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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. That Peashooter skin looks awfully familiar! This must be the one at Chino, cause it' got a modern pilot!!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. Version


    Fictional Mod of Pasko's Mosi FB6 into those used by 633 Squadron. Includes his original skin, redecaled. You will be transfering files from your original FB6, so read the readme -- full, detailed instructions are included, as is a special Hangar Screen
  3. IAF 56 Suez Crisis Mustang



    Skin for Wolf's P-51D. Represents IAF Mustang during the Suez War of 1956. Inculudes decal inis for striped and non-striped versions.
  4. Late RAF Camo Boston III



    Generic late came scheme for RAF Boston IIIs. Represents a fictional squadron (those with sharpe eyes will recognize 633 Squadron's call letters)
  5. 107 Squadron Boston III



    Represents Boston IIIs from 107 Squadron circa December 1942.

    Sosueme??? Isn't that the Kosher sushi bar at Fairfax and Wilshire here in LA??? Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. When Modders go Mad

    What's the Great A'Tuin doing with all that armament, and what's holding up the Discworld???? Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. Yup. Modded from the orignal O-1 supplied by TK, with a OD skin that came from somewhere I can't/don't remember, with weapons by Capun, cockpit by Wolf -from his P-39-, ini edits by me, and an MUCH better version of the OD skin with decals by Pappychksix. (skin is available here at CA...use that one instead of mine...it's really much nicer! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. All adjusted for...the kit has a new loadout ini with that listed. Also, double check spelling of the "ModelName=" for the correct lod's name. They must match exactly (like everything else in an ini) Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. Both lods are in the zip...basically cause I couldn't remembe which one worked and which didn't That's good info, thanks Lex!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. There's a fix for that on my site...did it almost 2 years ago. check on the "new airplanes page" that has the cockpit repaints. There's one for the 17PFU, that includes an updated weapons entry tht turns the radar nose into a jammer pod (with strength of 0), and includes a repainted A-4E cockpit (and if I remember, uses the Izumrud radar tga), audio RWR, and some other fixes. Full detailed instructions are there. But just in case, here's the weaponsdata entry for the modified/updated radar nose. You'll have to change the AllowedWeaponsType= to "EP" for the 'jammer nose' [WeaponData***] TypeName=17PFU FullName=RP-1 Izumrud Radar ModelName=17PFU Mass=150.000000 Diameter=0.500000 Length=1.000000 AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET,CHINA NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1955 EndYear=1970 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=20 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1957 ExportAvailability=1 WeaponDataType=4 JammerType=1 JammerStrength=0.000000 I remember that some time ago, Bunyap was working on updating all the radar noses, dorsal humps and other 'addons' for the Skyhawks (A-4EL, A-4P/Q, Kahu, etc), using the data I gave him. I have a lot of those that I did already done, but they've never been posted. Cause some ain't quite finished. But to get started, grab the update from my site (use the link below in my sig). I also seem to remember posting a lot of these here at CA; possibly in the 'SF Cockpits' section. Wrench Kevin Stein
  12. same here...since yesturday 6pm PST. Or is Dave messing around with the nukes again??? Wrench Kevin STein
  13. P-86 for SF:SWOTL2



    Modification of Zur's excellent F-86 into a P-86A for use in SF:SWOTL2. This is a full aircraft, with everything needed. Full, detailed instructions in the read me. With thanks to Zur & DanW for approving this release!
  14. Do I have a hangar screen for Sled??? Of course!!! You can find it, and a loading screen on this page: Post WW2: Korean War & 1950s Era Unfortunately, I don't have any "unmasked" pilot figures. But there's a boat load of others to choose from, some by me and many by pappychksix (Pete), and a few others thrown in just to confuse things Wrench kevin stein
  15. They been up there forver!! Glad someone found them again. Wrench Kevin Stein
  16. VMF-58 F4U Corsair pak



    Mod of F4U-1D into a fictional "What If..." for VMF-58 'Wildcards'. This is a complete aircraft; the skin is easily transferred to the F4U-4 for use there. Includes individual pilot names for all aircraft (30) PLEASE read reame for install info and 'Production Notes'
  17. 509th CBW B-29 skin



    New skin for MontyCZ's B-29 Superfortress. Represents the 509th Composite Bomb Wing as they arrived on Tinian for the Atomic Bomb Mission at the end of the war. See readme for historical/laziness notes
  18. J8M1 Shusui mod



    Mod of Pasko's original Me-163 Komet into the IJN's J8M Shusui rocket interceptor. Another of the "What If..." series. PLEASE read the readme for detailed installtion instructions Contains skin, new insturment panel in Japanese, and a this-mod-only hangar screen
  19. 325th FG P-47D-20 skin



    For Wolf257s P-47D-20 Thunderbolt Represents the MTO 325th FG Razorback Jugs 1943ish, after trading in their P-40s and before the squadron had repainted the checkerboard tails.
  20. 498th BG B-29 WW2 Skin pak



    Features historical and semi-historical nose art, accurate serial and tail codes. Includes modifified dataini, converting guns to proper 50 cals. See readme for more info and instructions
  21. P-80 for WW2:'46



    Mod to Pasko's ShootingStar for your SF/WoV WW2 Euro installs. Contains skins for 2 squadrons, 336th and 487th; files will need transfering from your original F-80 Korea install -- full instructions in the read me!! SO READ IT!! Surprise nose art, too!
  22. Version


    Modification of AD Skyraider to "What If..." Royal Navy service. Contains all files needed; 2 new skins - all new decals, NEW Hangar Screen - only available HERE!. Full instructions and 'historical' notes in read me!
  23. RAF Sabre Mk4



    Original Sabre by Zur, re-decaled and ini tweeks by me. Changes Canadair Sabre into RAF version, with RAF style loadouts All needed files are in the zip; plus a README!
  24. VA-72 A-4B Skyhawk



    Represents A4D-1/A-4A Skyhawks of VA-72 Bluehawks, first squadron to recieve them. Historical/general notes in readme
  25. Tiger Moth Upgrade



    Adding a little 'bite' to this fun-to-fly little bird. Gets a Lewis Gun, and to wing stations for light bombs. Full instructions in the readme ...

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