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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Fly-in of the personnel, equipment, and aircraft for the Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU).
  2. October, 1986; somewhere near Tonopah, Nevada
  3. Due to personal reasons, after a long hiatus of a year I decided to get back into video editing. Eagerly awaiting two things: GFX card prices to come down and the F-14. I hope you all enjoy, this has been a long and painful year..
  4. F-14A / B / D

  5. I have been tooling around with the Nevada DLC
  6. Air Force investing $12B in F-15s

    They must be trying to port the late model F-15Es or maybe going to assign some recently built (S/K/Gs?) to the air defense role? The F-15Cs, as much as I love them, are simply worn out.
  7. Lost in Space got it right!

    I for one welcome our new insect overlords. I hope they know that some of us can be useful for rounding up others, to toil in their sugar caves.
  8. I am and it is quite refreshing. IMHO a step into the right direction, as BF3 and 4 were too gimmicky and disasters upon release. Makes me pine for an update BF 1942 Here is a video of some of my recent gameplay
  9. Finally getting back into the swing of things. It took a major disappointment and being pissed off for a while to get me to focus my energies into movie making. Hope you enjoy! *Apologize in advance to those who may not be able to view this based on content id blocking via Youtube.
  10. Thanks, I tried a few new camera angle techniques in this one and re-filmed the dogfights about three times. Still not fully satisfied with the end results .
  11. Some clips of my first flight in Belsimtek's F-5E Tiger II module for DCS. I normally fly the F-15 so it has taken some getting use to the flight controls and the weapons delivery system for this little bugger. I miss the F-15's power, speed, and avionics but with the F-5 I get a better turn rate down low. Flying this little fighter is a blast as well as a challenge as she is very forgiving and resistant to buffeting/departure; but, she needs a lot of trimming and has a much slower throttle response than the mighty Eagle. Also, not use to flying without a HUD and advanced avionics to help me "see" what is out there. Hopefully I can get the systems and switches down to muscle memory like I have done in previous sims like Jane's F-15.
  12. I noticed some issues with the gunsight too, and the rudder and nose-wheel steering seem a little wonky. Maybe I'm not doing it right? Trying to get all the sight settings mapped to my hotas, a much larger workload than in the F-15 and almost always fighting to trim her out. Btw, can anyone guess which title's the SFX came from?
  13. Full shot can be found here: Tiger Too
  14. Just straight up dive bombing I was fooling around and figured I could try to land on the ground troops I just blew up. Still use the the F-15's flight model, so I expected to be able to aero-brake and then just toe break my stop... bad idea I started skidding. Thanks to the F-5's low height and wide "stance" I didn't tip over like I would have in the F-15.
  15. I pre-purchased the uhh "MIG 28" :-), but wasn't going to download right away for fear of getting something under a quarter done. Don't mind paying for planned modules that will have consistent follow-up, but not looking to pay to be an pre-alpha tester at the moment.
  16. Well there go my weekend plans... This gives me an idea for my next DCS short movie.
  17. The major issue for me was that the LOMAC and DCS world, mind you I have only been playing since LockOn1.0, has been to sterile and the AI has always been a sore spot when it comes to the mission editor. No immersive coms or scripts like Jane's and the lacking mission and campaign editor tools tools of Falcon 4.0. Despite the negatives, the positives have always been cutting edge graphics that get improved with every successive generation, a mission editor functions that were finally addressed with DCS world, and at least some semblance of developer support going forward. Yes at times I feel we (as the customer) have been jerked around given the old "over promise and under deliver" routine but in the grand scheme of things at least we are getting SOMETHING in the combat flight sim world while most developers are looking for the next Call of Duty-Candy Crush clone for xbox for iphone.
  18. Good stuff I think Saitek has gone backwards in quality and function with each successive HOTAS release in recent years. Not sure what is going on there. I hoping to stick with my X65f for as long as I can. So much programing potential that I haven't attempted to unlock, despite owning for several years.
  19. seems such a waste

    At the time the Allies were desperate to stop V-1 and V-2s from raining down on London and they also wanted a precise way to get at the U-boat pens and repair yards. There were thousands and upon thousands of old bombers lying around in the US inventory.
  20. Getting really puckered up for this
  21. Battlefield I

    Ugghhh I feared that... Like Call of Duty (mainly Black Ops) before them, they are going the "stretch" (more like pound out) reality to make things appeals to millennials. I got that sense when I heard "dubstep" and "trap" (crap to my ears) in all the promo videos instead of era music. Consumer: "Hey, that weapon was not around till the 1980s, World War I started in 1914" Developer (EA): "They had drawn up the blueprints decades before and we are only introducing the prototype in this series." Consumer: "I don't remember the Flying Circus using jet monoplanes" Developer: "We have to make sure that all things from that period are covered in game." Consumer: "Yeah but Whittle and Ohain..." Developer: "Listen, just be happy with all the jump cut scenes and electro music, you are lucky we let you PC-users even play this."
  22. An entire deck full of nothing but F-18s...seems a little weird.

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