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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Ok, as promised, after hitting 300 pages, I've closed that old thread, and have now opened a new one!! Remember, no posting without a screenshot!! Have it people!!! Enjoy!
  2. I moved this back to the SF2 forums; don't know if it was a mistake posted in the SF1 forums. But, well, it's here now!!
  3. Ok folks ... screenshots for WW2 mods lets keep it like the other Screenie Thread .. clean with images only. All other comments, jokes, and unwanted posts WILL be deleted --- to start off, trying to replicate a painting hanging on the wall my living room
  4. No, you don't want to do that. The 3rdWire Terrain Editor is for beyond Expert Level users. It's NOT user friendly at all!! And actually, it in how the terrain's _water bmp is read by the engine, and if said water bmp is formated correctly with the proper CV stations (in the right colors*), and the terrain has the proper statements for CV usage. Also, making sure you're using said terrains in the SF2NA environmet. Even with the game's full merging, NA seems to have the best coding for CVs *someing about "how many bits' the bmp is saved as
  5. Nice job there Orsin. Way to go! You want a shovel to complete burying it? Maybe some concrete for the tomb??
  6. Downloads are now by subscription only.
  7. Nope That IS the discount
  8. I can't answer you question, but I can say it good to see you back again!
  9. yup, the original Navy design was for a fleet defender; the rest was just gravy
  10. but as most (if not all) people are running multi merged installs, so _78 is the actual last, both for the F-4D and F-4E (not including the Kurnass, with is 73, 75, 78, and the BLW F-4F with adds an _80) ALL stock
  11. Draw distance had a huge discussion some years ago (I'd suggest doing a search in both the SF1 and SF2 forums). But none of that is usable anymore, and SF2 has things 'locked down' (iirc) to a certain distance. So, no I don't believe it can be changed anymore. Also, don't forget, we're acutally using a 1990 based engine, so don't expect DCS level graphics
  12. The answer is NO. There are No animations, for player flyable aircraft set at the factory for use by the player. Oddly, OTH, if you make the B57/Canberras, Beagle, B-52 flyable, you can open and close the bombay. But, again, all animations MUST be added to you control ini, and always need to be cross checked via the aircraft data ini
  13. this is the old, SF1 original version (not fully updated to SF2, but easily done). There's also a couple of fixes in the SF2 Terrains section that give in minor upgrades Use it as a base, if you want
  14. there's a total of 10 animation slots available. Not all aircraft use them; all STOCK birds do NOT have a lot of manualy (ie: player) controled animations without going into the data ini and adding them (they're already there, mostly, just not turned on). AI onlys usually don't, other than canopies. But as they AI -- not needed unless made Player Flyable (tm) Long story story short -- ain't worth messing with
  15. Yeah, it's part of the "DestroyedShipEffect". Does the same anyplace there's water, and a boat sinks. Unfortunately, it's not burning, like one see in "Atlantic Fleet"
  16. Hi all

    Indeed! Nice of you to drop by!!
  17. Unfortunately, we've had to go to a subscription model. That means no more free downloads. You can purchase a subscription off the front page; look for the tab marked "Store"
  18. All these years, one never knows what Ant has up his sleeve ...
  19. should be in the most recent (well, several years old ....) Scorpion packages. If not, I'll go through my mod fiddlers and find the specific one (it station specific for ONLY the 89s) EDIT: in this pack
  20. Why not just use the rockets I built for 89s? They have no drop, as they have a sustainer (cheat!!) and fly pretty straight with the stock gunsight. They act like bullets, and can actully hit a bomber sized target. Just my thoughts! (you're doing a hellava good job with these!! keep it up!)
  21. Well, for that, I"d need a Rolls Royce, to leave (abandoned) in the Himilayan foothills, like they did on Top Gear --- I"ll be over here in the corner, giggling to myself...
  22. I think it's just because we're getting old ....
  23. why would you need rocket depression for air-to-air rockets??? Scorpions did NOT have a ground attack function.

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