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Everything posted by Coupi

  1. Ok Crusader! Very good... many thanks!!!
  2. Hello! Thanks a lot Do335! Very good job!!!
  3. Farman F.30

    Super! Many thanks Stephen!!!
  4. Oh! I like this one Blackbird... this would be a great update for the "Flanker B" mod!!!
  5. Hello, This topic about KAW is very interesting! So I'm testing 'something' to give a cockpit to the F-84G Thunderjet with its specific canopy... I started from the TW F-100A cockpit and I've 'mixed' it with the external model. Even if several years ago I saw a screenshot (I don't remember exactly... ) of an all new 'pit' for this famous KAM fighter! Edit: here last 25th March Stary spoke about the F-84 cockpit project created by Brain My little stuff and thanks a lot @ mue for your very useful LOD view tool!
  6. F-35 pilot says it can't dogfight

    To my mind if the F-35 can't dogfight this is not important! USAF F-35 is the "striker" which must be protected by the F-22. From the 20's F-35A will be an element of a huger future ("global") system with UAS/UCAV, "B-X", ISR aircraft, Spacecraft ("X-37B" style), etc. If highly needed (to supplement the only "Increment 3.2b" 120-140 combat coded Raptors...) the F-35 could be improved (if not modified) for the air-to-air missions with new gen AAM, engine and avionics/radar systems or... laser: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/04/07/us-lockheed-martin-fighter-airforce-idUSKBN0MY26Q20150407 This is just the beginning of the story and I'm sure the Lightning II hides several secrets for doghfight!
  7. "Hard" settings from SFP1 to SF2NA...
  8. Hello, not only your mods are very good looking but also they work very well!
  9. The Mac is Back

    Very good news! I'm happy to "see" you again...
  10. Your Super Hornets are the main flyable "4/5 Gen" fighters used with my "21st Cent. SF2" install...
  11. Great! The Shinden... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGZ77qV0Mvo
  12. Hello EricJ, Pretty black panther... Best regards, Coupi
  13. Superb! Many thanks Geezer!!!
  14. Falco!

    Very impressive! I'll be at home next week....
  15. Hello my friends! Thank you Stephen... your Albatros D.I is a sort of Spad killer!
  16. Kfir C.10 and Cheetah C?

    Hello, Gran projecto... El cockpit del Mirage 2000C podría ser utilizado! Coupi

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