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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Time to play around and see what works and what doesn't. I wonder if they fixed the F-15's "ride height".
  2. My response when I don't want to do something.... "Take out the trash." "I can't, I don't have a f*cking tone!"
  3. The Wing

    I can not believe someone found this and uploaded it. The holy grail of USAF documentary films. Complete with F-15's fitted with turkey feathers the Wing...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mY7SiLzczwI
  4. Wings Documentary-Jim Fletcher F-4 pilot "In His Own Words"
  5. I don't even bother, even the AI has trouble refueling in DCS. I just divert to the nearest friendly or neutral airfield, or climb as high as I can (F-15 seems to have trouble above 30) and cruise/glide back. Seems like things have taken a few steps back with some of the latest patches, especially regarding radars and missiles.
  6. Woman shot dead outside US Capitol building

    Already posted this in the other thread, but... Then again it does not surprise me much. Before all the yuppies re-gentrified the District in the early 2000s, stuff like this use to happen in D.C. all the time. Drug deals, robberies, etc., would happen just blocks away from places like FBI headquarters, Justice Department,and the White House. The North and South Capitol street corridors....heh forget it; the only business anyone use have in those area is if they were looking to score something. The homeless and mental ill still wander around downtown and close to the national memorials. The police only chase them away when they know there is going to be large media event or protest.
  7. Post random things thread

    Imagine Mick shouting this at you during carnal relations...
  8. Post random things thread

  9. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    Been hearing stories that a lot of base commissaries are shut or shutting down, is that true?
  10. Lone Survivor

    Unless it matches up to 84 Charlie MoPic as far as war survivor films go, I'm a bit skeptical. Seems like they incorporated elements from the famous Gulf War U.S. Army Special Forces mission.
  11. Dad Driving With Family in NYC Beaten by Bikers: Police Bikers: Police http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Motorcycle-Gang-Attack-Dad-Toddler-Range-Rover-Manhattan-225817761.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This occured in broad daylight in upper Manhattan and into the Bronx, one of the most heavily police patrolled areas of NYC, besides Midtown and the tunnels. Even on a weekend, getting through this area can be just as helish and congested as morning work day rush hour. The NYPD has the resources to stop and illegally search randomn people at any given time or place, conduct interstate/ out of state survilece without aurthorization (which I know breaks just about every NY state and US Federal law), and lets not start on the overszealous 24/7 parking and traffic enforcement. Despite this, they were not aware of 100+ loud motorcyclists driving erratically through the city streets in the middle of day and randomly beating and attacking people??? Am I missing something here? I bet you if someone ran a toll booth or was litering, every avaible cop within a 20 mi radius would be on it...
  12. Excuse me, but am I missing something here?

    A 150lb man on a 400lb bike vs a 5000+ SUV with 4 wheel drive. I wonder who would win that fight? Honestly I think he should have put that joker in full reverse when he got trapped on that side street. A few J and 3 point turns would have taken care of those "speed bumps" behind him.
  13. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    We live in a society were wants and "self esteem" come first and foremost. Our unwarranted self-importance, delusions of grandeur, and me first attitude is aptly reflected in the politicians we elected to office. Everyone wants something for nothing...better yet they feel entitled to everything for nothing. And just like a bratty child or trophy wife, it is the "other guy's" fault they did not get it. Cutbacks are a bitter pill that everyone has to swallow, from grandma's Social Security checks to our favorite tanks and airplanes. There is a responsible way to do it and then there is mess way to do it. The messy way, ie sequestration and the shutdown, will just end up costing everyone (except the politicians who get paid, along with book and speech deals regardless) more money and problems in the long term. Yet, instead of being sensible across the board, these politicians and their lobbies want to isolate and cherry pick their own favorite government programs and say "Its not insert here that is costing money!" “Grandma needs her Medicare! But we don’t need another aircraft carrier!” Or “We need another tank, but tell that 80 year old to get of his a$$ and get a job!” The kicker that really irks me is, is this whole politically expedient notion that all the politicians (and their cable news brainwashed constituents) follow; which is waving the flag and shouting "support the troops!" yet want to cut everything that our fighting men and women need to effectively do their jobs. You can't neatly separate the military from the supporting civilian infrastructure (to include logistics, accounting/pay, law enforcement/security, intel, medical care, etc.). Nor can you have a large civilian workforce, with no army or police to protect them. You can get rid of some of the redundancy and bloat best you can, but you necessarily can’t completely have one without the other. Since there are those, and many in Congress, that essentially want to abolish and overthrow the government, then fine...please do not complain when a bomb goes off in a city or when a few more illegals and drugs than normal jump the boarder. Also, those who want more government, again fine it is all fine and dandy... Please don't complain when your tax rate is 20%. Yeah, both parties kicked this can down the road and went into "not my fault, blame him!" We have not had a budget passed in so long I can't remember when there actually was one. The public also needs to understand that there is more to voting than the presidential and gubernatorial elections. The also need to understand that you can't have it all; despite what politicians and the media tells them. It is feasible to have either more government or even no government. But you can't have both at the same time and/or only for the programs/agencies that you personally like. Life sure doesn't work that way; and, I don't understand why people expect different.. Rant off... Sorry Dave but still a little POed about this nonsense....
  14. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    Yet Congress and the political apointees still get their benifits and a pay check regardless of what happens... You demand your employes must do X, but give them funding for Y. Then you bash your employees every chance you get. When Z happens, you further bash your employess for neglecting to forsee Z but also fault them for doing mission X instead of Y.
  15. Excuse me, but am I missing something here?

    Ohh the lawsuits are going to fly and some lawyer is going to get rich! Even that video makes it look like they the surrounded the SUV, cut it off, and tried to force a stop by boxing it in.
  16. I like the video, but I do not agree some of his assessments. Flight sims in the 90s had better scalability? I believe that most flight sims from the late 80s through 90s were waaay simpler in their physics and implementation (barring a few titles), especially in comparison to what is capable with today's systems. What made a lot of the older sims shine was replayability and the immersion factor. Radio chatter, music, intro videos, even character development for campaign and training missions was common. Back in the 80s-90s developers/publishers hired voice actors, animators, writers, and former military just work on doing the opening credit videos for their sims. However, I do agree that most flight sims released in the past decade tend to be sterile and purely mechanical, which means they lack a lot of immersion. Also, many FPSs and RPGs allow you "rank up" to unlock goodies and features, which is one of the key ingredients to their massive online popularity. Games like War Thunder, World of Tanks, etc. took note of this and it is the primary reason why they are so popular, despite lacking the freedom and options that PC military/flight games are commonly known for. I do agree that IL-2 and Pacific Fighters set the benchmark for propsims, but long before that the Falcon Series set the benchmark for avionics, systems, and missions, MS flight simulator set the benchmark for graphics and environment, and a good chunk of the Jane's/EA titles set the benchmarks in replayability and for multiplayer. However, a lot of what has kept the genre going (and kept these titles going despite being released years ago) has been the online/modding community (places like Combatace). Flight sims too hard for the general public? There maybe some truth to that, but personally I believe it came down to cost. The big publishers went to consoles and FPS games, and your average consumer couldn't afford to keep up with every changing and evolving PC gaming technology. Flight sim components and tech cost even more. $50 for a new tricked out Xbox controller or $150+ for a low end HOTAS or flight yoke? $300+ for a decent late model GFX card, or use the money to buy a bunch of brand new console games and some new cell phone/apple gadgetry?
  17. Counting down the days till I can relive this....
  18. Narration is not the best, and the facts are skewed some, but I remember having this on VHS and then loosing the copy. Very brief (very very brief) overview of the air war in Vietnam. Mainly focuses on the Rolling Thunder timeframe, but has alot of good footage. <iframe src="http://archive.org/embed/VietnamTheAirWar" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. The golden days before the transistion to a single plane navy. Back when fighter country actually meant "fighter".
  20. From the Golden Era

    Can understand. Forever thankful for those men, women, and their families whom have made scarifices so others could live to see another day.
  21. HOTAS

    X65F. All metal and is easily expandable with other button panels purchased from Saitek. I hardly ever have to touch the keyboard. Lets you "think" your plane onto the target.
  22. Everybody hates me

    If you ever get shot by one of those you better just take two asprin and walk it off, because I can see the doctors at the hospital doing this...
  23. I screwed up big time. Was supposed to be flying HAVCAP.... Good see he made it back, not sure how many crew members survived being preppered with shells and shrapnel at angels 35.
  24. Noticed the F-15's SMS display has changed some. Whenever I load up tanks I get this when I was on a few servers the other I usually fly with either two wing tanks (when capping or sweeping) or one centerline tank when on hot alert or intercept. Unfortnately because of server restrictions on outside views I had no idea if I had two wing tanks or a wing tank and one centerline after I got the ground crew to do my rearm on the apron. (My right wing did drop on take off, but not sure if because I did not trim properly.) The below image is after I requested the ground crew load one centerline tank (for the 30th time). Any thoughts?

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