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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. IT seem the Wiki has dropped beyond it's own event horizon, and is no longer part of our physical universe. (ie: it's vanished!!) USAFMTL has created a new thread here in the Knowledge Base, and I (and hopefully others) will beginto rebuild the database here. I belive we'll start with the Fishbeds, as they seem the most popular. Wrench Kevin Stein
  2. Well, hell.... Looks like we'll need to start the "Weapons Pak Loadouts and Data Ini Updates" thread in the KB. Time to start the massive copy/paste work (damn, and I got applictions to fill out for jobs too!!) Dave, start the thread and we'll get startd on it. Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. Did you change ALL the years in ALL the sections??? (not just the single mission - coop, dogfight, whatever) I've got mine set (for jet WoE from 1945 to 2050, with no problems. EDIT: I didn't catch this first time around. Didn't TK say there were issues with running in Vista??? Bet that's the kicker! Wrench Kevin Stein
  4. And the Weapons Wiki's down too. Rob didn't shut them down, did he?? (would he??) And I was just updating more birds late last week... Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. How hard can it be??? take an existing model (ie GBU24 as it has pretty much the right shap and size ie: like those used against the SCUD launchers at the mountain fortress) edit the weapon's data using an exiting rocket propelled GBU (AGM-130 comes to mind) to match rename said item to "AGM-149 Blue Parrot" (oh, wait, that was other bar in Casablanca). The only problem I see is making sure the size is correct for the bays. 24's might be too long. btw, anybody notice in the movie, when launched agains the scuds, and the camera follows along the bomb, the nose vanes were moving to steer it??? (watched it yesturday- again!!!) the implosion bomb "probably" cannot be created, unless someone can tweek a Durandal maybe?? And to what purpose? Most of the weapons we have already more than do the job. I'll spend a few hours on this, and see what develops Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. Did you check the OUT file? It describes all the mesh names Some guesswork, however, is still needed (ie: trial and error!) Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. I want that bird skinned like Hawk Hunters, "The Wingman"!!!!!!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. I know they're not perfect, but there are a some tweeked Skyhawk pits for 17/17PF-PFU/19 and Su-9s both here at CA and at my site. What I don't remember is, if I tweeked to pilot positions to get them more in line with the physical model. Guess I'll have to check and see. I do remember is that they use the RP-22 style radar bmp from the PFU. If you all want them, I'll check the pilot positon, and update the ones here at CA. Again, while not perfect, they are quite a workable alternative. Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. Look Who's 35 Today....USAFMTL

    Fraking children!!! I can remember when I turned 35....I think.... Happy Birthday Dave!!! Wrench Kevin Stein (who in less than 2 weeks turns 50)
  10. Use larger/multi purpose decals. (ie: like I did on the RAF mustangs, right and left side, with squadron letters/roundel/aircraft letter. like: GA o A as one) In that case, you need to make one for each side (r & l), and have them set to level=2 For a Navy/MC bird for example, you'd have the squadron tail code and aircraft number as one. Something like: YZ 1234 Also, it seem lately that only 2 per mesh seem to work. Now, mind you, this seem to be the WW2 birds in WoE. I do think something has changed since the last patch Of course, in some cases in just easier to paint them directly on the skin involved. Expecially works well with the loviz types. ot: hey Dave! how you doing?? Everything ok? I know all about surgeries...have been sliced open twice in the last few years (groin hernia and naval hernia). take it easy, and get healed soon! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. Been there, done that. Well, at least for Fighters Anthology..... That's the thing I really miss in the SF series...a good, built in mission editor ala FA. And a way to write individual mission briefings, that each carries the storyline along. sigh....those were the days Warbirds, Force of Eagles, Firebreak (started and never finished Dark Wing) Flight of the Old Dog the first 6 Wingman novels..... the great heydays of mission buildings..... Wrench Kevin Stein
  12. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4371 File Name: RAF Mustang III (MH) skin & ini mods File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 Mar 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters File Version: No Information Website: No Information This is a modifcation of Wolf257's P-51C Mustang into the Mk.III version, as used the RAF in the ETO This is the model with the "Malcom Hood". This is a semi complete aircraft mod, creating a country specific version for use in your World War 2: ETO installs ONLY!! It represents aircraft from 315 Polish Squadron "City of Deblin" of circa 1944/45 (pre-invasion striped, or post invasion striped). IMPORTANT -- This mod does =NOT= include the aircraft's LOD file (the actual physical model) or the cockpit folder!! New, modified inis, decal tgas (including my new damage tga), skin bmps, etc are included making this almost a full aircraft add on. The cockpit folder itself is NOT included, but a modified cockpit ini (for the new gunsight tga) is. You will need to have the WW2 Plane Pak to make use of existing files that are needed for this aircraft's installation. Included, for your enjoyment, are brand new, never before released RAF Mustang III hangar and loading screens - only available in this mod!! Please see the 'readme' enclosed for full, detailed instructions! I'd like to thank him personally, for making his wonderful WW2 aircraft available, for letting us mod them to our hearts content. Good Hunting and Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  13. Version


    This is a modifcation of Wolf257's P-51C Mustang into the Mk.III version, as used the RAF in the ETO This is the model with the "Malcom Hood". This is a semi complete aircraft mod, creating a country specific version for use in your World War 2: ETO installs ONLY!! It represents aircraft from 315 Polish Squadron "City of Deblin" of circa 1944/45 (pre-invasion striped, or post invasion striped). IMPORTANT -- This mod does =NOT= include the aircraft's LOD file (the actual physical model) or the cockpit folder!! New, modified inis, decal tgas (including my new damage tga), skin bmps, etc are included making this almost a full aircraft add on. The cockpit folder itself is NOT included, but a modified cockpit ini (for the new gunsight tga) is. You will need to have the WW2 Plane Pak to make use of existing files that are needed for this aircraft's installation. Included, for your enjoyment, are brand new, never before released RAF Mustang III hangar and loading screens - only available in this mod!! Please see the 'readme' enclosed for full, detailed instructions! I'd like to thank him personally, for making his wonderful WW2 aircraft available, for letting us mod them to our hearts content. Good Hunting and Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  14. Seeing the little byplay about the DS terrain, got me to thinking and fiddling with it. Adding target areas in no real big deal (by use the HUD debug and QMD). It's a simple copy/paste job. So... I've got about 5-8 new target areas (by using the old standards of the Factory Center and Vehicle depot), Polak's Oil Field as seen at simhq -- which looks really cool outside Kuwait City. Still have a few HQ centers to add; both from the Factory center and one that someone put together a long time ago. Added about 10 truck routes, 2 shipping routes (they may have the 'ship that sails over land and sea...might have to add another port or 3) Now, my basic questions are: Dogfight ini -- there aint one. How are the corrdinates figured? ie, do they center over airbases?, with the x/y like truck routes? movement ini -- building a new one, but don't understand the routing for GROUND_ATTACK. Truck and ship routes aint' nothing to do. Is the GA set simililary, and is this used for CAS missions?? and what does this all mean: I'm assuming the "FrontLine" creates the red line on the map, showing the border between the Good Guys and Evil Minions? Using this one above, kinda creates an inverted V shape, so I'm thinking of adding other coords that represent other target locations, ie Kuwait City at the eastern end and however far west I can find or place something (maybe a depot or Coalation listening post) just to anchor the western edge. so.. do they have to be airfields, or will any target center do? When this gets figured out, maybe add this to the knowledge base! I'll post some screenies tommorrow with some of the 'rebuilt' target areas and such like. TIA! Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. No difference, still uses the A-4B pit. (open the Mig-15bis.ini, and you'll see the pointer "CockpitDataFile=A-4B_Cockpit.ini") So, unless Fubar wants to cut loose with the modded Fitter pit... (or, at least tell us what's needed to tweek it :) ) Wrench Kevin Stein
  16. Not "might", WILL overwrite. You need seperate installs for YAP and NF; otherwise problems will ensue. While not truly incompatable, they are designed (especially NATO Fighters), as stand alone units. (the NF readme states this pretty clearly) So,you need : 1) install of WoV for Yap and 2) install of WoE for NF. {can't say about merged installs, as when I 1st installed WoE, for some reason it never asked me. Let me tell you, it was mind-bogglingly difficult to copy/paste the VietnamSEA terrain folder into WoE! } I've got something between 9-12 installs for all the games (SF,WoE,WoV and FE). Modded, unmodded, test installs (for weapons tweeking), theatre and era specific, etc IT's the only way to fly!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  17. Have Toko Ri on both VHS & DVD. You'll find a 'Brubaker' and 'Cag Lee' pilot figures on my site, as well. Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. UFS (Unknow Flight Sim)

    EAW maybe??? Or CFS 1?? Never knew anybody'd made the bird. Interesting to see Wrench Kevin Stein
  19. It's probably using all the old name and attachment types. Go here F9F-5 Page at the Weapons Wiki for updated data and loadout ini information. A few quick tweeks, and you're off bombing Commies Wrench Kevin Stein
  20. And absolutely positively, MUST have the WW2 nations ini in the flight folder!!!!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. There are no drop tanks for the Panthers -- they're part of the wing structure (the tip tanks), and are not jettisonable. Are you saying you can't load ANY weapons? (it only carries bombs and HVARs) The -5P is a recce bird, and carries NO weapons. Wrench kevin stein
  22. In the SF d/ls section, you'll find MK2's repaints of the Skyhawk pit for use with the Migs (etc). There's a green and a black dashboard version. The only problem with that is, it uses the stock A-4B cockpit ini, which puts the pilot in the wrong place. What I've done (kinda experimenting with upgrading them a little) is the following: 1) Extract the A-4B_cockpit.ini 2) Place in (this case,) the MiG-15s folder. 3) Rename to "Mig15_cockpit.ini" 4) Make sure the pointer in the MiG-15bis.ini points to your new cockpit ini (ie:CockpitDataFile=Mig15_cockpit.ini) 5) Adjust pilot position as follows: (you may wish to copy/paste the following date OVER the existing lines in your new cockpit ini) you'll notice it's been move more towards the center, based on pilot position in the data ini. Also, I've turned the light one earlier (NightLightOn= line -- thats a Moonjumper fix, btw). That should get you pretty close to the actual physical position you see on the outside view. Feel free to tweek/adjust/fine tune the pilot position you your liking. I also have a new soviet gunsight for it too, and if anyone is interested, I'll upload it. That way, you ain't stuck using the USN Mk.8. Wrench Kevin Stein
  23. Like NE says above, you'll probably want at LEAST 3 installs. PTO ETO MTO You could even take it further, provided you have the hard drive space, and sub-divide the theatres (ie: PTO, CBI) And of course, you'll want that way out in left field install for SWOTL2: WW2 1946 Euro (or even a PTO version ....) There's an Eastern Front map in the works too, if I remembers correctly! Wrench Kevin Stein
  24. Whoops! my fault. I never actually put the link and pictures up on my site, just a link to them in the "Talon Alpha ready for download" thread around here somewhere. Here's a direct link: Talon Pilots there's a male and female, so you gets your choice. Wrench Kevin Stein
  25. I couldn't match the flesh tones properly, expecially the bikini lines, so I gave up on the nude I almost went crosseyed and blind staring a literlery HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of nude women, and couldn't what I wanted. Sad, but true. Wrench Kevin Stein ps: the skins are at my site.

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