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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. don't most skins already come with the textureset ini included???? If the skin has a txini, you don't need to add it to the main aircraft ini; the game engine does that automatcally. You can, however, renumber them, if you want a favorite to show up 'first'. Below if from my F-4B: [TextureSet001] Directory=VMFA58 Name=VMFA-58 "Wildcards" Nation=USMC Squadron=VMFA-58 Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.750000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet002] Directory=USNGrey1 Name=USN Grey Nation=USN Squadron=VF84 Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.750000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet003] Directory=USMCGrey1 Name=USMC Grey Nation=USMC Squadron=VMFA531 Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.750000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet004] Directory=USNVF111 Name=USN VF-111 Sundowners Nation=USN Squadron=VF-111 Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.750000 Reflection=0.000000 Once you've flown anything in game, yo can go back and 'move' the newly added skin to the top, and renumber. I haven't actually tried numbering them out of sequence; probably don't work! Wrench kevin stein
  2. What's next Ed, Gadflys???? With those monsters...... The 2 Pasko Paks (desert and Euro) have been tweeked (if I remember right) to SP4 standards. They are (as uploaded) NOT networked (for the Goa's and Guidlines) The WoE stock Gainfuls come networked stock from the 'factory' You just need to unzip the pack, and drop the vehicles into the /GroundObjects folder. There are also some modded data inis for some of the stock tanks & such, adding a coax MG. For wanting a link to my site, it's always down below, in my sig. Most of the ground objects, should be here at CA Wrench kevin stein
  3. There's a boatload of stuff; SA-3 of variying number of missiles, SA-7, AAA units (ZPUs, ZU, KS series, etc) tanks, vehicles, extra radars, HAWKS,in the revamped 'Pasko's SAMs & Vehicles Pak", hosted both at my site, and here at CA. Stinger available seperately - act now! supplies are unlimited!!! Just to let you know.... There are 2 versions 1) Desert skins 2) Euro skins (ok, green for use in WoV/WoE) Also, in the near future, the KS series, KS/S 60 will be getting an 'network upgrade', as I now have a working Fire Can FC radar!!! (well, it does the job, even though the vehicle is a re-inied Flatface. Just until we can convicne a 3d modler to make us the correct radar van) Wrench kevin stein
  4. I finally got the to show around a few bases by creating new target areas (as above), but there still seem to be the 'poplulation' problem -- at time not everything shows up in the area. Or the target area shows, with nothing on it. I think the game engine spawsn/generates the placed objects at random times. These were added directly to Spangle's target's list, but there's supposed to be a powercart next to the HIPAR. Don't ask me why it worked that time....still seems best to have a seperate, very small (500.00) sized target area to add the battery too. I've been taking a break from this for the last week (and for a week or so to come), as I'm working on the 'Red Side', for something for another terrain. But we WILL return to this....far too important to let languish Wrench kevin stein
  5. I just released it; credit has to go to the whole team: Capun - 3d model Charles - flight model Gramps - original skin (tweeked by me) Wrench - hangar screen, some ini edits, decals I guess the announcment should actually read: "The Dev A-Team presents the Me-262A1U4" all the rest still applies (beta +version, etc) Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. File Name: Me-262A1U4 'Snouted Swallow' File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 Apr 2007 File Updated: 29 May 2009 File Category: Axis Fighters Me-262A1U4 Tank Buster "Snouted Swallow" -Beta 'Plus' Version- For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 Installs A Complete aircraft for your flying pleasure! This skin represents Me-262A1U4s from KG(J) 54 'Totenkopf' in the late 1944 plus time frame in the ETO, for the world of "What If..." SWOTL WW2 '46. It is a semi-fictional skin, as the A1U4 never went into production (only 2 aircraft were actually built). Historically, KG (J) 54 DID convert to Swallow, and flew them in the "Jabo" role, as well as interceptors. The skin included in the pak is based off their paint scheme. This version has a single 50mm cannon centrally mounted on the nose, with 2 30mm Mk.108s as well. It also has the capability on carry up to 2 250kg bombs, drop tanks and 24 R4M unguided rockets on the wings. You'll also find 2 versions of the skin; One with the swastika painted on and, another WITHOUT the swastika painted on This aircraft is to be considered as a "Beta +" version, as there are still some issues with the physical model (lod file). There are at present no plans to update the lod, but if/when time presents itself, there may be an updated version available. These manifest themselves as several stray vertices on the nose, where the wing/engine nacelle meet, a "divot" on the nose aft of the cannon barrel, and the 50mm cannon barrel itself being slightly low, and missing the aerodynamic 'humpish like' shroud fairing blending it into the nose. So, what this means -- you've been warned of inaccuracies, told what they are, so basically....Live With It!! With thanks to the rest of my Dev A-Team members for the support; Capun, Gramps, Charles and Kesselbrut for his superb cockpit! More, detailed info is in the read me, so PLEASE!! -- read it!! Wrench Kevin Stein IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a PERMISSION aircraft ONLY!!! It is not to be included in any mods without express, written consent of the Dev A-Team. It is not to be shared in any other way!! Even though I, The Wrench, am a Freeware Signatory, this mod, and any other mods of DAT Procudts are NOT covered by the Freeware Treaty. Click here to download this file
  7. What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

    What!!!???!!! No one mentions the greatest sci-fi movie ever made??? Plan 9 From Outer Space best quote: Alien Leader: 'You earth people are stupid!! Stupid, Stupid Stupid" Our Hero: "I've had all this I'm gonna take"!!! Don't forget 'Dark Star' Sci-Fi OWNS!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. That's exactly what I need right now...a Soviet-style FC radar for use with their bigger AAA guns (KS12,19,30, etc). It'd really help with this project I'm working on..... Hmm....wonder if I can mod one of the existing units, like the Barlock or Flatface, something mounted on a truck, maybe?? Shilka's (should!) already have the Gun Dish installed... Well, looks like I got some more research to do!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. Good British stuff at 'Thunder and Lightnings', can't remember the URL off hand... good photos of the aircraft, too! Wrench kevin stein
  10. I like the 'bleached' one. What I've done on some of my skins, to get a faded look, is add another layer to the template, flood it with white, and then adjust the opactiy way down, to 'leech' some of the color out. Of course, that has a way of sometime 'adjusting' the tire color a little gray, but I figure they aren't out there with ArmorAll making them look nice and black Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. This setup seem fairly close: Where *** in TargetArea is the next number in sequence, and where ** -words- ** is the position coordinates (taken from 'camera position' with HUD debug truned on). Where "Macho Grande Defense Battery" is...a lot of good pilots were lost. Including George Zip. Most of you probably don't have the USFlag in you types ini, but if you have DBS, you can borrow it form there or the WW2 Allied bombing range. Or, you can delete it and just renumber the the following entries back to sequence. Don't forget, you'll need to add it -and most imoprtantly- ALL the HAWK bits, to the GermanyCE_types.ini. Extract the ini as needed. The tent is standing in for the BCP. Still some problems with the battery 'populating'....sometime only parts of it show. bTW, these use the stock launchers, not Fubar's modified ones. I haven't loaded his ini fixes yet, as I'm trying to stay 'close to reality' (yeah, like my wife will believe that one!) Wrench Kevin Stein ps: this is just so damn frustrating, about ready to chuck the whole damn thing!!! If it weren't so important....I mean, the map itself is lacking so many things.....
  12. Based on the pic above from USMCHawker, looks like we need a new control cab. the closet in-game objects are either the Flatface or Spoonrest, and they're just not quite right. I'm sure one could be used temporarily, just to get the ground 'footprint' for placement Hopefully, we'll get all the little bugs worked out. The biggest one I found last night, is the inability of the game to accept additoins to airbases. (should have realized and remembered this from trying to place national flags at bases.... Was trying to put the launchers, specificly named, on the little 'parking areas' near the taxiways, just back of the runway: Added these to Spangdalham (sp?), and they don't show. NOTE: CWAR not placed But, it you create a target area nearby, they should. Just like the ones shown inthe screenies above. Most peculiar.... But you can switch an object for something else; that's how I got the flags to show up. Would just have to loose a few barracks buildings or other 'airfield eye candy'.....very annoying!!! Wrench kevin stein
  13. in the scrolling window , click on the title of the terrain. It should hilight, and link from there Wrench Kevin Stein
  14. F-4S = F-4J F-4GWW = F-4E should work just fine (that's how mine are set up!) Wrench kevin stein
  15. Map placement would be the important thing...I just been tossing them around like empty soda cans. Based on USMCHawker's drawing, if got this set up: Very basic, using a tent for the CP. Just can't get the sucker to show up!!! Of course, I am testing it on the desert map....might have to go all Euro on it. Like everything else, we're making do with what's available. Could use the EOR shack if we had to, just for now to get the CWAR to rotate, back up the original Hawk_CWAR_data.ini, and replace the relevant sections with those below: (can't find any of my non=tweeked so, there may be more info than needed) [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel=Radar_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect EmptyMass=36000.00 Component[001]=Chassis Component[002]=Radar [Radar] ParentComponentName=Chassis ModelNodeName=Swiwel MaxExtentPosition= 4.00, 4.00, 7.60 MinExtentPosition=-4.00,-4.00, 1.07 HasArmor=FALSE SystemName[001]=Radar1 DetachNode[001]=Box02 DetachNode[002]=Box08 [Radar1] SystemType=RADAR YawModelNodeName=Swiwel RadarSearchTime=2.5 RadarType=SEARCH that should get it to sweep. Wrench Kevin STein
  16. USMCHawker: that's the kind of stuff I been going nuts trying to find What was used for the CP? A permant building, tent??? Based on what we have in game, it shouldn't be too difficult to re-create that layout. Once positions are figured, they could even be placed directly ON an airfield, in one of those empty spots near the runway ends (remove those usless outhouses/shacks/beer stand or whatever they are!), or even off into the grass nearby. Wrench KEvin Stein
  17. Ed; that be great! You have MJ fix on the rotating radar, right?? (CWAR??) Like I say, this layout is based on using the available concrete pad. I just HATE sticking launcher and radars out in the middle of some poor SOBs bean field !! Although I'm sure it's much more accurate that way.... have a few truck/jeep sitting around, hot dog stand, few dancing girls...sorry, dirfted away there for a sec... Ed, didn't you do the original layout for the Desert map a million or so years ago?? [TargetArea080] Name=HAWK Battery Alpha Position=441441.000,467299.000 Radius=500.000 ActiveYear=1969 Location=1 Alignment=Friendly Target[001].Type=HAWKL Target[001].Offset=-100.203,-100.53 Target[001].Heading=0 Target[002].Type=HAWK_HIPIR Target[002].Offset=50.137,50.891 Target[002].Heading=90 Target[003].Type=HAWK_CWAR Target[003].Offset=000.0,000.0 Target[003].Heading=90 Target[004].Type=HAWKL Target[004].Offset=100.203,100.53 Target[004].Heading=180 NOTE to all readers: the coords are for the SF desert map only! Batter set up is OK for other maps, you'll just need to adjust offsets and create, if you wish, a new target area That's just soo tiny, and no support AAA. But probably better, historically. You, know, Polaks beta ground objects has some nice sand bag revietments...be interesting to see if those could be placed accurately around the launchers. Add some eye candy, at least! Time for more experiments....muuuuuhahahahahahaa!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. Not so much they don't shoot, but they seem to shoot late, and in volley (due to networking)! One of my projects has been to add defense batteries around the NATO airbases. Mind you, most likely NOT historically accurate in placement and equipment, but they look nice, at least. This is near Jever: in pic 3, you'll notice the smaller trail from the Chaparrel launcher in left corner. The base you're looking at is a 'generic' one, using the truck depot's concrete slab, with various and sundry items placed around to give it the 'lived in' look. So, where should these all be placed??? I've got Jever, Twenthe, 2 small batteries in the fields near Ramstein, the Nike base at Zweibruken (which I'm SURE is wrong). What about the cities? Shouldn't they get some defenses??? Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Emden ports....they got NOTHING!! Not even a lousy (and ever-present) Quad 50 mount. Wrench Kevin Stein
  19. File Name: Generic OD USAAF P-40E skin File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 Apr 2007 File Category: P-40 Like it says, just a simple, generic, olive drab skin for use in any theatre the USAAF flew the P-40E. For use with the Dev A-Teams P-40E/Kittyhawk. Includes the damage tgas (for those that don't have them), and individual aircraft numbers for 100 birds. As this is 'generic', it represents no squadron in particular. But it sure looks nice flying over the SoWesPac, or Aleutians! (well, DBS, anyway ) Please see the readme for install instructions, credits and etcs Good Hunting, and Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  20. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4539 File Name: Wrecked Oil TankerFile Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 Apr 2007 File Category: Add-On Ships All right, cousins -- you made me do this!!! Here's another 'shipwreck' item for use as eye candy; place around coastlines,ports, sand dunes, etc. The enclosed readme has instructions for loading into terrain files, and I've included a copy of the 'Adding Objects' doc seen in the other shipwreck. Treat this like an other 'structure'. Sorry, I couldn't get a name on the bow; after all, it is a generic tanker wreck. Now, if we could get it to create an oil spill..... Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein 2nd Deacon of the Dez Click here to download this file
  21. Wrecked Oil Tanker



    All right, cousins -- you made me do this!!! Here's another 'shipwreck' item for use as eye candy; place around coastlines,ports, sand dunes, etc. The enclosed readme has instructions for loading into terrain files, and I've included a copy of the 'Adding Objects' doc seen in the other shipwreck. Treat this like an other 'structure'. Sorry, I couldn't get a name on the bow; after all, it is a generic tanker wreck. Now, if we could get it to create an oil spill..... Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein 2nd Deacon of the Dez
  22. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4522 File Name: ShipwreckFile Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 15 Apr 2007 File Category: Add-On Ships Just a little mod of the cargo ship, using only the destroyed textures. Rust added by me. Creates a nice, rusted wreck to be placed along any coastline, for a little eye candy. Detailed instructions for adding in the enclosed WordDoc. This doc can also be used as a 'generic' tutorial for adding ground objects. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  23. I hope you're all happy now!! The results of about 20 minutes of work.... If you're concerned about the lack of water, it's simply because I did a simple bait/switch on the modified Range terrain, replacing the Liberty ship target for this one. Just a little bit more testing, and it'll be ready for upload. Sorry, I couldn't get the name on bow or stern, the damn bmps are just soooo small... Looks like Major Lee's gonna have another shipwreck. Just to let everyone know, his 'rusty hulk' in DBS is what gave me the idea for the 2 shipwrecks in the first place. Wrench Kevin Stein
  24. OK, Cousin JM...now you've gone and done it.... You're gonna make do one of a wrecked oil tanker!!! Wonder where I can get a static Helio Courior on floats to put on the deck....to say nothing of the banks of oars? Wrench Kevin Stein 2nd Decon of the Dez (wondering it there are actually destroyed textures in cat I can use...hmmmmmm)
  25. The Axis of Time trilogy

    Yep, got them all. Given my propensity for "Alternities", this one fit right right. Wait till you get the to 2nd book.. NO SPOLERS WILL BE REVEILED BY ME!!... But suffice it to say, some of my SWOTL 2 stuff makes appearences I didn't final book as good, for some reason I can't put my finger on, but they're ALL good reads, especially for us 'What If..' gamers In a way, they're like Turtledove's "WW2: Alien Invasion" series, minus the Lizards, of course. BTW, ginger, anyone??? Wrench kevin stein

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