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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Thx guys, trying out the Demon pit now. For some reason the Javelin pit comes without a radar scope (though it's a awx fighter...) There is obviously nothing that comes really close to the ergonomic nightmare of the real Lightning cockpit. Will try the Buc later on.......
  2. What on earth did the Swedes & the Swiss to their Falcons in order to make them hit something apart from the Earth (which can hardly be missed from the normal distance). Whisper sweet nothings in Swedish and Schwitzerduutsch to them ? And concerning the F-102: no one can deny that they looked VERY pretty with their red-white-blue 32 Sq Wolfhound tails. I even sat in one and it was a very cosy cockpit too....... So hardly anything wrong with the plane ......
  3. British Spunk!

    RESPECT !!!! At the moment I'm reading the book about Dennis Avey . Fought in N. Africa, was transferred to South Africa, volunteered back to the Desert War, got captured, went to a prison camp near the Holocaust camps in Auschwitz, and CHANGED CLOTHES with a Jewish man in order to find out how things were in the death camps.... He survived .........
  4. Would have been an extremely usefull plane for South Africa....
  5. Mach 3 SR-71 breakup

    Pffffff, unheard of, incredible !!!
  6. Beautiful landscape, nicely kept lawn....
  7. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    Respect !!!!!
  8. SAAB has caught up with the sins of TSF...

    Wish they had something like that for my good old SAAB 96's... :):)
  9. Hi, hi, hi, I'm with you Michael, we are "goners" but I don't mind it, still having loads of fun in the pre-history... :biggrin:
  10. Hey Paolo, Though it's an LF IX B, how about the RNl.AF Historic Flight Spit? At least it is still flying today... Was operated during D Day in 1944 and later flew as H-25 in the post war KLu.... see http://www.skhv.nl/
  11. Very different scenario's ask for very different planes. Afghanistan or African type wars need something relatively simple (even an F 16 is probably too complicated for it, has a lot of unneeded capacities), a Hunter with some electronics could do a usefull job there, an AMX could, let alone the A 10, and the F 35 and / or the F22 are needed for other things.........
  12. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    I like the first one from 9gag... Actually it is not as stupid as it looks, new elections might solve something. For the rest the whole thing stinks, politicians at their worst........
  13. Fly like an Eagle - literally

    How about this one for sheer speed and aerobatics, the fastest bird on earth,pulling 10+ G's , rolling on its back before diving down at incredible speeds ....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-_RHRAzUHM
  14. Great, maybe we should see the MiG's on some airshows then !!!!! :):)
  15. This just in

    What a splendid job they did !!!!
  16. Yes its stupid cat video time

    Catz rule.....
  17. Two

    Ok,OK, I'll join in: what's the reason there are men on earth? Because a vibrator can't mow the lawn....
  18. VJ Day

    ...today, 68 years ago.... My father (narrowly survived working on the Birma railway) and my mother, 2 brothers and sister (almost starved to death in the Japanese Banju Biru camps near Ambarawa at Java) came out alive. I was born after the war and owe my life to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, it's as simple as that, as the Japs were not going to let anyone survive in the camps in case of an invasion of the Jap mainland....
  19. Never was so much owed by so many speech

    In modern times the phrase also applies very much for the tax office......
  20. Good looks but no giant leap forward compared to the F16 I'm afraid...
  21. F 27M Troopship....... And fly the demo with it !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acqULr4-mUo
  22. Had the privilege and pleasure to shake hands and have a chat with Martin Withers (who flew the Back Buck mission) at the crowdline after he flew his demo at Volkel KLu Open Days during the first demo season of the Vulcan a couple of years ago. He asked for comment on the demo and we spoke about it a couple of minutes. Very special, great man, great demo, great experience !!!

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