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Posts posted by Wrench

  1. To quote Martin the Martian; "this makes me so verrrry angry...."


    The cursed things didn't want to work, no matter how I fiddled with them.

    They will NOT show, unloaded (meaning no missile) when set as SAM_LAUNCHER. I finally got them to work when set at MISC




    Which mean they won't get assingned as targets in SEAD missions, but only STRIKE. Also, without the missile, they won't stand erect (NO jokes here!!!, please!!)


    But, they do show up in game, and are destroyable.


    I'll put something together, using my 'enhanced range targets inis' over the next few days


    Another Idea that came to mind with this, is perhaps creating the 'smokey SAM' as used in real training;This way, you'll get fired upon, but take no damge.

    Create a copy of the SA-2B, giving a 0 strentgh warhead, large smoke trail, and having it ONLY availble on the Range - which may prove quite difficult!! Set as a ground object, it'll show up in single missions and campaigns, that being the major problem. I don't know if it'd work when set as a Terrain object, what with needing the fake missle, which would need to be added to the weapons paks.

    Just a thought...and experiments continue



    kevin stein

  2. F-104G Hellenic Air Force

    F-104G Starfighter, Hellenic Air Force Mod


    A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI


    This is a compliation of several people's work, placed into an easy to install (and use) package. It is a full aircraft, complete with all the inis, lods, cockpit, 2 skins and various and sundry bits thrown in for good measue. (See Notes section below)


    Basically, what I did was take Ajundair's F-104G, and created a 'nationalized' version for the Greek Air Force. I added Dave's (ex-USAFMTL) SEA-style camo skin, a full cockpit, the necessary decals, and viola! We have a new airplane. I also re-did the Natural Metal skin completely, as the panel and rivet lines were far too dark.


    Included are Euro-green camo tanks, from my Fix Pak for the stock 3rdWire unit, for those inclined to add them. However, I left the data and loadout inis pointing to the stock silver tanks, as while doing research, about half of the pictures showed even the camo aircraft using them.


    It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, or even NONE at all!!! As it is a complete aircraft, it should also be usable in WoI, although this particular aircaft has not been tested as such -- BE ADVISED, that WoI handles flight models differently, and I (and the folks that originaly built this) cannot be responsible for "adverse handling conditions, leading to uncontroled flight into terrain". Be that as it may, it should work passably!


    See the enclose readme for more, pretty simple instructions, and the usual Notes/Commentary/General Noise stuff.


    Happy Landings!!


    kevin stein


  3. Well, in that case, welcome back!!

    I can bet the views must be spectacular!!


    Anywany, give those a go, and let me know!!


    Ufortunately, Dave IS right...ultimately, it's the onus is on the modder to create a proper readme AND descriptive statement.


    Wish that damn 'making a proper readme' post hadn't gotten accidently deleted...I'll just have to try and recreate it. Hopefully



    kevin stein

  4. gwpc: hopefuly, you didn't delete that zip....


    Proof is in the picture...


    WoE, FAA Dagger on the runway...




    The Huddata display is still turned on; left over from working on the Libya map...also gives proof of location.


    Like I said, just a few simple ini edits...this is directly from my Falklands.ini (I have all 3 cat lines listed by habit)














    CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat <--please note the GermanyCE cat pointer line



    All this information is in the KB, in the 'Getting 3rd Party Terrains to Work' thread. Folks just need to actually spend some time looking at the stuff in there...nothing is as hard as everyone makes it seem.


    The major problem is, New Members simply aren't told to 'have a wander' through it when they sign on. I'm working on trying to change that, too.



    kevin stein


    PS: just to let you all know, Kesselbrut is back on the case with the Malvinas/Falklands Mod -- it'll be a 'total conversion' type, with dozens of new objects and a fabulous terrain retiling.

  5. It might help to have the readme file included in the download description. I don't think any of them are huge -snip-


    I don't know about that...have you seen some of MY readmes???? :haha:


    Only a moderator can edit the descriptions (I think/hope!); I'll just add that to the list of things to let the rest of the Staff know needs doing -- and I think it's a GREAT idea, too!!


    As to the aforementioned Falklands map, I'll bet you a dollar it'll work in WoE, with the correct cat pointer. It's self contained, with it's own tile set. In fact, it's sitting in that All Objects Install of WoE I mentioned above.


    But I think the base point is being missed ... with the exception of First Eagles and Wings Over Isreal, every single terrain can be made to work in every version of the game. It's just a matter of a few ini edits; and at worst, copying over an existing terrain folder to another game's install *. Easily accomplished by anyone.


    *WoI being an exception, for add terrains to work, one of the origin 3: Desert, VietnamSEA or GermanyCE MUST be present in the WoI main terrain folder*


    The main problems, as I see them are:


    1) Folks stuck with major slow connections

    2) Descriptions lacking which game it for

    2a) said description needing clairifications as to what might be needed to run in other games, including Vista.


    Can't do a thing about #1 -- that's a regional problem.

    Two, yes that can be fixed with some judicious editing of the descriptions in the d/l section.

    Two A; well see 2 above, and =once again I'll get on my High Horse about proper readmes= that can only point directly to the creator/uploader of the terrain. At this end, CombatAce really cant do anything about that.

    My personal pet peeve, btw, is lack of readmes, or readmes that ain't worth s**t...


    I can only repeat my offer above, with the essential statement highlighted...


    You'll have to either try to d/l or ask which terrain, specifically, that you're looking at.


    Somebody around here WILL have the correct answer, of that you can be certain!!



    kevin stein

  6. Welcome!


    With VERY few exceptions (even those have work arounds), ALL terrains will work with ALL versions of the game. Excepting First Eagles. My "Full, All Stuff" install of WoE has 32 terrain folders. Including the 3 stock one; so, ok...29 terrains. They all work fine.


    Unfortunately, some WILL require certain things, like desert terrains needing the desert terrain tiles, but there are replacements available in the DL section


    Knowing which ones to D/L are going to be a problem for someone still stuck on dial-up. Hopefully, the descriptive text in the announcement, or on the page with the basic stuff will tell you. Some, again unfortunately, only have the info deeper in the readme.


    You'll have to either try to d/l or ask which terrain, specifically, that you're looking at.


    And most DEFINATELY .. look around in the Knowledge Base. There's a lot of questions answered there; probably some you haven't thought of yet! :wink:



    kevin stein

  7. Nah, you can never have too many processors (kinda like horsepower...never enough)


    His problem is Vista.


    Mongoose, you need to disable the terrain shader effects in the terrain's data ini


    Extract the XX_terraindata.ini using the cat extractor tool, off somewhere in the d/lds section and follow the instructions here:


    Look for the 2 sections below....



    UseEffectShader=TRUE <---This one






    UseEffectShader=TRUE <---and this one




    change the UseEffectShader= to read FALSE.


    Quick and simple fix. There's more about it in the Knowledge Base, here...





    kevin stein

  8. I'll betcha if you look in the targets ini, you'll find callouts for "SAMLaucher".


    The game will automatically load an approprite SAM to try try and kill you. OTH, you can extract the lods for the SA-2 laucher, place them IN the terrain folder (making them now terrain objects) add them to the types ini as "Dummy SA-2", and replace the SAMLauncher with those. You should get just the empty launcher.


    If you all want, I can experiment with that over the weekend or next week...



    kevin stein

  9. Reduce the rotordiameter callout; I can't remember the exact figure, but Capun had said something about it...try 10.0 and see what happens.


    WoI changed a HUGE amount of FM stuff...like the WW2 prop planes are all very wonky...I'm not sure if new FMs are in the works. (I mean, somebody's must be fiddling with them, but I just don't know who)



    kevin stein

  10. Oh, man!! There are just soooooo many wrong answers we can put here.... I mean, we have that video in The Pub with Kamov's newest RPPV (Remotly Piloted Penis Vehicle)


    but back on track; perhaps in the data ini, AfterburnerEffectSize= or perhaps extending the Min/Max extent??? Checking the afterburner emitter inis might be worth a look, too.

    And remember, no matter what she tells you, size DOES matter


    I gotta get outta this thread...my mind....spinning in the wrong directions.... :rofl:



    kevin stein

  11. No stock terrain has the files floating around in the folder; you'll only find the main ini and X_terrain cat file.


    Like Ed said, they're stored inside the cat file...that's what's for. Think of it like the Windoze cab files; an easily accessable archive, designed to save space.


    A little further exploration will show that NONE of the stock objects (aircraft, ships, vehicles, etc) have any of their various inis in their folders as well


    You just use the handy dandy extractor tool to pull them out, make whatever edits are wanted, and leave them in the folder.

    The game engine looks into seperate, individual folders first, then into the varying cat files. Which is one reason you can have multiple inis, say an F-4E data ini, with only a NationName= change, and create a nation specific aircraft.



    kevin stein

  12. So you're asking "where's the SEA camo love" Mike??? :wink:


    The skin's easy enough to do...just use the stock one (I have the template with the mouth paintedout). I'd actually thought about doing that at some point.


    The HAF Blue Rhino will definatily be released for everyone, not to worry on that account!


    We could use the 104G in that camo too for them...just picked up the 'Warpaint' book on the Zipper ... nice profiles in there, along with serial numbers and such


    What would really be cool if we could talk the Mirage Factory into tweeking their Kurnas lod to remove the refuleing probe..theirs has the TISEO 'lens' on the port wing



    kevin stein

  13. Often, things won't work in WoV that work in SF, WoE due to NOT having the proper terrain tiles. That is easily fixed by, yup, adding a tileset with the WoV naming conventions.


    There should be a thread about this in the KB, originally by Dave, with some additional information by me in a 2nd post.


    As to being able to have a air start, as opposed to ground start, this again goes to missing items on the ground. If you're NOT on the ground, the engine dosen't need to load them.

    (BTW: that's also a good way to test terrains, when you've not flattened all the airfields yet!)



    kevin stein


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