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Everything posted by mono27

  1. Hello everybody! I am interested in start with DCS World. But before start I have a question: I have 2 computers, one without internet connection at home (where I usually fly my SF2 series), and another one with internet connection at my workplace (where I usually downoad the mods for my SF2 and IL-2). My question is...can I purchase Flaming Cliffs 3 in my computer with internet and then copy it to my home computer (without internet) and use it there?? I like to fly offline, so I don't mind if I cannot use multiplayer option. But I read at DCS site that every download requires an internet connecion. And this is the reason why I ask before download, I wouldn't like to spend the money and later have a sim that I cannot use because the connection. Well, thanks for any reply!
  2. Yes, it works!! I asked at ED forums and they gave me the solution. It was easy. I purchased it from my computer with internet connection, then installed it in the other computer. They provide me the serial number, so the only thing I have to do was: After installing it... - I wrote the serial key that ED gave me and the hardware number that I got after installation at the website that they told me for activation. - I get the activation key. - Then I wrote this activation key in my computer at home. - And that's all!! Activation was succeful and it works fine. Thanks for the help, I was so happy so I also purchased the UH-1H module before the Chrismas offer expired ;-)
  3. Wow!! A lot of new made planes! Are them compatible with the already existing ones? (so we can use the skins already made on this new planes like Mig-23, Su-22, etc...)
  4. Is this F-4A available for download anywhere? I searched but I cannot find it.
  5. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Hola de nuevo! Hay aqui seguidores de los simuladores DCS ?? Tengo una pregunta al respecto: Es posible instalar y usar Flaming Cliffs 3 en un ordenador (computadora) sin conexion a internet? Es que mi idea es comprarlo y bajarlo en el ordenador de mi oficina (donde tengo internet) y luego instalarlo en mi casa donde no tengo internet. Me gustaria saber esto antes de comprarlo para no gastarme el dinero en algo que luego no podre usar. Bueno, gracias por cualquier respuesta!
  6. feliz año

    Feliz Año Nuevo 2014 !!
  7. Sorry, this file is old, but interesting. Is it possible to get it back?
  8. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Gracias! me voy a descargar el AH-64 de nuevo para ver los readme. Gracias!
  9. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Hola a todos y Felices Fiestas! Tengo una duda respecto a los decals. Acabo de crear una nacion nueva llamada "Soviet_Af", en la que puse exclusivamente los aviones y helicopteros rusos que participaron en la campaña de Afganistan. Como esta nacion la cree yo, en las insignias de los aviones me sale un escudo raro (creo que el mercenario). Mi duda es: ¿Se puede hacer que esta nacion creada por mi use los mismos decals que la nacion "Soviet" que viene por defecto? Supongo que sera manipulando algun parametro en el archivo nations.ini, o decals.ini, si alguien sabe como hacerlo...le agradezco l ayuda. Saludos!
  10. Vertical Pack for Soviet Navy

    Thanks a lot for this present and Merry Christmas!!
  11. Wow!! This is awesome!! Thank you very much for this Christmas gift!! (And there is a Ka-25 helicopter in WIP?? That will be another surprise!)
  12. felices fiestas

    Felices Fiestas y buenos vuelos para todos!!
  13. Suponía que con la noticia de la muy posible compra de los Kfir C10 por parte de Argentina alguien iba a hacer un skin. Era cuestión de tiempo. Aunque no pensé que tan rápido! Excelente!! Muchas gracias!
  14. This pack works fine in SF2 also (I tried it). Excellent, thank you for these Varks!
  15. Noticias Militares

    Bueno, buenas noticias parece, esperemos que la cosa siga adelante.
  16. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    Buen trabajo Juancho!
  17. Time ago I tried to make an Iraqi desert camo skin for the Su-25 Frogfoot that comes in NF4+. Anybody knows if the Iraqi Frogfoots took part in the Iran-Iraq war?
  18. Excellent work! Thank you! Just a suggestion, some of those new cockpits of the Flashlight family are a bit similar to the Mig-25 Foxbat cockpit. Specially the Yak-25B cockpit, because the blue color of the cockpit and because the gunsight is up. If somebody could modify that cockpit a bit (like a correct position for the radar screen and the windframe on the top of the pit) then we will have a cockpit for the Foxbat! It is just a suggestion...
  19. And don't forget the Su-34 "Fullback" ;-)
  20. Well, nobody talks on this topic since almost one year ago. Recently we have a lot of soviet cockpits (thanks to Stary) and from the most famous Russian jets there are only 2 planes still without a proper cockpit: The "Flogger family" (I know, it's a WIP) and the MiG-25 Foxbat. Good work modders!!
  21. Wow!! I can see Kamov helicopters on board that Kiev. Are they available to download anywhere? And I also see a camo skin for the Yak-38. Is it also available?
  22. Thanks a lot, Stary!! This is awesome, a very much needed pit. Thank you!

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