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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. As there is no readily or freely available P-63 Kingcobra*, a judgement call has to be made to use the existing P-39 Airacobra in it's place. Mind you, this does present a few problems; differences in weapons loads being the most major. Using the 39D as a base, I've modified it into the 39Q, which was used by the AdA in The Med and Southern Europe. These carry underwing 50 cal gunpods, but only the single centerline hardpoint for bombs or drop tanks. (as the map is only 63%, while problematic, isn't too big of an issue) They started arriving in 1948-ish, as the Spitfires were wearing out. They remained in service until 1951, when replaced by newer aircraft shipped from the USA. Just about all units are repsented: GC II/6 "Normandie-Niemen" GC I/5 "Vendee" GC III/5 "Roussillon" GC II/5 "Ile de France" GC II/9 "Auvergne" GC I/9 "Limousin" ================== Shown below are GC II/6 (you can tell NN by the red/white/blue spinner, same as their Yaks) GC II/9 (on the runway) GC II/5 (Aircraft "I". You'll notice the famous sandbar in the Red River, and the Paul Doumer bridge over the left wing tip) * of course, if someone wants to build one .... I'm available to help with skinning and FMs...
  2. AdA only Keep your pant's on; you'll get to see the pictures!!
  3. Might want to add, do NOT install to the /ProgramFiles section. Do not install ANY 1stGen game to "usual place". That's a protected area of the HD (software wise), and you won't be able to to shit with modding inis or anything else. Same as in Win7 Do a custom install, by pointing the installer exe to the ROOT of the C drive (ie: C:/WingsOverEurope).
  4. I've never been a sports fan, but we lost a good man today.
  5. As the existing aircraft wore out or rotted (Mosquito), new aircraft were sent from France. In this case "almost" new Spitfire Mk.IXs. When the crated Spitfire Mk. IXs arrived from France, replacing the worn out ex-IJAAF & IJN aircraft they were assembled somewhat piecemeal. "C" fuselages were given "E" wings and vice versa, and both models served with the same squadrons. Since the game engine does not allow for mixed aircraft units, C & E winged Spits will all be seperate. Each of the units rotated through French Indochina, and those dates are listed on the texture set ini, and the displayed name, as below: Spit9C: GC II/7 "Nice" (<3/46) GC I/7 "Provence" (<3/46) GC II/2 "Cigones" <7/46 GC I/4 "Dauphine" (<6/47) GC I/6 "Corse" (<4/50-51) Spit 9E GC II/4 "La Fayette" (<6/47) GC II/3 "Champagne" (<12/48) ----------------------------------------------------- Aircraft shown below are: GC II/2 Cigones GC II/4 Lafayette Next Up: Airacobras
  6. Early days, AeroNavale (46-49-ish) Flotille 1 Seafire MkIII Flotille 3 SBD Dauntless Flotille 4 SBD Dauntless Flotille 8 PBY-5A Catalina More to come! Next, the Mk. IX Spits!
  7. Windows 10

    Nope. No can do. SF2 uses lods in Unicode. SF1/Wo* uses ANSI coded lods. 1stGens can't see those lods. (converserly, SF2 sees both. Which is why NextGens are better)
  8. I'd go with the grayer one (just personal preference)
  9. are those 302s Crapuns or new ones??
  10. Did you toss a coin to your Witcher??? Just curious
  11. You're welcome. If every in doubt about "is this plane player flyable or AI only", check the aircraft selection drop down on the single mission menu. Saves shitloads of time
  12. did it (the game engine) rewrite them back to AI only?? was the SPAD written into the campaign to start with??
  13. you mean the struts, or the doors? Doors aren't that hard. Never done struts, but it shouldn't be much different
  14. I think it's all pretty much been already done. Might want to start browsing the download sections. And remember, the game isn't designed for player flyable bombers -- all sorts of "issues" crop up. So, be advised
  15. ain't Mue's Lod Viewer a great tool???
  16. oh man, that is seriously fucked up. I take it you had no backups??
  17. as the 1st and 2nd gen games all use the same folder structure, I'd think they all go in the /Menu folder. Although, oddlly, in SF1/Sf2, the "loading screen" (main loading screen, not for individual aircraft) goes in the /Flight folder!
  18. well, there is a thread here by Shousa, about using a tablet. Look for "SimDashboard", i think that's it.
  19. Jarek, I never even noticed you skin mods (until I went looking for them yesturday). I must say, they're REALLY good!!! Wish I'd known (ok, remembered) them when I was doing the Vigi pak! I"d have used them!!
  20. Yes, there is NO question a joystick is required. Take it as gospel from those of us that have been flying it since the original came out in 2003.
  21. RA-5C's don't carry any weapons. So, it wouldn't be using a 'fake pilot' for anything. (I take it you not using the most recently uploaded Recce Vigi??)
  22. Yes, Sokol, you can call the DAT by their name. Incurs no penalties (LOL!) Sorry, that wasn't me! Unbelieveably, I've never built a campaign. I'm like Weyland-Yutani, I just build worlds.
  23. There's a British Mk.XII and an American Mk.13, both are set as cruise missiles. Aircraft data inis need the added statements for "torpedo" attacks (read: cruise missile). Check the Coastal Command Beaufighter for examples
  24. they're scattered with EACH of the sub-sections of the Downloads. So, you'll be looking all over, but in specific areas (Aircraft, Skins, Ground Objects , etc)

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