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Posts posted by Wrench

  1. Sorry, bro, it did't make it...


    Getting pics to link out of the Gallery is something I've yet to figure out too; so I just use my web site to host.


    Once I figure out the Gallery thingy, I'd love to post my illustrated tutiorial on 'Adding Targets to Maps'


    Opppys edit: it should be the same as linking off site; try this:


    Upload to the Gallery.

    Right click on the pic, "properties", which will give you the url address. Highligh that, "copy", then go the the post, 'insert pic' --4th button from the left on the top of the posting (looks like a little green square with and orange do-jobby in it), past the link into it, and go from there


    I'll have to try that meself...



    kevin stein

  2. Have you looked in our Downloads section???


    3rdWireSeries/Add-On Aircraft/Cold War Aircraft/ MiG-17


    Plus several other versions of the Fresco D/E


    And I must correct myself -- it's actually 4 years old...



    after you get it, and have it installed, you'll be neededing to hit the Knowledge Base for corrections and fixes for it. See the "Weapons and Loadouts Fixes Thread, Bunyap Pak" for you editing info



    kevin stein

  3. Edwards 1950s version, the payware one??


    You'd need to rebuild the targets and types ini to add the SAMs and radars.


    I do remember, waaay back in it's first edition (several years ago), it was set up with 'modern' air defenses; cause I had to remove them in rebuilding it for the 1950s (personal use - then he came out with the right ones). Don't know if it's still available...or even if I have a copy archived. I do remember it was NOT full sized (Real Life )


    Doable? Very much so.



    kevin stein

  4. Mirage Factory's Fishbed was built that way, for that model.


    There was a 'decal fix' for the Indian AF Type 74 (?)...I remember seeing it today in the downloads section...but can't remember where; maybe 'Templates and Decals'???


    Figuring out the mesh name and postion can be a real pain...as I remember from the Wraith!. Don't forget, too, I cheated a little and used a modified Scooter Hump to fill in part of it.



    kevin stein

  5. The info should be in Knowledge Base .... I know for a fact it's there.


    but you'll need to extract the HUDData.ini first...

    I think it's this entry...






    Width=0.125 <---

    Height=0.16666667 <--- set these to 0 should make it go away




    another neat trick, to remove the background from the text:



    //BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga <--comment out this line as shown


    colors can be adjusted as well, but you'll need to convert the RGB values to what the game uses. Look for the line that have "Color" in them



    kevin stein

  6. Excellent stuff!!! You could hear the whistle of the Merlins as the Lanc went past...never tire of hearing that sound.


    and thank God! A reporter with a clue!!


    Looks like I'd better order the DVD....


    thanks for sharing it!!



    kevin stein

  7. Hmmmm...maybe...




    in the cockpit ini, with the needed specs for distance?

    This is all out of the stock FRS.2 cockpit ini:







    You need to make sure you can activate the different modes via ini edits, in the top, CockpitData section




    caged= fixed in place

    AA = lead computing

    AG = depressed for bombing (sometime rockets)


    Somebody correct me, if I'm wrong please!!



    kevin stein

  8. Again, I must confess to being a dumb-a$$; I've had it the whole time (for the Mirage F1) 5 minutes work, created an HAF nation-specific version. Good news about the newer version; so many nations around the Med (and the world) seem to be using them.


    thanks in advance, Sony, if you can find them! :biggrin:


    Here's a quick, early shot of the Phantom in Agean Blue. Please ignore the decals, as it'll probably get new ones - most definately the serials and fin flash.




    I'm no Sundowner...if I had 1/10 of Ant's skinning skill, I'd be 10 times the skinner I am!


    There's a 'GhostGray' skin here, but it's for the F-4B (which only required renaming the bmps to "F-4E") Needs some decal work, but that's no big deal.



    kevin stein

  9. Since the Libya Upgrade is nearly done, and the Balkan map(s) is well under way by others, I'd LOVE to see more of the aircraft from the region....


    HAF Mirage F.1 -- well, more Greek birds at any rate!

    LRAF Mirage F.1 -- definately more Libyans (btw, Dave's Mirage 5 tweek works really well here, too)

    Moroocan F.1s, ....


    Definately need more AMI birds too!


    I'd take on the Libyan F.1, but don't have a template! Don't suppose anybody's got one to share??


    So, how about some skinners popping out a few new birds??? You'll have at least one new map to fly over very soon...



    kevin stein

  10. As to the radar/cockpit...I'm assuming (as I've not looked this up yet), there'd be a display CRT somewheres in there...why not use Boopidoo's Su-15 pit, as it's got the twin-engine annunicators, the needed display, and may have something close to the look needed? Even if not 100%, it'll be 'close enough for government work'. Adjust the positionining accordingly in the cockpit ini, and see what's up.


    The green skin looks much better!!! Remember, "a good coat of paint hides a multitude of sins" :rofl: - always loved that one!

    You might want to think about resizing the main skin -- 12megs is kinda large for one with such low details; take it down to 1024x, and it'll still look good. Also, it reduces the size of the final package, increasing up/down load times. The model is low-detailed enough to get away with this easily.


    You could even switch the pilot from the 'RedAir', to Pilot00, which has a white helmet and green flight suit. It's on my site; and you're welcome to use it.


    I like it! Release it here as a Beta+, make some cockpit changes, etc. I'd say we're on track for winner here!



    kevin stein


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