (ok, maybe unusable is better term?)
  17. My guess, in the Real World, 20-30 minutes depending on the aircraft, how good the ground crew is, and many other factors. I'm sure searching the internet will turn up something. Also, once you leave the target area, and fly outside the 50km "bubble of reality", everything de-spawns. So, going back would be more than a waste of time. Take it from the experts - some of us have been under the hood of these games since 2003
  18. enemies cannot launch from friendly airfields, and vice versa. the game is divided into the red and blue sides. you'd have to start on 2 different airfields, and fly towards an "engagement zone".
  19. More American aid allowed for actual bomber aircraft to be deployed. In 1951, the A-26 Invader (renamed to B-26) began arriving and being used. (Please note, as has been discussed elsewhere on CA, these lods have been hex edited to use jpg textures; no more problems with DDS files. At some point in time, maybe I'll do the same for the KAW versions.) As is usual, the bomber squadrons used a mix of B (gun nosed) and C (glass nosed) versions with themselves. As has been stated above, and many times across the years, they can't be mixed. So, the 2 squadrons are split between the models: GB I/19 "Gascogne" gets the A-26B GB I/25 "Tunisie" gets the A-26C below, you have their portraits If anyone has any information about a third A-26 unit (mentions of one have been encountered in my researches), please pass that along via PM
  20. With the fall of mainland China to the Communists, the US government woke up to the threat of their expansion in Asia (and soon to be engaged with them on the Korean peninsula) As an interim measure, F6F Hellcats were delivered to the AdA for use in Indochina from land bases (note: Flotille 1 also had them, but no records exist of them being deployed to FIC) Only a few units seemed to have used the Hellcat, GC II/6 "Normandie-Niemen" GC I/9 "Limousin" GC II/9 "Auvergne" GC I/6 "Corse" (the last to trade in their Spitfires in 1951, having never used the Kingcobra) --------------------------------- shown below: GC I/9 GC II/9 GC I/6 bonus image: Hellcat departing Gia Lam Airport
  21. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    any news on the Privateer, as well??
  22. Dev A Team unless someone builds another so, yeah, you're boned
  23. AeroNavale upgrades! To replace the Dauntless' before they became completely unflyable, SB2C Helldivers were acquired (ok, bought). They were -5s, but the only major difference from the -4 we have is the lack of the full "blown one-piece" canopy for the pilot. Flying from the 3 carriers (Aerromanches, Bois Belleau and La Fayette) and sometimes land bases. Here we have Helldivers from Flotille 3 Flottille 9

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