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Posts posted by Coupi

  1. I think I found the problem with the tanks: (Checked with CB variant)

    in aircraft_data.ini:

    AMI FuelTankName callouts are missing an underscore.


    195gal tanks should be: FuelTankName=Tank195F-104_AMI_camo


    170 gal tank callout is also missing an "L" FuelTankName=Tank170F-104L_AMI_camo


    Of course the corresponding entries in loadout.ini should be corrected too.


    Good for me! Tested in the F-104S CI. :good:


    Many thanks... :bye:

  2. Muchas Gracias....



    Short of not having 'wing fencing', 'shark-tooth leading edge on the wing', 'shoulder/belly pylons', and some minor 'blisters'.... This is as close to an actual Cheetah E without having one of our great modders do a complete aircraft.


    Your great mod is a sort of... "Cheetah EZ". This could be a "first" secret project from Atlas-Denel! :bye:


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