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Everything posted by Coupi

  1. Hi! I would like install flyable MiG-21PF/PFM cockpit in SF2 Europe/Israel but... I notice this graphic problem (indicated in red). I have installed MiG-21F/MF and Bis: these cockpits are Ok. Thank you for your advice Pierre from Bordeaux (France)
  2. Hello Pault! I don't have solve this cockpit "white shapes"... ... I don't know how to do... if this is an original Lod incompatibility with SF2 serie! Pierre.
  3. I'll test pits again Murphy's... for me afterburner effect is ok! Thank you for your help Pierre.
  4. ... Netz from... SF2 Israel over Neguev desert
  5. Murphy's :yes: ... I've installed this one for SF2E. This afternoon I tested and tested again without success Pierre.
  6. Hello! I love Strike Fighters 2 serie ... I can't wait!!! Pierre from France

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