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Posts posted by Wrench

  1. Re-read my post.


    No ini editing is required. The game engine KNOWS to look for "patch.bmp", and automatcially loads it to the Loadout Screen, where it may be viewed. Just look at any of the skins I've done over the last, oh, 2 years or so. You'll see what I mean.


    All those other's are either screens (***_Hangar.bmp, ***_Loading.bmp <--this is the one you stare at whilst waiting for the progress bar to reach 100%), the "Loadout.bmp" is the little picture that shows the hardpoints



    kevin stein

  2. DAT Hurricanes:

    The 2D has the Vickers S-Type 40s built in under the wing plus 2 303s;

    The 2C has the 4 Hiso 20s, 2 underwing bomb/FT stations.


    None of the Hurri's are tropicalized; that is to say, no Vokes filter assembly.


    Adding the rockets is an extreamly simple matter of just adding the hardpoints, both to the /Weapons section and /Left and Right Wing systems, then adding them to the Loadout ini.


    For those not familiar with the WepPak, they're called "60lb_rocket'', and have been available for a verrry long time. The only thing is, there are NO rocket rails on the wings, as they have to be built into the physical model (look at the Spit 22/46, Seafire 47 for examples). Highly doubtfull they'll get added.



    kevin stein

  3. Noboy bothered the read the readme, I take it???


    I quote:


    F-24 Shadowcat (AFX) for Wings over Israel


    emphasis added by me.


    You'll CTD in any other game, as ONLY WoI has the new avionics70.dll, that supports the GM radar (that's ground mapping for those not paying attention!!), with the working HUD.


    You can probably apply the same fix as Craig's EF-2000; comment out the lines in the avionics.ini that pertain to Ground_Map (or GM) radar.


    You'll lose the GM radar, of course, but most likely will NOT CTD.


    Aside to Jul: Super job dude!!! Totally radical!!! :ok:



    kevin stein

  4. It's Bunyap's old model. He's not around much anymore. I have no idea on how to get ahold of him. Maybe Dave would know???


    As it stands, it's mapped to 5 bmps; the OUT file is available, so maybe the antena and wiring could be 'moved' via data ini edits.... I myself have never done it on a full airplane (only a few cockpit moves) Figuring out which object is what would be the hard part



    the wire, guides and posts ARE listed in the OUT as seperate meshes, so all I need do is try and figure out the MOVE sections..

    But aren't some of them the 'flying wires' for wing support???


    Now, I'll have to find the 'how to...' around here somewheres....



    kevin stein

  5. In my experience so far with WoI and prop planes, I'd have to say no, not at this moment. I can't speak to FE after the expansion pak, as I couldn't afford to buy it. But FE is still limited, unless this has been fixed, to it's original or made-only-for-FE terrains. With Edwards China and Burma terrains for SF/WoV/WoE, we have the theatre already to go (although they could use some target upgrading...).


    I know that most of us (the 2 dozen or so) flying WW2 are using SF/WoV/WoE. As to the forthcoming Patch, I'm hoping it dosen't damage their FMs as WoI has done (trying flying the S-199/109G10 mod I did and you'll see what I mean). I'm also hoping that TK does to some 'repairs' in this respect.


    Monty: I wondered what happened to that Aichi!! Would still love to see that finished, and in game! That screenie is from like, what? 4 years ago??? :wink: Along with Pasko's Grumman 'Barrel' Fighters (F3F).


    The I-152/53 I think were recently released by the Dev A-Team (for the un-prejudiced that follow that).



    kevin stein

  6. Brother, I"ll take anything I can get!


    If you can find out about illuminator flare ... I added them to the Invaders for those night interdiction misisons ... meaning as to 'how and where' they were mounted and/or dropped. I also updated the weapondata on them, data ini wise, so they don't get popped as CMs


    Got about 5-8 more nose arts to do, then it'll be ready (excepting Chadwick...still trying to figure that one out) Some nose art, is as always, 'interperative' = meaning I filled in with the pinups I have. Some are 100%, others not so close.



    kevin stein

  7. A Curtiss Condor!!! How cool is that!!! With gun turrets, no less.


    We have the BF2C/Hawk III, I believe MontyCZ made it maaaannny moons ago; it could use a little FM upgrade. The I-16 is in Wolf257's WW2 Planes Pak.


    The A2N would be a PERFECT addition!!! (remember, the FM is different in FE than in the SF/WoW/WoE sets)


    Absoluteley!!! Please continue with these.



    kevin stein

  8. And I finally get to use that Marylin Monroe I've been saving, too!!! Last night whislt doing up the decal, I noticed a great deal of physical simularitiy between her and Little Annie Fanny (those too young to know, can google her). I wonder if the artist that created the fake, didn't use LAF as the body type.


    The art above, is AFTER 'fixing' under orders from the squadron's chaplin -- that's a historic fact! Also, a Marylin take-off.



    kevin stein

  9. Yes, still working in the 1950s....don't forget, there's a terrain in for overhaul, so we'll needing the right planes for it!


    Anyway, WIP on the B-26B Invader, 13th BS. This aircraft is dedicated to our very own Fubar512, from The Garden State:




    a little close up...




    8-12 historical nose arts, with a few 'borrowed' from AllenJB's Invader skins. Some are 'interperative' - meaning I had to make do with what art I have in stock, as some have no or very unclear pictures. Don't even ask me how I'm going to do 7th Chadwick as a decal...I haven't thought that far ahead yet (and it gonna be a nightmare!!! One big one for the nose and fues)

    New, historical serial & buzz numbers, too



    kevin stein

  10. Ok, now that I've got the "Early Sabre Pak" here....

    For those wishing to use this skin on ANY of the Sabre's in Tazkiller/Dave's Sabre Pak, here's what ya need to do:


    Of course, you can save youself a boatload of work by just using the E-10 in the pak, and be done.


    1) Copy/paste, move, however, the 54thFIW skin folder into your aircraft folder of choice; in this case we'll use the -05

    2) open the decals ini, and make the following adjustments












    You'll note the bolded aircraft folder name.


    All you need to do is a simple "Find/Replace" of the aircraft name with the one you're using.


    If you've installed it to the F-86E-05, that's what you replace it with. Simple.


    It should be noted, that the movie aircraft are hard-winged F models. But that has no bearing here.




    kevin stein

  11. F-86E-10 "The Hunters" Pak

    F-86E-10 Sabre, 54th FIW "The Hunters" mod for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI


    This is a small mod, and reskin, of the F-86E-10 released by Bob "howling1" Hauser several years ago; which in itself is a mod of Zur's F-86 Sabre. I've included Bob's original readme, so you can see his comments.


    This is a complete aircraft, with all the trimmings. EVERYTHING is here to allow you to just unzip, and fly off to MiG Alley. The cockpit ini has had a little mod that includes the K-14 A-A and A-G gunsight tgas (seen also in several other WW2 & Korean era aircraft I've released)


    There are 2 skin included, a slight revamping of the original "USAFSilver1", fixing some decal issues, and one of the most wanted Sabre skins of all time: The 54th FIW, as seen in the motion picture "The Hunters". Serial and buzz numbers for the first 14 aircraft come right from viewing the DVD, the others are 'leftovers' from another Sabre skin I did. Pilot names have been added to the canopy rail, so you can fly as your favorite character from the movie, or famous people from the 3rd Wire Sim community. Damage tgas have also been included, just it case Casey Jones shows up and shoots you full of holes....


    A revamped/cleaned up version of my "Sabre1_Hangar" is also included.


    == You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 style weapons ,and the Sabre drop tanks. I've not including any of them. So, if you're using the TMF weapons pak, you'll have to import the needed items. ==


    The aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE. Other Sabre versions work fine in WoI, so you should have almost no problems with it, if installed there. But again, 'use at your own risk'. That's CYA for me!


    Please read the included "readme" file for install instructions. Also, the usual "Note & Comments" by General BS :haha:


    Good Hunting!!


    Kevin Stein


    yah, I know it's the same screenie as the preview, but I just don't get tired of looking at it!


  12. Seahawk F.1A, "What If..." Korean War Mod

    Seahawk F.1A, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm - A "What If..." mod for SF/WoV/WoE, Korean War installs


    This is a mod of Bunyap's Seahawk into a "What If..." version, as might have been used by the FAA during the Korean War. It's a sort of "kitbashed" version, as I've combined the F.1 and FB.3 versions, to give a sort of field-modification feel to the weapons loadouts. I say 'kitbashed', when perhaps I should say 'combined', as the F.1s never had any provisions for A-G munitions; no rockets, no bombs, no napalm -- just their guns. So, I figured, due to the extingincies of war, the MoD and/or crews in the field, perfromed a hack-job, and "borrowed" the mounts and wiring and other etc bits off other aircraft to give them the capability to load and fire the 60-lb rocket, so prevalent on RAF/FAA aircraft.


    The skin, which is 'borrowed' from the FGA.6, has been repainted, from a new partial template (new panel lines added where necessary), with the black-and-white Invasion Stripes used in the KTO for identification of Allied/UN/FAA aircraft (as seen on the Sea Fury, Firefly and Seafires). One of the best things about Buny's Seahawks, is they're all mapped identicaly, making the job soooo much easier.


    The skin represents 898 Squadron, Fleet Air Arm, embarked aboard HMS OCEAN in the very-late 1952/early 1953 time frame. New decals have been created by me, with serial numbers for 24 aircraft (probably at least twice the number in a Royal Navy carrier squadron). The serials are 100% accurate, as they ARE all from production F.1s, but since this is obviously a 'What If...' aircraft, they can't be considered accurate for the Korean War. (neither can the aircraft, but what the hell...it's a game and all for fun!!!)


    This is an almost full aircraft package, with all the inis, skin, new decals, lods etc. Excepting that NO cockpit has been supplied with this aircraft. However, for WoE users, I've included a modified version of the HunterFGA9 cockpit ini, with the pilot positon adjusted to match the physical model. In my estimation, it's the best one available, as it has that nice Post-War/1950s steam gauge look. As an alternative, for SF/WoV users, I've included the cockpit ini from my 'jet-modded-Spitfire pit'. You'll see it as "SeaHawk_cockpit.ini". You'll need to download my WW2:1946 Vampire to obtain all the necessary cockpit bits. More, highly detailed, step-by-step information is below, in the "To Instalate" instructions.


    2 Hangar screens have been supplied; one is my old version and another BRAND NEW!! -only available in this mod- WoE style, repsenting a carrier deck. The Loading screen is still the original from Bunyap.


    =You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak to have the WW2/Post-War/Korean War Era weapons!!! I've not supplied any of the rockets or drop tanks with this mod, as they are already in the BunyPak. If not using the BunyPak (ie: TMF Weapons Pak), you'll need to get the Seahawk Package at CombatAce, as it contains the drop tanks. The Rockets you'll have to add from the BunyPak =


    IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed to be used in SF/WoV/WoE -- it has NOT been tested in WoI. In fact, I don't think I've even flown ANY of the Seahawks in WoI yet!!! But it should be good as is. It's a jet, not a prop job; so hopefully...


    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions.


    Happy Landings!!


    kevin stein



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