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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. all the "stands" use the same effect, the stock smoke stack effect. There's no reason why it can't be "duplicated" and edited to use a different smoke tga. Like the marker rockets and such. I'm not that much of an effect guy, but you should be able to assign that effect in the ini (and thanks for noticing it smokes! It's destroyed effect is an ammo dump explosion. just imagine if you'd eaten the food there!!!) We also have the varying height smoke stakes; in the terrain's types ini, you just assign the effect to the object. With those, you have to get the height and center point (mind you, I did all these LONG before Mue's lod view was even a dream) examples: //50 meter height// [TargetType197] Name=Smokestack1 FullName=Smokestack ModelName=smoke_stack_50.lod TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=0 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=40.0 ArmorValue=300000.0 ArmorType=1 RepairRate=0.050 StartDetectChance=20 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=10000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=LargeShortStructureCollapse DestroyedModel=smoke_stack_dest.lod SecondaryChance=100 SecondaryEffect=SmallExplosionEffect Effect=SmokeStackEffect EffectOffset=0.0,0.00,50.25 //72 meter height// [TargetType198] Name=Smokestack2 FullName=Tall Smokestack ModelName=smoke_stack_72.lod TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=0 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=40.0 ArmorValue=300000.0 ArmorType=1 RepairRate=0.050 StartDetectChance=20 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=10000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=LargeShortStructureCollapse DestroyedModel=smoke_stack_dest.lod SecondaryChance=100 SecondaryEffect=SmallExplosionEffect Effect=SmokeStackEffect EffectOffset=0.0,0.00,72.25 if you have a factory with multiple stacks, you can create a "fake" on. Of course, you need the height of the building. IIRC, the one below is used on some of Julheim's factory buildings on the WW2 Formosa and (unfinished) WW2 CBI terrain. Height can be adjust accordingly [TargetType206] Name=Smokestack4 FullName=fake Smokestack ModelName=oildrum1.lod TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=0 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=40.0 ArmorValue=300000.0 ArmorType=1 RepairRate=0.050 StartDetectChance=20 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=10000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=LargeShortStructureCollapse DestroyedModel=smoke_stack_dest.lod SecondaryChance=100 SecondaryEffect=SmallExplosionEffect Effect=SmokeStackEffect EffectOffset=0.0,0.00,105.00 you just have to place in very exactly
  2. Stary in Krakow

    you lucky guys!!!
  3. Smart way is always one package for each theater. Safe to assume they're DAT P-38s, only available to 5 or 6 people here, eh? ============================= required screenshot Indochina, 1946-ish
  4. I'd have thought the Mitchell III would have been the glass-nosed bomber version?? Still, a great looking skin!!
  5. I added a bunch a little "rivers" and such, now I"m getting started on filling in the stuff in the cities. I'd like to send you the whole mods folder; let me see how much I can zip it down, simply for all the aircraft and ground objects. Or I can just send the terrain itself.
  6. Ok, I"m not sure how that works, Can you send me more details via PM (don't want to clog up the "in progress" thread. I'm using Photoshop 6 (or 7 if need be) thanks, brother!
  7. Several ex-Japanese and French airfields are in Viet Minh territory. They are populated and active. Nothing in China, as they play no (real) part you all know how much I hate "fantasy" shit in a historical setting, but I had the make the aircraft below. The peeled paint in JAAF aircraft is a nightmare to replicate; i took an easier/cheater route.
  8. Simply put, it more fucking trouble than it's worth, to bring it to SF2 standards. It's 1stGen, and there it remains
  9. I remember seeing this a few ago! What a cool thing!!!
  10. And, thus, I am like unto a god. Like Dr Manhattan, I precieve Time in a different way than mortals. Actually, all I did with it was extrapolate serial numbers, and other minor small changes. I may have them archived someplace, but not sure!! On a note of trivia, the 35s and 49s were built about 10 miles from where I'm sitting in West Los Angeles. I pass by Northrop Field (now Hawthorne Airport) 4 times a week heading to the mother-in-laws house. It's just south of the 105 Freeway. I ALWAYS think about the Wings as I drive by (i'm one of those people that are fascinated by to opposite ends of the avaition spectrum -- flying boats and flying wings.) I saw the N9 fly at Chino some years back, and actually touched it (when no one was looking!) Such a sad day when it was lost in a crash recently.
  11. one squadron of Lightnings, NO 'cobras.
  12. Actually, last night I checked the tiles against GH 3, and that's where they're from. So, disregard my previous statement!!! I needed all the others for CBI, as the stock, and even GH sets were lacking quite a few necessary items for India, Burma and scattered points around the compass! <gr> Menrva, if you want to have a look-see, I'll shoot you my specially built TE that has all the tiles and junk. It also appears I'm going to have to re-do the entire length of the Mekong ... comparing it to the CBI map, and the recent World Tour show, I"d forgotten how frakking WIDE the river is!!
  13. it would be beyond nightmarish to match the extra 100+ tiles to Stary's GH. I never liked the way "R" series, as well as most of the G and J tiles were handled. From friends and relatives that were actually there, it didn't quite match their eyewitness experience (so to speak). I've always said it virtually impossible to match the Real World with the tile system we've been given. We can get close(r), maybe 80-85%(?), but can't match it due to the inherent scaling issues in the Engine (tm). I'm not planning on doing the (required) fixing all across the terrain -- it is simply too small (63%) and has far too many flaws to really be worth it. So, I'm keeping it (a bit) closer to the original HFD, but as usual, try to fix smaller fuck ups. Although, it does appear I'll have to do the mangrove swamps.... watched the newest "Grand Tour" on Amazon last night, and Clarkson, Hammond and May were running the Mekong on various boats! (well worth it if you like the old Top Gear!!)
  14. https://news.yahoo.com/pearl-harbor-veteran-interred-sunken-ship-062450217.html Last remaining USS ARIZONA survivor rejoins his ship and shipmates
  15. I believe that book will be of great help!! Thanks!! :) as to the Hellcat drop tanks, I doubt very much we'll find anyone to make one without the support strut/pylon. Just stick with what we got. Can't use anything but what we have here at CA. Hell, I've got Zur's Hellcat MAX files, 90-ish percent DONE (needs unwrapping for skinning, ini work, etc -- it's a -5 without the rear window, but could be used for a -3 by cutting the meshes for the window. Even a -5N by creating the APS-6 pod in the wing. Gear, wings are all animated, canopy might not be, but that should be a fairly easy fix. Like all WW2 birds, nobody wants to do them anymore)
  16. Menrva, I don't know what you did brother, but that water bmp works!!! Gotta be how my photoshop was not saving it correctly. proof below, Seafire departing Arromanches! (SBD, SB2C, F6F all tested and working!) This is a GOOD thing, as most people love to play the single missions, and with operating bird farms!!! Oh Yeah!!!
  17. If you're up for it, brother! I say go for it! (don't forget to redo my KAW skins!! <gri>)
  18. like I said, it's seriously messed up!!! Most places aren't with 25-50 km of they "Real Life" positions. I"m not going to change too mcuh, just in case someone (years) down the road wants to re-add all the 1960s stuff back into it. Another thing I'm not going to do is make the swamp/cypress grove type of tiles, like I did for CubaOTC+ -- not that hard, but I don't feel like making another couple dozen tiles (tgas) Sometimes I think I'd have been better off using the CBI map, and just clear out the stuff that isn't in Indochina!!!
  19. You're preaching to the choir, my brother! The stock map, to put it gently, is seriously fucked up. as to the "island", you're talking about the 3/3 section of map, near the label "Gulf of Siam"? . That would explain a great deal --- and means I have to move 3 cites, reroute the reads, and rewrite a couple of truck routes. No wonder I couldn't resolve the placement based on my charts! Well, that's only about an hours work retileing .... I'm not going to fix everything on this map, just as many of the major faults as necessary.
  20. Yes, but you're all forgetting that you need (read: MUST) hex edit the LOD to now look for the jpg files. Just converting the skins don't work, as the lod can't read them. Another fault in the dds skinned lods. (having just converted the A-26 & F6F from dds and tga, respectively, to jpg. They work much better!)
  21. I tend to agree with you on the size issue. I did, however, leave the to stations (Yankee & Dixie) intact, just renamed North or South CV station. They should be usable in a campaign. The _water bmp Itself is the stock VietnamSEA map (renamed to VietnamSEA_48). I think you might be right about the "8-bit" save. Don't think PS is doing it correctly (oddly, some of my others are working ok, but they also have Red side naval forces) Here's the stock map, and my modded one: thanks brother (if you need the terrain itself, let me know) VIETNAMSEA_48_Water.bmp VIETNAMSEA_WATER.BMP
  22. View File SF2 Chengdu F-7M Fishbed Series Pak by Mod Mafia/TMF SF2 Chengdu F-7M Fishbed Series Pak by Mod Mafia/TMF = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod MAY work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, some data ini and avionics statements will =NOT= be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level (with the possible exception of WoI plus it's ExpansionPak -this has not been tested, as I ONLY mod for SF2). It is designed for use in SF2, at the most current patch level. Your milage will vary!* One of the "newer models" that were never quite completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia. This package represents the F-7M (aka: J-7IIM) in PLAAF and Export service. Skins included in the pack are: China1 (white-ish in color) Iran Iraq (may not be historically correct!) Pakistan Silver2 (tagged 'generic' nationality) The PLAAF and Silver2 skins use stock VPAF Bort numbers (again, not historically correct -I'm hoping someone will pick up the decal ball, and create correct ones) Several of these export models have a start default date that corresponds with the 'End User Start Dates', ie: Pakistan in 1990,etc, as defined in the userlist.ini. All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. Damage textures are the older tga versions. All markings are decals,(excepting National Markings, which on some skins are painted on), and reference stock 3W items. The PLAAF Bort numbers may be incorrect; skinner/decal makers are !ENCOURAGED!! to create more correct ones. All sounds, seats, and some etcs, are included. Weapons, for the most part, reference those already "stock" in-game items. However, in the usual "CYA" effort, a Chinese A-A missile is included. These come from the GunnyPak. "Newish" coding in SF2 allows for 'nation specific loadouts'; this has been used for those nations using Western style weapons. The Canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. The RWR.lst for the F-7M references many items from dtmdragon's Updated Threat Library; the url/download link I cannot find! They were included in the J-7 Pak recently uploaded When 'in game', you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown Menu... Chengdu F-7M (TMF) However, due to national model changes, some of the texturesets ini will show the pertantiant type (ie: Pakistan, F-7MP) This will differentiate all these aircraft from any others you may have, either stock, user-made, imported from China, or whathaveyou. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. A full listing of credits, as always, is below the Install Instructions. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein -for The Mod Mafia- For Oli Submitter Wrench Submitted 11/29/2012 Category J/F-7  
  23. well, shoot! I just clone stamped it out on the existing skins Yes, I have all the carriers (as well as the aircraft). But there seems to be a problem with the "CV Zone" in the Gulf of Tonkin/South China Sea. Even with NavalMap=TRUE, I'm getting CV spawning on land. Odd too see ARROMANCHES plowing through the fields east of Bangkok!! (actually, was kind of hilarious!! the launch went off just fine!) I think I'm going to need some assistance on figuring that one out. I REALLY want the CVs to work. OTH, "North & South CV stations" are still active in the targets ini, so when writing a campaign, you can station the 3 (4?) different bird farms there. But in single missions ...gggrrrrrr.....!!!! Most, if not all, the carrier issues I'm seeing can totally be blamed on the Original Manufacturer (tm), as the map is far too small (and also only 63% RL) and there's not quite enough sea room near the Eastern Wall
  24. That did the trick Russ! Many, many thanks! Now, I have to go back and rebuild a couple of airfields that I wanted that large hangar on. Below is a TE view of Hanoi and the surrounding regions. You can probably guess, the "white lines" are roads.Highway 1 connects the southeastern tip of the SEA all the way to Hanoi and beyond

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