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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Here's the exact quote from the read me, basicly restating the first sentence: I DO have the number of a good therapist at hand, and I'll probably be giving them a call come Monday. Dave, you're just jealous, cause I put your F-111K out of business!!! (which I actualy like -- better than the Tornado!) A few more tweeks, and then....Cry Havoc...and let slip the crazed eagles of whatever...!!!! "Frances" Wrench Kevin Stein
  2. File Name: "What If" WGAF A-4E Skyhawk File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 8 Mar 2007 File Updated: 11 Sep 2007 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's West German Luftwaffe A-4E Skyhawk for SF, WoV & WoE: This is a mod the stock 3rd Wire A-4E Skyhawk joining the ranks of "What If..." they had been purchased by the West German Air Force, to replace their Fiat G-91s while awaiting the arrival of the Tornado IDS, in the light to medium attack/strike role. (due to 'unforseen delays' in the Toros) I feel an aircraft like the Scooter is almost perfect for the European environment: light, fast, manuverable, good weapons fits, easy to fly and maintain, survivable, etc. Did I mention it was fun to fly??? This is a full aircraft mod tested in SF, WoV, and totally designed for WoE. This aircraft is designed with the latest Weapons Pak in mind, and has had it's loadouts adjusted accordingly. I also 'split' the hardpoints, to allow for asymetrical loads on the outboard pylons. It uses the stock A-4F cockpit (supplied via the cat file! - saves on space in the d/load) I've also repainted the stock gunsight tga, by making in a brighter yellow. Makes it easier to see for us old folks ;) Also, it is reccomened that you grab 'Range Counter Fix' for the Skyhawks. . There's also a real nice 'photoreal' cockpit upgrade for F model Scooters. Both are available here at CombatAce ... I reccomend them! This is version 2 of this mod, as there were some issues I need to fix, and had relased the other before total completion. If you d/led the original, I suggest deleting it and getting this upgraded version. Sorry for the inconvience Skin created using stock 3rd Wire templates. Camo pattern by Gramps; modified for European-style colors (thanks Richard!!) Good Hunting & Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  3. Ok, folks, as seen the the 'Flaming Talon' thread, the pilots are now ready. They're only available at my site, so heres a direct link: Talon PIlots Hope you like 'em! Wrench Kevin Stein
  4. Version


    West German Luftwaffe A-4E Skyhawk for SF, WoV & WoE: This is a mod the stock 3rd Wire A-4E Skyhawk joining the ranks of "What If..." they had been purchased by the West German Air Force, to replace their Fiat G-91s while awaiting the arrival of the Tornado IDS, in the light to medium attack/strike role. (due to 'unforseen delays' in the Toros) I feel an aircraft like the Scooter is almost perfect for the European environment: light, fast, manuverable, good weapons fits, easy to fly and maintain, survivable, etc. Did I mention it was fun to fly??? This is a full aircraft mod tested in SF, WoV, and totally designed for WoE. This aircraft is designed with the latest Weapons Pak in mind, and has had it's loadouts adjusted accordingly. I also 'split' the hardpoints, to allow for asymetrical loads on the outboard pylons. It uses the stock A-4F cockpit (supplied via the cat file! - saves on space in the d/load) I've also repainted the stock gunsight tga, by making in a brighter yellow. Makes it easier to see for us old folks ;) Also, it is reccomened that you grab 'Range Counter Fix' for the Skyhawks. . There's also a real nice 'photoreal' cockpit upgrade for F model Scooters. Both are available here at CombatAce ... I reccomend them! This is version 2 of this mod, as there were some issues I need to fix, and had relased the other before total completion. If you d/led the original, I suggest deleting it and getting this upgraded version. Sorry for the inconvience Skin created using stock 3rd Wire templates. Camo pattern by Gramps; modified for European-style colors (thanks Richard!!) Good Hunting & Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. Ok, as requested here's a male pilot: Bonus points to name the person (and no, it ain't me) How's this one look to ya, Zur?? Probably release both the male and female, if no one has any objections????? Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. Hell, you WON didn't you???? I'll see what I can come up with... Sag's pic shows exactly what I was trying for; ah....let me rephrase that... the harness type/color I was trying for, anyway. Come to think of it, look at pic 4...is that chest sticking out a little? or am I just giving in to my longings...... Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. To fix your Red Air birds follow this link... The World Famous Weapons Wiki In the Aircraft Data section, instructions on how to fix those commies Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. Ok, so I lied... Results of a couple hours work: 1st iteration, basic helmet/face/suit,etc More color adjustments and such, a hour or so later.... got the suit in the 'almost' right gray. The only major problem is that the harness straps (in the movie) are black. I desaturated the torso harness layer, and it's closer. But I think it's pretty good as is. Might want to draw some more widgets and do-dads on the helmet. (why don't cable play it when I need it!!!???!!!) The face is right off that picture above, so that answers somebody's question from a while back about adding photos to your pilot's face Other than the gee-gaws for the helmet, this lady is ready to fly. (of course, if you want a mans face....and there don't seem to be any boobs here) Whatya think Zur, or anyone? Want it? Wrench Kevin Stein ps: now I know why Diego said the psd for his HGU pilots ran to 70 megs!! This one's over 3, and not near as detailed!
  9. All 3 of the AmericaNorthWest (summer, winter, spring), the new full scale Korea, even the older Iran/Irag has some pretty good mountain areas Wrench Kevin Stein note to self: finish adding factory place and truck depot to ANWs
  10. Adding that type of helmet to an existing skin might not be too difficult... the only problem I see is that the late style sage green flight suit 'skin' used on the pilot figure is no longer available. We'd have to create a totally new skin; editing the existing lods in not a problem (I've always used the 3rdW originals), as long as the bmp name stays within the standard naming convention; ie 7 charachters max. I'll add this to my 'gotta look at this' projects..... Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. Just has the rotodome tacked on. (real cheesy spot-welds) My installs are all modded, excepting the 'stock' one - with no addons, so I don't remember if the roto has been added to the current weapons pak. (of course, I could always d/l it again, and look for it!) In a pinch, I'm sure I can email the folks over at C6 and ask permission to use/release it. As to the other question, yes, I'm planning at some point to release all of them, once certain load problems are fixed, and I finish off skins and decals. Not anytime soon though, but at some point down the road. The Viking is the worst...damn Brit bombs most definately don't fit! And I probably won't give it PGM capabilities, like the 49H. (16 AGM-65s for CAS!!! Take that commie tanks! -- I've definately read too much Dale Brown!) Wrench Kevin STein
  12. Oh, forgot this little tweek too, putting the anti-collision light on the top of the hump: Add this to [Fuselage] section of data.ini: Where *** is the next number in sequence SystemName[***]=TopRedHumpLight Add this to bottom of data.ini, in the "Lights" section: [TopRedHumpLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=0.00,1.43,1.18 LightSrcOffset=0.00,0.00,0.0 Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=0.3 CanFlash=TRUE FlashTime=0.6 **Note, this light adjustment may also work on the A-4E(L), and A-4H 'Ahit' Might as well light the sucker up at night, eh??? Wrench Kevin Stein ps: wiki updated
  13. Been fiddling with the 3rdW Hunter for a What If skin project... I gotta say, the templates are pretty bad. Probably the best thing to do is size them up one step, and redraw all the panel and rivet lines. That would at least give them a little more detail/defination Wrench Kevin Stein
  14. Yes and no on the wepak conflict. The original humps are set as gunpods, hence the mounting the SUU23. I'd thought this was fixed in the 7/06 pak...oh well, here's the fixes, as edited by me almost 2 years ago: A-4E hump mod: Open up your weaponsdata ini, and copy/paste the infor below directly OVER the existing data, leaving the number section (top line) alone: TypeName=A4E FullName=ALQ-100 RHAW/AVI HUMP ModelName=A4E Mass=100.000000 Diameter=2.000000 Length=4.000000 AttachmentType=NATO NationName=USN StartYear=1965 EndYear=1975 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=8 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=0 JammerStrength=1.000000 for the A-4L: copy/paste this directly OVER the existing data, leaving the numbered section alone: TypeName=A4L FullName=ALQ-100 RHAW ModelName=A4L Mass=100.000000 Diameter=2.000000 Length=4.000000 AttachmentType=NATO NationName=USN StartYear=1969 EndYear=1975 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=8 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=0 JammerStrength=1.000000 save and close. Using the LATEST version of the weapons editor, open the weaponsdata ini, scroll down until you find the A4L and A4E entries, double click on each one at at time . This will open the data sections -- DO NOTHING ELSE - but click "SAVE" for one. Save and close the editor. What this does, is change the humps from a gunpod to a Jammer pod with the strength of 1. Now, on to the data inis.... In the A-4EL, open it's data ini and scroll down to the weapons hum callout in the //Weapons section: Copy/Paste this directly OVER the existing data: [AvionicsHump] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,3.82,1.82 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2350.0 AllowedWeaponClass=A4E,EP AttachmentType=NATO ModelNodeName=A4E PylonMass=0.0 PylonDragArea=0.01 LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= save and close For the A-4L: same instructions, [AvionicsHump] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,3.82,1.82 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2350.0 AllowedWeaponClass=EP AttachmentType=NATO ModelNodeName=A4L PylonMass=0.0 PylonDragArea=0.01 LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= save and close. Your loadout ini should look like these examples: [Attack] Loadout[01].WeaponType=A4L Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=LAU-10A Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=LAU-10A Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Tank300_A4a Loadout[04].Quantity=1 A-4EL: Loadout[01].WeaponType=A4E Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType= Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType= Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Tank300_A4a Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=Tank300_A4a Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=Mk82SE Loadout[06].RackType=MER Loadout[06].Quantity=6 Station 1 should always be the callout for the hump. Congratulations! You've successfully updated your Scooters :) I'd thought these were already at the weapons wiki...but it looks like I only posted the Argie Skyhawks. Better get this one up there as well as the IDF A-4H too. Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. What? Like these, you mean??..... B-49D SEA camo circa 1969 B-49H, late gray, circa 1985 EC-49 AWAC, circa 1970 the 4th V bomber: RAF Viking There are some major problems in bringing them into 'modern' times, mostly weapons fit. The bays are too small for the Mk 80 series; easily fixed by increasing max dia & max length (done). CM & ECM fits no problem - done. PGMs are problmatic (see size limits), but a work around is, again, easily implimented. External loads could be added, but there's not pylons onthe physical model. All easily fixable, just need some 'dialing in'. Someday I'll finsh them off..... Guns have all been upgraded to 20mm; even the AWAC retains 2 operable turrets (not that they'd do any good against modern missile carrying interceptors...) Wrench Kevin Stein
  16. 300 The Movie

    I REALLY want to see this one... I have the original "300 Spartans" with Richard Egan on DVD, and that's good too. I like the idea of them making this one more 'mythical' Wrench Kevin Stein
  17. File Name: 112 Squadron Tomahawk Mk.1 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 4 Mar 2007 File Category: P-40 Curtiss-Wright Tomahawk, #112 Squadron, RAF, Western Desert, circa 1941 For SF, WoV & WoE MTO installs What we have here is a skin representing RAF 112 Squadron as seen in Libya & Egypt during mid-late 1941. The serial numbers are actual numbers assigned by the RAF to their Tomahawks, some of which were (hopefully) assigned to 112's actual aircraft. ;) This is an update/upgrade to the original I released last year. This version is weathered, has rivets, staining, and a few other goodies, including new Squadron call letters and aircraft ID letters, in what I hope is the correct font. I claim no historical or mechanical accuracy as to the rivet placement; I'd originally started the project as an experiment to learn HOW to make rivets, and it sort of took off on it's own (pardon the pun) Also included is a new ring-and-bead gunsight (made by ME!!), and a modified cockpit ini to use. Full install instructions are in the readme. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  18. 112 Squadron Tomahawk Mk.1



    Curtiss-Wright Tomahawk, #112 Squadron, RAF, Western Desert, circa 1941 For SF, WoV & WoE MTO installs What we have here is a skin representing RAF 112 Squadron as seen in Libya & Egypt during mid-late 1941. The serial numbers are actual numbers assigned by the RAF to their Tomahawks, some of which were (hopefully) assigned to 112's actual aircraft. ;) This is an update/upgrade to the original I released last year. This version is weathered, has rivets, staining, and a few other goodies, including new Squadron call letters and aircraft ID letters, in what I hope is the correct font. I claim no historical or mechanical accuracy as to the rivet placement; I'd originally started the project as an experiment to learn HOW to make rivets, and it sort of took off on it's own (pardon the pun) Also included is a new ring-and-bead gunsight (made by ME!!), and a modified cockpit ini to use. Full install instructions are in the readme. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  19. That's probably the canyons around Toko-Ri. Lot's of mountains and deep valley's there (expecially on the new Korea map) Wrench Kevin Stein
  20. New Sims for old

    I don't have any problem with the Tigers, Blintez or any of the Shermans. (other than, like you, having to redo all the inis caused by Patch3) What's your folder structure look like? example: GroundObjects/TigerII/all the inis, bmps and etc (remember, the ini must match the folder name ie: TigerII.ini) also, double check the nations in the data ini. The German stuff should say (this from the Tiger II) [MissionData] NationName=Nazi Germany <-- this here line ServiceStartYear=1942 ServiceEndYear=1945 GroundObjectRole=TANK of course the main ini, like this (note: I've labeld both Blintz truck to differentiate them) [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=Blitz Truck (Canvas Covered) ObjectDataFile=BlitzCanvas_DATA.INI [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=Blitz Truck (Open) ObjectDataFile=BlitzOpen_data.ini The Shermans may say "USARMY", change that to USAF (never did find a listing for USARMY, you could also use USMC) And don't forget to have the WW2 Nations.ini in the Flight folder There was a lod problem on the original release of the Blintz truck, but Geo fixed that a long while back. You'll also probably want at least 3 WW2 installs: ETO (with EAW2 map, BoB map) PTO (there's like 5 + maps) MTO (well, one cheap modern Lybia conversion by me -- Western Desert and Tunsia/Med still in works) "Is it worth the trouble" you ask --- you answered your own question -- DAMN RIGHT IT IS!!! If you need any more help, gimme a shout. Hope that helps! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: yes, you can just delete all the modern jet folders...it won't effect the game in any way, shape or form pps: you'll also find boatloads of WW2 stuff for the SF/WoV/WoE series here and at my site
  21. Don't forget to add the Laserdesinator "SystemName=" to the aircraft, probably in the [Nose] section of the data ini ie: SystemName{***}=LaserDesignator (where the *** are the next number in sequence) Worked perfect on the F19, Mud Hen, Mig27D, etc. Wrench Kevin Stein
  22. File Name: WW2 Axis Red Range mod File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 20 Feb 2007 File Updated: 4 Mar 2008 File Category: Terrains File Version: No Information Website: No Information WW2 Axis Bombing Red Range for SF, WoV & WoE This is a modification of several inis, and adding objects to give The Red Range a World War 2 flavor, for the Axis Powers. This modificaton has been thoughly tested in SF and WoE, but not WoV. You shouldn't have any problems though, by making sure you 'cat file' pointer is pointed to the correct terrain cat. (see the Knowledge Base here at CA, or the newest Range readmes) Many of these WW2 items have been borrowed from other maps, most specificlly Edwards superb PTO and EuroWW2. Others were scattered about, like the train station and factory place. I'd like to express thanks to the Map Builders for their tireless work, hope I mentioned everyone!!! You'll need the original Red Range installed to make this mod to, as the terrain iteself is not changed. This is an object and ini mod, not a full terrain. You'll also have a NEW movements ini; now you can perform Armed Recon missions. PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions as to how to install. Although this mod can be used in any install, it is designed with WW2 =ONLY= in mind. Most of these mods, however, can easily be added to any other Range terrain (specifically, the movements ini and the new target areas). = NOTE: one of the 3 new objects is a Nazi flag. If you live in a country where it is illeagle to show the swastika, you can change the pointer in the targets.ini to remove or switch flags. To this end, I've provided an alternative flag. It has already been added to the types ini, so all you need to change is the targets pointer, see full instructions in the readme. Now, no excuses... get out there and practice!! With thanks to Deuces for creating the Range and Red Range, and to Major Lee for pointing the way for the flags. and all the other terrain and object builders! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  23. How right, listing the files needed to back. That's superb customer care!!! Wonder if it fixes the problem with add on terrains? (desert, suez, whatever) Better backup my targets and types inis...don't wan to loose the German Secret Sound Project :) Wrench Kevin Stein
  24. That's done in case you don't already have the 'newer' files loaded in. Once you've added them, you don't need to again, unless something new is added, and that'll be stated in the read me. Wrench Kevin Stein
  25. WW2 Axis Red Range mod



    WW2 Axis Bombing Red Range for SF, WoV & WoE This is a modification of several inis, and adding objects to give The Red Range a World War 2 flavor, for the Axis Powers. This modificaton has been thoughly tested in SF and WoE, but not WoV. You shouldn't have any problems though, by making sure you 'cat file' pointer is pointed to the correct terrain cat. (see the Knowledge Base here at CA, or the newest Range readmes) Many of these WW2 items have been borrowed from other maps, most specificlly Edwards superb PTO and EuroWW2. Others were scattered about, like the train station and factory place. I'd like to express thanks to the Map Builders for their tireless work, hope I mentioned everyone!!! You'll need the original Red Range installed to make this mod to, as the terrain iteself is not changed. This is an object and ini mod, not a full terrain. You'll also have a NEW movements ini; now you can perform Armed Recon missions. PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions as to how to install. Although this mod can be used in any install, it is designed with WW2 =ONLY= in mind. Most of these mods, however, can easily be added to any other Range terrain (specifically, the movements ini and the new target areas). = NOTE: one of the 3 new objects is a Nazi flag. If you live in a country where it is illeagle to show the swastika, you can change the pointer in the targets.ini to remove or switch flags. To this end, I've provided an alternative flag. It has already been added to the types ini, so all you need to change is the targets pointer, see full instructions in the readme. Now, no excuses... get out there and practice!! With thanks to Deuces for creating the Range and Red Range, and to Major Lee for pointing the way for the flags. and all the other terrain and object builders! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein

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